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By Godstud
We've already discovered that a self-involved, narcissist businessman doesn't make a good President. Are we trying to find out if a mentally ill musician is any better? :lol:

World: You can't possibly have a worse President than Trump.

America: Hold my beer!
By ness31
Unthinking Majority wrote:Uhh ok lol. I like the guy a lot, I just don't like him as POTUS. Put him in the cabinet, just not in the big chair.

In more conventional times I would agree with you. But we have clearly entered some New Age and I’d appreciate a lateral thinker in the Big Chair.

I watched an Italian movie the other day called Benvenuto Presidente where corrupt bureaucrats rigged the election and an unknown trout fisherman became President of the Republic. While it’s slapstick humour borders on the ridiculous (you need to understand Italian humour lol) the moral of the story was very clear and you can probably guess the entire plot.

Forget the launch codes. It’s all tweets and PR these days. Yeezy for Preezy!
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By Godstud
@ness31 See Idiocracy. I mean it. It's where America is heading.
By Dimetrodon
Godstud wrote:@ness31 See Idiocracy. I mean it. It's where America is heading.

I agree, but I don't think this campaign is an example of that, but instead a ploy to split the black vote by Trump as Kanye has praised Trump in the past, unless I'm misinformed.
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By Verv
This is a witty take on Clinton's former birthday tweet.

Godstud wrote:@ness31 See Idiocracy. I mean it. It's where America is heading.

Plato called it before Christ was ever born.

All democracy degrades.

Idiocracy is a hard cope -- "Democracy isn't the problem... No, it's YOU people who are the problem!"
ness31 wrote:In more conventional times I would agree with you. But we have clearly entered some New Age and I’d appreciate a lateral thinker in the Big Chair.

I watched an Italian movie the other day called Benvenuto Presidente where corrupt bureaucrats rigged the election and an unknown trout fisherman became President of the Republic. While it’s slapstick humour borders on the ridiculous (you need to understand Italian humour lol) the moral of the story was very clear and you can probably guess the entire plot.

Forget the launch codes. It’s all tweets and PR these days. Yeezy for Preezy!

No policy actually matters. Just because tweets matter more to most people doesn't mean they actually mean a darn thing. We need somebody ethical and competent in the big chair.
By ness31
Unthinking Majority wrote:No policy actually matters. Just because tweets matter more to most people doesn't mean they actually mean a darn thing. We need somebody ethical and competent in the big chair.

Of course policy matters. But what makes you think he won’t formulate appropriate policy?

Tweets and PR matter a great deal because we are in the midst of a global propaganda war. Being adept at that shit is a matter of basic efficient foreign policy.
By annatar1914
Verv wrote:This is a witty take on Clinton's former birthday tweet.

Plato called it before Christ was ever born.

All democracy degrades.

Idiocracy is a hard cope -- "Democracy isn't the problem... No, it's YOU people who are the problem!"


And yet, of those running, is not Kanye West who would be the one if he won the election to humbly call upon God for His aid, and not trust in his own strength? Is it not he who would ask God to help him find good people to assist him, to see through into people's hearts and use God's wisdom instead of his own? Would he not inspire people to do better and to be better in America?

Sure, it seems foolish, it seems mad, but has our ''wisdom'' and our ''reason'' solved anything or actually made things worse?

Of the candidates, West would be the one to grasp the wisdom of our ancestors, the eternal truths that the modern age has forgotten. Absolutely, it seems like a crazy joke, but I know that West was meant to run in this election for a reason, and we'll know that reason possibly soon I hope.
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By Verv
annatar1914 wrote:
And yet, of those running, is not Kanye West who would be the one if he won the election to humbly call upon God for His aid, and not trust in his own strength? Is it not he who would ask God to help him find good people to assist him, to see through into people's hearts and use God's wisdom instead of his own? Would he not inspire people to do better and to be better in America?

Sure, it seems foolish, it seems mad, but has our ''wisdom'' and our ''reason'' solved anything or actually made things worse?

Of the candidates, West would be the one to grasp the wisdom of our ancestors, the eternal truths that the modern age has forgotten. Absolutely, it seems like a crazy joke, but I know that West was meant to run in this election for a reason, and we'll know that reason possibly soon I hope.

I totally appreciate this sentiment and I agree. There's virtually no way that he could make things worse, even if he failed us dramatically, and he would have the power to positively influence the youth as well as potentially inject new strains of thought & sentiment into black America, which has for too long been on the plantation of the Democrat party, as some black Republicans refer to it.

I have joked before that we should make Kanye our King and become a Constitutional monarchy. He pleases conservatives because he puts his faith entirely in God and has a pro-life stance, and he also could be palatable to the left because he is a minority and an out-of-the-box thinker. If someone did have the throne forced upon him, he might be one of the few people where it would be reasonably acceptable. Of course, this is a joke of an idea, but it is an interesting concept, IMO, and it reflects what we both see in him...

A potential to exercise power with a divine right, for he is a Christian and God-fearing man.
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By Godstud
Verv wrote:A potential to exercise power with a divine right, for he is a Christian and God-fearing man.
Which goes against the US Constitution and is religious favouritism in a country where freedom of religion is a right.

Pushing your religion on others, is what fucking assholes do.
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By Verv
Godstud wrote:Which goes against the US Constitution and is religious favouritism in a country where freedom of religion is a right.

Pushing your religion on others, is what fucking assholes do.

Relax, Godstud. Declaring Kanye West the new King of America is something I joke about.

I also think that, given a choice between having cultural leftism forced on me or Christianity, I know what I would choose.

Christians make better totalitarians, especially in today's circumstances, IMO.
By annatar1914

I totally appreciate this sentiment and I agree. There's virtually no way that he could make things worse, even if he failed us dramatically, and he would have the power to positively influence the youth as well as potentially inject new strains of thought & sentiment into black America, which has for too long been on the plantation of the Democrat party, as some black Republicans refer to it.

Yes, they are still the victims of white racism, a smaller and lingering overt dehumanization by some, and the far greater and more pervasive racism of what's been called the ''Tyranny of low expectations'', of white liberal paternalism that in very thing, believes a white person must have the moral agency over their lives. Of course many black people don't believe any of this and don't let it effect their lives, but in relation to white liberals and government, it definitely effects them.

West could change that balance in the equation.

I have joked before that we should make Kanye our King and become a Constitutional monarchy. He pleases conservatives because he puts his faith entirely in God and has a pro-life stance, and he also could be palatable to the left because he is a minority and an out-of-the-box thinker. If someone did have the throne forced upon him, he might be one of the few people where it would be reasonably acceptable. Of course, this is a joke of an idea, but it is an interesting concept, IMO, and it reflects what we both see in him...

As you know, I'm that fellow who has the strange idea of some melding of socialism and monarchy, but in any case I see the merits of both for a reason, but primarily I'm for what works, what comes to us that isn't ''conservative'' (looking to the past as an end in itself for the answers) or for ''Liberalism/Progressivism'' (looking to a Utopian future which never resolves into reality), but for an active and positive Traditionalism (which looks to what is eternally and universally true and right and therefore works).

A potential to exercise power with a divine right, for he is a Christian and God-fearing man.

That is the bottom line for me. We have as our two main choices for President in America, profoundly flawed and compromised men (to put it mildly), and for the two Vice-Presidential choices, one decent man and a very flawed and compromised woman.

I want a man in office who is a Christian and God-fearing man, or one who is so close to that that it's apparent they have been informed spiritually from the same Source of all Good. For the sake of the country and it's future generations.

So there's Kanye West.
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By Godstud
There is nothing decent about Mike Pence. He's enabled Trump to do what he's done. He's complicit.

Christians are no better than anyone else, as far as morality, ethics, and decency are concerned. I think Trump is good evidence of that.
annatar1914 wrote:And yet, of those running, is not Kanye West who would be the one if he won the election to humbly call upon God for His aid, and not trust in his own strength? Is it not he who would ask God to help him find good people to assist him, to see through into people's hearts and use God's wisdom instead of his own? Would he not inspire people to do better and to be better in America?

Sure, it seems foolish, it seems mad, but has our ''wisdom'' and our ''reason'' solved anything or actually made things worse?

Of the candidates, West would be the one to grasp the wisdom of our ancestors, the eternal truths that the modern age has forgotten. Absolutely, it seems like a crazy joke, but I know that West was meant to run in this election for a reason, and we'll know that reason possibly soon I hope.

Well, no; Biden is the one who's been a religious believer his whole life, and is, for someone in public life, relatively humble - certainly more than West or Trump. . West could never be called 'humble'; he has a messiah complex. That's why he calls himself 'Yeezus' and writes stuff like "I am a God". Trump fakes religious belief these days, but he's not a good enough actor to convince anyone, and has far too long a public history of not doing anything remotely 'Christian', so he's positioned as the "outsider who nevertheless does what the believers want" candidate.

Do you think you are convincing anyone with the BS you're writing in this thread?
By annatar1914
@Prosthetic Conscience , you said;

Well, no; Biden is the one who's been a religious believer his whole life, and is, for someone in public life, relatively humble - certainly more than West or Trump.

Biden holds public views directly antithetical to his alleged religion and in fact cannot licitly and canonically receive communion in any of the churches of that religion, so no, he isn't at all.

. West could never be called 'humble'; he has a messiah complex. That's why he calls himself 'Yeezus' and writes stuff like "I am a God".

Source that that's the reason he calls himself that? And where had he written ''I am a God''?

Trump fakes religious belief these days, but he's not a good enough actor to convince anyone, and has far too long a public history of not doing anything remotely 'Christian', so he's positioned as the "outsider who nevertheless does what the believers want" candidate.

I'm well aware of Trump's situation, although it's difficult to judge one's interior state of belief, isn't it? I don't know what's in his heart, and neither do you.

Do you think you are convincing anyone with the BS you're writing in this thread?

A person is clutching at straws when they engage in blanket dismissals instead of addressing the points another raises.
Well, no; Biden is the one who's been a religious believer his whole life, and is, for someone in public life, relatively humble - certainly more than West or Trump.

annatar1914 wrote:Biden holds public views directly antithetical to his alleged religion and in fact cannot licitly and canonically receive communion in any of the churches of that religion, so no, he isn't at all.

No, that's not 'fact', that's opinion. It's not an "alleged" religion; it's been known as long as he's been a public figure. You make the mistake of setting up certain priests and cardinals as the arbiters of whether someone is a religious believer. I am really surprised you thought you could get away with such an obvious line of bullshit.

West could never be called 'humble'; he has a messiah complex. That's why he calls himself 'Yeezus' and writes stuff like "I am a God".

Source that that's the reason he calls himself that? And where had he written ''I am a God''?

Sorry, he calls himself "Yeezy". But then produced an album called "Yeezus". And on that album is a track "I am a God". And his messiah complex has been remarked on by loads of people.

Trump fakes religious belief these days, but he's not a good enough actor to convince anyone, and has far too long a public history of not doing anything remotely 'Christian', so he's positioned as the "outsider who nevertheless does what the believers want" candidate.

I'm well aware of Trump's situation, although it's difficult to judge one's interior state of belief, isn't it? I don't know what's in his heart, and neither do you.

That contradicts your earlier use of "alleged religion". Face it, your argument is full of holes. We can look at Trump's behaviour over 70 years; it had bugger all to do with Christianity. You wish to ignore known facts, and allow Trump the benefit of the doubt about whether his beliefs are really Christian, despite his actions, while doing the opposite with Biden.

Do you think you are convincing anyone with the BS you're writing in this thread?

A person is clutching at straws when they engage in blanket dismissals instead of addressing the points another raises.

I don't think it's a blanket dismissal. I did address your points.
By annatar1914
@Prosthetic Conscience ; you replied;

No, that's not 'fact', that's opinion. It's not an "alleged" religion; it's been known as long as he's been a public figure. You make the mistake of setting up certain priests and cardinals as the arbiters of whether someone is a religious believer. I am really surprised you thought you could get away with such an obvious line of bullshit.

The tenets of the Roman Catholic religion are known, regardless of whether they are followed or complied with. Note that I said ''Canonically''. You are entirely incorrect, and technically Biden is not a member in good standing by the standards of his own church, even if many in that church are in the same boat as he is with regards to the divide between official and formal belief in that church and what is unofficial and informal.

Sorry, he calls himself "Yeezy". But then produced an album called "Yeezus". And on that album is a track "I am a God". And his messiah complex has been remarked on by loads of people.

It is problematic, and I appreciate honestly bringing this information to my attention PC, thank you. However recently he has come out with an album ''Jesus is King'' which might be opposed to earlier statements.

However, it does not negate the feeling with which Mr. West has come out to run for President, or that of people who support him and perhaps he really has been called to do so for reasons inspired by God's will, having a role to play in the events of the 2020 Presidential election.

I might also add that West had his children baptized recently in the Armenian church, which has doctrines that he and his wife and children are at least formally expected to follow as a condition of his children's baptism, so there's that.

That contradicts your earlier use of "alleged religion". Face it, your argument is full of holes. We can look at Trump's behaviour over 70 years; it had bugger all to do with Christianity. You wish to ignore known facts, and allow Trump the benefit of the doubt about whether his beliefs are really Christian, despite his actions, while doing the opposite with Biden.

President Trump does not belong to a formal body of Christian belief anymore, a body that has certain doctrines that people in that body are expected to at least formally believe. Biden however does belong to such a body but does not follow all those doctrines.

I have my doubts about the sincerity of both Trump and Biden in following Christian doctrine and beliefs to any significant degree. Whereas Mr. West seems to be sincere and active in a charismatic sense if somewhat unlearned in his Christian faith.

I don't think it's a blanket dismissal. I did address your points.

What I sensed by your reply is that you have a ''blanket dismissal'' of my intentions, doubting my qualified support for Mr. West's run for President as being serious, and by apparently denying moral agency to Mr. West as a person of color. (by suggesting in a roundabout way that he is legally not of sound mind). If I am incorrect and mistaken in this, my apologies.

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