Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19? - Page 8 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Would you support forcing adults to get a vaccine for Covid19?


The inventor of mRNA vaccine technology.

Interesting discussion.

"Experimental products" - his description of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Godstud's response: He's not a real Doctor! How dare he question the safety of his own invention!

No response for you Godstud, all your arguments have been obliterated by the Doctor that invented mRNA vaccines himself. So you're not going to get a response to the propoganda you post next.
Last edited by colliric on 15 Sep 2021 13:51, edited 1 time in total.
@colliric I have only ever called people "not a doctor" when they were not, in fact, medical doctors. Having a PhD in Artifical Intelligence does not make you an authority on vaccines, no matter how stupid you might be to believe that. You tried to sell that great big LIE in this thread, just as you tried to imply that an ophthamologist was the equivalent of an epidemiologist.

Quote the relevant section you expect us to watch, since it's 1 hr 19 minutes long. I doubt he says what you wish he said.

@colliric You always hate when people expose your lies for what they are.
Godstud wrote:Quote the relevant section you expect us to watch, since it's 1 hr 19 minutes long. I doubt he says what you wish he said.

@colliric You always hate when people expose your lies for what they are.

The entire 1hr 19mins is the relevant section I expect you to watch.

Your lies have been exposed. One of the most explosive interviews I've ever watched.

"Ivermectin is a drug listed by the World Health Organisation as an essential human medicine for the treatment of parasitic diseases in humans, you wouldn't know that if you watched mainstream media propoganda. It is irresponsible and dangerous to dismiss the drug as 'horse' medicine. Simply needs to be used in the correct human form dosage." (Paraphrasing a little bit)

Ivermectin is a human drug, prescribed to billions of people for the treatment of parasitic diseases, and is is correctly being used to treat Covid-19 overseas. It's being actively currently tested as a treatment for Covid-19 in the US by the NIH.

Just one gem of many.
Last edited by colliric on 15 Sep 2021 14:28, edited 2 times in total.
@colliric If you expect me to watch almost 1 hour and 20 minutes just to find a specific point you want to make, you're dreaming. You can't provide any real evidence so you just fling poo until something sticks.

Quote a time for your relevant points, or fuck off. You're wasting everyone's time with your false information and wild imaginings.

I am fine with people not getting vaccinated(without a valid medical reason) provided that they waive off any medical assistance if they do get it.
Nah.... I'd rather let Igor cut it up and use it all if he wishes. Lots of gem quotes to make memes from.

Such gems as the ICUs being full because old people and obese individuals are making up the majority of the hospitalisations, statistics prove it.

High Vaccination rates causing the evolution of vaccine resistant strains.

100% vaccination rate being pure psychopathic fantasy. Knew that was the case from the beginning.

Multiple Booster shots increasing your chances of getting shingles and other diseases related to a compromised over-vaccinated weakened immune system.... Oh that doesn't sound very good at all.

Ivermectin being on the World Health Organisation's list of essential human medications, given to billions of people already for the treatment of parasitic diseases. Human version proven safe, and currently being actively tested by the NIH as a potential Covid-19 medication.

Africa suffering far less deaths than the USA, because they're fitter and healthier than people living in the US.
colliric wrote:
Such gems as the ICUs being full because old people and obese individuals are making up the majority of the hospitalisations, statistics prove it.

High Vaccination rates causing the evolution of vaccine resistant strains.

100% vaccination rate being pure psychopathic fantasy. Knew that was the case from the beginning.

Multiple Booster shots increasing your chances of getting shingles and other diseases related to a compromised over-vaccinated weakened immune system.... Oh that doesn't sound very good at all.

Ivermectin being on the World Health Organisation's list of essential human medications, given to billions of people already for the treatment of parasitic diseases. Human version proven safe, and currently being actively tested by the NIH as a potential Covid-19 medication.

Africa suffering far less deaths than the USA, because they're fitter and healthier than people living in the US.

You should find a bar and share your wisdom there.
colliric wrote:

No response for you Godstud, all your arguments have been obliterated by the Doctor that invented mRNA vaccines himself. So you're not going to get a response to the propoganda you post next.

His outlook is largely determined by his personal issues.

Now that millions of people have gotten the jab (including me) the numbers are in, and you are an idiot. It's safe and effective.
Last edited by late on 15 Sep 2021 19:38, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:Nah.... I'd rather let Igor cut it up and use it all if he wishes. Lots of gem quotes to make memes from.

Such gems as the ICUs being full because old people and obese individuals are making up the majority of the hospitalisations, statistics prove it.

Statistics show that slightly more than 75% of Covid patients in the USA are overweight or obese, this is true.

Statistics also show that slightly less than 75% of all people in the USA are overweight or obese.

This shows that the relationship between Covid and being overweight is insignificant.


Now you know!

High Vaccination rates causing the evolution of vaccine resistant strains.

This is almost certainly wrong.

100% vaccination rate being pure psychopathic fantasy. Knew that was the case from the beginning.

Literally no one is arguing for that. We are reality based people making factually based arguments. We acknowledge the fact that at least some people are too stupid to get vaccinated.

Multiple Booster shots increasing your chances of getting shingles and other diseases related to a compromised over-vaccinated weakened immune system.... Oh that doesn't sound very good at all.

This is almost certainly wrong.

Ivermectin being on the World Health Organisation's list of essential human medications, given to billions of people already for the treatment of parasitic diseases. Human version proven safe,

Covid is a viral infection, not a parasite.

and currently being actively tested by the NIH as a potential Covid-19 medication.

Provide a link to a reputable source.

Africa suffering far less deaths than the USA, because they're fitter and healthier than people living in the US.

By this logic, North Koreans are the fittest of all. Must be the diet.
Saeko wrote:I am honestly torn between forcing them to take the vax at gunpoint and just letting natural selection do its work. Both are such attractive options.

The problem with the former is that in the United States , in addition to the Covid pandemic there is a gun epidemic . If the mandate were enforced at gunpoint , it would be met with armed resistance , including from assault rifles . People would wind up getting shots of a different kind , if you know what I mean . With the latter , there would still be pockets of infestation within low vaccinated areas . https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-16/pockets-of-unvaccinated-americans-threaten-to-prolong-pandemic , https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/breakthrough-covid-infections-show-the-unvaccinated-are-now-putting-the-vaccinated-at-risk If such an initial culling of the herd were necessary to ensure the implementation of herd immunity then so be it , but I personally think that it might arguably be better for all concerned just to wait until an oral vaccine is made available , before making vaccination mandatory . https://www.biospace.com/article/companies-betting-oral-vaccines-therapies-will-boost-fight-against-covid-19/ There is set legal precedent for vaccine mandates though , and with the appropriate exemptions required by law , I believe it should be implemented , for the sake of the public good . https://www.npr.org/2011/04/05/135121451/how-the-pox-epidemic-changed-vaccination-rules , https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/558368-mandated-vaccinations-have-historic-and-legal-precedent , https://news.wjct.org/post/us-has-long-precedent-vaccine-mandates , https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/09/08/vaccine-mandate-strong-supreme-court-precedent-510280 , https://law.shu.edu/news/covid-19-vaccines-who-will-be-exempted-from-a-covid-19-vaccine.cfm , https://www.wxyz.com/news/coronavirus/medical-or-religious-exemptions-for-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-are-rare-local-docs-explain-why P.S. Since @colliric Has posted a number of videos in this thread , I will myself post an entertaining , and enlightening video I just recently watched . It shows that history has a tendency to repeat itself .
@colliric One person did not invent mRNA technology.

Her Work Led to the COVID Vaccines
Biochemist Katalin Karikó and her colleague Drew Weissman were recently awarded a $3-million Breakthrough Prize for their work
https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... -vaccines/

Yes, Robert Malone worked on mRNA, but he didn't invent it, and he didn't invent the vaccines based on that technology.

The development of mRNA vaccines was a collaborative effort; Robert Malone contributed to their development, but he is not their inventor
Inaccurate: The development of the mRNA vaccines is due to the work of hundreds of researchers, one of which is Robert Malone. Together with his co-authors, Malone contributed early evidence that mRNA could be delivered and produce proteins in cells. However, because crucial hurdles to develop the mRNA vaccines were resolved by many researchers , Malone cannot be claimed the inventor of this vaccine technology.

Like many technologies, the development of the mRNA vaccines was a collaborative effort that spanned a number of research institutes, three decades of work, and hundreds of researchers. Robert Malone contributed to the early development of this vaccine technology, however he is not the sole inventor of mRNA vaccines.

https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/ ... -inventor/

So what else is he misinforming the public about?
@Rancid Robert Malone did not work on the vaccines. He worked on the initial technology, and his claims are fraudulent, at best.

Regarding that video.....
FALSE: Conspiracy theory that COVID-19 vaccines’ spike proteins are ‘cytotoxic’ debunked by experts
That video from a Canadian talk radio show purports to reveal that spike proteins in the vaccines break down cells, allowing the proteins bind and infect the vaccinated. Some such claims are even made by Dr. Robert Malone, the self-proclaimed “inventor of mRNA technology” (more on that later).

But recent fact-checks by experts, published by The Poynter Institute’s PolitiFact, Reuters, and the Associated Press dismantle the video’s claims.

The video interview relies heavily on claims made by Canadian viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle, who claimed COVID-19 vaccines produce “toxins” that can travel to the brain. In his often-cited quote, Bridle said, “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now, we thought the spike protein was a great target antigen.” But countless researchers dispute this.

The biggest strike against the claim is simple: None of the vaccines currently authorized in the U.S. (Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson) even contain live COVID-19 or its spike proteins. Instead, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA) to tell the body how to attack spike proteins by creating small amounts afterward. Medical researchers and doctors say these amounts are nearly insignificant and not unlike other existing vaccines.

Another of Bridle’s claims is that the vaccines — and the proteins experts agree they don’t have — can travel from the shoulder and to other areas of the body, causing damage.

Dr. Adam Ratner, pediatric infectious disease specialist at NYU Langone Health, explained to AP: “What was said in the radio show was completely inaccurate… the amounts [of spike proteins] that are made after the mRNA is injected are very small and it almost exclusively stays locally. It is nowhere near the amount he was talking about.”

Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains: “Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn’t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19. At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection.”

On YouTube, the debunked spike protein video currently has about 3.5 million views. Facebook has flagged several postings of the video and labeled it as “misinformation.” Meanwhile, postings parroting its claims proliferate. One such Facebook post reads:


This above claim is in reference to Malone saying he sent “manuscripts” to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about spike protein threat. The FDA says it determined his claim didn’t have enough proof to back it up.

As for Malone, while he was certainly instrumental in mRNA tech development, research shows he did not exactly act alone in the research. In an August 12 article for The Atlantic, author Tom Bartlett lays out some less-known elements of Malone’s backstory, including allegations from fellow mRNA research icon Katalin Karikó that Malone threatened her via email after she received notoriety for her work in helping produce the COVID-19 vaccine.

https://www.wreg.com/news/coronavirus/f ... y-experts/
Rancid wrote:To @Godstud's point. In today's world, there is basically never a single inventor of a technology. This is why when I hear/read claims of a single inventor, immediately assume this person is an asshole.

So you're a Steve Ditko supporter.....

ME: STAN LEE INVENTED SPIDERMAN! He came up with the original core concept behind the "Spider-inspired superhero" character and deserves complete sole credit. Steve Ditko deserves credit for his subsequent work smoothing out the design. Same goes for Bob Kane and Batman, he created Batman since he came up with the idea of a bat-inspired hero, even though he passed his idea onto others to help smooth it out. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne all in fact CREATED APPLE, people should stop saying that "he was only a salesman, it was really all Woz's work" crap about Jobs. Adolf Hitler created the VW Beetle, since he came up with the car's initial "bug inspired" design and specifications. Ferdinand Porche helped him develop the idea into the final product.

Same argument fucking happening here. He invented the technology behind mRNA in the 1980s and therefore deserves sole credit. You can view it however the fuck you want to, but that's how most people will view it. You can't take away the fact he is correctly credited as the most important person in the entire process.

Godstud's arguement is the same argument that resulted in the McDonalds brothers dying pennyless, since despite being the sole creators of McDonalds, they did not get any respect as the sole founders of the burger chain, until nearly 30 years after their deaths. And nearly 40 years after Kroc died.
Last edited by colliric on 16 Sep 2021 02:41, edited 2 times in total.
@colliric You are not reading what is posted, and we're not talking about comic books, and who thought about what.

Robert Malone does not deserve sole credit for mRNA technology, despite him falsely claiming it. We are sorry we discredited your usual weak source by providing facts and information.
Godstud wrote:@colliric You are not reading what is posted, and we're not talking about comic books, and who thought about what.

Robert Malone does not deserve sole credit for mRNA technology, despite him falsely claiming it. We are sorry we discredited your usual weak source by providing facts and information.

Actually he does deserve it, since without his initial work on the technology in the 1980s, they wouldn't exist. So he has every right to claim to be the inventor, just as Stan Lee correctly asserted he was the sole creator of Spiderman.

Another person Pfizer and Moderna would like to shut up:
https://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanvard ... 233e3354f7

And that's the main reason they like trashing the original people that actually created the technology behind mRNA vaccines and correctly assert their right to be credited.... the same reason Ray Kroc used to steal credit for McDonalds.... "It's all about the Benjamins". Lucky for Lee and Jobs they kept control at their companies for decades, and forced everyone to recognise their assertions. Otherwise they would have been screwed out of the royalties too.
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