Meghan Markle abused & bullied Buckingham Palace staff to tears - Page 16 - Politics | PoFo

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Rich wrote:No I'm not in my seventies, not even close. But anyway my previous girl friend was younger than Catherine. I take the claimed titles of the Royals as a personal insult. By claiming those titles the Royals have forfeited all rights to be treated with respect. To me hard line Republicanism seems instinctive as a heterosexual male, but apparently that feeling is not universal.

It must have been another member who mentioned being in their 70s, so I apologise for that.

I don’t give a shit whether you respect the royals , but reading someone speaking of any woman, no matter who she might be, as a piece of meat who they may or not deem to sleep with is nauseating.

I have three daughters, all of whom are young women just like Sarah Everard. My middle daughter used to live in Brixton and like Sarah, has a friend in Clapham. It could have been her.

Catherine laid flowers on the shrine yesterday, wearing jeans and boots with an old jacket.

She turned up along amongst thousands of other people , looked at the flowers, read some of the cards, laid her own tribute and left. Speaking to no one.

No fuss. No magnificent entrance. No glamour.

Don’t speak about any woman like that in print. It’s demeaning and unnecessary.
Last edited by snapdragon on 14 Mar 2021 09:07, edited 1 time in total.
Beren wrote:They couldn't care less about the UK, Meghan and Oprah especially.

Which is immaterial, isn’t it? It’s not what they think of us , but what we think of them that matters.

You may be right, but I doubt it. I think Meghan and Harry care a lot about their support in the U.K., and that we haven’t heard the last from them yet by a long way.

Maybe they have learned to follow the basic advice of the need to stop digging when you’re in a hole, but I have my doubts.
Not sure about Oprah , but don’t care enough to give it any thought.
By "kick out of bed", Rich means that Kate should not have been replaced by Meghan which is what Meghan wanted. And it is what this is all about anyway.

After our "trip to Australia" and all that jazz.

Meghan would not play second fiddle to Kate and now they will blow it all up, just like Charles blew it up for Camilla.

Rich is on the dot.

And the question to be asked is obvious, how do you prevent a single idiot from blowing it up? The perennial trouble of any monarchy.
snapdragon wrote:It must have been another member who mentioned being in their 70s, so I apologise for that.

I don't mind you thinking I am in my seventies. However I have no intention to exclude 30 something women as partners when I am in my seventies. Quite a few rock star / film star men in their seventies seem to have girl friends of Kate's age or younger. I don't notice them facing much in the way of censure. When I see the BBC banning a 70 something's guy's music because he's dating a thirty something woman, then maybe I'll think about forgoing opportunities myself. When it comes to being attractive to women, there is one category that lies above billionaires, politicians, film stars and even rock stars. And that's the Guru / spiritual teacher. if Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh had lived into his seventies I don't imagine he'd have had much trouble coupling with 30 something or even 20 something women. Being willing to commit mass poisoning in order to get her man back, now that's what I call having a crush on a guy. As far as I can see their are loads of Gurus, Lamas and Zen Masters, who have little trouble attracting young women. I hope and intend to age slowly and gracefully, ungracefully, if you catch my meaning.

I don’t give a shit whether you respect the royals , but reading someone speaking of any woman, no matter who she might be, as a piece of meat who they may or not deem to sleep with is nauseating.

I have three daughters, all of whom are young women just like Sarah Everard. My middle daughter used to live in Brixton and like Sarah, has a friend in Clapham. It could have been her.

Catherine laid flowers on the shrine yesterday, wearing jeans and boots with an old jacket.

She turned up along amongst thousands of other people , looked at the flowers, read some of the cards, laid her own tribute and left. Speaking to no one.

No fuss. No magnificent entrance. No glamour.

Don’t speak about any woman like that in print. It’s demeaning and unnecessary.

I will have to give these comments some consideration and contemplation before I can give you a definitive response.
Who you or any other man date is up to you.

As far as I’m aware, the BBC don’t ban any musician based on the age of his girlfriend or partner. Unless the said girl is under age, of course.
I very much disliked your comments about the physical attributes of Catherine and Meghan having a lot to do with their suitability of being able to represent the U.K.

That is all
@colliric wrote:

Yes we all seem to be against Meghan here. Although I gather @Tainari88 hates both?

I don't hate anybody especially people who are in the public eye and I have zero in common with like these Royals living in California.

I am against the institution of the monarchy. That is what I am against. It has no place anymore except being parasitical remnants of a hereditary class system that I find repulsive.

There is nothing superior about being from the upper classes. As others have pointed out well like @B0ycey and others, the Royal family is there as a reminder of class being an integral part of the UK's past and it remains as a way of people defending something that is inherently undemocratic.

Meghan Markle culturally is American and has a white father who's family is decidedly lackluster. In every way. Her mother is a nice woman with a good education and I find very dignified. But in general? I think the antipathy towards her in the UK has to be violating a bunch of unwritten and not so obvious rules and protocols.

I find most of the crap the UK tabloid press hound others about is sheer superficial mierda news. But people consume that yellow journalism with gusto. Who knows why? Bored people with nothing interesting going on and or dull social lives and they got to entertain themselves with the fodder of what the big celebrity crowd is doing?

I don't cry about a Prince Harry and the Duchess of whatever being deprived a title for their children living in some $14.5 million dollar mansion in Montecito...being cut off...from the royal dinero.

People should be trying to find solutions to getting the poor vaccinated in other countries that don't have the infrastructure that the UK and the USA have. Instead they are moaning about the Royal couple in an Oprah Winfrey interview stating that the Royal family might be racist. Or are racist. For me, most incredibly wealthy, titled people in ex Empires are not necessarily individually racist but they are privileged people and rarely have to reflect what the hell is going on with discrimination based on skin tones or somatic looks. They know that if you don't look "British" you probably came from somewhere else in the world and therefore are born and treated like an outsider in that society your whole life.

For me treating people like outsiders when you are born and bred in the UK or Australia or the USA or Canada? Is the definition of a racist style society. Treat everyone like they are born there and have that as their home for life. Treat them like family. Because they are. They occupy the same land that is neighbor to your land and home. But people got to find a reason to exclude others access to social acceptance.

Othewise why bother with titles and status if everyone is accepted as equals?

I am being consistent with my political philosophy in life. Also my moral one. I reject the Royal family as an arcane institution who should be abolished and that is automatically discriminatory due to its origins. And I reject the claim that Meghan Markle had no idea that marrying Prince Harry might attract media attention and scrutiny and MONEY too. She is not convincing me she is some naive woman who fell in love and did not know what she was getting herself into. She was an actress. She knows what being the center of attention means.

I am not going to cry for the excluded couple with the mansion in Montecito. Neither am I going to think the Royal family is not racist. Because they are.

Yeah, I saw that being reported on the news where Charlie Hebdo magazine is sparking outrage once again this time over the cartoon you pictured above with the queen kneeling on Meghan's neck. The French definitely produce their share of controversial artists.

Amy Woodyatt and Arnaud Siad of CNN wrote:French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has prompted outrage after releasing a cartoon depicting the UK's Queen Elizabeth kneeling on the neck of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, invoking the death of George Floyd.

The cover image cartoon came days after Meghan and her husband Harry made a series of damning accusations against the royal family in an interview with Oprah Winfrey -- including that the skin tone of the couple's child, Archie, was discussed as a potential issue before he was born.

The couple would not reveal who had made the remarks, but said it wasn't Queen Elizabeth II or her husband, Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. In the interview, Meghan also described having regular suicidal thoughts during her pregnancy and brief time as a working royal, and the couple said the palace had offered Meghan and Archie inadequate security and protection. ... index.html
snapdragon wrote:I think Meghan and Harry care a lot about their support in the U.K., and that we haven’t heard the last from them yet by a long way.

They seem to have left the UK behind themselves and the Oprah interview was about establishing them, Meghan especially, in the US, and Canada perhaps, while suffering collateral damage in the UK, where they could have only expected to lose popularity anyway. I also can't consider it much less than a prelude to a future Harris campaign for the presidency, in which they'll be pretty much involved I guess.
Beren wrote:They seem to have left the UK behind themselves and the Oprah interview was about establishing them, Meghan especially, in the US, and Canada perhaps, while suffering collateral damage in the UK, where they could have only expected to lose popularity anyway. I also can't consider it much less than a prelude to a future Harris campaign for the presidency, in which they'll be pretty much involved I guess.

That sounds a bit far fetched to me, but who knows what’s going on in their tiny minds?

What is obvious is Meghan is doing her nut because she assumed she’d be able to stay part of the royal family with all the titles and privileges, whilst making a load of money off it, and live a celebrity lifestyle in California. Maybe turn up in London now and again at glittering royal occasions.

Meanwhile, outside of their la la land, the daily mail have published a very earnest article entitled ‘ is your partner a narcissist?’. It describes Harry and Meghan to a tee. It would be very funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Harry’s family must be worried sick about him.
I must confess that I'm beginning to become quite fond of Harry and Meghan. In a similar way to the way I became fond of the Donald. Not becasue I agree with all of their politics, not because I thought they were of flawless character, not that I related to them as great role models, but just because they are so brilliant at upsetting the establishment.

Really you couldn't make this stuff up. Brendan O'Neil and many of the others of his band of Cavalier Royalists have been repeatedly complaining that Meghan is playing identity politics. As if the Monarchy is not an extreme form of identity politics in itself.
snapdragon wrote:That sounds a bit far fetched to me, but who knows what’s going on in their tiny minds?

Meghan could even run for president herself, according to the Daily Mail at least. :lol:

I'm sure, however, that she "will use the furore over her interview with Oprah to launch a political career", as "a veteran of Tony Blair's Downing Street administration with strong links to Washington claimed to The Mail."
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