Should COVID vaccine be mandatory? - Politics | PoFo

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Should COVID vaccine be mandatory?

As the title says, when the COVID vaccine is ready then should it be mandatory to mostly eradicate COVID in your country? Assuming that it will be free and sponsored by the government, do not get in to the "I do not want to spend money on it" talk.

Let us see what Pofo thinks of it. My opinion on this is that it absolutely must be mandatory to prevent the anti-vaxxers from allowing it to survive. Not to mention the economic aspect of lockdowns and downturn from repeating.
The question 's just silly. My response to the Liberals at least in Britain and America, is you wouldn't dare! It rather reminds me of the pathetic posturing over regime change in Iran. The Liberal establishment are ultimately cowards and they are just not up for the real fight that they would have over compulsory vaccines. Where I live they couldn't enforce the lock down, they couldn't enforce masks. :lol: One of the hilarious things about the Xi virus is that its led to a massive reduction in vaccinations across the world.
No, but you'd be stupid not, and you should be responsible for your own hospital bills if you get it and could have gotten vaccinated against it. Insurance shouldn't cover you, if you didn't get the vaccine.

Unthinking Majority wrote:Well, if you do get the vaccine at least you don't have to worry about getting sick if someone else chooses not to. I don't know why anyone but a paranoid fool wouldn't want the vaccine, unless they have already had the virus and are immune or something.
QFT. I most certainly plan on getting a Covid-19 vaccine when it becomes available.
Yes. We already have mandatory vaccines. We have had them for decades.

This is an emergency. Only the most profoundly unintelligent or flagrantly malicious people would see this as a political issue.
It should be however very highly encouraged by every possibly mean.
For instance
Financial help, support and/or subsidies
Possible one time fine?
Possible not accepting children to school unless vaccinated
Plenty of education and government recommendations
Among others.
Of course, this would not apply to people that have a contraindication.
Well, if you do get the vaccine at least you don't have to worry about getting sick if someone else chooses not to. I don't know why anyone but a paranoid fool wouldn't want the vaccine, unless they have already had the virus and are immune or something.

Just to clarify, most/all vaccines that we know off provide a degree of protection but none is 100% effective 100% of the time on 100% of individuals. A vaccine should not be a justification for reckless behavior and that is something that people need to start taking now. If in 6 months we still have raging pandemic (and we might given Trump's amazing response) and we have a vaccine, those that get vaccinated should not behave any more reckless than if they had not. The same thing for people that got the infection and recovered, they should continue to proceed with caution as if they can re-infect.
Yes, because it's impossible to impose accountability on people who refuse to vaccinate who give COVID-19 to third parties.

If it were possible to trace it, then it would be as easy as allowing the people who get COVID-19 from people who refuse to vaccinate to sue them for damages.
@XogGyux Just to clarify, most/all vaccines that we know off provide a degree of protection but none is 100% effective 100% of the time on 100% of individuals.

Yes. And this is why we need mandatory vaccinations. I agree with your methods of enforcing them. Denying their children school attendance and allowing employers do bar from the marketplace anyone not vaccinated would be a good start.
Drlee wrote:Yes. And this is why we need mandatory vaccinations. I agree with your methods of enforcing them. Denying their children school attendance and allowing employers do bar from the marketplace anyone not vaccinated would be a good start.

Perhaps is semantics the mandatory vs not.
In principle as a general rule, I don't like public rights to obliterate individual rights. In practice, the well being of the individual and public can clash at times.
I don't know what a mandatory system would be, would you have a nurse chase you and inject you, retraining you and/or sedating you if necessary? Would you have to opportunity to refuse but then go to jail for refusing to do so? You know it can get murky and then there is the issue of resentment, hate, psychological damage (not because the vaccine can cause autism or any other neuropsychiatric disease, it is stupid but nowadays it seems you have to clarify even the stupid things :lol: ) but being forced to do something can have lasting resentment/psychosocial effects.

I do think that belonging to the larger society, imbues you with certain duties such as doing your best to protect those against you (i.e. drive under the speed limit, getting your vaccinations, not shooting your stupid gun in the air, etc). But the proper enforcement of these is a bit less certain. We don't put people in jail for their first offense going over the speed limit a few miles an hour. Cars that do 200mph are regularly sold in the US and the technology to artificially limit them in public roads to the speed limit exist yet we don't have that either. So I don't see a reasonable way to make vaccines "truly mandatory" and perhaps this is the semantics difference that I was talking about earlier.
Funnily enough, most people who vote NO are actually for implementing some sort of massive vaxxination program. It feels like people saying NO are afraid of some kind of political backlash. This is not a political question, at least it stopped being one after 100 of thousands started dying, in my opinion. I expected no mostly from our conspiracy and alt-rightists but hey, they are missing for some reason.
I have actually been convinced to change my NO, to a YES.

I was operating from a position where a person refusing to get vaccinated was only putting themselves at risk, but have been convinced otherwise.
The problems don't stop there. Covid has mutated to 4 genotypes now. There was 2 genotypes 5 months ago so things are getting complicated. So the vaccines that are currently be tested might not be useful against the newer 2 genotypes. This is something that the media is not talking about at all not to cause a panic i guess. The later 2 genotypes are also more infecious. So if the distancing of 2 meters were okay for the earlier two now at least 8-10 is the minimum.


I get it Ingliz. As i said, when it is done and tested. I am not suggesting injecting tide pods or mr Proper right down your veins here.

Edit: If you look in the history of other pandemics and especially the Spanish flu then there is a clear pattern that the 1st wave that we experienced was just a welcoming greeting of sorts. 2nd and 3rd waves killed and infected far more people. Hopefully it won't be like that but the a lot of factors are pointing to the fact that after August it is probablly going to get FAR, FAR worse.

Graphical represination: Image

Some calculations if the preparations were done properly:

I fear it will be worse. I am noticing that people are just tiring of precautions. I see more masks but in Costco yesterday about one in five mask wearers had pulled them below their noses or even all the way down. Clearly these people are dangerous idiots who should be compelled not to kill other people but some profoundly stupid people see this as a political statement.

What is so sad about this (and I do really mean tragically sad) is that with proper leadership in Washington we would be far far better off than we are now. We would have a tiny fraction of the infections, deaths and disability that we have now.

Even if we get a vaccine as Dr. X has said, that does not mean we can all run out and have a hug fest. In the near term it does not even mean that we can stop mask wearing or physical distancing. It will be a very long time, if ever, that this becomes the case. In the near term it might mean a modicum of protection for health care workers and the very vulnerable.

I fear we are heading for a massive resurgence of this disease in the near future. Indeed it is going on now. But still no leadership. We don't even have the contact tracing in place to fight the disease. We do not have stockpiles of supplies. We do not have economic protections. What we do have is a republican party hell bent to destroy this country.

Vaccines will never be mandatory unless states do it piecemeal. Requiring vaccines for every regulated thing. School attendance, food handling, park usage, employment outside of the home, etc. Sadly many states are simply not going to do it because they have no leadership.

Look at the death of Herman Cain. He flaunted not wearing a mask, attended a mass gathering without one, and he died of the disease. When it was pointed out that he might be alive today if he had taken routine precautions Republicans immediately went into hair-on-fire mode and accused democrats of politicizing his death. Really? Rather than taking his death, among the 160,000 others out there, as a cautionary tale and admitting that, just maybe, his life could have been saved. And this is what passes for leadership in the fly-over states. It is beyond sad. It is a human tragedy of Biblical proportions. And we know exactly who to blame. And it is not the Chinese.
@Drlee you forgot to mention in your gaslight propaganda rant how the Democrats denied this virus existed in the beginning. No masks and even told people to go out and congregate your ilk got a lot of people killed trying to parlay this into and identity political play.

Maybe the biggest blunder of all!!! The liberals savior Andrew Cuomo sending the sick elderly back into nursing homes.
@Drlee you forgot to mention in your gaslight propaganda rant how the Democrats denied this virus existed in the beginning. No masks and even told people to go out and congregate your ilk got a lot of people killed trying to parlay this into and identity political play.

Maybe the biggest blunder of all!!! The liberals savior Andrew Cuomo sending the sick elderly back into nursing homes.

Sorry. Not going to buy your bullshit. I am not that stupid. Besides. This is not about what was done before. It is about now. And right now the Whitehouse has taken a pass at doing anything productive and the Republican party has actively stood in the way of effective control.

So take your garbage somewhere else. You may be stupid enough to believe it but the rest of us aren't.
Mostly yes, but a sprinkle of no. No in that we have to allow certain people not to get the vaccine, people at risk of ill-effects and so on. We also need to allow time to better understand how to identify who shouldn't get it.

Basically, we shouldn't go all in willy nilly vaccinating everyone until risk factors are well understood.
Drlee wrote:Sorry. Not going to buy your bullshit. I am not that stupid. Besides. This is not about what was done before. It is about now. And right now the Whitehouse has taken a pass at doing anything productive and the Republican party has actively stood in the way of effective control.

So take your garbage somewhere else. You may be stupid enough to believe it but the rest of us aren't.

Liberals can't even admit sending sick people back into nursing homes got a lot of people killed.

Yea rite Joe Biden would have done things better.... shit do the Democrats even know who won the Iowa caucuses yet?
Liberals can't even admit sending sick people back into nursing homes got a lot of people killed.

Irrelevant. Just typical right wing dodging responsibility.

Yea rite Joe Biden would have done things better....

Clearly much better. For example. He has demonstrated that he does not put people at risk just to feed his own ego.

shit do the Democrats even know who won the Iowa caucuses yet?

Do you know how to stay on topic yet?

Better yet. Do you think yours is a smart answer? The rest of us don't.
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