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What is Fascism?

Anti-Socialist Bulwork to protect capitalism
Institutional totalitarian
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Other (please elaborate)
By Sivad
To me fascism is just the politics of domination and control, it doesn't matter what the particular tenets of any specific incarnation are, that's all just pablum for the masses anyway. Wherever you have a small clique of control freak elitists mobilizing a collectivist mob against non-conformity you got fascism. There's classical brown fascism but there are also plenty of variants and mutations, there's red fascism, liberal fascism, woketard fascism, theocratic fascism, there's a fascism for every occasion.
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By Julian658
Godstud wrote:Polluting is a crime with a bigger penalty, and they don't incarcerate you for it.

Your asshole racist argument is bullshit and complete rubbish.

Complete bullshit.

Present your evidence, don't ask me to go looking for you. So far, since you didn't source it, I think it's a fabrication, on your part.

That's a racist claim you keep making, that is fantasy on your part, designed to make your racist narrative seem logical and reasonable. It's not.

He knows as much, or more than you on the issue, and he's not a biased racist.

The post illustrates the massive ignorance from your part on the issue. However, there is also the possibility you see antiracism, BLM, and AA as religion and hence reasoning is not required.
Pants-of-dog wrote:And this is all a tangent for the actual topic: that the US is moving towards fascism. And your continued support and justification of this is a good example of why the US is moving towards fascism: because once these kinds of human rights abuses are legalised when we target foreigners, human rights in general are weaker.

Trump is obviously kinda fashy for various reasons. But also nowhere near actual fascism, thankfully. I'm sure we can probably agree on that. Trump is at times legit working for the best interests of Americans, and at other times he's dangerous and takes things too far.

No, being in the USA illegally is not a crime.

You're arguing it's legal to stay in the country illegally? Lol. It's a crime to enter the country illegally. If enter legally and overstay your visa in the US you won't be thrown in jail, but you can be detained and deported and can be restricted from obtaining a visa in the future.



By Pants-of-dog
Unthinking Majority wrote:Trump is obviously kinda fashy for various reasons. But also nowhere near actual fascism, thankfully. I'm sure we can probably agree on that. Trump is at times legit working for the best interests of Americans, and at other times he's dangerous and takes things too far.

Trump is a short term con man whose role in the rising fascism is only that he uses the same tactics that fascists use in order to gain power: fear of immigrants, fear of intellectuals, fear of a free press, fear of religious minorities, et cetera.

The bigger threat to US democracy is his adoring public.

You're arguing it's legal to stay in the country illegally? Lol. It's a crime to enter the country illegally. If enter legally and overstay your visa in the US you won't be thrown in jail, but you can be detained and deported and can be restricted from obtaining a visa in the future.




1. No, I am not arguing that it is legal to stay in the country illegally. I am saying it not a crime.

2. I am not sure that it is a crime to enter the US illegally. Most undocumented workers do not enter the US illegally. Instead, they enter legally and overstay their visa, which is not a crime.

And again, this is merely a tangent.
By Sivad
Pants-of-dog wrote:
The bigger threat to US democracy is his adoring public.

That's true, if you push the deplorables too far they will turn fascist. If the left doesn't start calling out all these fakewad yuppie extremists that have hijacked it, they're gonna keep antagonizing the working class until they provoke an extreme reaction. The real left needs to expell the yuppie posers, defuse the the tension, and bring the deplorables into the fold by carefully listening to their concerns and putting together a platform which fully addresses those concerns, otherwise things are gonna get real ugly and the country is gonna break hard right and all these little yuppie commie kids are gonna be in for a real bad time.

The game these yuppie posers are playing at is extremely dangerous and I don't think they have the first clue about how real it's gonna get when they lose it.
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By Godstud
Julian658 wrote:The post illustrates the massive ignorance from your part on the issue. However, there is also the possibility you see antiracism, BLM, and AA as religion and hence reasoning is not required.
After your racist bullshit is dissembled, this is all you have got. You can't even form an argument, or defend the false statements you made with sources.

Racism is your religion, Julian658. Ignorance in crap education are the causes of most racism. You are no exception.
By Rich
Godstud wrote:I do not involve myself in Thai politics. I cannot be well informed, as I don't speak/read Thai.

You have been an apologist for the 2014 military coup on this forum, arguing that it wasn't really undemocratic. You frequently make posts praising Thai government policy, defending the Thai monarchy, Thai Buddhist establishment and Thai culture . You are frequently telling us about Thailand's "superior" handling of the Xi virus pandemic.

Not only do you never criticise Thailand's government, monarchy, religious establishment and culture, but you become enraged and, throw around personal insults in your right man complex if anyone else does.

Thailand was Hitler's ally in World War II. British soldiers paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting against Thailand's fascist government. After Japan, Thailand is the second non European example of classical fascism. It is obviously highly pertinent to any discussion of what is fascism. Yes it is reasonable to argue that Thailand's current government is not a fully fascist regime, but its still a very poor democracy and clearly a case of right wing authoritarianism. Thailand's government is clearly far more fascist than Trump. And any claim ot the contry is Cultural Marxist gas-lighting.
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By Godstud
@Rich I have never apologized for the Thai government. Stop making up lies to support your false narratives. Making up lies doesn't make you special. Quote me. I know you can't, because you are making it all up.

Not only are you dishonest, but also a fool. Thailand, in WW2, was practically occupied by the Japanese military. They attempted neutrality to avoid the violent occupation that the Japanese meted out on the other SE Asian countries. Thailand didn't want to end up like China.

Please show a source showing that Thai forces fought against British. Another one of your fanciful falsehoods, from a boy who can do nothing but.

Here's some facts for you:

The United States considers Thailand’s status during the war as an occupied country, unlike the United Kingdom. This is due in part to the Thai ambassador’s stance but also to Pridi Banomyong, the then finance minister and future Regent, who returned home at the start of the war and immediately started the underground Free Thai Movement (Seri Thai).
https://www.chiangmaicitylife.com/clg/o ... -thailand/

In the aftermath of the Japanese invasion of Thailand on 7–8 December 1941, the regime of Plaek Phibunsongkhram (Phibun) declared war on the United Kingdom and the United States on 25 January 1942.[1] Seni Pramoj, the Thai ambassador in Washington, refused to deliver the declaration to the United States government. Accordingly, the United States refrained from declaring war on Thailand. Seni, a conservative aristocrat whose anti-Japanese credentials were well established, organized the Free Thai Movement with American assistance, recruiting Thai students in the United States to work with the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS). The OSS trained Thai personnel for underground activities, and units were readied to infiltrate Thailand. By the end of the war, more than 50,000 Thai had been trained and armed to resist the Japanese by Free Thai members who had been parachuted into the country.

It's not as simple as your simple mind would make it out to be. Like most things, it's not as black and white as you'd pretend to make it out.

Go fuck yourself, Rich. :peace: Your cultural marxism nonsense is stupidity created for the truly stupid: You.
Last edited by Godstud on 22 Sep 2020 11:37, edited 1 time in total.
If Satan took a shit and that shit had an abortion you'd have fascism.

Sivad wrote:To me fascism is just the politics of domination and control, it doesn't matter what the particular tenets of any specific incarnation are, that's all just pablum for the masses anyway. Wherever you have a small clique of control freak elitists mobilizing a collectivist mob against non-conformity you got fascism. There's classical brown fascism but there are also plenty of variants and mutations, there's red fascism, liberal fascism, woketard fascism, theocratic fascism, there's a fascism for every occasion.

I was nodding along until you got to the last sentence so good job on veering rightward and agreeing with actual nazis again, super leftist Sivad.

"Fascism is when people disagree with stuff divorced from any meaningful political action" lmao.
By Rich
Pants-of-dog wrote:The Holocaust museum in Washington has a sign warning of the 12 signs of creeping fascism.

10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts

I intend to return to this post, but for now note the disgusting intellectual dishonesty here. Mussolini invented fascism and its true had little interest in Art. But the so called Holocaust happened under the Nazis and Hitler, not Mussolini, far from disdaining the arts Hitler was an artist and a modestly successful one at that. I've had quite a few artist friends / girl friends over the years and Hitler established himself as a self supporting artist much quicker than most of them.

Its kind of funny but the average Liberal is so stupid, so ignorant, that he never stops for a moment to consider why Mussolini threw his lot in with Hitler. The average Liberal is so stupid and ignorant that he never for one moment questions why appeasement of Mussolini's fascist regime was never seriously tried.
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By Godstud
@Rich You wouldn't know what a liberal was, if one came up and bit you on the ass, so your stupid rant is just that. :lol:

To amend your sub-par education:
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.

A liberal is someone who espouses liberalism. Thanks for identifying yourself as a fascist, though. It's good to know who the real losers are.
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By Tainari88
I voted for option number 2.

This explains who Benito Mussolini was and the rise of fascism in the early 20th century. But it has deep roots in Roman culture.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
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By Julian658
Unthinking Majority wrote:That's not fascism. Both fascism and communist regimes do that. You're describing authoritarianism or totalitarianism.

You always seem to have your head on your shoulders and that is not easy to do. China is authoritarian and switched from communism to fascism with little difficulty. In the case of China fascism brought more money and prosperity than communism.
Julian658 wrote:You always seem to have your head on your shoulders and that is not easy to do. China is authoritarian and switched from communism to fascism with little difficulty. In the case of China fascism brought more money and prosperity than communism.


I think they've always been totalitarian and have never changed. They've opened their economy up to some market reforms, but still control everything if they need to.
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By Julian658
Unthinking Majority wrote:Thanks.

I think they've always been totalitarian and have never changed. They've opened their economy up to some market reforms, but still control everything if they need to.

Left wingers are unable grasp the minimal differences between fascism and communism. They also fail to see that socialism requires an authoritarian oppressive government.
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By Godstud
:lol: You right-winger extremists are not only ignorant, but severely uneducated to assume that Socialism needs authoritarianism. Just fucking stupid. Why do you continue to make fools of yourselves? You guys don't even know what a Liberal is. Go back to your caves, you Cro Magnon cretins!

:moron: :moron: :moron:
By late
Godstud wrote:
You right-winger extremists are not only ignorant, but severely uneducated to assume that Socialism needs authoritarianism. Just fucking stupid. Why do you continue to make fools of yourselves? You guys don't even know what a Liberal is.

They don't understand, but they do harbor a lot of resentment. So you see a lot of nonsense.

They also cheat. A lot... They like to use the old meaning of the word, while any contemporary will use it to mean robust social programs.

You've spent some time in bars, you know the angry drunk in the back of the bar?

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