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By ArthurTandy1
From The Merriam Webster Dictionary

Fascism is a form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states. ... Three large fascist countries were Italy under Benito Mussolini, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, and Spain under Francisco Franco.
By pugsville
ArthurTandy1 wrote:From The Merriam Webster Dictionary

Fascism is a form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states. ... Three large fascist countries were Italy under Benito Mussolini, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, and Spain under Francisco Franco.

Use a better dictionary. Merriam Webster, Seesh. Junk end of dictionaries.
By ArthurTandy1
Merriam-Webster is a wonderful and reliable source for information.
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By Wellsy
I liked this exploration of fascism as simply the expropriative aspect of capitalism and that examples of 20th century fascism were simply nation states late or wanting a part of colonialist empire building.

That its ideological basis is always present in liberal nations but isn’t needed as it has already undergone the violent process of primitive accumulation.
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By Potemkin
Wellsy wrote:I liked this exploration of fascism as simply the expropriative aspect of capitalism and that examples of 20th century fascism were simply nation states late or wanting a part of colonialist empire building.

That its ideological basis is always present in liberal nations but isn’t needed as it has already undergone the violent process of primitive accumulation.

Indeed. Fascism is a reaction against the transition from a traditional rural-based society to a modern(ist) urban-based society. This also explains why fascism usually took an anti-semitic turn - the Jews were associated with modernity and urban living, and were perceived as being detached from the traditional rural values which the fascists held so dear. They were blamed for imposing modernity on the hapless rural nativist population, and resisting modernity required resisting the Jews. In nations with a negligible Jewish population of course, such as Italy, this anti-semitic turn did not occur, until Hitler insisted on it.

This also explains why fascism can’t get anywhere in Europe or the US now - the nations of Europe and North America have long ago completed the transition to modernity. That trauma is in the distant past. In Latin American, African or some Asian nations, of course, fascism is still alive and well and seen as a legitimate form of governance, precisely because that transition to modernity has not yet been completed.
By pugsville
ArthurTandy1 wrote:Merriam-Webster is a wonderful and reliable source for information.

It;s hive of misinformation and moral decay of language,.

If the Americans are not willing to speak a proper English they should have the decency to get their own language.
Fascism is an ultra-nationalist far-right ideology where all are expected to submit and strive for the benefit of the nation and nation-state led by a totalitarian dictator. Also embraces social darwinism and Nietzsche-ian "master morality" concepts where the weak and weakness are looked down upon in favor of a survival of the fittest mentality such as occurs in nature.

Fascism's emphasis is on furthering the interests of the nation, as opposed to liberal democracy which is about furthering the interests of the individual, and communism which seeks to further the interests of the proletariat workers. Economically that means liberalism is based on capitalism (freedom of private exchange), communism is socialist, and fascism rejects both of these in favor of that which furthers the nation as a whole. In the 30's/40's fascist states used corporatism but i think the overarching goal was harmonious relations of classes and industries to further national interests and power, so any economic system to that end would suffice.
By ArthurTandy1
I don't see a source for that definition. Did you get it from your dog?
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By Potemkin
ArthurTandy1 wrote:I don't see a source for that definition. Did you get it from your dog?

Your Merriam Webster dictionary definition describes almost every government which has ever existed throughout human history. You need to invest in a better dictionary; or better yet, start thinking for yourself.
By late
pugsville wrote:
It;s hive of misinformation and moral decay of language,.

If the Americans are not willing to speak a proper English they should have the decency to get their own language.

Your spelling of "It;s" is dubious. Might it be the result of moral decay?

It's not "a proper English", the "a" is superfluous, 'proper English' will do nicely.

Also, we do have our own language. Granted, we stole it from you, but we muddle along, best we can.
By Rich
I've got be honest with you are, I do find you're average liberal / leftie extremely ignorant.

Fascism is essentially just the Italian word for Unionism or Trade Unionism. In my experience your average liberal / leftie is not aware of this fact. Some Liberal / Lefties do know this, its quite difficult not to know this if you speak Italian, but they seem to have been quite successful in keeping their liberal / leftie friends ignorant.

Of course its common practice to re-employ foreign words for different meanings. And that has been done with "fascism". but fascism had no resoanable definition so I have taken it upon myself to define it as a cross time phenomena that is

anti free speech
anti democracy
anti individual liberty
anti individual property rights
anti "free" market
anti protest (unless its the fascists that are protesting of course)
anti pluralism

I'm an anti racist. In particular I oppose the racist bigotry against Arabs and other non Jewish Semitic speakers of the Middle East and North Africa, that says they are biologically inferior. The term "anti-Semitism" was original used against this bigotry. Many bigots thought Jews, particular the Ashkenazi are smart, Arabs are stupid, therefore the Ashkenazi can't be descended from Semites. Hence anti-Semitism was originally used against the claim that the Ashkenazi were descended from the Turks.

Of course for me as an anti racist its really not that important whether the Ashkenazi are descended from Semites, Turkic peoples or Germanic. Because of Occam's razor I tend to go with the latter, as Yiddish is a Germanic language, closer to German than English, it seems reasonable to have a working assumption that the Ashkenazi are mainly Germanic in their biological heritage. Semitic cultures contributed hugely to humanity's progress before they became completely Islamified.

However the Nazis (along with most late nineteenth century and early twentieth century European Jew haters) shared a racist contempt with most Zionists for the Arabs and other Semites. Hence it suited both the Nazis and the Zionists to twist the term anti-Semitism into its opposite meaning of hatred or believing in the inferiority of Jews, particularly the Ashkenazi. In the early years of Nazi rule the Nazis and the Zionists were in alliance, in building the Jewish homeland in Palestine. Every time one uses the term anti-Semitism to mean bigotry against Jews one reinforces the idea that Jewish life is much more important than the life of non Jewish Semites. One reinforces the idea that Jews are the only Semites that really matter.
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By Potemkin
Hence anti-Semitism was originally used against the claim that the Ashkenazi were descended from the Turks.

Turks are not Arabs, @Rich. Being anti-semitic towards Turks (I assume you are referring to the Khazars) is nonsensical.
By ArthurTandy1
Antisemitism was coined in the 19th century to refer only to hatred of Jews. It amazes me that anyone would not take the trouble to look that up.
By ArthurTandy1
Fascist was a political party in Italy from 1920 to 1945. It was a one party state with a dictator in charge. His name was Mussolini. He was an antisemite and a racist who made war on several countries in Africa. He killed his political opponents and banned free speech. He was an ally of Adolph Hitler.
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By Potemkin
ArthurTandy1 wrote:Fascist was a political party in Italy from 1920 to 1945. It was a one party state with a dictator in charge. His name was Mussolini. He was an antisemite and a racist who made war on several countries in Africa. He killed his political opponents and banned free speech. He was an ally of Adolph Hitler.

Mussolini was not an anti-semite. At least, not until Hitler insisted that he become one. Fascism is not, in and of itself, an anti-semitic ideology.
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By XogGyux
ArthurTandy1 wrote:I don't take orders from people I don't know.

LOL, that is not an order, so much as it is advice/opinion. If you don't like random strangers giving you opinions/advice, perhaps reconsider posting your shit on the internet, which is full of strangers with lots of opinions.

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