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By Rancid
Random American wrote:They're threatening people with violence if they don't vote Trump and pretending to be The Proud Boys. It's a false flag campaign to actually make Trump look worse and to further erode faith in our electoral system. No, I'm not a Trumper, it's just what they seem to be doing.

Yea, so basically create chaos.

That said, I wonder if anyone was actually scared by those threats. :?:
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By maz
I know everyone has probably seen all the coyote memes over the past two days. At first I thought that it was just a bunch of conservatives taking people's tweets out of context. Boy was I wrong.

This woman is actually an elected offical and of course she is voting for Kamala Harris for president.

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By jimjam
late wrote:Perhaps a better question is, if it comes to that, what country would take him in. If he becomes a fugitive from justice, he's gonna be hot, hot, hot.

My first thought would be Putin, but guys like that don't like failure.

How are things going? You headed back to Florida?

No not Russia ….. that would simply confirm the obvious. I would guess a country where he has set up his Church of Greed/Money will gladly accommodate him.

I'm up here for another few weeks. I broke my hip recently and must hobble around waiting for it to heal. I prefer to be in Maine, cold weather notwithstanding. The inherent common sense of Yankees is one reason I live here. New England has the best record in America on covid. To us covid is a disease which, accordingly, must be treated like a disease ….. unlike trump morons who feel that if you wear a mask you are a "liberal" and if you don't wear a mask you are a "conservative". Fat Donald's record on covid is pathetic …… he cannot even protect himself and his family ….. why in god's name would we expect him to protect us.
By late
jimjam wrote:
No not Russia ….. that would simply confirm the obvious. I would guess a country where he has set up his Church of Greed/Money will gladly accommodate him.

I'm up here for another few weeks. I broke my hip recently and must hobble around waiting for it to heal. I prefer to be in Maine, cold weather notwithstanding. The inherent common sense of Yankees is one reason I live here. New England has the best record in America on covid. To us covid is a disease which, accordingly, must be treated like a disease ….. unlike trump morons who feel that if you wear a mask you are a "liberal" and if you don't wear a mask you are a "conservative". Fat Donald's record on covid is pathetic …… he cannot even protect himself and his family ….. why in god's name would we expect him to protect us.

Sorry about your hip, I fell off the bike a week ago, and I'm healing up, too.

Well, if you want to get together, give me a call.

I'm not riding as much now, but I will wind up tripling my mileage from last year.

I think this is going to be a tough winter for Florida..
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By Beren
blackjack21 wrote:That's the same thing with Obama. His movement is dead without him.

So the time for 50 cent and Ice Cube has come. :lol:

Politically speaking Obama's more active and seems more influential than ever, maybe because he's been unrivaled in the Democratic Party since the Clintons' fall in 2016. His legacy also remains, especially if a Democratic trifecta happens.
By late
blackjack21 wrote:
Dream on guys. Between his debate performance and 50 cent endorsing Trump, his approval numbers among black likely voters is now at like 46% and his overall job approval is at 52%. Biden is going down in flames. Like Hillary Clinton, he's guilty. He will never be convicted of a crime though.

Where do you get those absurd fantasies?

Nevermind, that was Rasmussen. I think I know who paid for that poll...

"The Democratic candidate for president over the five presidential elections since 2000 has averaged 91% of the Black vote, with 8% on average going to the Republican candidate.

Presidential horse-race polling so far this year shows no indication of significant variation from this historical pattern. The recent Sept. 13-16 Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found Biden leading Trump among Black voters by 90% to 5%."
https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling ... ction.aspx
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By SpecialOlympian
It's not surprising that a guy who jacks off to videos of black people dying also believes all black people listen to rappers. The actual surprising part is that he didn't already believe they were going to vote for/write-in Kanye.

Also I just remembered that part of the town hall where Trump told a black lady he had done more for her than any president since Lincoln, lol. That's not a message for black people, that's a message meant to make MAGA voters feel less racist.
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By Beren
SpecialOlympian wrote:It's not surprising that a guy who jacks off to videos of black people dying also believes all black people listen to rappers.

Nah, it takes only a few of them to save the greatest presidency ever and keep America great. Trump's alliance with the wonderful triumvirate of Kanye West, 50 Cent and Ice Cube must be enough for that.
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By Rancid
I wonder what's in Trump CHina bank account.

maz wrote:They just dropped a Hunter Biden sex tape lol

I need a link... asking for a friend.
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By maz
Beren wrote:Is Hunter Biden running for president? :lol:

He's accused of being a bag man for his father. I'll say that I'm not sure what a sex tape has to do with it. It is pretty funny and demoralizing though.

Rancid wrote:
I need a link... asking for a friend.

I'm not going to post it. I think it's posted on Gateway Pundit so you can probably find it there.
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By Beren
maz wrote:He's accused of being a bag man for his father. I'll say that I'm not sure what a sex tape has to do with it. It is pretty funny and demoralizing though.

Sure, he's a Biden too, but if Joe Biden is not involved himself, then I don't know how his son's sex issues should seriously affect his presidential campaign. It's like Hunter Biden's paying the price for his father's political career.
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By Rancid
maz wrote:I'm not going to post it. I think it's posted on Gateway Pundit so you can probably find it there.

Have you seen it yourself? Any good? Should I get some lotion out?
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By maz
LMAO, sure I guess :excited:

Nah, seriously, it's just a grainy porn with some stuff about China mixed in. Like I said, it's just funny that it was posted. I'm actually not sure how it isn't illegal.
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By colliric
Rancid wrote:Intelligence reports are saying Iran and Russia are sending out spoofed campaign ads to various emails and phone numbers via text. They are mostly pro-Trump. Clearly, they understand that Trump is eroding the integrity of the US government, so they want him in for 4 more years.

OF course, our dumbass Trumpster will just go with the tired ass default excuse of "deep state", "FBI/CIA cabal", etc. etc. etc. :roll:

Or maybe they just know that Biden and the Democrats are idiotic enough to take their country to war and kill a shitload of Iranians, and turn their country into Libya part 2. Trump is the first President not to start a war in quite sometime. So yeah there's the fact that the Democrats fucked up the middle east even worse than Dubya did.

LMAO, sure I guess :excited:

Nah, seriously, it's just a grainy porn with some stuff about China mixed in. Like I said, it's just funny that it was posted. I'm actually not sure how it isn't illegal.

Having seen enough of it to nearly puke, It appears this Chinese Whistleblower was telling the truth so I'll repost it:

You can find the link yourself here on Reddit:
Last edited by colliric on 25 Oct 2020 01:38, edited 2 times in total.
I'm not sure that the Trump campaign running on "Hunter Biden is a cool dude who fucks and parties" is going to move the needle tbh. And honestly the Trump kids are losers. Don Jr. divorced his wife to date a woman older than Melania and has some weird shit going on with wanting his dad's approval and showing up to his RNC speech clearly gacked up.

colliric wrote:Or maybe they just know that Biden and the Democrats are idiotic enough to take their country to war and kill a shitload of Iranians, and turn their country into Libya part 2. Trump is the first President not to start a war in quite sometime. So yeah there's the fact that the Democrats fucked up the middle east even worse than Dubya did.

Obama did not start any wars, he simply continued the ones he inherited just as Trump did.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 25 Oct 2020 02:17, edited 1 time in total.
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By Rancid
colliric wrote:Or maybe they just know that Biden and the Democrats are idiotic enough to take their country to war and kill a shitload of Iranians, and turn their country into Libya part 2. Trump is the first President not to start a war in quite sometime. So yeah there's the fact that the Democrats fucked up the middle east even worse than Dubya did.

No, and he didn't decrease troop deployments around the world. He also increased troops, sooooooo no, he kept the war machine going.

Get out of here with this crap.
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By Beren
colliric wrote:Or maybe they just know that Biden and the Democrats are idiotic enough to take their country to war and kill a shitload of Iranians

They just know that because they are idiotic enough not to follow the news from the US. How come everyone's just so idiotic in your world? Except Trump, of course. :lol:

Reuters wrote:U.S. Democratic contenders condemn Iran strike, warn of war

By John Whitesides, Simon Lewis


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contenders on Friday condemned the air strike that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani, saying President Donald Trump’s decision was reckless and could lead the United States to another war in the Middle East.

“President Trump just tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox,” said former Vice President Joe Biden.
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