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On this part you're wrong. QAnon is basically a conspiracy theory buffet. What it offers to people is a huge amount of media, like subscribing to Conspiracy Netflix, and a community. That's where the "Where We Go One we Go All" shit comes in. The only real underpinning of it is that Trump is Q+ and there's a global cabal of pedophiles working behind the scenes.

And we know exactly who Q is. Just some internet fool from PI.
Out of all the delusional factions that support Trump, the people who believe in the lizard men and the Illuminati seem like the least harmless. If they took over from the Q people, the eschatologists, the Proud Boys, and the other post-fact factions, the world would be a less violent place.
Beren wrote:
Do you mean he's simply the best (which is the opposite of worst)?

You got Biden because he was selected for you.


Actually, that is, in a half-assed and awkward way, what I meant. Trump is a human volcano, and just as destructive. Biden made calm part of his campaign. I figure that is precisely why he got support from the party, and why he got more votes than any other candidate in American history.
late wrote:Nope.

Actually, that is, in a half-assed and awkward way, what I meant. Trump is a human volcano, and just as destructive. Biden made calm part of his campaign. I figure that is precisely why he got support from the party, and why he got more votes than any other candidate in American history.

The party could unite behind him because he's such an empty shell and he got so many votes because he was the candidate other than Trump. He's supposed to be a transitional figure between Trump and Harris, while Harris is supposed to be the opposite of Trump, not Biden, by the way.
As has been said before on other threads. Biden won because Trump lost. Meaning. Trump had the opportunity to be the most popular president in history. All he had to do is nothing. Stand back and let the experts handle the Covid crisis and cheer lead a press conference every week. If he had done that we would have over 300K people alive today who are dead. We would be leading the world in corona virus response. And, with the huge stimulus he could have enacted, the economy would be roaring.

Trump lost because of his own incompetence. The bit at the capitol beat him up a bunch. The failure of the Republican party to act to tone down the republican president's message is unforgivable.

Biden will be infinitely better but then the bar is not set very high at all.
Beren wrote:Is this the point of the whole existence of the USA, to have a black female president finally? :lol:

At first, it was supposed to be white presidents, with black slaves and dead injuns.

But it evolves along with "the market."

Rancid wrote:It is certainly helpful to young minorities to see people that look like them doing great things.

Did it help black males to see Obama destroy Africa with bombs?

Because this will be the same kind of Bankster-driven "help."

Look at her past, her contacts, and who she is and what she does. She's isn't just a gender and a skin tone to "make you feel good."
Beren wrote:
The party could unite behind him because he's such an empty shell and he got so many votes because he was the candidate other than Trump.

It's hard to be sure, but I am convinced anyone else would have lost. I was a Warren supporter, she's best match for the mess we're in.

But I doubt she would have won, too many misogynists. And you can go down the list.

What you call empty is actually experience.

But, hey, we all have our fantasies, but mine are a lot cuter, and wear a lot less.
late wrote:What you call empty is actually experience.

He's got a whole lot of experience with emptiness for sure. It's not just that it made it easier for the party and voters to unite behind him, his emptiness also makes it easier to transfer power from Trump to Harris through him as a perfect medium.
SpecialOlympian wrote:On this part you're wrong. QAnon is basically a conspiracy theory buffet. What it offers to people is a huge amount of media, like subscribing to Conspiracy Netflix, and a community. That's where the "Where We Go One we Go All" shit comes in. The only real underpinning of it is that Trump is Q+ and there's a global cabal of pedophiles working behind the scenes.

Like the Q community is straight up divided over whether this man, who goes to Q events to sell merch and support Trump, is actually JFK Jr. after he faked his death and had facial reconstruction surgery so he could fight the cabal.


For comparison:


@SpecialOlympian ;

Well, I'm speaking to the QAnon's basic narrative structure, cryptic though I admit it is. From having perused a great deal of the communications out there myself since the ''Q'' thing began, I do agree that there's something in the larger mythology as a whole for everyone, from Flat-Earther types to UFO Disclosure fanatics to much else. And being a student of Esoterica, there's a hidden aspect to all this that the general QAnon types do not truly comprehend.

But put it all together, and you absolutely have a new false religion in the process of formation.
Beren wrote:
He's got a whole lot of experience with emptiness for sure. It's not just that it made it easier for the party and voters to unite behind him, his emptiness also makes it easier to transfer power from Trump to Harris through him as a perfect medium.

Obama relied on him, he was either the most involved Veep, or close to it.

But, hey, if that sad fantasy gets you off, have at it.
late wrote:I doubt she would have won, too many misogynists.

"It's not that the candidates are crap, it's that the voters are evil." - someone living at the end of their civilization
late wrote:So when do you graduate from Jr High?

Have you ever seized to be a member of your high school debate team? I suspect you're actually here out of nostalgia and now you're projecting. Try to focus, Joe deserves better than that from you. :lol:
This thread is looking more and more like that last presidential debate.

Imagine if all candidates were mafia goons who'd slept with prostitutes on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. The debates between them would be all name-calling and huffiness.

And then, when the right time comes, the mafia will terminate most of the population, and then Ghislaine Maxwell gets to fly to Israel (or Dubai) and rejoin Jeffrey.

I suspect that the mafia is why we are experiencing so much COVID nonsense and will soon be experiencing fascism under Biden-Harris-Facebook-AIPAC.

"Has everyone forgotten me yet?"
Beren wrote:Sure, and he still does because Joe is so reliable. :lol:

@Beren ;

Here's an idea that'll bake your noodle perhaps, and others besides.... Just a set of theories maybe;

Vice-President Biden was the real power in the Obama Administration all along, with him essentially as Obama's Co-President (just as with Bush and Cheney before them) and Obama as the face of the Administration, so to speak. 2016 happened and Biden felt he had to run against Trump in 2020, with little expectation at the time he decided, that he would win the election.

Now, Biden is still the real power and his Vice-President Harris is the face of the Administration.

By the way, where do the Clintons factor in all this? Well, they disgraced themselves when their friend Trump ran for President in order to ruin the GOP in the 2016 primaries and actually won, the Clinton plan backfiring spectacularly for being too clever by half of course, not to mention that Trump is far too brilliant himself to not turn down the opportunity of a lifetime for a political adventurer like him, and so he made the most of it.
@annatar1914 - the Clintons' plan partially worked - they managed to ruin the GOP, but also ruined themselves in the process. :lol:
annatar1914 wrote:Vice-President Biden was the real power in the Obama Administration all along

How serious are you about this? It was fun to read, however. :lol:

I'm sure the Clintons actually encouraged Trump to run for president against Hillary, it just backfired on them.
Ah, No. Biden was not the "real power" in the Obama administration. Just no. It is easy to cap on Obama. For republicans he is the antichrist. He soundly kicked their ass twice. He was an effective leader and got the country out of a disastrous banking crisis brought on by republicans, yet again, just like the covid crisis, refusing to take any leadership role at all. Keep your hands off business and rich people and rake in the dough. That is the republican way. Get power and spend like drunken sailors buying votes then loose to the democrats and try to be fiscal hawks on the Democrat's watch.

Obama's handling of the recovery was masterful. He handed Trump a pat hand. All Trump had to do is the most nothing possible and he would have been president for 8 years. He literally fucked up where every one of the other candidates on both sides of the aisle would have had a walk in the park.

And on edit.

Obama was more conservative than Trump was by far; particularly with regards to the economy. You do realize that Obama bailed out business and then made them pay for it. This is a soundly conservative way of doing business. He managed to get health care and keep it in the private sector. Conservative all of the way.
@Beren , you asked;

How serious are you about this? It was fun to read, however. :lol:

Oh, I understand the humorous aspects of this, but I'm quite serious, what with the modern trend of the Vice-President being a ''Co-President'' and all.

Btw, @Drlee , that is not to say that Obama was a complete puppet, but what I am suggesting is that Biden the lifelong politician was the adult in the room and did a lot of the hard work behind the scenes with his political connections that is necessary in modern politics. Obama had his role which he relished anyway and Biden had his role, and the partnership worked.

I'm sure the Clintons actually encouraged Trump to run for president against Hillary, it just backfired on them.

Somewhere I actually read a memo dated early in the 2016 race where the Clinton Campaign/DNC discussed helping coverage on the most radical candidates of the GOP like Trump (at the time polling less than 1%) and Ben Carson.

Why would they do that? Again, too clever by half, making some really arrogant assumptions.
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