Colin Powell.... - Politics | PoFo

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By colliric
I have to post this here, but I don't want to. ... index.html

Fuck him.

Lol, Covid-19 took the bastard out finally.

Since he was obviously triple vaccinated, watch as the MSM downplays the cause of his death.

President Trump is 100% right about him, he's actually right about some things you know. This is one of them.
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By Godstud
Insulting and talking ill of the recently dead is what people with no class, do. Trump's jealous of the attention it's NOT giving him.

I am not surprised you like what Trump said, @colliric , as you've always been a classless fanboy.

Even vaccinated people in poor health can die from Covid, you silly fool.
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By colliric
Godstud wrote:Insulting and talking ill of the recently dead is what people with no class, do.

Piss off. "Decorated trailblazing"? He's a fucken war criminal who killed a shitload of innocent Iraqis and supported the Afganistan Loss(correct name now!). It's funny how completely out of touch CNN has become. Celebrating war criminals who should have been executed by a firing squad.

P.s. Once again he died of Covid.... After getting fully vaccinated.

There is no reason to speak of a mass murderer with any level of respect. I hope people go and piss on his grave. It's hilarious to see people are actually defending that piece of shit just because "Trump pointed out the truth rudely".
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By Godstud
Trump is just as much a mass murderer as Powell and yet you worship the piss he leaks out? Why is that? You think drone strikes and missile strikes ended when he came into power? Are you that delusional?

Even vaccinated people can die from Covid, if their health is bad enough. You don't have to keep repeating foolishly stupid thing, in the hope it might come true if you say it enough. :knife:

Fucking dumb.

Powell, 84, died Monday of complications from COVID-19, his family said. He also had been treated for multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that impairs the body’s ability to fight infections, as well as Parkinson’s disease. Despite that Powell had been fully vaccinated, his advanced age and cancer history made him more vulnerable to severe COVID-19, medical experts say. ... lth-issues

Powell is dead. RIP. What he did in life is what he'll be judged for in death, if you so-called "Christians" believe in that. He's no worse than any of the other politicians you seem to worship.
By pugsville
colliric wrote:

Piss off. "Decorated trailblazing"? He's a fucken war criminal who killed a shitload of innocent Iraqis and supported the Afganistan Loss(correct name now!). It's funny how completely out of touch CNN has become. Celebrating war criminals who should have been executed by a firing squad.

P.s. Once again he died of Covid.... After getting fully vaccinated.

There is no reason to speak of a mass murderer with any level of respect. I hope people go and piss on his grave. It's hilarious to see people are actually defending that piece of shit just because "Trump pointed out the truth rudely".

So there were absolutely no drone strikes under the Trump presidency?
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By Godstud
In Somalia, there were a total of 263 U.S. counter-terrorism airstrikes, drone strikes, and ground raids from 2003 to 2021.Of the 263, the majority (202) occurred under the Trump administration. ... nistration.

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama’s numbers ... -s-numbers

Trump Inherited the Drone War but Ditched Accountability
Only a single formal check remains on U.S. killings worldwide.

On March 10, a U.S. drone fired a missile, turning a passenger vehicle outside Janaale, Somalia, into a heap of burnt and broken metal with fresh corpses inside. Whether the people killed that day were “terrorists” or ordinary Somalis is actively disputed. It is also a reminder that the United States’ targeted killing program persists to this day, another legacy of the forever war that has now lasted for three presidential administrations and shows no signs of stopping in the next one. Under U.S. President Donald Trump, however, an already opaque and murderous set of rules has become even more widely applied, and ever less accountable.

The elastic nature of the September 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) has stretched so far as to cover strikes in Yemen, Libya, and Somalia. The first modern drone attack, a Hellfire missile fired from a CIA-piloted Predator drone in October 2001, was covered by the AUMF, as was the airstrike in Janaale, conducted by U.S. Africa Command (Africom), itself born in the dying years of President George W. Bush ‘s administration as part of the “war on terror.”

In a press release also published March 10, Africom claimed that its attack in Jaanale killed five terrorists. Shortly after, images of the wrecked vehicle began to circulate online, some linked to al–Shabab, the terror group actively targeted by the strike, claiming that instead it had left only civilians dead. Subsequent investigations by journalists found relatives of the deceased, who attested to the innocence of their family members. ... ngs-count/
By Rich
Well I would like to express my gratitude to Colin Powell, John McCain and the tens of thousands of others who risked their lives and endured great suffering to defend the freedoms I enjoy now in Vietnam.

Colin Powell's acts of service in Vietnam stand in sharp contrast to the leftie narcissists who stood around chanting "Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi, Minh". I asked in another thread why lefties don't want to talk about America's role in fighting Communist insurgents in Thailand. Well of course part of the reason is that Thailand is "cool" and so they don't want to draw attention to America's successes in the Cold War. But another part is that Ho Chi Minh was a significant participant in the Thai Communist Party, so Thailand exposes the lie that Ho Chi Minh was a respecter of national sovereignty. It was America that fought to defend local cultures, while Ho Chi Minh sought to destroy them and replace them with Marxist Leninist totalitarianism.

As well as great physical bravery, it seems Colin Powell displayed great moral courage and leadership in covering up the My Lai atrocity, which the traitors in the Liberal media worked so hard to expose. Don't get me wrong My Lai was a horrible event, but the poor military culture that led to it should have been dealt with internally, its exposure could only aid our enemies in the struggle against the international Marxist totalitarian terror machine.
Last edited by Rich on 20 Oct 2021 23:00, edited 1 time in total.
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By Godstud
Rich wrote:As well as great physical bravery, it seems Colin Powell displayed great moral courage and leadership in covering up the Mai Lai atrocity, which the traitors in the Liberal media worked so hard to expose. Don't get me wrong Mai Lai was a horrible event, but the poor military culture that led to it should have been dealt with internally, its exposure could only aid our enemies in the struggle against the international Marxist totalitarian terror machine.
So now you're a war crime apologist. I shouldn't be surprised.
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By Potemkin
Godstud wrote:So now you're a war crime apologist. I shouldn't be surprised.

@Rich is a believer in total war, @Godstud.

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Rich wrote:Well I would like to express my gratitude to Colin Powell, John McCain and the tens of thousands of others who risked their lives and endured great suffering to defend the freedoms I enjoy now in Vietnam.

What are talking about? The imperialist dogs lost and the Vietcong won. What specific freedoms do you enjoy it present day Vietnam that you credit the USA with?
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By Godstud
The Vietnamese refer to the war as The American War. That pretty much says it all, @AFAIK.

Vietnam's a pretty nice place now, even though the "Marxist totalitarian terror machine" won the war. :roll:
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By Heisenberg
I have to be honest, Trump's statement about Powell gave me a good laugh the other day. Get that stupid lunatic back on Twitter where he belongs.

I find the saccharine drivel about him being some "honourable" trailblazer very hard to swallow. He went to the UN and consciously lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction, in order to lay the case for a war which killed a million people and displaced millions more. And yet, to read the mainstream coverage, we're supposed to believe that is all swept under the rug because he allegedly expressed some private "regret" for his role in the war later in life. :|
By Rich
Potemkin wrote:@Rich is a believer in total war, @Godstud.

If Goebbels propaganda machine could be described as one group of people making a lot of hate filled lies about another group of people then modern Cultural Marxism is the reverse. So for example when ethnic Germans in Russia were a lot more successful on average than ethnic Russians in Russia Goebbels would say that was because Germans were more intelligent, harder working and had a superior culture than Russian slavs. But when Jewish Germans in Germany were more successful than Gentile Germans in Germany, Goebbels said that was because they were immoral degenerate, lying, exploitative parasites. Um now where I have heard a narrative like that before :lol: .

Because that's exactly what Cultural Marxist's say about so called White Gentiles now. That the great achievements of Eurassen Infidels is because we're immoral degenerate, lying, exploitative parasites. Where as when Jews outperform Gentiles in the modern world that's because they are more intelligent, hard-working and conscientious and have a culture that values education.

Fortuitously modern Israel provides compelling evidence to debunk both of these narratives. The Nazis said the Jews were weak, unmanly cowards, completely lacking in warrior spirit. I think the amazing and glorious victories of the Israeli war machine over the Islamic hordes, armed to the teeth by the Soviet Union have put paid that nonsense. For starters Just check out the tank battles of the Golan in 1973 if you are seeking a modern inspiring Tolkienesque story. However the success of the Druze and Christian Arab / Phonetician minorities in Israel also casts severe doubt on the idea that Jews are inherently genetically more intelligent than Greater Europeans.
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By Godstud
@Rich Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory. Stop bringing up stupidity as an argument.
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By Rancid
Speaking ill of these political types isn't my style. They're gonna do what they're gonna do.

However, when Trump dies, that's the one I will be celebrating. If I could, I'd piss on that fuckers grave.

By B0ycey
Heisenberg wrote: he allegedly expressed some private "regret" for his role in the war later in life.

I can't say I agree Trump should be on Twitter @Heisenberg to be honest. I don't find him funny and actually think he is dangerous given his words encourage hate. Social Media is a cesspit right now and actually needs regulation like that we give to publishers in order to sort it out. And Trump on Twitter would make it worse in the meantime. But that is a whole different thread.

On Powell and this quote specifically, my opinion on it is that regret is a sign of learning and as such is something that we should consider when deciding on forgiveness. We all make mistakes I guess. Not that I think the Iraq War is something that can be washed under the carpet or that can be fully forgiven for. Only to say that Powell was just a guy who did his job, I doubt was involved in the dodgy dossier and wasn't the President making the calls. In that sense he wasn't the reason for Iraq and happened to have a role when it occurred. I don't really have an opinion on Powell. But I don't agree with speaking ill of the dead (unless they are truly evil) and unless there is evidence that ties him to the dodgy dossier, given he regretted his actions, I will just say RIP and leave it at that.
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By ThirdTerm

Trump posted the scathing comment on Gettr because Powell backed Joe Biden last year and said he viewed Trump as someone who had "drifted away" from the U.S. Constitution. Powell turned his back on a fellow Republican, siding with President Bush who was against Trump. Until his death, Powell was loyal to President Bush, for whom he lied about Iraq's WMD capabilities. Trump also attacked McCain after his death, who was responsible for the loss of Arizona in 2020. Trump is not personally on Gettr but someone is re-posting his official comments on the platform owned by Trump royalist Jason Miller.

POTUS 45 Statements
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 21 Oct 2021 00:49, edited 1 time in total.
By Rich
Godstud wrote:So now you're a war crime apologist. I shouldn't be surprised.

Do you think the Thai armed forces haven't committed atrocities both in their wars against Communist insurgents and assassins but also in their conflicts with Muslim terrorists in South Thailand. its much easier to conceal these in Thailand than the United States. Jesus in Thailand you're not even allowed to criticise the Royal Families pets imagine you want to make serious criticisms of the Thai security state. If the press get completely out of hand they can just have another coup and introduce marital law.

What happened at My Lai was wrong, very wrong. But the ultimate responsibility for that tragedy must lie with international Communism. If it hadn't been for Communist totalitarian terrorism there would have been no need for Calley and his company to be in Vietnam. Decent people have to weigh the fate of billions of people over justice for the innocent victims of My Lai. Therefore is was right to conceal My Lai in the cause of the greater good.

The problem of Vietnam was that we were trying to be at war and at peace at the same. In World War II there was a sense of collective sacrifice, there was a sense that we were all in it together, whether this was true or not. This carried over in Korea. Having one group of men put into military uniform and sent off to war and possible death in Vietnam, while another group of men got to drop and go to hippy festivals or just stay straight and build their careers was not really going to work.
By pugsville
Rich wrote:Do you think the Thai armed forces haven't committed atrocities both in their wars against Communist insurgents and assassins but also in their conflicts with Muslim terrorists in South Thailand. its much easier to conceal these in Thailand than the United States. Jesus in Thailand you're not even allowed to criticise the Royal Families pets imagine you want to make serious criticisms of the Thai security state. If the press get completely out of hand they can just have another coup and introduce marital law.

What happened at My Lai was wrong, very wrong. But the ultimate responsibility for that tragedy must lie with international Communism. If it hadn't been for Communist totalitarian terrorism there would have been no need for Calley and his company to be in Vietnam. Decent people have to weigh the fate of billions of people over justice for the innocent victims of My Lai. Therefore is was right to conceal My Lai in the cause of the greater good.

The problem of Vietnam was that we were trying to be at war and at peace at the same. In World War II there was a sense of collective sacrifice, there was a sense that we were all in it together, whether this was true or not. This carried over in Korea. Having one group of men put into military uniform and sent off to war and possible death in Vietnam, while another group of men got to drop and go to hippy festivals or just stay straight and build their careers was not really going to work.

The Ends does not justify the Means.

The responsibility for Atrocities lies 100% with those that commit them.

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