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By Julian658
Kamala believed the woman that accused Joe Biden of sexual misconduct.
She implied Biden was a racist for not opposing busing. Painted herself as a little girl victimized by Biden. She also implied Biden was a racist because he negotiated with old fashion Republicans.

Now Kamala is kissing Biden's pink ass.

Is Kamala the safest choice? The other colored women were much more radical, so I assume they want to appeal to some centrist type voters. She is more physically attractive than the others, but projects massive hypocrisy, even more than HRC. She will say whatever she needs to say to get ahead.

Did Biden made the decision? Was he in the room when the decision was made?

Everybody knows that Biden is a figure head. He may not even finish the term if he wins in November. The Democrat VP is likely to become president. Is this a Trump versus Kamala race?

BTW, the blacks were not thrilled with Kamala. She is a fake and she is even less black than Obama. A Jamaican and an Indian is not exactly a combination that creates an African American. People of Indian and Jamaican descent tend to prosper in America, they are quite different-----so Kamala has prospered. But, is she really black? Is her wokeness a show? Or is she really a true radical lefty?
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By maz
BTW, the blacks were not thrilled with Kamala. She is a fake and she is even less black than Obama. A Jamaican and an Indian is not exactly a combination that creates an African American. People of Indian and Jamaican descent tend to prosper in America, they are quite different-----so Kamala has prospered. But, is she really black? Is her wokeness a show? Or is she really a true radical lefty?

I think that a good number of black women are ok with her, but black men, not so much.

A real black woman like Stacey Abrams or Keisha Bottoms probably would have been more preferable.

It was really funny back when they first had these debates over Harris' black or non-blackness though and it is even funnier that they are bringing it back up again on Twitter :excited:

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By Julian658
maz wrote:I think that a good number of black women are ok with her, but black men, not so much.

A real black woman like Stacey Abrams or Keisha Bottoms probably would have been more preferable.

It was really funny back when they first had these debates over Harris' black or non-blackness though and it is even funnier that they are bringing it back up again on Twitter :excited:

Great video, LOL.

BTW, today I saw a lot of emotion and hope which is not necessarily bad. Many black women said that now the black people will rise to their max potential. I suppose that when Biden runs out of gas she will be the president. The American Blacks still think the path to success is to select black people to run the government. As we know that works poorly and at best it only helps the elite class. Indian, Asian, And African migrants have been thriving for a long time with almost zero elected people to government. In fact Indians have higher average earning than Europeans in America.

Biden spoke OK today, but he was reading a practiced speech. Nevertheless he sounded more like the old Biden. It was laughable when Biden said Trump mishandled the economy. They probably think Dems are stupid. But then again the schtick of the Dems is condescending racism of low expectations.
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By ThirdTerm

Kamala Harris is the daughter of an Indian-American mother and Jamaican-American father, who is a professor emeritus at Stanford University. Donald Harris' family historically owned a plantation in Jamaica and his maternal ancestor is an Irish sugar planter Hamilton Brown, which means that her paternal ancestors were slave owners.
By Rich
maz wrote:https://mobile.twitter.com/Woj_Pawelczyk/status/1145441281809821696

The woman in the video is not Black. She has Black hair and she is wearing a Black top. Now admittedly the Black top will make her skin colour look significantly lighter than it would if she were wearing a White top, but I think I have to conclude that he skin colour is not Black. The Left , the Cultural Marxists have been gaslighting us when it comes to race and colour. My DNA would seem to be pretty British, from my appearance and my known ancestors, but looking at the skin on my chest arms and the back of my hands as I write this, I am clearly not White. I have referred to myself as White until recently, but I am now questioning why I should accept the label White?

We also need to start asking Cultural Marxists and people generally what colour they think North East Asians are? Its time to stand up to the Cultural Marxists and start challenging them when ever they use bull-shit terms like "People of Colour".
By Atlantis
I'm looking forward to her TV debate with Mike Pence. She will demolish Pence over his Covid-19 response.


God didn't grant his wish. Shouldn't have lied so much, Mike, remember, lying is a sin. :lol:
By Rich
The thing about Kamala is not that she was proponent of massively increased incarceration, that was a popular view not that long back, notably amongst triangulation Democrats. What's odd, perhaps a bit shocking, maybe even slightly disturbing is the way she seems to have taken such relish in mass incarceration and such relish in upsetting Liberals, who felt uncomfortable about increased levels of incarceration. I think I'm right in saying that Bill Clinton defined himself as not a Liberal.

Just because you feel there is a need for tough crime policy, doesn't mean you have to take pleasure from executing people and locking up lots of people for large periods of their life.
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By colliric
Atlantis wrote:God didn't grant his wish. Shouldn't have lied so much, Mike, remember, lying is a sin. :lol:

God did grant his wish, she went on record as supporting Joe Biden's sexual assault accuser. Now she's working with him???

Pence is going to attack attack attack. Plenty of fuel.
By Pants-of-dog
Pence is clearly supportive of Trump who is just as much of a sexual predator, so I doubt Pence has any moral high ground.

Anyway, Harris is a very Democrat choice: her skin colour and gender display appropriate levels of tokenism, while her actual record is clearly status quo.
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By jimjam
Atlantis wrote:I'm looking forward to her TV debate with Mike Pence. She will demolish Pence over his Covid-19 response.


God didn't grant his wish. Shouldn't have lied so much, Mike, remember, lying is a sin. :lol:

I doubt that Pence's mother will allow him to debate Kamala.
By Rich
https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/could-kamala-harris-win-the-presidency-in-2024-heres-what-history-tells-us/ wrote:The fact that California Sen. Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s vice presidential nominee is undeniably historic. She is only the third woman to run as vice president on a major-party ticket, and of the two main parties, she is the first Asian American and the first Black woman to run in the general election as president or vice president.

So what defines an Asian American? Her mother's ancestry seems to be from Asia, but that would only make her half Asian. And are people from Asia Minor Asians? Are people from Istanbul Europeans? Is an American with ancestry from Gaza an Asian American? Is an American with Egyptian ancestry an African American? What about nomad that moved back and forth between Egypt and the Sinai? And what about Jews, do they count as Asians?
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By QatzelOk
Jeffrey St-Clair provides an early obituary:

...as a prosecutor and attorney general, Harris made a career out of punching below her weight class, sternly going after low-level drug and property crimes while largely turning a blind and forgiving eye to the egregious transgressions of bankers, oil companies, mortgage fraudsters, slumlords, and corrupt police.

Also, that a few posters are arguing over her "race" and what her skin tone implies... is totally intentional.

Don't worry, guys. The Democrat Party is no more evolved than you are. :lol:


“In 2011 and again in 2013, Trump donated a total of $6,000 to Harris’ campaign for California attorney general. His daughter, Ivanka, also gave Harris $2,000 in 2014.”
By Sivad
Harris not only allowed Steve Mnuchin’s OneWest bank to get away with foreclosing on tens of thousands of state homeowners, but then tried to bury the evidence.

In California, Mnuchin — now the Treasury secretary — acquired regional banks like OneWest with the federal government’s help; the banks got billions in subsidies as they foreclosed on 35,000 homeowners in the Golden State alone, Glantz reports. Harris did little to stop that bleeding — and later tried to suppress evidence of her inaction, he argues.

“Harris’ deputies recommended that their boss sue the bank,’’ Glantz said, citing the bank’s loss-share agreement with the FDIC, which stated that Mnuchin’s bank could only receive payments from the government if it followed proper foreclosure procedures. “If the state of California found OneWest violated those rules, the payments could stop – saving not only homeowners...but government coffers as well.’’

“[But] despite a strong recommendation from her staff,’’ Harris never legally pursued Mnuchin’s OneWest bank, he says. “As a result, no one at OneWest faced prosecution — and no one got their homes back.”

Earlier this year, Harris told the San Francisco Chronicle that she “didn’t have the legal ability,’’ because “the rules were written in favor of the banks’’ — an argument Glantz reports was disputed in a 25-page memo produced by Harris’ own staff. “Case NOT filed despite strong recommendations,’’ reads a cover sheet atop the memo, Glantz writes.

He said the Mortgage Fraud Strike Force Harris launched does get credit for taking action, but mostly went after "small potatoes" offenders. On bigger fish, however, her staff “did investigate OneWest, and did recommend prosecution — but she did bury their report and declined to launch a prosecution,’’ he said. “That happened.”

Glantz writes in “Homewreckers” that “the only reason we know about California’s investigations into OneWest today is because David Dayen of the news website The Intercept obtained a leaked copy,’’ and published it in January 2017. “By then,’’ Glantz reports, “Harris was no longer California attorney general — she was a U.S. senator.”

https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/2 ... ing-053716

Instead of prosecuting banksters who were defrauding people out of their homes Kamala Harris was fraudulently convicting innocent people of murder and sending them to prison:

Back when she was San Francisco D.A., U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, now a presidential contender and a self-described "progressive prosecutor," cost the city of San Francisco millions of dollars and cost Jamal Trulove more than six years of his life. Harris allowed the people working under her to pursue a murder charge against Trulove that was ultimately overturned by an appeals court. Harris has yet to account for this incident, which is in stark contrast to the progressive image she is trying to project as she runs for president. Trulove shares his experience growing up in San Francisco and his thoughts on Harris' role in his case. (Despite numerous attempts to reach her, Harris did not return VICE's requests for comment.)
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By Julian658
ThirdTerm wrote:Image

Kamala Harris is the daughter of an Indian-American mother and Jamaican-American father, who is a professor emeritus at Stanford University. Donald Harris' family historically owned a plantation in Jamaica and his maternal ancestor is an Irish sugar planter Hamilton Brown, which means that her paternal ancestors were slave owners.

Black Jamaicans were slaves. Some have white DNA, no different than black Americans. A large segment of American Blacks are brown because they are descendants of slave owners.

IN any event: Assume Kamala was 100% white. So what if her ancestors owned slaves? Why should she be penalized?
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By Julian658
Rich wrote:The thing about Kamala is not that she was proponent of massively increased incarceration, that was a popular view not that long back, notably amongst triangulation Democrats. What's odd, perhaps a bit shocking, maybe even slightly disturbing is the way she seems to have taken such relish in mass incarceration and such relish in upsetting Liberals, who felt uncomfortable about increased levels of incarceration. I think I'm right in saying that Bill Clinton defined himself as not a Liberal.

Kamala is a pragmatist. She will do whatever it takes to get ahead. She has no philosophy of her own. She will say what voters want to hear. Sadly Dem voters are susceptible to emotional arguments.

Just because you feel there is a need for tough crime policy, doesn't mean you have to take pleasure from executing people and locking up lots of people for large periods of their life.

There is a national mood of defunding police and to not prosecute criminals. The crime rate is already rising. When crime becomes intolerable once again the pendulum will swing back into greater law enforcement and prison for criminals.
By Sivad
Julian658 wrote:Kamala is a pragmatist. She will do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Like schtupping the corrupt mayor of San Francisco:

Favoritism and patronage criticisms; FBI investigations
Allegations of political patronage followed Brown from the State Legislature through his tenure as San Francisco mayor. Former Los Angeles County GOP Assemblyman Paul Horcher, who voted in 1994 to keep Brown as Speaker, was reassigned to a position with a six-figure salary as head San Francisco's solid waste management program. Brian Setencich also was appointed to a position by Brown.[20] Both were hired as special assistants after losing their assembly seats because of their support of Brown. Former San Francisco Supervisor Bill Maher was also hired as a special assistant after campaigning for Brown in his first mayoral race.[50] Brown is also criticized for favoritism to Ms. Carpeneti, the lobbyist with whom he had a child. In 1998 Brown arranged for Carpeneti to obtain a rent-free office in the city-owned Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. Between then and 2003, a period that spans the birth of their daughter, Carpeneti was paid an estimated $2.33 million by nonprofit groups and political committees controlled by then Mayor Brown and his friends.[51][52]

Brown increased the city's special assistants payroll from US$15.6 to US$45.6 million between 1995 and 2001.[53] Between April 29, 2001 and May 3, 2001, San Francisco Chronicle reporters Lance Williams and Chuck Finnie released a five-part story concerning Brown and his relations with city contractors, lobbyists, and city appointments and hires he had made during his tenure as Mayor. The report concluded that there was an appearance of favoritism and conflicts of interest in the awarding of city contracts and development deals, a perception that large contracts had an undue influence on city hall, and patronage with the hiring of campaign workers, contributors, legislative colleagues, and friends to government positions.[54]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated Brown when he was Speaker. One investigation was a sting operation concerning a fake fish company attempting to bribe Brown; he was not charged with any criminal act. The FBI further investigated Brown from 1998 to 2003 over his appointees at the Airport Commission for potential conflicts of interests. Brown friend, contributor, and former law client Charlie Walker was given a share of city contracts. Walker had previously thrown several parties for Brown and was among his biggest fund raisers.[20] He had served jail time in 1984 for violating laws concerning minority contracting. Walker was investigated by the FBI. The FBI also investigated Brown's approval of expansion of Sutro Tower and SFO. Scott Company, with one prominent Brown backer, was accused of using a phony minority front company to secure an airport construction project. Robert Nurisso was sentenced to house arrest. During Brown's administration, there were two convictions of city officials tied to Brown. Brown reassigned Parking and Traffic chief Bill Maher to an airport job when his critics claimed Maher should have been fired.[20] Brown also put his former girlfriend, Wendy Linka, on the city payroll.[1]

Brown's relationship with Alamada County deputy district attorney Kamala Harris preceded his appointment of Harris to two California state commissions in the early 1990s. The positions on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission were described by local newspaper the San Francisco Chronicle as patronage positions. When the appointments became a political issue in Harris's 2003 race for District Attorney, she responded: "Whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work".[55] Brown's past relationship with Harris gained renewed attention in early 2019 after she had become a U.S. senator and launched a presidential bid. The Washington Free Beacon, Fox News and Business Insider, among others, published pieces relating to the relationship.[56][57][58][59] Brown addressed the questions by publishing a piece in the San Francisco Chronicle entitled "Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?". He wrote that he may have "influenced" her career by appointing her to boards and supporting her run for District Attorney, but added that he had also influenced the careers of other politicians. Brown noted that the difference between Harris and other politicians he had helped was that "Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A. That's politics for ya".[60]

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