The Mafia and Religion - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk

Executive Summary

Of the two most common* Abrahamic Religions, Christianity and Islam, there is a remarkable difference in the central life-story of the prophet (of Jesus and of Muhammad) that might affect which one is favored (as mandatory myth for everyone else) by a manipulative and controlling Mafia (there is no other kind).

Similar Discourses, Very Different Consequences

In both cases, the prophet is a figure who preaches the necessity of eliminating the mafias in order to pursue a common good that has been lost to the corruptions of civilization and its oligarchs. But there is a huge difference in what happens to these revolutionary characters and their bags of narratives.

In the case of Jesus, the preacher of the commons is tortured and killed in his young adult years by the Mafia. The Mafia wins, and the Christians, to this day, find beauty and meaning in the loss of idealism and human life suggested by the unnecessary murder of a human at the hands of an organized-crime style of governance.

In the case of Muhammad, the Prophet triumphs over the Mafias and changes society - for the better - while he is alive. And the changes continue long after his natural death.

Jesus loses to the Mafia big-time, while Muhammad kicks Mafia asse.

Guess which social narrative our current Mafias prefer to propagate as a working class mythology? :lol:


-Greatest number of members
-Greatest support for The Commons
-Belonging to the Poor classes
-Aimed at the Poor classes
-Slave-like fear of Hell)
Imagine if the Mafia dictated your religion to you.

Some of the rules would be:

1. No one does no killing - (except us, or if we ask you to kill for us)

2. No one steals nothing - (except us, or if we ask you to steal for us)

3. Don't be jealous of us.

4. Follow us - imitate us - worship us.

Can you think of any others?
I think these two posts are flawless and not a single word should ever be changed. (or added to)--- oh wait... that's the one flaw. Qatz asked you to think about what more could be added. If he was following what he was preaching, he would have been content to have you refrain from viewing all the angles in a given framework

Can you think of any others?---Qatz, ruining perfection
froggo wrote:I think these two posts are flawless and not a single word should ever be changed. (or added to)--- oh wait... that's the one flaw. Qatz asked you to think about what more could be added. If he was following what he was preaching, he would have been content to have you refrain from viewing all the angles in a given framework

Why is "Qatz" in the third person?

I'm right here. :)

And the reason I threw out an open question like that is because... this is a discussion form, not a platform for some faux deity to try to alter the world with, using text.

The Mafia, on the other hand, would be thrilled to use text to manipulate the schmoes they need to pillage - to make text-readers more pillage-friendly.

Think about how pillage-friendly many religion-followers turn out to be. Suffering (the abuses of oligarchy) becomes, for them, "beautiful."
QatzelOk wrote:Why is "Qatz" in the third person?

I guess i just assumed there was the hope of there being an audience underlying all your posts :D I was imagining they were there for us. :lol:

I am wondering why you are not sticking with Mohammed's narrative. Wouldn't doing so get your point across better? Jesus is more a discussion-forum kind of fellow.
How do you know that your posts will not be salvaged from the internet far beyond the grave and you will become deified? Mohammed was doing the same as you; he was talking about what he believed in; pointing out the injustices he witnessed, and telling the ones who had hope in him to persevere and what he believed were the best means to do so. He wanted them to have their eyes pried open. He wanted them to see the deceit and know that in their hearts they would overcome.
froggo wrote:I guess i just assumed there was the hope of there being an audience underlying all your posts :D I was imagining they were there for us. :lol:

Excellent point. I also hope people read some of the better thought-out discussions on this forum, including the ones I take part in.

I am wondering why you are not sticking with Mohammed's narrative. Wouldn't doing so get your point across better? Jesus is more a discussion-forum kind of fellow.

In both cases, the "Oral tradition" was how they developed their diagnosis and prognosis. Chatting. Socializing. Gabbing.

How do you know that your posts will not be salvaged from the internet far beyond the grave and you will become deified? Mohammed was doing the same as you; he was talking about what he believed in; pointing out the injustices he witnessed, and telling the ones who had hope in him to persevere and what he believed were the best means to do so. He wanted them to have their eyes pried open. He wanted them to see the deceit and know that in their hearts they would overcome.

I am totally willing to become *a deity beyond the grave!*

If the Mafia currently in charge would like to hire me to do so, I am available at a competitive rate, and will leave lots of ideas on which to build enriching and sustainable civilizations upon, as well as how to live a good life as an individual human.

In the meantime, while waiting for deities to surface or to be selected by the Mafia who is currently in charge, let's use the Internet to share ideas and build more shared consciousness. Maybe the Mafia is reading as well. :lol:
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By froggo
Mohammed informed his followers of the new laws which were unquestionably sent down to him from Allah. I wouldn't necessarily call that a discussion.
Jesus went walking around lending his ear, sharing power with his peers or apostles (I'm guessing his intention was non-hierarchical, but he was found out as the figurehead, disposed of and then turned into a symbol by his apostles, creating the hierarchy--also, the fact that four apostles wrote four versions of their encounters with him is what I think set the tone for posthumous endless discussion of him from all angles ad nauseum)
froggo wrote:Mohammed informed his followers of the new laws which were unquestionably sent down to him from Allah. I wouldn't necessarily call that a discussion.

Yes, but what about before that? Before the production of targeted words and texts? Before he could "inform" anyone?

Societies were much more gregarious historically. Societies have deadened with isolation because of technologies devised since those historical periods, and the lack of human discussion in most Modern Societies leads to a huge decay in wisdom.

The Mafia is responsible for this as they profit from technologies because *they always gain control over their slave classes* with all of them - with every technology, and with all the behavioral changes that are suddenly "required" for each new, controlling technology. Controlling your slaves means that you must reduce their wisdom, and reduce their ability to develop wise ideas through discussion.

And the Mafias (throughout history) are also responsible for altering our perception and practice of spirituality. Which is one important reason why regularly-scheduled messiahs may be essential for hygiene purposes - to eradicate the ignorance that results from this degrading of common knowledge by the slave-master classes.

Which messiah character would a decadent Mafia leadership prefer as a model? Obviously, the nice loser. Jesus. But any controlling mafia would also prefer a stagnant religious doctrine which can be more easily understood and manipulated (by the Mafia class themselves).

Imageunchanged moral rules for thousands of years


1** And to what extent is the notion that these messiahs "created creeds in a vacuum" (or with difficult-to-access divine inspiration) the work of the same Mafia?

The Mafia want to tell their slaves not to try this search themselves because this might eat into their productivity (their ability to produce surplus labor).

Mafia: "So just read this book, and buy these products, and - that's spirituality. Now back to the cotton field! "


2** Wouldn't the Mafia profit from discouraging their slaves from putting too much value into social relations?

Wouldn't they prefer that everyone just "shutup and get back to work" and leave the messiah-ing to that tiny percentage of superstars who are long dead and gone?

Mafia: "Oh, they were superstars who spoke to angels as they flew on clouds. This is the entry-level for spirtuality, so you probably might want to continue sweeping my floors."


3** And having control of history and mass media norms, wouldn't the Mafia prefer that people worship a vague notion of a passivist who let himself be killed because he loved suffering?

The ultimate sucker... as a model, for ultimate-sucker worker bees.

Mafia: "He tried to share His beautiful message with people, but the rich and powerful killed him for some reason. Sad but poignant. .. Now, let's talk about garnishing your wages for all those extra washroom breaks you took last month..."
XogGyux wrote:It is well known in the forum that I dislike religions, all of them. But sir, you have bested me, this is certifiable insane.

Is it "insane," or just "not what most people conceive of when they think about organized religions?"

Don't forget, most people who know a lot about organized religions are those that follow them, and following them involves a certain amount of fear of contradicting them in any way.

So those that really know about religions... are exactly those who are afraid of criticicizing them. This almost ensures stagnation, and it also ensures the death of real spirituality which can't be practiced "while you're afraid of boogey-men."
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By QatzelOk
A lecture by David Sheen on the history of Meir Kahane and other mafiosa rabbis and cultural notions:

And it was also debunked.

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