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By colliric
Trump has retaken the lead in Rasmussen as he continues his polling revival. One point lead.

.....Dear Americans, if you think this man is going to restore international respect for your country if he gets elected, you are sorely mistaken.

He needs to go into retirement.
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By blackjack21
B0ycey wrote:@blackjack21, nice try covering Trump Jr's ass, but setting up meetings for Russian interference in the US election is illegal and currently any accusations on Hunter is heresay also.

Setting up meetings for Russian interference is illegal in what way? Can you cite the section of the US Code that makes it so? Accusations against Hunter are not all based on hearsay. Much of it is based on circumstantial, financial, and electronic evidence. Additionally, nobody is particularly interested in laws that Hunter Biden may have broken. They are interested in whether Joe Biden broke laws, specifically the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

B0ycey wrote:But I digest, as I said to Doug64 and was pretty much my message to you, nobody will give a shit about Hunters actions and even if they did he isn't running for election in any case.

Of course nobody cares about Hunter. The question is whether Joe Biden was using his position to enrich himself and his family and sacrificed US national interest in the process.

B0ycey wrote:Unless you think this scandal is for some unknown reason going to cloud over absolutely all of Trump's scandals over the past 4 years and make the "Left" switch sides, we can expect to see a Biden landslide next Tuesday.

None of the Trump scandals has amounted to anything more than a partisan hit job. There are plenty of people who will switch sides based on Biden's promise to destroy the oil industry in the last debate. There are plenty of people who won't vote for him, because he referred to Trump as "George" only a few days ago. Biden's not all there.

B0ycey wrote:Can I count on seeing your salty tears on PoFo this Tuesday when you can explain why it was unfathomable that this scandal did nothing for Trump?

I don't see a landslide for Biden. I just drove to Tahoe/Reno area last weekend, and as soon as I left the Bay Area, I was seeing boats on the river with Trump flags, houses with Trump flags, trucks with American and Trump flags going down the highway. Trump is much more popular than the mainstream media lets on. His rallies attract thousands of people, where as Biden can barely draw hundreds. It's not a promising looking situation for Biden. Additionally, Biden has quit campaigning. I think Biden will win Delaware.
By B0ycey
blackjack21 wrote:Setting up meetings for Russian interference is illegal in what way? Can you cite the section of the US Code that makes it so?

You had an investigation over it. Muller concluded it violated your criminal law. Trump pushed everyone under the bus. Did you forget about this?

And sorry, any accusation against Hunter is heresay unless you can prove all the accusations here and now. Not that I care. Hunter isn't Biden and if either of them were convicted of a crime in the future I doubt I would care anyway. And nobody cares about Biden's character anyway. Nobody on PoFo supports him. They just hate Trump more. So scandal doesn't make any difference and it hasn't for some time. Everytime Trump has got his trousers caught between his ankles the Dems went ballistic and the Trumpists go "Oh Trump, it's CNN propaganda!" Or it wasn't him it was the BS story he just came up which was evident by what you wrote in your previous post. So you are gullible. But it doesn't matter. Because now it's you guys going ballistic and people like me are going 'So fucking what!' And in the end of all this the result next Tuesday would have been the same if it occurred six months ago regardless of this in any case.
By Dimetrodon
colliric wrote:Trump has retaken the lead in Rasmussen as he continues his polling revival. One point lead.

.....Dear Americans, if you think this man is going to restore international respect for your country if he gets elected, you are sorely mistaken.

He needs to go into retirement.

Maybe so, but Trump isn't going to do so much better that we should unite around Trump. I think he is still the lesser evil, and we should have him for one term before getting someone better in.
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By Chad
President Trump is out on the campaign trail. China's favorite career criminal politician Joe Biden, AKA The Gaffe Machine, is still letting Corn Pop touch his leg hairs. Kamala is wondering where she is?

Random American wrote:Maybe so, but Trump isn't going to do so much better that we should unite around Trump. I think he is still the lesser evil, and we should have him for one term before getting someone better in.

Joe doesn't know where he is half of the time. The meds cannot keep him coherent anymore. The Hunter scandal is touching everything Joe and Jill. The Biden's are dirty and soon the dirt will be sticking to the teflon Clinton family. Hard to believe America's first Black President(The Hawaiian Muslim) committed so many crimes in only eight years as President. Thank God President Trump did away with the illegal mandates and tax penalties of the Leftist Democrats. All Never Trumpeters will get to cry as the polls reveal that America's youth are voting against the Lefts ridiculous power grab. The Red Wave has started and only the daft cannot and will not see it until it crashes over their heads. President Trump and the Republican Party have told the Democrat's Leftist Commie Pinko scum to let America's People be free from the mindless oppression of the Democrat's regime. God Bless America's taxpaying legal citizens during President Trump's second term.
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By JohnRawls
Doug64 wrote:Rasmussen's White House Watch has shifted to daily releases. And in today's release, Trump takes the lead for only the second time since Rasmussen started polling in July, and the first since mid-September:

  • Donald Trump 48%
  • Joe Biden 47%
  • Some other candidate 3%
  • Not sure 2%

Lol, they have deleted it and replaced it with a one where Biden is at +2% :lol: So much for your favourite Rasmussen.
By annatar1914
Looking worse for the Biden Klan;

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/1 ... pfromhell/
“I get calls from my father to tell me that The New York Times is calling but my old partner Eric, who literally has done me harm for I don’t know how long, is the one taking the calls because my father will not stop sending the calls to Eric. I have another New York Times reporter calling about my representation of Patrick Ho – the fucking spy chief of China who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing. The richest man in the world is missing who was my partner. He was missing since I last saw him in his $58 million apartment inside a $4 billion deal to build the fucking largest fucking LNG port in the world. And I am receiving calls from the Southern District of New York from the U.S. Attorney himself. My best friend in business Devon has named me as a witness without telling me in a criminal case and my father without telling me,” Hunter said.''

And Trump is carrying Pennsylvania;

https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaki ... -its-over/

Repeat of 2016, including Liberal delusion, but even more so.
By Doug64
JohnRawls wrote:Lol, they have deleted it and replaced it with a one where Biden is at +2% :lol: So much for your favourite Rasmussen.

And they’re going to do the same thing tomorrow, and every other weekday up to next Monday, I believe, each day dropping the oldest 500 polled and adding a new 500. And to be more specific, it’s:

  • Donald Trump 47%
  • Joe Biden 49%
  • Some other candidate 3%
  • Not sure 2%

That kind of swing is why polls come with margins of error.
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By Oxymoron
Doug64 wrote:And they’re going to do the same thing tomorrow, and every other weekday up to next Monday, I believe, each day dropping the oldest 500 polled and adding a new 500. And to be more specific, it’s:

  • Donald Trump 47%
  • Joe Biden 49%
  • Some other candidate 3%
  • Not sure 2%

That kind of swing is why polls come with margins of error.

Take into account that people do not answer honestly, I think Trump will trounce this douche bag
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By JohnRawls
Doug64 wrote:And they’re going to do the same thing tomorrow, and every other weekday up to next Monday, I believe, each day dropping the oldest 500 polled and adding a new 500. And to be more specific, it’s:

  • Donald Trump 47%
  • Joe Biden 49%
  • Some other candidate 3%
  • Not sure 2%

That kind of swing is why polls come with margins of error.

It was the same post from yesterday on the 27th. They just replaced the text in it. :excited: :excited:
By Doug64
JohnRawls wrote:It was the same post from yesterday on the 27th. They just replaced the text in it. :excited: :excited:

I rather doubt “Democrat Joe Biden has edged back ahead in Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch survey.” was in yesterday’s post.
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By JohnRawls
Doug64 wrote:I rather doubt “Democrat Joe Biden has edged back ahead in Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch survey.” was in yesterday’s post.

Hmmm perhaps.
By Pants-of-dog
What happens if the candidate is found guilty of rape right before he supposedly wins the election?
By annatar1914
Pants-of-dog wrote:What happens if the candidate is found guilty of rape right before he supposedly wins the election?

If he was denied bond he's be in jail, and couldn't campaign. If he was out on bond and made his court appearance and was found guilty, it's likely the sentencing would be after the election, in your hypothetical. If sentenced and put in jail, he'd likely be removed from office by certain means, although lawyers on both sides could make a real hash of the whole thing.
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By colliric
The Trump polling ressurection continues as he closes to -7.1 on RCP. Just 2.5-3 points adrift from where he was in 2016. A final polling boost got him into 3.2 points back then, but let's face it, he doesn't really need it this time if he holds enough states to weather a slight swing. Just needs to get within 5 in my opinion.
By skinster
If Biden Wins, Russiagate Will Magically Morph Into Chinagate
Ohhh god. It’s happening again.

The same exact low rumble, slowly rising toward the same fever pitch crescendo. First you get a few unexpected comments showing up in your notifications, then a few more, then a lot more, then a whole lot more. It’s one news story, then it’s ten, then it’s a hundred, then it’s completely dominating half of US political discourse.

The increasingly shrill shrieking from rightists about China having leverage over Joe Biden is alarmingly similar to what I experienced from liberals at this exact point in time in 2016 about Russia having leverage over Donald Trump. When I point out these similarities I always get a bunch of Trumpists telling me that their CIA-friendly conspiracy theory about a US-targeted asiatic nation having leverage over a presidential candidate in the form of blackmail and financial ties is completely different from the liberal CIA-friendly conspiracy theory about a US-targeted asiatic nation having leverage over a presidential candidate in the form of blackmail and financial ties, but it’s the same. It’s exactly the same.

And it’s being directed in remarkably similar ways.

It started to pick up steam a week and a half ago when The New York Post published a follow-up to its notorious Burisma emails publication purporting to show corrupt and nepotistic dealings between Hunter Biden and China’s largest private energy company which also involved Joe Biden at some level. Then last week a business associate of the younger Biden named Tony Bobulinski told the press that he had discussed deals with Chinese business entities with both Bidens.

These dealings would be inappropriate if true, and in a government that isn’t unfathomably corrupt like Washington they might even be remarkable. What they absolutely are not is evidence that Joe Biden is controlled in some way by the Chinese government.

Yet the notion that Biden may be owned by Beijing is being amplified and promoted by rightists like Nigel Farage and CIA applicant Tucker Carlson. It’s no more indicative of covert loyalties to a foreign government than the Gish gallop of weak arguments presented for the theories of Trump’s loyalty to Moscow, which after years of investigation and sweeping subpoena powers failed to see a single American indicted for conspiracy with the Russian government. Yet right wing pundits are pushing this baseless claim with the same fervor we saw liberals beginning to push Russia conspiracy theories at this point in 2016, and their followers are showing up in my mentions telling me I’m a CCP agent for expressing skepticism.

We have been here before.

If Biden is elected we can expect to see these claims get louder and more shrill, surpassing the force with which Republicans pushed Benghazi many times over. It will dominate political discourse in the same way Russiagate has, and anyone expressing skepticism on social media that a virulent China hawk is actually a Chinese asset will be labeled a CCP propagandist by Trumpists.

We can expect this to create political pressure on the Biden administration to escalate cold war aggressions against Beijing, which Biden will happily do since, again, he is a virulent China hawk. We can expect Republicans to ignore those escalations and keep claiming Biden is suspiciously soft on China, while Democrats don’t object to them because he’s their president and they want him to show that he’s not a Chinese asset.

How do I know that last bit will happen? Because it’s exactly what happened with Russiagate.

And of course neither Democrats nor liberal media platforms will have a moral leg to stand on to protest against these fact-free conspiracy theories, since they just spent four years doing the exact same thing. They chose to enter into a battle of conspiracy theories and McCarthyism with the Republican Party, which is a bit like challenging Tyson Fury to a boxing match. Russiagate will magically morph into Chinagate, and hysterical McCarthyite Sinophobe Tucker Carlson will become the new Rachel Maddow.

And of course the only winners of this nonsense will be the spies and cold warriors who are driving it all from behind the scenes. It started out with the contents of a laptop getting to the New York Post under very suspicious circumstances which nobody really believes the official story of, and it’s going to end up advancing the neoconservative goal of unipolar global hegemony. They got their new cold war against one half of the Russia-China tandem, and now they’re getting it against the other half.

To quote author and analyst Michael Parenti:

“The PNAC plan envisions a strategic confrontation with China, and a still greater permanent military presence in every corner of the world. The objective is not just power for its own sake but power to control the world’s natural resources and markets, power to privatize and deregulate the economies of every nation in the world, and power to hoist upon the backs of peoples everywhere-including North America-the blessings of an untrammeled global ‘free market.’ The end goal is to ensure not merely the supremacy of global capitalism as such, but the supremacy of American global capitalism by preventing the emergence of any other potentially competing superpower.”

PNAC is of course the Project for the New American Century, the highly influential neoconservative think tank whose insane ideology of preserving US-centralized planetary dominance at all cost rose to real power with the paradigm-shifting George W Bush administration. Their ideology never went away, it just gradually became the mainstream orthodoxy and is now seldom seriously questioned in mainstream circles.

The goal of stopping the rise of China has been in the works for many years, and Joe Biden was part of the administration whose “pivot” laid a major part of the groundwork for that agenda. Yet fact and narrative are so loosely related that no amount of evidence will dissuade the allegation that he is secretly a puppet of Xi Jinping, no matter how many economic sanctions and nuclear escalations he rolls out as president.

I was so looking forward to Russiagate being over and done with if Trump gets out, but it looks like I’m going to wind up accused of shilling for Biden and of being a secret CCP agent just like I’ve been accused of shilling for Trump and being a Kremlin agent for the last four years as I yell over and over again that the cold warriors are recycling the exact same goddamn script.

Oh well. Russian agent to Chinese agent. I guess it’s good to change things up with a new career move now and then.
https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2020/10/27 ... chinagate/
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By colliric
A vote for Biden is a vote for another impeachment. This time with evidence and witnesses.

That much is certain.
By Doug64

So, for some even more optimistic polls of swing states:

Trump powers into the lead in crucial Pennsylvania says pollster who called state in 2016
A Trafalgar Group poll has President Trump taking a slight lead in Pennsylvania, showing the small Georgia research firm is once again going against the corporate-polling grain, which has Democratic nominee Joseph R. Biden with a healthy lead.

The survey of 1,076 likely Pennsylvania voters taken Sunday had Mr. Trump with the support of 48.4%, to Mr. Biden’s 47.6% once “leaning” voters were included. The Trump edge of 0.8 percentage points is, however, less than the survey’s 2.9-percentage-point margin of error.

Trafalgar Group also has Mr. Trump ahead in Michigan and other swing states.

Chief strategist Robert Cahaly says his small team of analysts know how to find Trump-shy voters, a skill displayed in 2016 when it — and Mr. Trump — shocked the media establishment.

In 2016, Trafalgar’s final polls in Pennsylvania and Michigan said Mr. Trump would win these crucial states, even though 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was taking them for granted. Every other pollster — including big liberal daily newspapers, college number crunchers and TV networks — confidently said he would lose those two states.

“We knew Monday night that Trump was going to win,” Mr. Cahaly told The Washington Times afterward.

As in 2016, Trafalgar is offering Trump backers a ray of hope against a sea of “blue” poll numbers on the much-watched Real Clear Politics (RCP) average “poll of polls.”

Trafalgar has Mr. Trump ahead in six of seven key swing states. According to the pollster, in addition to his slight lead in Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump is:

  • Up by 4 percentage points in Ohio. Other polls have it closer.
  • Up by 2 points in Florida, while the RCP average has Mr. Biden ahead.
  • Up by 2 in North Carolina against an RCP average of 4.5% for Mr. Biden.
  • Up 4 in Arizona against an RCP average of Mr. Biden up 2.
  • Up 1 in Michigan while the RCP average is a whopping plus-9 for Mr. Biden.
  • Down 1.3 points in Wisconsin, a margin that is still less than other pollsters’ numbers a week before Nov. 3.

Trafalgar discovered through comparison polling that some distrustful Trump supporters would not disclose their choice, perhaps relating to how they are negatively portrayed.

Trafalgar also created a large sample size of 1,000 to find Trump voters who had not gone to the polls in a while. And it also added a “neighbor” question to let the respondent know they were not alone.

The firm relies on six different methods: live callers; automated voice; texts; emails; and two proprietary cybermethods.

Mr. Cahaly says the questioning lasts just 1 or 2 minutes to assuage impatient people who don’t like long surveys.

In 2016, Trafalgar also correctly predicted Trump wins in North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. And pegged his Electoral College performance spot-on, at 306 votes.
By Dimetrodon
maz wrote::lol:

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He should attack Biden by proposing alternative policies, not by personally insulting Biden, but apparently that type of intelligent debate is too much to ask these days. :roll:
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