Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19? - Page 7 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19?

B0ycey wrote:Actually, 640 deaths with 90% efficiency is very impressive indeed.

The vaccination rate with 2 doses was not as high as it is now right now so the number should be higher but the data is encouraging. Basically the maximum amount of deaths can be cut to 2-4% of maximum so by around 50x to 25x. Virology models are complicated and I have have no will to read up on them so the real number will be an estimate. That is still by a lot.

4.6 million people died from Covid world wide and if we managed to get 100% vaccinated straight away then we could have saved from 4 416 000 to 4 518 000 lives. Mind boggling the number really.
JohnRawls wrote:The vaccination rate with 2 doses was not as high as it is now right now so the number should be higher but the data is encouraging. Basically the maximum amount of deaths can be cut to 2-4% of maximum so by around 50x to 25x. Virology models are complicated and I have have no will to read up on them so the real number will be an estimate. That is still by a lot.

Actually, the figures are impressive anyway. 44million double jabbed means 4.4million not immune. Not that I accept the mortality rate is 3%, but as that is the accepted figure, you are talking about potentially over 100000 deaths for people being vaccinated today. And what, it isn't a thousand. That tells you all you need to know.
Rancid wrote:The numbers are so fucking good, it is a marvel how many people are fucking morons by not understanding this.

They used the Astrazenaca vaccine as their primary vaccine with just two shots.

The UK's self-made vaccine works better. These numbers now prove it.

Countries that used the mRNA vaccines are still struggling with higher rates of death than the UK and saying "emergency booster shots are needed". Israel for instance.

This has proven the AZ vaccine is the best one of the major three currently available, and the viral vector technology is safer than the mRNA vaccines.

That is why my mum is taking the AZ vaccine by her own choice now.

4.6 million people died from Covid world wide and if we managed to get 100% vaccinated straight away then we could have saved from 4 416 000 to 4 518 000 lives. Mind boggling the number really.

These results are not from Pfizer or Moderna. The UK used the AZ vaccine in the overwhelming majority. Different vaccines produce different results. Countries that did not use the AZ vaccine are struggling with higher death rates than the UK, and screaming about "booster shots" being needed.
Last edited by colliric on 14 Sep 2021 03:29, edited 2 times in total.
If they force it or "no job" Igor, the GP showed me which one is actually more effective and safer at least(of the three being offered). Someone finally told me the truth.

mRNA vaccines are less effective than the viral vector one. UK doesn't need vaccine passports, AZ boosters and whatnot. They can just re-open. They can let her rip. Most unvaccinated people won't get it anyway, or just have a minor case.

"Why doesn't the media just say this?"
"They're lying"
colliric wrote:If they force it or "no job" Igor, the GP showed me which one is actually more effective and safer at least(of the three being offered). Someone finally told me the truth.

mRNA vaccines are less effective than the viral vector one. UK doesn't need vaccine passports, AZ boosters and whatnot. They can just re-open. They can let her rip. Most unvaccinated people won't get it anyway, or just have a minor case.

"Why doesn't the media just say this?"
"They're lying"

I think option x should be on table, seeing as catching and just getting over covid is far far more effective at building long term immunity to virus. I.e just let people choose to get it. A sort of waiver in the system. Then everybody is happy. And no the hospital system wont be overwhelmed thats the greatest lie they've pulled yet.
Igor Antunov wrote:I think option x should be on table... I.e just let people choose to get it. A sort of waiver in the system. Then everybody is happy. And no the hospital system wont be overwhelmed thats the greatest lie they've pulled yet.

I would be OK for this actually given I believe in the vaccines being optional. But only if we can waiver hospital treatment as well... or at least put Covid treatment for the unvaccinated as non urgent treatment. :hmm:
B0ycey wrote:I would be OK for this actually given I believe in the vaccines being optional. But only if we can waiver hospital treatment as well... or at least put Covid treatment for the unvaccinated as non urgent treatment. :hmm:

Then do the same for alcoholics, smokers, fat people and drug addicts and we have a deal. Actually they should be behind serious covid cases in non urgent line because they choose to drain healthcare system every day, covid infection is a one time danger. Unless they can afford premium rates in private healthcare then of course the poor should be last in line in that system. The higher paying customers get first dibs its only fair. They chose to pay more.

See this is progress
Igor Antunov wrote:Then do the same for alcoholics, smokers, fat people and drug addicts and we have a deal. Actually they should be behind serious covid cases in non urgent line because they choose to drain healthcare system every day, covid infection is a one time danger. Unless they can afford premium rates in private healthcare then of course the poor should be last in line in that system. The higher paying customers get first dibs its only fair. They chose to pay more.

See this is progress

Smoking and drinking at least I prefer it if they made the things illegal first. You can't blame society when the right action isn't in place first.

Nonetheless of course I was joking. Health professionals are a breed amongst themselves and none of them would leave you dying whatever we think or write on here. But what I find interesting is that you want the option to to deliberately infect yourself with Covid and then also want someone to save your ass for your bad choice. Why don't you listen to the health professionals to begin with? :?:
B0ycey wrote:Why don't you listen to the health professionals to begin with? :?:

I did. Apparently they've found that anybody who's already had the virus does not need to get vaccinated because I'm now 6-13x better protected than a vaccinated.

But sometimes they're just coerced by the powers that be. Or just devoid of long term data. Fauci himself, a guy with more experience and knowledge than 90% of medical professionals seesaws monthly with his ever evolving recommendations. If you had been listening to his advice 'to begin with' you would have gone from not wearing masks, to wearing masks, to get vaccinated but once you do don't wear masks again....etc.

I also don't want them pumping hormones into confused children, but that's what they will do because it's considered politically correct to do now.

At one point not very long ago shoving an ice pick in someones nose and scrambling their brains was considered medically expedient too. Hey it showed great results. Doesn't mean it was right.

They're just people, going with the flow and doing what they're told to do by their non-medical expert employers. Did you know every hospital including government run in most countries is run by a business admin major who gets their marching orders from non medically inclined advisory boards? Doctors are just contractors given privileges to use the facilities and if they don't play ball they're out.
These people are going to throw a fit when their employers start mandating the vaccine, or their health, disability/death insurance start yanking up the premiums for unvaccinated or when their vacations to the Bahamas end up de-rallied because American airlines won't allow them into their planes. We will have endless Karen entertaiment. Wait until these entitled motherfuckers get degraded to 2nd class citizens and start feeling the pain. >: >: >: >:
XogGyux wrote:These people are going to throw a fit when their employers start mandating the vaccine, or their health, disability/death insurance start yanking up the premiums for unvaccinated or when their vacations to the Bahamas end up de-rallied because American airlines won't allow them into their planes. We will have endless Karen entertaiment. Wait until these entitled motherfuckers get degraded to 2nd class citizens and start feeling the pain. >: >: >: >:

And the really funny part about all that is that the vast majority of them will be blacks, who as a demographic are disproportionately averse to the vaccine.

Yes, endless race riot entertainment. :eh:
Igor Antunov wrote:No, I'm simply aware of how dumb and explosive your proposal is.

My proposal? It's what's gonna happen. It's happening already in France. And it is starting to happen in the US.

People don't like their way of life altered. When 70% realize their lives are fuked by 30% that don't want to be vaccinated because they believe in unicorns and extraterrestrial pyramids, they will take measures.

But really, you are black right?
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