Now 85% of American adults think the country is on the wrong track under Joe Biden - Politics | PoFo

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Now 85% of American adults think the country is on the wrong track under Joe Biden and 79% say the economy is poor in yet another dire poll
June 29, 2022

The AP found that a majority of Americans are unhappy with the economy
It comes after inflation saw another four-decade high of 8.6 percent last month
Eight in 10 of Democrats said the country is going in the wrong direction :D :D :D :lol: :D :D :D
'If it's my fault, why is it the case in every other major industrial country in the world that inflation is higher?' Biden told the Associated Press this month ... -poll.html




I actually took part in this poll , as a member of the YouGov survey panel. What people don't seem to realize is that the poll didn't ask us to elaborate as to exactly why we might feel that the United States is going down the wrong track. So, for instance, someone on the radical left might think that Pres. Biden hasn't done enough to effectively address the various perceived social ills, and that perhaps the United States should become a socialist republic, and their dissatisfaction would be aggregated with others whom have different grievances. Oh well, at least as an incentive I received a number of points, which I can add to those I'm saving up to redeem for up to 100$ per year, on average. This is why I complete such opinion surveys, no matter how flawed they might be. I have to earn money somehow. And since the reward doesn't count as income, as I am not considered an employee, it's exempt from taxation. Such has been my life in this real life game of Mall Madness that the American post-inustrial service economy has increasingly been turning into, in my opinion. This is the wrong track that I feel this nation has been heading down, especially as it pertains to the young precariat . As I have mentioned before elsewhere on this site, we young people have increasingly tended to feel dissatisfied with liberalism, classical and social alike, and instead have become favorably disposed towards populism, of the left as well as the right. Accompanying our sense of alienation, is a rise in radicalization, among the population of our generation. For instance, in Japan, where this sort of situation is ever more prevalent, it has been noted that the dispossessed young people have developed an interest in Communism. ,
BlutoSays wrote:Now 85% of American adults think the country is on the wrong track under Joe Biden and 79% say the economy is poor in yet another dire poll
June 29, 2022

The AP found that a majority of Americans are unhappy with the economy
It comes after inflation saw another four-decade high of 8.6 percent last month
Eight in 10 of Democrats said the country is going in the wrong direction :D :D :D :lol: :D :D :D
'If it's my fault, why is it the case in every other major industrial country in the world that inflation is higher?' Biden told the Associated Press this month ... -poll.html





It;s the republicans working hard to steal the next election after trump efforts failed.

Bluto does not respect democracy, people have only the right to vote for HIS candidate,

Bluto does not respect the rule of law, only his enemies commit crimes.
Joe Biden is doing great. His approval rating is above where Truman was at this stage of his Presidency.

Now i suppose the Biden haters will manage to spin this as negative for Biden just because his approval rating is below where Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, H Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama and Trump were at the respective stages of their presidencies.
Come to think of it, if Biden is this low and the Repubs still lose the upcoming election, they must be REALLY bad.

If I were BlutoSays I'd actually find points on how Repubs did and will do good for everyone. As such I consider Scamp a slightly better propagandist.
OP was wrong! There's always a first time.
Blutosays@Blutosays, can't you do ANYTHING right? :D

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88% Of Americans Believe Country On "Wrong Track" Amid Inflation Storm, Poll Says

The number of Americans in financial distress continues to soar, as the latest Labor Department report shows the consumer-price index at a 40-year high of 8.6% annually. The Monmouth University Polling Institute commissioned a new study that found a majority of Americans believe the nation is on the "wrong track" because of President Biden's economic policies.

Monmouth conducted the survey in late June and asked eleven questions to 978 adults age 18 and older. One question that piqued our interest was Question Six. It asked: "Would you say things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they gotten off on the wrong track?"

Not surprisingly, considering the inflation situation and impending economic downturn, 88% of respondents answered "wrong track."


Economic concerns tend to rise to the top of the list of family concerns, as you might expect, but the singular impact of inflation is really hitting home right now," Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, wrote in the study.

Murray added: "And most Americans are blaming Washington for their current pain."

When respondents were questioned about their "current financial situation," 42% said they were "struggling."


The study results mirror the weak performance of Biden's job approval data, at a record low of around 38%.

Even with 22 straight days of gasoline declines at the pump, the president's approval rating has yet to turn higher meaningfully -- and suggests failed "Bidenomics" has scarred many working-class folks.

The state of the consumer is concerning. Many have maxed out their credit cards and drained savings to survive the inflation storm. Millions are on the verge of eviction as they can no longer pay rent. Inflation has crippled many households, and the cure to inflation is a recession, which may inflict even more pain with increasing job loss.

High inflation is becoming hard to ignore, and the administration continues to scapegoat Russia for the highest inflation rate in 40 years.

"We've got a long way to go because of inflation, because of – I call it the Putin tax increase – Putin because of gasoline and all that grain he's keeping from being able to get to the market," Biden said on Wednesday in a speech to a union group in Ohio.

Monmouth's newest survey is a wake-up call for the Biden folks who assured everyone inflation "transitory" had been one of the worst calls in decades. The result is crushing the middle class (or whatever is left). People will take their anger out on "Bidenomics" at the polls and vote with their empty wallets come midterm elections. ... polls-says

Monmouth Poll: ... us_070522/
I agree with @BlutoSays. America is on the wrong track.

The oligarchs need to be arrested, and their assets nationalized. The GOP needs to be banned. Protestant Christianity abolished. Abortion of all white babies mandatory. Communism installed.

Only then will America be finally on the right track.

I am glad that me and @BlutoSays finally see eye to eye. Biden is not enough. Where is our American Stalin to usher in an era of progress and forward-thinking? Down with Biden. Up with the USSA. Praise Comrade @BlutoSays!
Fasces wrote:I agree with @BlutoSays. America is on the wrong track.

The oligarchs need to be arrested, and their assets nationalized. The GOP needs to be banned. Protestant Christianity abolished. Abortion of all white babies mandatory. Communism installed.

Only then will America be finally on the right track.

I am glad that me and @BlutoSays finally see eye to eye. Biden is not enough. Where is our American Stalin to usher in an era of progress and forward-thinking? Down with Biden. Up with the USSA. Praise Comrade @BlutoSays!

Da tovarish!

Fasces wrote:I agree with @BlutoSays. America is on the wrong track.

The oligarchs need to be arrested, and their assets nationalized. The GOP needs to be banned. Protestant Christianity abolished. Abortion of all white babies mandatory. Communism installed.

Only then will America be finally on the right track.

I am glad that me and @BlutoSays finally see eye to eye. Biden is not enough. Where is our American Stalin to usher in an era of progress and forward-thinking? Down with Biden. Up with the USSA. Praise Comrade @BlutoSays!

Sigh. :(

Why am I not surprised that US americans think that the soviet union was a communism. :eh:

Sure, fight barbarism with barbarism. Just like one fights fire with fire. That totally should work like a charm !
US economy, compared to the rest of the world, which is ALSO suffering high inflation(it almost seems like it's not a uniquely American problem... :hmm: ), seems to be doing pretty good. It has the highest exchange rates in the last 8 years. My American friends are quite happy with that, but look for the tiniest of errors to lambaste Biden, because they didn't vote for him. Americans are stupid(generalization, but particularly accurate when it comes to Republicans who'd rather have Putin for their leader than Biden.).
@Godstud , a number of other countries have price stabilization , so that inflation doesn't get too out of hand , due to the business cycle. I am not sure that the United States has such a policy though. And though I do not entirely agree with @Fasces , in what I take to have been tongue in cheek hyperbole. I do feel that Vietnam has the right idea as to how to implement price controls, within a market based economy. A number of leading economists agree that price controls are warranted to counteract inflation. ,

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