50th Day of Violent Protests in Portland - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Hard to tell what these people are even doing. It looks like a bunch of crazy people screaming and attacking disconnected chain link fences that were placed against a wall. Once you realize that these degenerates have been raging for almost two months straight now, it gets pretty disturbing.

The Democrats are attacking Trump for deploying the national guard to protect a federal courthouse. Meanwhile they've set up a new "Autonomous Zone" in the city and it's said to get pretty violent at night there. The media is mostly not even covering this, apparently they had enough covering the other riots and events in Seattle.

One interesting thing about this is that the left may have overplayed their hand with the new Trayvon Martins. The protests, happening after months of lockdown, have been a little too violent and they may not be able to risk summoning up another Trayvon before the election because the violence has been too insane and it may be hurting them instead of helping.


A nude protester faces off against Federal law enforcement officers in Portland on Saturday night

This could get nasty. I hope Donald has a few hundred more of his storm troopers nearby ….. it's called "Law and Order" :lol: .
Democrats are incredibly violent people. Now you know why the Democrats want to allow felons to vote. Most felons are Democrats. While most felons are Democrats, it's not necessarily the case that most Democrats are felons. However, Democrats are the only people to have ever used nuclear weapons in anger.
blackjack21 wrote:Democrats are incredibly violent people. Now you know why the Democrats want to allow felons to vote. Most felons are Democrats. While most felons are Democrats, it's not necessarily the case that most Democrats are felons. However, Democrats are the only people to have ever used nuclear weapons in anger.

Democrats bad!!!

Republicans good!!!!

amazing how someone with brains can fall for this simple minds bullshit but, then, BJ# 21 has received his payoff from Don The Con ;). What's more important , most important than anything, is $$$$$$$$ :)
:lol: However, Democrats are the only people to have ever used nuclear weapons in anger. :lol:

Sometimes BJ you just crack me up. Gutsy. Childish bullshit but gutsy. And off topic. But you know and I know that Trump's drones will eat it up like sugar.
Here's how AntiFA wages war:

Trump says he is planning to send federal law enforcement to more large cities in order to clamp down on extended "protests" which have ground the cities to a standstill. With the exception of Chicago, where the mayor has apparently finally requested federal help with gang violence, most of these cities have not asked for help. So I guess this whole "Trumptroopers" or whatever thing is not ending any time soon.
Wulfschilde wrote:The Democrats are attacking Trump for deploying the national guard to protect a federal courthouse. Meanwhile they've set up a new "Autonomous Zone" in the city and it's said to get pretty violent at night there. The media is mostly not even covering this, apparently they had enough covering the other riots and events in Seattle.

As I understand it, those are not the National Guard. They are members of the Border Patrol from Homeland Security to help U.S. Marshals defend Federal property, like the Federal Courthouse. President Trump described this Portland violent mob as anarchist instead of peaceful protesters, as do the radical Democrats and left-wing media. This is apparently the Portland mayor's "summer of love" that he claims is being interfered with by the Feds presence.

https://www.foxnews.com/media/acting-cb ... mid-unrest
jimjam wrote:Republicans good!!

Preamble of the US Constitution wrote:We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Republicans suck to be frank about it. 50 days of riots is enough. They should AT LEAST be condemning the Democrats in unison for their lawless behavior.

Wulfschilde wrote:Trump says he is planning to send federal law enforcement to more large cities in order to clamp down on extended "protests" which have ground the cities to a standstill.

Yes, but until he invokes the Insurrection Act, he has limited authority. Right now, that's largely protecting federal buildings, post offices, etc. However, Tim Pool theorizes that Trump has lured the Democrats into a trap, in that they have called for federal law enforcement to stay out of Portland, which means that all the lawlessness is pretty much attributable to the Democrats now. There is no more illusion that this is somehow spontaneous.

The irony of it is that as useless as the Republican are, they will probably win in a landslide at this point: Trump Has Already Won the 2020 Election
Antifa and BLM (Burn Loot and Murder) continue their reign of terrorism, violence and criminality. They are now just a deranged mob of zombie lunatics hunting down and normal lynching white people, particularly white heterosexual men.

This is sponsored by, but ignored by the anti-white media and the Democrat party.

BREAKING: 4Chan Identifies One of the Portland Rioters Who Attempted to Kill Driver as ‘Keese Love’

The anonymous message board 4Chan has once again proven to be one of the nations best intelligence services, as they have seemingly identified the man who dealt the final kick to a man who was savagely beaten by rioters in Portland on Sunday evening.
The rioters appeared to be attempting to murder the man after beating a white woman who may or may not have been with him.

As Gateway Pundit previously reported, the terrorist mob gathers round the man’s limp body as he bleeds from his head. Voices are heard saying “call 911. Another says a “medic” is there.

While the man laid unconscious, the mob robbed his truck.


The animal who ran up and punched the man after he had already been brutally beaten to the point of nearly losing consciousness has been identified by 4Chan users as Keese Love, whose Facebook profile lists him as a ramp agent at Portland International Airport. He also works as a DJ in the evenings.

His real name is believed to be Marquise Love.

Love is seen wearing the same vest as he wore during the assault in his Facebook profile photo.

Last edited by maz on 17 Aug 2020 16:01, edited 2 times in total.
Oxymoron wrote:
Time to create curfews and give shoot to kill orders. Enough of this leftists bs, they need to be put down like a sick animal.

blackjack21 wrote:

Preamble of the US Constitution wrote:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Where's the justice and "tranquility" regarding being safe from killer cops / summary executions?

Why can't the Democrats and Republicans deal with *this* issue of 1000+ fully preventable killings per year?

*Increasing* killings at the hands of police is *not* the answer, because you're essentially calling for a *dictatorship*. Go join Duterte in the Philippines.
Antifa and BLM (Burn Loot and Murder) continue their reign of terrorism, violence and criminality. They are now just a deranged mob of zombie lunatics hunting down and normal lynching white people, particularly white heterosexual men.

Fake news. Stopped reading there. Tweets are not evidence so I did not watch them either.

It is time for intelligent people to just not give this drivel the time of day.
ckaihatsu wrote:Where's the justice and "tranquility" regarding being safe from killer cops / summary executions?

Why can't the Democrats and Republicans deal with *this* issue of 1000+ fully preventable killings per year?

*Increasing* killings at the hands of police is *not* the answer, because you're essentially calling for a *dictatorship*. Go join Duterte in the Philippines.

They would have if not for BLM and Antifa... everyone who watched the Video was sickend and wanted change... but the leftist filth got a hold of this to push their evil ideology.
jimjam wrote:Violent protests wrack America

So you are calling Antifa and BLM revolutionaries? They are fighting the police, but the police are not an invading army. What exactly are antifa and BLM fighting for?

Portland protesters set fire to county government building

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Protesters in Portland broke out the windows of a county government building, sprayed lighter fluid inside and set a fire in a demonstration that started Tuesday night and ended Wednesday morning with clashes with police, officials said.

The fire at the Multnomah Building damaged the county government's office of community involvement, where Oregon's first gay marriage took place and where protective gear has been distributed to try to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, said Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury.

“This is the heart of our County, where people in our community come to get married, get their passports, and celebrate their cultural traditions and diversity,” she said in a statement.

Demonstrations that often turn violent have gripped Oregon’s biggest city for more than two months following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Participants have repeatedly broken into the offices of a police union headquarters building miles and last month clashed for weeks with federal agents dispatched to protect a U.S. courthouse targeted by protesters.

Portland officers late Tuesday declared a riot outside the county building after demonstrators among a crowd of about 200 started fires in dumpsters, used rocks to smash first floor windows and tossed burning material inside that set the fire that set off fire alarms and the building's sprinkler system, police said in a statement early Wednesday.

The riot declaration allows officers to use crowd control methods such as tear gas or flash bang devices. Police said in their statement that some unspecified “crowd control munitions” were used to disperse the crowd but that officers did not use tear gas.

Two protesters were arrested and one police officer suffered minor injuries in scuffles as police broke up the demonstration, the statement said.

The fire damaged the lobby where Oregon's first gay marriage happened in 2004, Kafoury said.

She asked residents to support the community involvement office, adding that “there is grave injustice in our world and there is a violent and tragic history of oppression in our County. I am committed to transformational change.”

“In such a difficult, uncertain time, our community needs all of us to work together,” Kafoury added.

Police on Tuesday also identified a suspect accused of punching and kicking a man to the ground after he crashed his pickup truck on a sidewalk near ongoing demonstrations.

Authorities received Sunday night of protesters chasing a truck a few blocks from the downtown federal courthouse. The driver crashed and was then assaulted, authorities said.

Authorities are trying to track down the suspect, Marquise Love, 25, police said in a statement. The victim of the assault has been released from a hospital and is recovering.

A social media account apparently connected to Love has been disabled and efforts to locate him for comment were not immediately successful.

I like how the article simply lists that a man who was nearly killed by a mob of domestic terrorists had as a minor footnote at the bottom of their report.

Media outlets like ABC hate white men so much that they won't even print the victim's name, which is Adam Haner. The NY Post has even been scouring through his social media timelines to see if they can find any dirt on him.

Apparently the guy is going to be ok, and has been posting photos of his injuries to Facebook.

The Faces of Everyone Involved in the Marquise ‘Keese’ Love Mob in Portland and the People who stood by and Watched



PORTLAND — 3 nights ago, The City of Portland had seen one of its deadliest moments in its cities history as Marquise ‘Keese’ Love and his mob of terrorists attacked Adam Haner in Downtown Portland and has made headlines across the United States.

The headline has not been covered by CNN or MSNBC as of yet due to the possibility that it will not fit the narrative that the mainstream leftist media has been trying to maintain.

The reason being is that it started off with these BLM thugs terrorizing and robbing a Transgender Woman in Downtown Portland to where Adam and his wife had intervened on the Tran-womans behalf.

Keese Love attempted to play the victim card by responding to Facebook messages by people, but then quickly learned that the full, raw and unedited video was out for the world to see.

Keese Love has since deactivated his Facebook account which was leaked to the world by 4chan the night of the brutal attack.

Before Keese had deactivated his Social Media Accounts, he posted a deeply disturbing Snap-story on Snapchat where he tried to yet again play the victim card with the caption “might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when i all i did was fight him look it up on twitter put money on my books and come see me” followed by a secondary caption “Marquise lee love 09-08-1994”

The video contradicts what he said, at no point in any of the multiple angled videos did Adam fight back, it was clear mob style attack led by Keese Love who is currently on the run.

Last edited by maz on 19 Aug 2020 19:34, edited 1 time in total.
ckaihatsu wrote:
Where's the justice and "tranquility" regarding being safe from killer cops / summary executions?

Why can't the Democrats and Republicans deal with *this* issue of 1000+ fully preventable killings per year?

*Increasing* killings at the hands of police is *not* the answer, because you're essentially calling for a *dictatorship*. Go join Duterte in the Philippines.

Oxymoron wrote:
They would have if not for BLM and Antifa... everyone who watched the Video was sickend and wanted change... but the leftist filth got a hold of this to push their evil ideology.

You're not even responding to what I wrote -- you're just springboarding off into your boilerplate propagandist diatribe.

According to you everyone would have their own Fort Knox if it weren't for BLM and Antifa.
maz wrote:
So you are calling Antifa and BLM revolutionaries? They are fighting the police, but the police are not an invading army. What exactly are antifa and BLM fighting for?

Yeah, they effectively *are* an invading army because they're unable to internally address and resolve the issue of police brutality / police killings (1000+ per year nationwide).

Why should *anyone* put up with a nationalist standing force in every city when so many people are being *victimized* by that violent force?

Hence Antifa and BLM *are* effectively revolutionaries, by leading the political struggle *against* such a violent institution.

maz wrote:

Portland protesters set fire to county government building

I like how the article simply lists that the police are looking for the cowardly thugs who nearly killed a man simply because he happened to find himself trying to drive through a street that these terrorists had shut down.

Media outlets like ABC hate white men so much that they won't even print the victim's name, which is Adam Haner. The NY Post has even been scouring through his social media timelines to see if they can find any dirt on him.

Apparently the guy is going to be ok, and has been posting photos of his injuries to Facebook.

The Faces of Everyone Involved in the Marquise ‘Keese’ Love Mob in Portland and the People who stood by and Watched



Why aren't you jumping all over the police anytime *they* commit this kind of violence?
ckaihatsu wrote:You're not even responding to what I wrote -- you're just springboarding off into your boilerplate propagandist diatribe.

According to you everyone would have their own Fort Knox if it weren't for BLM and Antifa.

I did answer your comment, the reason people did not come together to solve a real issue, is that it that the Flyod video hijacked by the far left.
Fort Knox what the heck are you talking about?
Oxymoron wrote:
I did answer your comment, the reason people did not come together to solve a real issue, is that it that the Flyod video hijacked by the far left.

This isn't a *grassroots* thing -- it's a *state* thing, because the state has the police department.

You're dodging the issue that the state needs to pursue criminal penalties against cops who kill, and also to *downsize* police departments to free up funding for *humane* responses to civil matters, instead of a *police* response to such matters.

Oxymoron wrote:
Fort Knox what the heck are you talking about?

Never mind -- next time just use Wikipedia.

I'm saying that you're *scapegoating* BLM and Antifa instead of paying attention to *why* they're out there, and what their *message* is.
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