Sig 164: Farmers and Truckers work for a living - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Talk about and show off personal signature and avatar images.

Sputnik wrote:'Karma': Indians Get Back at Canada's Trudeau
as Truckers' Protest Cripples Ottawa

...While the protests in India were underway, Trudeau had stated that his government stood firmly behind the farmers' right to protest.

In November, the Indian government ultimately buckled to the demands of the protesting farmers and decided to withdraw the three controversial farm laws that sparked the demonstrations.
Several Indian social media users said over the weekend that they supported the truckers' protest, the same way Trudeau had lent his weight to India's protesting farmers.

Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga, a politician from India's governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), urged Prime Minister Trudeau to hold a dialogue with the protesting truckers instead of going into "hiding".

In Upper Class Twit theory, it's alright to let working class people protest thousands of kilometers away - but not in your own backyard which is full of people that you own.

Christia Freeland is his deputy. Her husband writes for the New York Times. She is very involved in Ukrainian and Russian affairs... unlike 99% of Canadians who are more interested in Canadian affairs (and Quebec affairs).

Globalist service-workers all.

The last prime minister who suspended all human rights in order to maintain control of a situation.... was Justin's dad, Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

In 1970, two government ministers were kidnapped, so Trudeau the First decided that Montreal would be under martial law, and separatists would be arrested with no charges, and imprisoned without rights.

Many people speculated that the RCMP arranged the kidnappings themselves, and that this was an example of false flagging a legitimate protest.

But Daddy Trudeau just arrogantly snapped his fingers, knowing that the private banks and commercial media were right behind the curtain. It was great TV, and that's all people noticed in the 70s.

A few years later, amid all the cacaphone of Quebec's interior changes, Pierre Elliot Trudeau gave Canada's financial control to private banks, and we have had deficits every year since.

[url="[url=]Mohawk Nation[/url]"]Pierre Elliott Trudeau put Canada into debt slavery with the international bankers. In 1974 he fraudulently gave power to the private banks to print the money at interest. For the first time in Canadian history Canadians had to learn the meaning of “deficit”. Every child at birth owes $85,000 to the banksters, the Crown. [Look on internet for each person’s share of the national deficit]. The plan is no one will ever get out of debt. [/url]

Before 1974, Canada's federal government would print currency (Bank of Canada is state owned) to make up for any deficits. But in 1974, Pierre Trudeau's government changed the system so that Canada would "borrow from private banks" to pay any deficit. And Canada has had deficits every year since this time.


So Justin's family - like the Clinton Family - are loyal to Banksters. This might be Justin and Hillary's main qualification.
And it might be Chrystia's role as well.

Sig 164 bis


Same concept, different message.
With new text accompaniment.

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed,
they must rely exclusively on force ― George Orwell

This is a quote I borrowed from a "right-wing" website, whatever that means.

I don't think Orwell himself would have considered himself part of a wing.

"Pity the nation whose people are sheep and whose shepherds mislead them…
Who allow their rights to erode and their freedoms to be washed away."
– Lawrence Ferlinghetti

This quote, on the perils of poor leadership and poor social hierarchies, is borrowed from this article.

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