" Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response" - Page 186 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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A couple of Republican politicians die over a six month period and lockdown liberals take that as proof of their ridiculous scaremongering. They probably didn't even die of Covid. If you die in a car accident they'll put you down as a covid death. In Britain recently they had to admit that they lied about a third of the so called covid deaths in August.

But look at Sweden, no lockdown and the daily death rate seven day average stands at 1. They said that if Sweden didn't lockdown they would suffer tens or probably hundreds of thousands of deaths. They said that Sweden couldn't get herd immunity without something approaching the Black Death. Not one prediction from the COVID Gestapo has come true.

The death rate in Sweden could have been lower, if they hadn't flooded their country with so many Muslims. Sweden's Muslims have pushed up the death rate. Its not rocket science, but seemingly its beyond the mental facilitates of our Liberal experts. Muslims who move from sunnier climbs but keep their bigoted superstitions about body shame, particularly for women, are going to suffer from an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency.
Rich wrote: If you die in a car accident they'll put you down as a covid death. In Britain recently they had to admit that they lied about a third of the so called covid deaths in August.
Conspiracy theory nonsense. There is no evidence to support this, and if it did happen, it did so accidentally, so we can establish a +1% or -1% difference, which still makes your claim foolish.

Rich wrote:But look at Sweden, no lockdown and the daily death rate seven day average stands at 1. They said that if Sweden didn't lockdown they would suffer tens or probably hundreds of thousands of deaths.
A country with a population smaller than NYC.

Your numbers are bullshit, too. What's your source, Reddit?

Try this:
SpecialOlympian wrote:

RIP, doorknob licking dumbass. You sure showed everyone. Say hi to Herman for us.

So it wasn't an anthrax envelope this time.

And Jeffrey Epstein obviously never managed to get this guy to sleep with a minor on videotape.

So I suppose the mafia who ru(i)n our lives are able to poison people with Covid-ish substances when it needs to defend its media narratives against "the other side of the story."

Surprised you're not noticing the mafia angle here, Spesh. The disappearance of debate and of logic. The non-stop changing of social rules.

Why isn't this worthy of your normally critical humor?
Godstud wrote:Conspiracy theory nonsense.

You see because the Liberal lives in a pathetic fantasy world of conspiracies, Neo Nazi conspiracies, cast White supremacist conspiracies, Russia conspiracies, they constantly project their own primitive thinking on to others. Virtually nothing I post relates to conspiracies. Humans operate with biases and prejudices, conscious and unconscious, how could they do other wise. For figures to be distorted requires no giant conspiracy.

Your numbers are bullshit, too. What's your source, Reddit?

I use https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/, I don't claim the data is of the highest quality I just find it has a convenient presentation.
QatzelOk wrote:So it wasn't an anthrax envelope this time.

And Jeffrey Epstein obviously never managed to get this guy to sleep with a minor on videotape.

So I suppose the mafia who ru(i)n our lives are able to poison people with Covid-ish substances when it needs to defend its media narratives against "the other side of the story."

Surprised you're not noticing the mafia angle here, Spesh. The disappearance of debate and of logic. The non-stop changing of social rules.

Why isn't this worthy of your normally critical humor?

This is just word salad and I honestly don't know what point you're trying to make.
SpecialOlympian wrote:This is just word salad and I honestly don't know what point you're trying to make.

My point:

[quote"A tweet you posted as commentary"]UPDATE: Former NASHVILLE Metro Council member Tony Tenpenny, who regularly questioned taking COVID seriously, has died of COVID.

Our hearts go out to his family. Please take this pandemic seriously.[/quote]

While you posted a post that emphasized the "irony" of a COVID-deniar dying of COVID, I am saying that a lot of "ironic events" have been fabricated by the mafia that has decided that it is in charge of fabricating world events.

So I don't find it ironic at all that a politician who argued against the COVID fear-porn narrative died. Inconvenient people are always dying under suspicious circumstances in our system, and will continue to do so as long as mafia are in charge.

Likewise, our controlling mafia use the media to spread lies that appear to "enforce" their lying narratives.
For comparing countries, I recommend Our World in Data - a graph you can adjust for countries, linear or log scale, cases or deaths, absolute or per million population, etc. Here's the 7 day rolling average of deaths/million for Sweden and neighbouring countries:

https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus- ... erSort=asc

Sweden is, of course, the one with all the deaths. Cumulatively, 581 deaths/million; the nearest of its neighbours (just across the Baltic) is Germany, with 112. Denmark is 111 (the Baltic states, that you might call neighbours too, have lower rates).
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Sweden is, of course, the one with all the deaths.

That's a filthy liberal lie. Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, Andorra, San Marino and the, the US all have higher death rates.

[lengthy racist rule 3-breaking diatribe deleted. Prosthetic Conscience.]
Rich wrote:That's a filthy liberal lie. Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, Andorra, San Marino and the, the US all have higher death rates.

But all those other countries had the wise and healthy "lockdown" approach to virus management, as stipulated by noted physician Bill Gates and his corporate friends in the nursing business.

This idea that Sweden didn't do "what Simon says" and its people are much better off for it... is illogical and must be censored or throttled.

Simon says flatten the curve.

Simon says lockdown.

Take care of your health....
(ha! I never said "Simon says" so all the people who took care of their health have to sit down!)

Simon says second wave.

Simon says corporate profits.
QatzelOk wrote:This idea that Sweden didn't do "what Simon says" and its people are much better off for it... is illogical and must be censored or throttled.

You have to compare what is comparable.

You can compare Sweden to Norway but not to Spain. If you want to compare Spain, compare it to a similar country like Italy.

Sweden has 12 times more deaths than Norway.

If Spain had followed the Swedish model, it would thus have 12 time more deaths than Italy. That's almost half a million deaths in 6 months.

Half a million deaths in Spain in only 6 months is a success to you?

Transmission dynamics reveal the impracticality of COVID-19 herd immunity strategies

In the absence of any intervention measures, our modeling suggests SARS-CoV-2 will spread rapidly through the United Kingdom (Fig. 1A), and ultimately infect approximately 77% of the population (Fig. 1B). Using data on the age-specific fatality rate of COVID-19 (22), our results show around 350,000 fatalities among individuals aged over 60 y, and around 60,000 aged below 60 y (Fig. 1C).
Atlantis wrote:You have to compare what is comparable.

**pre-provided media narratives**

Is it illegal to make comparisons that commercial media hasn't made?

Are you incapable of making your own narratives? Do you think it's dangerous to think for yourself?

Should humans watch and obey the narratives that are shoved down their throats by commercial sources with no independent thinking?

Are we the type of species that needs someone smarter to hand us a ball?

QatzelOk wrote:Is it illegal to make comparisons that commercial media hasn't made?

Are you incapable of making your own narratives? Do you think it's dangerous to think for yourself?

If you were able to think for yourself, you would readily understand that Norway and Sweden are very similar countries and that Spain and Sweden are very different countries. But maybe American ignorance of the world prevents you from understanding what is obvious to most of us?
Atlantis wrote:If you were able to think for yourself, you would readily understand that Norway and Sweden are very similar countries and that Spain and Sweden are very different countries. But maybe American ignorance of the world prevents you from understanding what is obvious to most of us?

You are stringing together countries IN THE EXACT SAME SEQUENCES that mainstream media strung them together.

This demonstrates that you have absolutely nothing to add to what's already been said.

You are just trying to impress people with how loyal you are to the commercial memes you interact with.

"Here is your bone. Go bury it with the others." ?
Atlantis wrote:There is nobody who has a wider source of information than myself.

Wow. That's quite a claim. I guess you have a PhD in medicine and you've been working in immunology and media criticism for most of your adult life. How many Internets do you own? How do you bypass the normal SEO manipulation?

Most of all, what I say is based on experience and common sense, and not on theory and conspiracies as in your case.

You have had more experience with pandemics, mass media, capitalism, declining empires, or what? What experience do you have that makes your texts "stand out?"

And where did you get your common sense from? Did you partipate in community health services and media production, and then study media ownership and hegemony? Or does "common sense" just mean that you're good at spotting the most common opinion, and you think that "common opinion" is the same as common sense?

What I say has not even been described in the media.

Every word, every structure, every opinion... has been bequeathed to you by billionaires who have access to psychological manipulation technologies.

Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Of the ones in the graph, obviously. It's ridiculous to leap to accusations like that when all you have to do is calm down and follow the link. Or read the full post.

Someone used their own mind to compare Sweden to Belgium and other countries, but as we know, that MSM didn't make that comparison, so you can't either! You can only regurgitate the narrative that are fed to you, otherwise... "bad dog!"
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