Don The Con concedes the election - Politics | PoFo

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“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history,” Mr. Trump wrote. “It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???”

Now that America is a reeking cesspool of hatred, economic ruin and disease (Great Again :eek: ) ….. this fully predictable move by President Tweetie. Stalin and Hitler have to be laughing in their graves. Here we go.

Before even one vote has been counted Don The Con has decided that this is the most fraudulent election in history. The good news is that even Don knows that the American people have judged him a failure suitable for the trash bin of history.

Here are some early responses from The Gutless Wonder Party (formerly the Republican Party):

“I don’t think that’s a particularly good idea,” Lindsey Graham said. ("particularly" :lol: )

And Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who ran against Mr. Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 : “I’m on the golf course,” Mr. Santorum said. “I gotta go.” (Good one Rick … :lol: )

Walking onto the Senate floor Thursday morning, Mr. McConnell did not respond to questions from reporters about a potential delay of the election. (Mitch knows a loser when he sees one.)

trump is running scared. He is desperate. Delaying the election? This isn't narcissism, this is fear. He knows he is going to lose badly and he knows he has no pathway to victory. The collapse of the economy, the rising surge of the virus, the total failure of the Republican Senate to do anything, all point to defeat.

So what is he so afraid of? I'd like to what the Southern District of New York is working on. ;)

I would LOVE to know what drugs keep this guy ^ going. The Nazis used Pervitin.
I would LOVE to know what drugs keep this guy ^ going. The Nazis used Pervitin.

I had to look up Pervitin, ironically I was actually going to say Methamphetamine :)
ness31 wrote:I had to look up Pervitin, ironically I was actually going to say Methamphetamine :)

American soldiers were issued Dexedrine.
That's a funny picture. He seems quite winded just from the what 7-8 steps that it takes to be halfway through the stairs? :lol:
I wonder if he already asked for the next presidential plane to be fitted with an elevator or electric escalator.
jimjam wrote:American soldiers were issued Dexedrine.

Drugs are like coal. They’re ‘dirty energy’. Sunshine and hugs are green and ‘clean energy’. A soldier like Epstein seemed to run on very green and very clean energy. Turns out, it’s a very dirty business indeed..

Sorry, this post really needed to be in the Epstein thread, but I just never saw an opening there..
That Secret Service guy has a red mark on his head. For a moment I thought it was from Trump whacking him with a folder. Nah, it looks more like a birth mark.

I so want to call Mitch McConnell, Bitch McConnell.

I hope most people are livid about an election delay proposal. Some people look forward to national elections. All the hype and polling going on can be totally thrilling, for those types. I doubt Congress will want to delay it anyhow. They want the results by January.
You can see his point, but he shouldn’t try to delay it. It reflects badly. Everyone was saying he was going to go authoritarian at the election. This is just making their point :hmm:

Nope. America’s going to have to get imaginative for this one .
25% of all votes were mail-in during the last election. The facts support that mail-in ballots are no more fraudulent than the ones people do in the booths. Idiots need to stop agreeing with Trump. Trump is lying. He always lies.
Unthinking Majority wrote:It's not a stupid question though to look into the security of mail-in voting if many tens of millions with be doing so. Can ballots be forged? Can legit ballots disappear?

I assume even if the process is 100% secure Trump would still cry foul if he loses.

Ok here is a novel idea. If he genuinely thinks there could be mail-in voting fraud... how about he fixes it? He is the president after all. He has been the president for 4 long, grueling years.
Is he willing to cancel all mail ballots meaning that he himself has to walk and vote and all the decrepit and demented 80 years old in Florida has to do the same? Oh no, I bet no, those old Floridians that are going to vote FL 29 juicy "swing state" electoral votes... those can vote-by-mail.
If fraud was a legitimate concern, Democrats would be also sounding the alarm and crying foul as well, after all, plenty of the frauds that have actually been discovered (very few and unlikely to change any election) are in favor of republicans.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck, flaps its wing like a duck, walks like a duck, craps like a duck, tastes like a duck, puts eggs like a duck, gets shot like a duck it is a duck and not voter fraud.
Mail in the ballots earlier to avoid late arrival. The post office should prioritize voter ballots, as well.

It still is more reliable and less prone to voter fraud than regular voting.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Ya but: ... -tardiness

That is not an excuse either. The ballot explains exactly everything that you have to do and the deadlines. It says by when it has to be datated, posted, where it needs to be signed and that your signature will be compared to whatever they have in records and that the dates need to match etc. If people cannot follow instructions they can not follow simple clearly written instructions that a 10 year old can follow, then probably it is for the better that their votes are not counted :lol: . If you apply this sort of standard to in-person voters (e.i people show up to vote on Nov 4th) you would throw away their vote again.
If he actually follows through with some shannanigans to delay the elections. Yeah I know, he does not have the power but he has not been one to be constrained by rules or the law and his republican slave cocksuckers are not much to put resistance either, so I would not count it out completely.
Or he loses and tries to stay in power. Again, I would not totally dismiss this for the same reasons.
It truly seems that by casting doubt into the mail in ballot he is going to end up hurting himself. The more I think it the worse I think it would go for him.
Let me explain, here in Florida there is a bunch of old people which tend to vote in this way. This last election I actually found out that my 80+ grandma, who does not know shit about politics, does not speak English and had a primary-school level of education (back in cuba) and can BARELY read some Spanish ended up mailing a ballot for trump because all her "patient friends" have some sort of old people social network and they all get together to do the ballots and mail them for republicans. Seriously, they con my grandmother into this sort of shannanigans. The map is already looking bad for him, if he manages to scare even a tiny percentage of his old supporters here in FL, he could lose the whole 29 electoral votes of FL. I have not lived in TEXAS or Arizona but I bet that given the southern, warm climate that they have, that those states are also a magnet for those with osteoporosis (old people :lol: ). Those states that are also on the brink...
He might think he is a genius, perhaps trying to suppress votes in those rust belt states and perhaps win a couple but instead he might be risking the whole cake for a small cookie.
Now, when have we seen Trump actually say/do something stupid for it latter backfire handsomely on himself? How about every single day? How many tweets have been removed for offensive/racist comments? Impeachment? That time that he tried to take the troops out of one of the many countries that we invade and Lindsay grahmanmoron threw a (tiny) fit? Or the time that he announced the G7 on his resort? Or what about that time that he said he would release the "perfect transcripts' that were no perfect. Sure, he has survived all of those fuck ups but because he still has his supporters sucking his tits, but the masterpiece of his screw ups would be to trick his supporters into not voting for him :lol: :lol:
Anyhow, just a thought.
XogGyux wrote:That is not an excuse either. The ballot explains exactly everything that you have to do and the deadlines. It says by when it has to be datated, posted, where it needs to be signed and that your signature will be compared to whatever they have in records and that the dates need to match etc. If people cannot follow instructions they can not follow simple clearly written instructions that a 10 year old can follow, then probably it is for the better that their votes are not counted :lol: . If you apply this sort of standard to in-person voters (e.i people show up to vote on Nov 4th) you would throw away their vote again.

"An NPR analysis has found that in the primary elections held so far this year, at least 65,000 absentee or mail-in ballots have been rejected because they arrived past the deadline, often through no fault of the voter."
I would think the less educated would be at a disadvantage because they typically follow instructions less frequently. So poorly educated black, hispanic, aboriginal, and white rednecks etc.

"Those who use mail-in voting for the first time — especially young, Black and Latino voters — are more likely to have their ballots rejected because of errors, said Charles Stewart, a political scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who studies election administration."
Unthinking Majority wrote:I would think the less educated would be at a disadvantage because they typically follow instructions less frequently. So poorly educated black, hispanic, aboriginal, and white rednecks etc.

"Those who use mail-in voting for the first time — especially young, Black and Latino voters — are more likely to have their ballots rejected because of errors, said Charles Stewart, a political scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who studies election administration."

There is a solution for those people that don't feel they can fill a ballot correctly. Ask for help? or just go and walk into the voting precinct and do it in person (+ or - help). This system has existed for many years. In fact I cannot remember an election in the last 2 decades that my grandparents did not vote via mail-in ballot... This includes both Republicans and Democratic presidents btw. Now it is a problem? Precisely when he is losing on polls this happens to be a problem? I told you, he was president in July 2017, he was president on July 2018, he was president on July 2019, he is president now in July 2020... if he did not fix the problem and he loses... well he diserves to lose for being such an incompetent moron.
Besides... I don't remember Republicans being so bent out of shape when there were issues with Gore/Bush in 2000 and they didn't do shit to fix anything. So stop with the cheap-ass excuses.

Look, we can play devil's advocate all you want but this orange devil is trying to con American once more.
ness31 wrote:You can see his point, but he shouldn’t try to delay it. It reflects badly. Everyone was saying he was going to go authoritarian at the election. This is just making their point :hmm:

Nope. America’s going to have to get imaginative for this one .

He ended that about delaying the vote by three question marks (?), so he was obviously asking for a solution, other than delaying the voting, that all mail-in voting would cause for the November election, especially when considering the problem the recent Democrat Primary in New York is still having with using so much mail-in voting.

President Trump said he had no objection to the normal absentee voting by mail that requires the voter to fill out a request for the absentee ballot because of a legitimately accepted reason with proof to the election board. What he objects to is the proposal to just send out a bunch of ballots by mail to all addresses on record or Ballot harvesting.
Hindsite wrote:He ended that about delaying the vote by three question marks (?), so he was obviously asking for a solution, other than delaying the voting, that all mail-in voting would cause for the November election, especially when considering the problem the recent Democrat Primary in New York is still having with using so much mail-in voting.

President Trump said he had no objection to the normal absentee voting by mail that requires the voter to fill out a request for the absentee ballot because of a legitimately accepted reason with proof to the election board. What he objects to is the proposal to just send out a bunch of ballots by mail to all addresses on record or Ballot harvesting.

I don’t know what he meant by the question marks. But he should have known what was going to come of that tweet, and frankly it doesn’t do the Conservatives any good.

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