The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 73 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Drlee wrote:Look at the post before yours X. He does not give one rats ass about the misery or death. To him this is all economic. This is the state crushing business. OBVIOUSLY nobody he loves has died of this horror. People who consider this disease an exercise in economics are despicable. They are below contempt.

I am so sorry for the loss of your patient. I just had a client come off of ECMO after quite a time. He is alive. Sort of. Still far to ill to know what is left of him. He was born in 1989.

A friend/nurse was just diagnosed yesterday. Texted me "got the rona". Better this AM but by evening she was down big time. Sats are still good so she is resting at home. Said this evening that she had to go to the toilet and had to crawl back into bed. She is 34, runs marathons and is a mixed martial artist.

So do you think the medical system can survive the next six weeks? I know it will in some form but the toll is going to be horrendous.

Be careful Xog.

Haven't they been proven wrong enough times? , once, twice,.... a fucking billion times before? everytime these people open their mouth, 10mins later the exact opposite happens, they should shut the fuck up and let the adults try fixing the problem.

Worse part... this is not a quick death for most people. We are not talking about an untimely massive heart attack, we are not talking about a pulmonary embolus or a fucking car crash. We are talking about people very slowly having their lungs rot inside their chests while they die isolated from loved one. This is traumatic for survivers. If "vietnam PTSD" gave us waves of homeless drunks... can't imagine what this shit is going to be doing for our future selves. If we don't fucking put aside this nonsense of hate, we gonna end up killing each other in a non so distant future.
XogGyux wrote:Haven't they been proven wrong enough times? , once, twice,.... a fucking billion times before? everytime these people open their mouth, 10mins later the exact opposite happens, they should shut the fuck up and let the adults try fixing the problem.

You really shouldn’t listen too much to Drlee, he likes to pretend that economics doesn’t matter. If we applied his logic to the fatalities from car accidents, private car ownership without provable need would be banned (with special waivers for the elites, of course). I couldn’t find the current death total broken out by age, but applying the CDC’s survivability rate should give us a conservative ballpark figure (conservative, because it doesn’t factor in the impact of age on the infection rate). So, for the current nationwide death toll of 293,496, that works out to:

  • 0-19: 149
  • 29-49: 991
  • 50-69: 24,776
  • 70+: 267,577

For this, we’ve shut down our economies, killed who knows how many people, ruined who knows how many lives, destroyed who knows how many dreams, blighted who knows how many futures. The riots this year were bad, this is much, much worse. Yes, shut downs made sense in the beginning when we didn’t know much about the Wuhan virus, didn’t realize how selective it is. Now that we know more, they make no sense at all.

COVID lockdowns are the most selfish act of the most selfish generation
If the "greatest generation" were those who set off to fight in World War II, the most selfish generation are undoubtedly their children. These are the ones in our society who are advocating hard for the rest of us to suffer so that they might live. They impose lockdown orders, tell us to cancel our holidays, to stay home, to turn to technology for literally everything that we used to do together—work, education, social life, entertainment.

If they had any sense of justice or sacrifice themselves, they would isolate themselves for their own safety, and let the rest of us live in peace. Every new round of coronavirus cases (neé deaths) is a new reason for elected leaders of my parents' generation to issue new, restrictive orders that limit our ability to work, socialize, or educate our children.

The global Influenza A pandemic in 1968 was virtually ignored by the boomers, so much so that they held a massive music festival in Woodstock, New York, with absolutely no concern for their own health, or anyone else's. Now they have shut down the world to keep themselves safe.

And while they tell us it is for our own good, it's not even working.

Lockdowns in America, now in their 10th month, are not effective. We keep hearing that because people are dying, we need to lockdown more, we need to sacrifice more, that if we just give over our lives even further to fear we may have a chance at surviving. While sacrifice feels good because it feels like we are actually doing something, it is not actually helping.

Numbers are up. Lockdowns have been enforced since mid-March. It doesn't seem to matter who comes out and says lockdowns are a trash idea, either. The Word Health Organization, after originally following China's instructions in telling the world to shut down its economic engines, has since said that they meant only a short term lockdown, not these near year long extensions. What the WHO meant, apparently, was something more along the lines of "flattening the curve," not endless isolation resulting in poverty and starvation.

The issuance of The Great Barrington Declaration was another moment of light that America's leaders could have used to indicate that they were skipping down exactly the wrong path. Folks like Governors Whitmer, Cuomo, Newsom, Inslee, could have read the document and realizing that depriving their citizens of their livelihoods and earning power was not the top idea. But instead, these boomers doubled down on their plans, saying we have to lockdown more, deprive ourselves more, all for their own fears.

The Declaration calls for Focussed Protection, saying that: "Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health, which is of course the very thing the lockdowns and restrictions were meant to protect.

They cite "lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health," and say outright that "Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice," that "Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed."

It is the aged, they say, and not the young who are most vulnerable to fatality from COVID-19. They write that "for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza." Yet these are the very people who are being horribly harmed by restrictions and lockdowns. In an effort to protect themselves, the boomers are destroying the lives of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If they are too scared of the world to walk around in it, say our boomer leaders, then no one should be allowed out of the house.

The baby boomers, those kids born to the returning war heroes, played in suburban yards, were educated in well-funded public schools, and were able to fund their college degrees with summer jobs. These are the ones who took the sacrifices their parents made for them and threw them back in their face, and now they're telling the rest of us to sacrifice on the altar of their own fears.

The baby boomers burned their parents' morality, religion, tradition, institutions, and anything else they could get their hands on, and they did it thoroughly. Now, in a wave of self-hatred and righteousness, they are burning western civilization to the ground, not just what their parents built, but their own contributions as well. And they're doing it because they are terrified.

The baby boomers are well past middle age, and while every new decade was reclassified just for them as "the new 30," there's just no way to spin that at 60, or at 70, and as the age of frailty and the elderly last few decades near close, they are finally having to open their eyes to the creeping decrepitude and irrelevance of old age. They don't like it one bit. So much so that they've installed a near octogenarian as leader of the free world—and they're happy about it.

They have enjoyed decades of telling us what is in our best interests, and somehow it is always to serve their own ends. These lockdowns are just the same.
I found some actual numbers from the CDC, as of 11-28:

0-17: 127 (0.05%)
18-29: 1,509 (0.6%)
30-49: 10,916 (4.4%)
50-64: 38,625 (15.5%)
65-74: 53,579 (21.5%)
75+: 144,814 (58%)

They don’t match up exactly with my estimate, because I didn’t take into account how the numbers exposed would affect the division. But they still tell the same tale—almost 80% of the deaths are those over retirement age. For them, going into lockdown might make sense. For the rest of us, not so much.
Doug. You are really doubling down on your lack of a shred of human kindness. You post numbers that show that. Wait for it.


People under retirement age have already died with many many more to come and you conclude:

But they still tell the same tale—almost 80% of the deaths are those over retirement age. For them, going into lockdown might make sense. For the rest of us, not so much.

You make Trump look like compassion itself. Your utterly disgusting series of posts reflect a person who has never lost a loved one unnecessarily and who has never watched someone die of SARS.

So I disrespectfully disagree with you. I think it is just fine to shut down the economy for a few weeks to save the lives of over 60,000 Americans under 65.

But you just want to write off anyone over 65. After all they are going to die soon anyway. Callous and decidedly unChristian but then you don't really do Christian. Here is a statistic you will also ignore or get out your google finger to somehow ignore.

A person at 65 in the US has a life expectancy of about 20 years. Some will live as much as 40 years more. A person at 75 has a life expectancy of over 12 years. My own life expectancy before Corona Virus was about 19 years. I am still working. I am still contributing. I am still saving lives. You are just fine with my dying of this disease. I want my 20 years and more. I don't want it stolen by Trump, Mitch McConnell and the utterly stupid and uncaring people who follow these two mass murderers.

I want everyone to read Doug's post and realize that this is mainstream Republican thinking. It is just fine with them that another 50,000 + people under the age of 65 will die needlessly not to mention three or four times that amount over 65 so they can get a Big Mac without wearing a mask. These are truly despicable people.
As I said, Drlee likes to ignore economics. Last year, almost 40,000 people died due to car accidents but he has no problem with millions of people driving around in those death traps. But tack on another 12,000 deaths, and he thinks we should shut down the country with all the deaths and ruined lives that accompany it—but apparently to Drlee, those lives don’t matter.

On the contrary. Unlike the perfidious republicans I am for helping people to be able to stay home. If the Democrat bill had passed the economics would work just fine. But I do note that Doug continues to see the deaths of half a million Americans as an "economic problem".

Last year, almost 40,000 people died due to car accidents but he has no problem with millions of people driving around in those death traps.

The shallowness of Dougs arguments staggers the imagination. I have heard this particular piece of idiocy several times so, for the home schooled, I will briefly address it.

First of all I support cutting the number of highway deaths. We spend billions paying cops to enforce our traffic laws. We require every soul in the country to wear a seat belt but people like Doug are fine with people not wearing a mask. We spend hundreds of billions every year requiring every car to have safety equipment. We license drivers and require formal training in many states. (I will note for the republicans out there that we lost more to guns than to cars but we require zero training or licensing to own a gun.)

If the Trump administration had simply acknowledged the scope of this pandemic and not made it a political football we would not be having this discussion. The disease would have been pounded down and the vaccines would do the rest. Now it is likely that another 200K will die before the vaccines make a dent in its spread.

But tack on another 12,000 deaths, and he thinks we should shut down the country with all the deaths and ruined lives that accompany it—but apparently to Drmlee, those lives don’t matter.

I have no idea what 12,000 deaths you are speaking of but my position is that every needless death is a tragedy.

To the point that people are dying because of lock downs in any numbers like the pandemic is taking is simply foolish. Show me the numbers Doug. Not from Rush Limbaugh or some other right wing source. Show me the studies showing that this is happening. You can't. As to having "their lives ruined". What a load of shit. Most people have been through hard times before. Being broke does not ruin your life you little special snowflake. The republicans are always talking about cutting welfare payments and forcing welfare people to work but when they hit economic crunch time they cry like babies. Ge over it princess. That is life in the food chain. I was a soldier for 20 years and three wars. And you tell me economic distress is too much to endure to save the lives of our fellow Americans? Fuck you very much.

Finally. We have been capable of saving people's incomes and financial health from the start. We didn't do it because Republicans stopped it. Simple as that.

But you will be happy to know Doug64, that because of the money spent on the wealthy, since the start of this pandemic my stock portfolio has skyrocketed. Maybe yours has too. If you don't have one perhaps you should have worked harder rather than whining like an entitled little girl..
A link that Doug64 provided wrote:If the "greatest generation" were those who set off to fight in World War II, the most selfish generation are undoubtedly their children.

In both cases - lockdowns and world wars - the kinship and community of the lower classes is destroyed, so the rich can continue to dominate them.

Likewise, in all top-down resets, the poor are supposed to abandon knowledge and become reactionary dummies. Once again, this makes control of massive numbers of humans possible DESPITE the science that demonstrates that this is fatal.

Wanna make humans stupid so that they don't notice that science has made their oligarchs obsolete? Try a world war or pandemic. Both offer myriad opportunities to a sick oligarchy class.
Doug64 wrote:You really shouldn’t listen too much to Drlee, he likes to pretend that economics doesn’t matter. If we applied his logic to the fatalities from car accidents, private car ownership without provable need would be banned (with special waivers for the elites, of course). I couldn’t find the current death total broken out by age, but applying the CDC’s survivability rate should give us a conservative ballpark figure (conservative, because it doesn’t factor in the impact of age on the infection rate). So, for the current nationwide death toll of 293,496, that works out to:

  • 0-19: 149
  • 29-49: 991
  • 50-69: 24,776
  • 70+: 267,577

For this, we’ve shut down our economies, killed who knows how many people, ruined who knows how many lives, destroyed who knows how many dreams, blighted who knows how many futures. The riots this year were bad, this is much, much worse. Yes, shut downs made sense in the beginning when we didn’t know much about the Wuhan virus, didn’t realize how selective it is. Now that we know more, they make no sense at all.

COVID lockdowns are the most selfish act of the most selfish generation

OK, back to this shit again about the "economy" vs "taking virus seriously" shit. They are the same dummie. Where I am currently residing there are not many restrictions currently. Last week I went to a popular restaurant, the kind that you had to wait about 30-40 mins to get sitted before the pandemic started, and my table was the only indoor in the whole fucking restaurant (30+ tables) and there were maybe 8 tables eating outside. Just because you say "let them be open" would it mean that all of a sudden people rush in-masse to the business. How many times have we seen Californias city issue open/close/open/close advisories and restrictions?
Meanwhile.... you got morons like your dear president... making up culture wars about masks... so what economy does the mask affect? The economy of his fragile ego, that's it. Or what about the hydroxychloroquine nonsense? You see?, you have no leg to stend up.
Doug64 wrote:..... he likes to pretend that economics doesn’t matter.

As far as I can tell, there are no negative economic impacts with wearing masks, maintaining a distance of two meters (about 6’-8” in US terminology) from people, ordering take out or delivery instead of dining in, widespread testing, contact tracing, or many other measures.

Some measures, like providing medical treatment that is free at point of use, have negative economic impacts for some people but the positive economic impacts clearly outweigh the negative ones. Vaccines are a good example of this as well.

The only measure that has a clear negative impacts is a lockdown. No one likes these or is arguing for these except when they are obviously necessary. And they only become necessary when people do not follow the other measures.
Congress is unlikely to approve direct payments to people as covid releif.

I'm always baffled on why our government always insists on handing cash to business, as opposed to people.

I'm always baffled on why our government always insists on handing cash to business, as opposed to people.

Because these businesses hand some of it right back.
Rancid wrote:Congress is unlikely to approve direct payments to people as covid releif.

I'm always baffled on why our government always insists on handing cash to business, as opposed to people.

Big business bankrolls politicians into power ------> Politicians give trillions of tax payer funds to big business ----->perfectly legal theft

Bribery - Bribery is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official, or other person, in charge of a public or legal duty.

And more on the Resistance front that you likely haven't heard of from the MSM(D):

Report: Gavin Newsom's team 'increasingly concerned' about recall efforts
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has already survived five long-shot recall attempts in his two years in office, but those close to him are reportedly worried that the current recall effort amidst frustration over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic could prove successful.

Near the bottom of a Politico report on Newsom's chief of staff Ann O'Leary preparing to depart Sacramento for a potential job in the Biden administration rests this spicy nugget: "As Newsom begins his third full year in office, the governor’s team is increasingly concerned with a long-shot conservative recall that could mushroom into a major threat in 2021 if it attracts significant financial support."

The report also states, "Sources close to Newsom said the governor's office has been disorganized over the past month and has not responded effectively to damaging headlines" including his French Laundry trip, controversial new stay-at-home order and delay in naming Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' replacement in the United States Senate. In addition, most of the state's public schools remain closed while they are open in other deep blue states such as New York and Massachusetts, and small business owners were particularly irate over the lack of evidence presented to support certain business closures.

The Chronicle's Phil Matier talked to some of the recall leaders for his Wednesday column, and organizers agree that with more financial support, they could probably garner enough signatures to force the state's first recall election since Gray Davis was recalled in 2003.

“Every day he gives us a new and interesting reason for people to sign,” retired Yolo County Sheriff’s Department sergeant and recall leader Orrin Heatlie told Matier.

“If we could get another million dollars in donations we could probably get this done,” fellow recall leader Mike Netter said.

Organizers have until March 17 to gather 1,495,709 valid voter signatures to force a recall election. They say they already have 800,000, but will need a large infusion of cash to get the last 500,000.

“They need an outsider to write a big check the way that Darrell Issa funded the Gray Davis recall in 2003,” the Hoover Institution's Bill Whalen told Matier.

If enough valid signatures are collected, the date of a potential recall election would depend on when the petition is submitted. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has been positioning himself to challenge Newsom in 2022, and would likely spring at the chance to run in a potential recall election in 2021.

Celebrity A-listers, entertainment bigwigs blasted for pandemic privilege as businesses struggle
Bars and restaurants may be closed, but the entertainment industry is finding ways to work around strict public health orders in California and New York, feeding the perception of a pandemic double-standard for the rich, famous and well-connected.

Los Angeles restaurant owner Angela Marsden drew stark attention to the discrepancy last week with her viral video showing an outdoor television production catering tent next to her patio, which was closed under the county’s coronavirus shutdown.

A day later, NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” comedian Pete Davidson mocked a Staten Island pub’s shutdown protest even though the show has taken advantage of a loophole in the New York rules to bring in a live studio audience.

“The ignorance is so high that on national television, they find it funny that small-business owners are trying to feed their families while the millionaires sit in their perch,” Staten Island community leader John Tabacco said at a Monday press conference outside Mac’s Public House.

The pub has defied New York City’s ban on indoor dining on Staten Island’s South Shore, prompting Mr. Davidson to label the bar’s supporters as “babies.” “Everyone wants to go out and have fun, but there’s plenty of stuff you can do at home,” he said.

One thing you can’t do from home: Run a bar.

Calling out the pandemic privilege was New York City Council member Joe Borelli, who asked why Mr. Davidson was allowed to “abuse business owners trying to save their livelihoods” during the coronavirus shutdown while “breaking all COVID rules.”

He cited a report saying that “SNL” audience members are paid $150 each, which allows the NBC show to classify them as extras and avoid breaking the New York Health Department’s rule prohibiting live audiences “unless they consist only of paid employees, cast and crew.”

“Hey, guys, a brief word about Pete Davidson calling Staten Island business owners and workers ‘babies’ for wanting their businesses saved,” Mr. Borelli said in an online post. “Pete said that from the set of SNL, where he wore no mask, indoors, and despite assurances to the contrary, there was no social distancing from the cast, no masks, and minimal if any social distancing from the live studio audience,” Mr. Borelli said. “SNL was allowed to do this because of a loophole in the law.”

The New York Department of Health said Tuesday that “Saturday Night Live” has not received any special consideration.

“SNL must follow state COVID-19 guidelines like any other business that is open, including mask-wearing and social distancing, as well as follow all specific media production guidelines,” the department said in an email.

In Los Angeles, the restaurateur Ms. Marsden ignited national outrage Friday with a viral video showing that a production crew for an NBC television show was allowed to erect a catering tent while her patio just next door was closed under the county’s ban on outdoor dining.

“Obviously, Mayor [Eric] Garcetti has approved this being set up for a movie company,” said Ms. Marsden, owner of the Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill. “I’m losing everything. Everything I own is being taken away from me, and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio.”

NBC declined to comment on the “Saturday Night Live” sketch and the food tent, but FilmLA spokesman Philip Sokoloski confirmed Tuesday that the city of Los Angeles issued a permit for filming and catering at the location from Dec. 4-5 for “Good Girls,” a Universal Television production.

The Los Angeles County Health Department’s sweeping Nov. 27 shutdown order closed playgrounds, beaches, indoor and outdoor dining, and indoor worship but allowed music, television and movie production to continue to operate under safety protocols, classifying support personnel as “essential.”

“The State of California recognizes the Film and TV Industry as a critical infrastructure industry,” the health department said in an email. “As such, television and film productions are permitted to operate with modifications.”

In its statement, the department said the industry has a testing protocol for workers as well as strict rules for dining that include social distancing. Workers are required to eat alone at tables or in shifts.

“This is different than outdoor dining at restaurants, where non-household members sit in close proximity, for extended periods of time without wearing masks,” the statement reads. “In that circumstance, the risk of COVID-19 transmission, especially among asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic persons, is increased and an unacceptable risk at a time when LA County is experiencing a dangerous surge in cases and hospitalizations.”

Los Angeles Superior County Judge James Chalfant ruled Tuesday in favor of restaurants challenging the ban on outdoor dining, saying the county had failed to provide evidence of transmission risk, although California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s state prohibition remains in effect until at least Dec. 27.

NBC’s “Sunday Today” morning show aired a segment about Ms. Marsden but omitted her references to the production crew and catering tents. The conservative Media Research Center criticized the report as “deceptively edited.”

“Must be nice to be so above the plebs that you can get a major U.S. city to grant you special permission to allow you to exist while others go under,” said Media Research Center news analyst Nicholas Fondacaro.

Pass for MTV Video Awards

Tension between the celebrity class and the working class over COVID-19 protocols began during the April lockdown protests, when comedians including Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and Patton Oswalt mocked the demonstrators as ignorant and self-destructive.

“Months ago, late-night comics mocked anti-lockdown protesters in cruel ways. So did several celebrities,” said conservative film critic Christian Toto of the Hollywood in Toto website. “They all had plenty of money, so they could sit back and ride out the pandemic. Many blue-collar Americans can’t.”

When they do go out, stars have benefited from carve-outs. The New York Health Department granted an exemption from its quarantine rules in August allowing performers in the MTV Video Music Awards to avoid isolating for two weeks beforehand. The department compared it to the exception for professional athletes.

More than a dozen Democrats, including Mr. Newsom and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, have been caught violating their own COVID-19 protocols on dining, masks and travel, prompting accusations of hypocrisy and a two-tiered shutdown system for the haves and have-nots.

At a Tuesday press conference, Mr. Newsom did not address Ms. Marsden’s situation directly but said he had “reverence for small businesses,” citing his own background as the founder of the PlumpJack Winery.

“It breaks my heart to see videos, breaks my heart to see reports by you and others of people’s lives being torn asunder because of this pandemic, and we’re just simply trying to do our best, and I recognize it’s never good enough,” Mr. Newsom said. “But we’re not going to give up.”

In New York, “Saturday Night Live” is able to work around the ban on live audiences by paying attendees and requiring them to sign health forms, wear masks and socially distance, according to The New York Times. The rules also limit audience capacity to 25%.

Mr. Borelli said that if “Saturday Night Live” can use a loophole by paying its audience, then entertainment venues such as movie theaters, concert halls and Broadway shows should be able to reopen.

“If the state health department is OK with the loophole, shouldn’t it just be the rule for everybody?” Mr. Borelli said. “And don’t tell me it’s because they paid their audience. A paycheck isn’t a barrier to COVID. COVID is a barrier to a paycheck.”
And, as usual , as a Trump supporter, Doug64 finds the numbers of dead and dying so he posts raw propaganda attempting to reduce the significance of the deaths of soon to be 400,000 Americans, he casts the pandemic as a mostly economic issue.

Heartless, sinful, unfeeling and the last shelter of the unintelligent or those simply bought and paid for.

I routinely visit intensive care units. Do you know what I have never seen there Doug? Someone counting their money.

The heartlessness of some people pretending to be Christian is saddening.
And as usual, Drlee blows off caring about lives ruined and dreams destroyed to no real purpose as nothing more than greed. It makes it easy to ignore how pointless our governments turning on and tyranizing millions of the citizens they are supposed to support has been.
Doug64 wrote:Image

And more on the Resistance front that you likely haven't heard of from the MSM(D):

Report: Gavin Newsom's team 'increasingly concerned' about recall efforts

Celebrity A-listers, entertainment bigwigs blasted for pandemic privilege as businesses struggle

You can have all caricatures that you want. But when democrats passed a bill in the house nearly 6months ago which would have offered support to help all those businesses, republicans crossed their arms and threw a fit. The fact of the matter is that the economy was doomed anyway. You can have "everything open" but if customers don't show up, you still go bankrupt. Costumers are not showing up to many of those small businesses. This is my week off. I have been doing some shopping for the holidays. In the last 3 days I have past by probably a dozen local restaurants. Most of them have 2-3 tables at most. The local gym has 40+ treadmills which you can see from the street... yesterday 1 was being used... gyms have been opened in my area for nearly 6 months now. The only shot that could have fixed both economy AND virus problem, is realizing that BOTH ARE THE SAME. You cannot fix one without the other. We had the opportunity early on, we missed it.
Doug64 wrote:And as usual, Drlee blows off caring about lives ruined and dreams destroyed to no real purpose as nothing more than greed. It makes it easy to ignore how pointless our governments turning on and tyranizing millions of the citizens they are supposed to support has been.
Your post is truly callous ignorant and foolish.

You can recover from economic ruin. You cannot recover from death.
The Australian government concocted a vaccine that relies on the HIV virus to bind itself to the immune system and train it into fighting elements of covid. Only problem? You end up testing positive for HIV thereafter.

Oh boy didn't think that one through, did you cunts. It's been axed, back to the piggy bank and a new idea. Somebody's getting very rich off this.

As for America...let us never speak of it again. That shit-show is so deep in shit I get shit in my eyes just reading about it.
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