Evil Atheism and Atheists' Gross Misunderstanding - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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There are Commandments which order our lives. Thou shalt not kill (murder). Thou shalt not steal.
Every nation on earth prohibits these Commandments and punishes those who commit such evils.
The First Commandment also describes what is evil. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Therefore atheism, the absolute denial of God, is defined as evil.

Now as much as atheists profess their goodness, their lack of evil, and point out how horrible Christians in particular are, they invariably ignore and overlook Grace. Believers are expressly forgiven for our sins. Atheists cannot be forgiven, so long as they continue on their hopeless path.

Lies are their constant metier. "Atheism, good enough for these idiots."


Oops. The only atheist pictured is Ernest Hemingway. He put a shotgun into his mouth and blew his atheist brains out. Rational. Scientific. Something for atheists to look forward to.
late wrote:Atheists have no other gods before him.

You're really not very good at this.

Your wordplay may be clever to your fellow godless Leftists. I find it quite puerile.
God says to love and respect Him, and no other. You do not. You place yourselves above God,
thinking you are the smartest, most noble, most scientific, most "rational."

It's not about me. It's not even about you, much as you preen and posture. It's about the most popular Book ever written. It's about the most popular Person in human history. It's about the largest group, Christians, on earth. Your commit the Fallacy of the Ad Hominem. I'm immaterial.
You are de facto an unrepentant sinner, and probably always will be. Change your ways while there is still time to do so.


Short answer: No.
Last edited by MrWonderful on 06 Mar 2021 00:52, edited 1 time in total.
MrWonderful wrote:
Your wordplay may be clever to your fellow godless Leftists. I find it quite puerile.
God says to love and respect Him, and no other. You do not. You place yourselves above God,
thinking you are the smartest, most noble, most scientific, most "rational."

It's not about me. It's not even about you, much as you preen and posture. It's about the most popular Book ever written. It's about the most popular Person in human history. It's about the largest group, Christians, on earth. Your commit the Fallacy of the Ad Hominem. I'm immaterial.
You are de facto an unrepentant sinner, and probably always will be. Change your ways while there is still time to do so.

You goofed, you do it a lot, so you should be used to it by now.

To make a medium length story short, deities got the axe a long time ago. If you brought a person here from several thousand years ago, before your religion existed, and showed him around, he would think you were a god. You can walk among the stars, fly like a bird, and burn entire lands.

He would be correct.

"We are as gods, we might as well get good at it."
Stewart Brand
MrWonderful wrote:Every nation on earth prohibits these Commandments and punishes those who commit such evils.


Each nation passes laws that regulate who may commit such evils and who must not.

MrWonderful wrote:It's not about me. It's not even about you, much as you preen and posture. It's about the most popular Book ever written. It's about the most popular Person in human history. It's about the largest group, Christians, on earth. Your commit the Fallacy of the Ad Hominem. I'm immaterial.
You are de facto an unrepentant sinner, and probably always will be. Change your ways while there is still time to do so.

So your basis for declaring your god as The One True God is that Christians are now the largest religious grouping on Earth, and they buy lots of copies of their sacred book. This may mean that your god didn't become God until perhaps 500 years ago, when the invention of the printing press, ocean-going ships, and firearms in Europe enabled their religion to overtake south and east Asian religions in numbers of both believers and books.

If you want to label fallacies in Latin, yours is "argumentum ad populum".

Your conception of God is a successful marketeer (with armed forces backing him up). Very appropriate for the 20th and 21st centuries, but a depressing state of affairs. Have you considered examining the credibility of the Bible instead? You'll find it's laughably unbelievable, unless you think God has severe personality disorders.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:So your basis for declaring your god as The One True God is that Christians are now the largest religious grouping on Earth, and they buy lots of copies of their sacred book. This may mean that your god didn't become God until perhaps 500 years ago, when the invention of the printing press, ocean-going ships, and firearms in Europe enabled their religion to overtake south and east Asian religions in numbers of both believers and books.

If you want to label fallacies in Latin, yours is "argumentum ad populum".

Your conception of God is a successful marketeer (with armed forces backing him up). Very appropriate for the 20th and 21st centuries, but a depressing state of affairs. Have you considered examining the credibility of the Bible instead? You'll find it's laughably unbelievable, unless you think God has severe personality disorders.

Godless Leftists are constantly putting YOUR words in other people's mouths and then proceeding on the basis of your lie. I did not say what you claim. There are many reasons to trust the Bible. That is why so many billions have done so over all time. Try to think before blathering.

People of faith live longer than atheists.
For the study, a team of Ohio University academics, including associate professor of psychology Christian End, analysed more than 1,500 obituaries from across the US to piece together how the defining features of our lives affect our longevity.
These records include religious affiliations and marriage details as well as information on activities, hobbies and habits, which can help or hinder our health, not otherwise captured in census data.

The study, published in Social Psychological and Personality Science today, found that on average people whose obituary mentioned they were religious lived an extra 5.64 years.
Atheists commit suicide far more often than those of faith, which is clearly not "rational"

"Atheism: Contemporary Rates and Patterns" in The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, ed. by Michael Martin, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK (2005). In examining various indicators of societal health, Zuckerman concludes about suicide:
"Concerning suicide rates, this is the one indicator of societal health in which religious nations fare much better than secular nations. According to the 2003 World Health Organization's report on international male suicides rates (which compared 100 countries), of the top ten nations with the highest male suicide rates, all but one (Sri Lanka) are strongly irreligious nations with high levels of atheism. It is interesting to note, however, that of the top remaining nine nations leading the world in male suicide rates, all are former Soviet/Communist nations, such as Belarus, Ukraine, and Latvia. Of the bottom ten nations with the lowest male suicide rates, all are highly religious nations with statistically insignificant levels of organic atheism."[3]

The list of atheist shooters and serial killers does not correspond to claims of intellectual superiority and rationality.

Atheists have a long record of being mass shooters and militant atheism in general has a causal association with mass murder.
Due to this fact, peer reviewed research published in academic journals has found that society-at-large is likely to hold atheists responsible for capital criminal acts and that even atheists are likely to assume that serial killers are fellow atheists.[2][3][4]
MrWonderful wrote:There are Commandments which order our lives. Thou shalt not kill (murder). Thou shalt not steal.
Every nation on earth prohibits these Commandments and punishes those who commit such evils.
The First Commandment also describes what is evil. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Therefore atheism, the absolute denial of God, is defined as evil.

Now as much as atheists profess their goodness, their lack of evil, and point out how horrible Christians in particular are, they invariably ignore and overlook Grace. Believers are expressly forgiven for our sins. Atheists cannot be forgiven, so long as they continue on their hopeless path.

Lies are their constant metier. "Atheism, good enough for these idiots."


Oops. The only atheist pictured is Ernest Hemingway. He put a shotgun into his mouth and blew his atheist brains out. Rational. Scientific. Something for atheists to look forward to.

Uhm... what are the rest of the commandments? You are also only mentioning 3... the bibble mention hundreds although most religious people focus on the 10 commandments, can you tell me the rest? Not the 600 just the ten... What are those? What is the punishment recommended by the almighty for breaking those commandments?
Let me see. Death? Stoning? Eternal damnation? For not observing the sabath? Go take a hike.
late wrote:The crazy continues...

Actually no. Believing in nonsense is crazy, except if the nonsense can be categorized under some sort of religious belief.
A patient comes to my hospital with a stroke for not taking meds because he wants to go "al natural" and the guy is cuckoo crazy. A patient comes to my ED and does not want a blood transfusion because he is Jehova's witness or a woman with an ectopic pregnancy that does not believe in abortions because of god and will pray away. Then, when this happens, we have to respect their religious beliefs and withhold any sort of judgment because society has deemed that sort of magical thinking acceptable.
XogGyux wrote:Actually no. Believing in nonsense is crazy, except if the nonsense can be categorized under some sort of religious belief.
A patient comes to my hospital with a stroke for not taking meds because he wants to go "al natural" and the guy is cuckoo crazy. A patient comes to my ED and does not want a blood transfusion because he is Jehova's witness or a woman with an ectopic pregnancy that does not believe in abortions because of god and will pray away. Then, when this happens, we have to respect their religious beliefs and withhold any sort of judgment because society has deemed that sort of magical thinking acceptable.

If you talk to your imaginary friend in your own time, then you are deemed to be 'crazy', but if you do it in a church setting in unison with other like-minded individuals, then you are deemed to be 'pious'. Lol.
XogGyux wrote:
Actually no. Believing in nonsense is crazy, except if the nonsense can be categorized under some sort of religious belief.
A patient comes to my hospital with a stroke for not taking meds because he wants to go "al natural" and the guy is cuckoo crazy. A patient comes to my ED and does not want a blood transfusion because he is Jehova's witness or a woman with an ectopic pregnancy that does not believe in abortions because of god and will pray away. Then, when this happens, we have to respect their religious beliefs and withhold any sort of judgment because society has deemed that sort of magical thinking acceptable.

Irrational Atheism, by Vox Day, former militant atheist

The Illogical Atheist, by Bo Jinn, former militant atheist

The Devil's Delusion, by David Berlinski

The Privileged Planet, by Gonzalez and Richards

Rare Earth, by Ward and Brownlee

The Anthropic Cosmological Principle by John Barrow and Frank Tipler

3.5 The Universe needs to be as big as it is in order to evolve just a single carbon-based life-form.

56 - …. The discovery of features pointing to design in Nature is promoted principally by experimental science and provides among motivation for these empirical investigations.

64 – Voltaire was a Newtonian Deist. His opinion of the order of Nature was that “ a watch proves a watch-maker, and that a Universe proves a God.”
“We are intelligent beings, and intelligent beings could not have been formed by a blind, brute, insensible thing….”

143 – Water, for example, is absolutely unique in its ability to dissolve other substances, in its anomalous expansion when cooled near the freezing point, in its thermal conductivity among ordinary liquids, in its surface tension, and numerous other properties.

181 The forcibleness of Nature’s suggestion that she is the outcome of intelligent
design lies not in particular cases of adaptedness in the world, nor even in the multiplicity of them…. [it] consists rather in the conspiration of innumerable causes to produce, by either united and reciprocal action, and to maintain, a general order of Nature. … the comprehensive design-argument is the outcome of synopsis or conspection of the knowable world. – Philosophical Theology, by F.R. Tennant, 1930

183 “The facts from which the [general teleological] arguments start are general characters of the universe as experienced by us. There is first the impression of an order which is both rational and sublime There is secondly, the fact that the universe, when interrogated by reason, ,seems to be a coherent system.” - W.R. Matthews, Dean of St Paul.

The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell

The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel

The Case for Faith, by Lee Strobel

The Case for a Creator, by Lee Strobel
MrWonderful wrote:just a single carbon-based life-form

Don't be silly.

The belief that Earth is the centre of the biological universe and that life began on Earth is based on religion and magical thinking. Life on Earth is likely just a sample of life's possibilities. Life need not be carbon-based, need not contain genes, and may instead be based on silicon, sulfur, ammonia, or a combination of other substances (Goertzel and Combs, 2010; Istock. 2010; Naganuma and Sekine 2010; Rampelotto 2010; Schulze-Makuch 2010; Schulze-Makuch et al., 2004, 2006).

"may instead be base on silicon"

In the universe of possibilities that exist for life, we’ve shown* that it is a very easy possibility for life as we know it to include silicon in organic molecules. And once you can do it somewhere in the Universe, it’s probably being done.

— Frances H. Arnold, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology.

* S. B. Jennifer Kan, Russell D. Lewis, Kai Chen, Frances H. Arnold (2016) Directed evolution of cytochrome c for carbon-silicon bond formation: Bringing silicon to life, Science: Vol. 354, Issue 6315, pp. 1048-1051

“We are machines for propagating DNA, and the propagation of DNA is a self-sustaining process. It is every living object’s sole reason for living.” – Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and atheist

Atheists Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking, Michael Schermer, Lawrence Krauss, and Bill Nye the Science Guy combined have produced fewer children than Osama bin Laden, the 17th of 52 children, his father had, by the way.

Put simply, scientists will tell you that “science works.” If science works, then the universe works. If the universe works then it means that it was made; because what is not made cannot possibly “work.”
These work because they were made:

Washing machines

These do not work because they were not made:

Mud puddles
Vacuums (nothing) – Illogical Atheism, by Bo Jinn, Kindle Section 1276
Last edited by MrWonderful on 17 Mar 2021 17:32, edited 1 time in total.
MrWonderful wrote:
“We are machines for propagating DNA, and the propagation of DNA is a self-sustaining process. It is every living object’s sole reason for living.” – Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and atheist

Atheists Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking, Michael Schermer, Lawrence Krauss, and Bill Nye the Science Guy combined have produced fewer children than Osama bin Laden, the 17th of 52 children, his father had, by the way.

I had no idea OBL fathered himself. That's quite a trick!

“We are machines for propagating DNA, and the propagation of DNA is a self-sustaining process. It is every living object’s sole reason for living.” – Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and atheist

Even Dawkins is overstating it - even propagating its genetic code is not a "reason for living"; it is merely the mechanism by which that organism came into existence and by which it might create the next generation of similar organisms. But, of course, it doesn't have to. If its lineage ends with that organism, what does it matter? Even if all life came to an end, the universe would carry on existing as though nothing had happened. A hen is a machine for creating eggs, and eggs are a machine for creating hens. But neither hens nor eggs have a "reason" for existing.
Potemkin wrote:Even Dawkins is overstating it - even propagating its genetic code is not a "reason for living"; it is merely the mechanism by which that organism came into existence and by which it might create the next generation of similar organisms. But, of course, it doesn't have to. If its lineage ends with that organism, what does it matter? Even if all life came to an end, the universe would carry on existing as though nothing had happened. A hen is a machine for creating eggs, and eggs are a machine for creating hens. But neither hens nor eggs have a "reason" for existing.

Matter "carrys on." Meaning what, exactly? Utter nonsense.

Humans alone in all the universe ask questions and seek answers to a limitless number of questions. Only humans. Without us, all else is inconsequential. It was created solely for us.


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