Dr. Mark Hyman: America's Toxic Diet to Blame For Covid Deaths - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Yep, he talks about Obesity, Diabetes and goes into great lengths on why doesn't America have Vit D Mandates??? Cheap cheap and so many died with this deficiency.


Hyman pointed to research from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy on the impact of comorbidities on COVID cases in adults.

The study, published in early 2021 in the Journal of the American Heart Association, found nearly two-thirds of COVID hospitalizations in adults were linked to at least one pre-existing condition: obesity, hypertension, diabetes and heart failure.

“Our new research on obesity, diabetes and COVID suggests 63% of U.S. hospitalizations for COVID may have been prevented, due to less severe illness, if we had a metabolically healthy population.

“This is a wake-up call to improve our nation’s metabolic health through improvements to diet and physical activity, both for this pandemic and the future ones certain to come.”

Hyman also cited a study that found people with a vitamin D level over 50 have close to a zero chance of dying from COVID. “There’s no zero from any other drug or vaccine,” Hyman said.

“Why don’t we have a vitamin D mandate?” he asked. “It should be given out free to everyone. It’s super cheap and very safe.”

Hyman stressed that the human body is not a bunch of parts stuck together randomly. It’s a “dynamic, adaptive and complex system that’s constantly evolving and changing in relation to the environment, diet, environmental toxins, stress and our thoughts and feelings,” he said.

In the interview, Hyman reveals two simple questions everyone should ask when it comes to getting their health on track.

Watch the interview here:

you are not striving for good health. you are just parroting nonsense and need to open a thread for any every other nonsense. how is this stupid thread going to be different from all the other covid hating nonsensical threads. :knife:
You people lose their head for a weaksauce vaccine mandate. Imagine if the goverment starts regulating diet so that people don't die from being fat or diabetic :lol:
jaminhealth wrote:
Striving for good health is NOT conspiracy theory :?: :?:

No good health is my passion and I don't get tired of talking about it where appropriate.

XogGyux wrote:
you are not striving for good health. you are just parroting nonsense and need to open a thread for any every other nonsense. how is this stupid thread going to be different from all the other covid hating nonsensical threads. :knife:
You people lose their head for a weaksauce vaccine mandate. Imagine if the goverment starts regulating diet so that people don't die from being fat or diabetic :lol:

I think you're conflating politics / demographics, with health / demographics.

JH seems to be here for the *health* stuff (which I've recently familiarized myself with, in recent years), and not so much for the *politics*, at least on *this* thread.

I don't doubt the Vitamin D claim, I'm sure it's accurate, and Hyman is doing a *public service*, ultimately, in my book.

You're sounding more like a Western medicine chauvinist, unfortunately, XG.
ckaihatsu wrote:Nor'Noreastern medicine -- ? (grin)

There is just medicine. Oftentimes when you start putting modifiers such as "alternative medicine" you are referring to some vodoo shit that is not backed up by evidence.

Okay, I got one for ya -- what do you think about 'alkalinity theory', which is certainly not Western canon, but can't be easily laughed-off, either. It's better-known as 'Eat your fruits and vegetables [to prevent gout (etc.)]'.

Alkalinity as in alkaline water? If so, that is nonsense. Otherwise, what are you referring to?

"Eat your fruits and vegetables to prevent gout" is not some sort of "alternative to western medicine" shit. Gout is the deposition of uric acid. There is a lot of uric acid on red meats for instance, so if you eat vegetables and fruits INSTEAD of red meats and alcohol will be helpful. This is not an strange concept to medicine at all.
XogGyux wrote:
There is just medicine. Oftentimes when you start putting modifiers such as "alternative medicine" you are referring to some vodoo shit that is not backed up by evidence.

Alkalinity as in alkaline water? If so, that is nonsense. Otherwise, what are you referring to?

"Eat your fruits and vegetables to prevent gout" is not some sort of "alternative to western medicine" shit. Gout is the deposition of uric acid. There is a lot of uric acid on red meats for instance, so if you eat vegetables and fruits INSTEAD of red meats and alcohol will be helpful. This is not an strange concept to medicine at all.

No, alkalinity as in *antioxidation*, particularly. The Western-medicine approach to the body and health is mechanistic, reductionist, and tends to focus on *pathology* instead of on everyday constructive *health* / prevention.
ckaihatsu wrote:No, alkalinity as in *antioxidation*, particularly.

Are you suggesting that "western medicine" is unaware of free radicals and its effect on damaging DNA and potentially having a role on cancer and aging?

The Western-medicine approach to the body and health is mechanistic, reductionist, and tends to focus on *pathology* instead of on everyday constructive *health* / prevention.

Well. This is is obviously not accurate. We do a great deal of prevention. What do you think is blood pressure control? It is to prevent strokes and heart attacks. If people with high blood pressure would not have MIs and Strokes, I am sure we wouldn't worry too much about blood pressures. What do you think is the role of colonoscopy, mammography, dexa scans, papsmears? Ironically, given the OP.... what do you think it is the role of vaccines? Why do you think your doctor (hopefully) asks you if you smoke? (and if you do I am sure he/she might have suggested you quit).
We hear a lot of shit from some people "doctors don't seem to care about healthy diets". That is a myth.
The OP seems to hint "doctors don't care about vitamin D". Which ofcourse it is nonsense. Its importance is in the name. Vitamin (vital....). They are obviously imprecindible. However, there need not be much excitement. The average western diet has the necessary vitamins and unless you are deficient it does not need to be added. In fact, you might risk intoxication. There are many vitamins that people can overdose.

jaminhealth wrote:[u]Hyman also cited a study that found people with a vitamin D level over 50 have close to a zero chance of dying from COVID. “There’s no zero from any other drug or vaccine,” Hyman said.

LOL Correlation does not equal causation. I am sure the rate of people dying with covid that also own a Ferrari are very low as well.
You must learn about co-founding variables. The people with those levels of vitamin D are likely younger individuals that see a lot of sun exposure, presumably, they are healthier (because they are able to go outside were the sun is). So the lower mortality can easily be explained by just being a younger/healthier individual, rather than by the ridiculously high Vit D levels.
XogGyux wrote:
Are you suggesting that "western medicine" is unaware of free radicals and its effect on damaging DNA and potentially having a role on cancer and aging?

You've *got* to admit that it's certainly not front-and-center, as a founding theory of why disease happens in the body in the first place -- which it *does* explain, btw.

XogGyux wrote:
Well. This is is obviously not accurate. We do a great deal of prevention. What do you think is blood pressure control? It is to prevent strokes and heart attacks. If people with high blood pressure would not have MIs and Strokes, I am sure we wouldn't worry too much about blood pressures. What do you think is the role of colonoscopy, mammography, dexa scans, papsmears? Ironically, given the OP.... what do you think it is the role of vaccines? Why do you think your doctor (hopefully) asks you if you smoke? (and if you do I am sure he/she might have suggested you quit).
We hear a lot of shit from some people "doctors don't seem to care about healthy diets". That is a myth.
The OP seems to hint "doctors don't care about vitamin D". Which ofcourse it is nonsense. Its importance is in the name. Vitamin (vital....). They are obviously imprecindible. However, there need not be much excitement. The average western diet has the necessary vitamins and unless you are deficient it does not need to be added. In fact, you might risk intoxication. There are many vitamins that people can overdose.

Okay, sure, yeah, it's an *industry*, and I'm not denying the capitalistic aspect of any of it, seen side-by-side with the Western / norm.

XogGyux wrote:
LOL Correlation does not equal causation. I am sure the rate of people dying with covid that also own a Ferrari are very low as well.
You must learn about co-founding variables. The people with those levels of vitamin D are likely younger individuals that see a lot of sun exposure, presumably, they are healthier (because they are able to go outside were the sun is). So the lower mortality can easily be explained by just being a younger/healthier individual, rather than by the ridiculously high Vit D levels.

Ehhhh, this is too blithely *dismissive* -- doing actual science would mean that you'd have to entertain it -- Vitamin D supplements -- as a *hypothesis* at least, versus the coronavirus.
ckaihatsu wrote:You've *got* to admit that it's certainly not front-and-center, as a founding theory of why disease happens in the body in the first place -- which it *does* explain, btw.

I think you are wrong. This is something that has been part of our knowledge and training for decades now. Wether we have the technologies/resources to do anything about it at this point in time is another whole story and it might explain why you don't necessarily hear anything about this from your doctors.

Ehhhh, this is too blithely *dismissive* -- doing actual science would mean that you'd have to entertain it -- Vitamin D supplements -- as a *hypothesis* at least, versus the coronavirus.

Again, not accurate. This seems to imply that you think we have not made any research on Vitamin D, and this is blatantly false.
What you perceive as "dismissive" it is not. If anything it is "mild annoyance". You have to take this into context, the OP does not really care about science or vitamin D or any of that. He is just going around the forum opening thread after thread of whatever nonsense is considered "alternative treatment" to covid by these lunatics. And of course, this is extremely dangerous. Once-A-Day multivitamin with Vit D IS NOT an alternative to vaccines, it is not an alternative to antivirals and monoclonal antibiotics when it comes to avoiding disease progression, and it is not a treatment for COVID 19.
To the extent that anyone might be deficient on vitamin D (or any other vitamin for that matter), of course they should have it supplemented and replaced to normal levels. This is not news.
And again, I reiterate. Just because you see a signal on an observational study linking vitamin D deficiency with COVID. This means squat shit. Older people, obese people, people with kidney disease all tend to have lower levels of vitamin D and we know that these people are at higher risk for covid. Cofounding variables!
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