Time to go to war against Iran - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Salman Rushdie: Author in surgery after being stabbed on stage wrote:Author Salman Rushdie, who suffered years of Islamist death threats after writing The Satanic Verses, has been stabbed on stage in New York state.

The Booker Prize winner, 75, was speaking at an event at the Chautauqua Institution at the time.

New York State Police said a man ran up onto the stage and attacked Mr Rushdie, who is now undergoing surgery at a local trauma centre.

Police detained a suspect named as Hadi Matar, 24, from Fairview, New Jersey.

Really have we not tolerated enough of this nonsense? imagine if Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia publicly ordered his supporters to murder a distinguished British and American resident. imagine if Russia allowed its citizens to put out a bounty on the head of a distinguished British and American resident. This is what Iran has done. These are acts of war. Its time to respond in kind.

As always I'm a man of peace and moderation. So before going to war we should give Iran a way out. They must agree to extradite all those suspected of criminal offenses in relation to Rushdie and anyone else whose criticised Islam. They must give unfettered access to investigators, and they must allow us to send in security forces to protect those investigators. Failure to agree to all demands within 48 hours should lead to war. We should invoke the NATO treaty and give Sweden and Finland a chance to test their new NATO metal.
Rich wrote:Really have we not tolerated enough of this nonsense? imagine if Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia publicly ordered his supporters to murder a distinguished British and American resident. imagine if Russia allowed its citizens to put out a bounty on the head of a distinguished British and American resident. This is what Iran has done. These are acts of war. Its time to respond in kind.

As always I'm a man of peace and moderation. So before going to war we should give Iran a way out. They must agree to extradite all those suspected of criminal offenses in relation to Rushdie and anyone else whose criticised Islam. They must give unfettered access to investigators, and they must allow us to send in security forces to protect those investigators. Failure to agree to all demands within 48 hours should lead to war. We should invoke the NATO treaty and give Sweden and Finland a chance to test their new NATO metal.

You see yourself as a man of peace and moderation? Personally, I think you swing from one extreme to the other, either wanting nothing to be done or nuclear holocaust.

The people who, as you put it, "all those suspected of criminal offenses in relation to Rushdie" include the very highest authority in the nation. Your crack-pipe dream of any such demands being met, being delivered with a threat and an ultimation no less, is ridiculous. You are smart enough to know that they are, which means that you either want a war with Iran or you want to LARP a liberal Neo-Con demagogue hoping to destroy the current political structure in the West.

Involving NATO in this tells me you really hate NATO and want to blatantly demonstrate what a warmongering, Imperalist organisation it really is. Fair enough, I'm not a great fan of NATO either. Sweden and Finland are not members yet and thus not obligated to join any military action under article 5 of collective defence. Which brings me to the last part; if you really think this constitutes an act of war by Iran on a NATO member, you are truly out of your mind. But I don't think you really believe that, so please, keep trolling around. :)
MadMonk wrote:You see yourself as a man of peace and moderation? Personally, I think you swing from one extreme to the other, either wanting nothing to be done or nuclear holocaust.

Iran does not have nuclear weapons. By war I mean the destruction of the Iranian Islamic state's military and security infrastructure, util such point as they capitulate. I'm not suggesting we occupy the country, but we can be open to supporting independence movements like the Balochi.

But I don't think you really believe that, so please, keep trolling around. :)

I'm not trolling. I'm suggesting we should have some courage and stand up to these murderous bullies. Using NATO to force Crimean's back into Ukraine would certainly be an evil aggressive policy, but not allowing Muslims to get away with murder is not aggressive, it is purely defensive. Iran has engaged in acts of war. Lets stop pretending that it hasn't.
Rich wrote:Really have we not tolerated enough of this nonsense? imagine if Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia publicly ordered his supporters to murder a distinguished British and American resident. imagine if Russia allowed its citizens to put out a bounty on the head of a distinguished British and American resident. This is what Iran has done. These are acts of war. Its time to respond in kind.

As always I'm a man of peace and moderation. So before going to war we should give Iran a way out. They must agree to extradite all those suspected of criminal offenses in relation to Rushdie and anyone else whose criticised Islam. They must give unfettered access to investigators, and they must allow us to send in security forces to protect those investigators. Failure to agree to all demands within 48 hours should lead to war. We should invoke the NATO treaty and give Sweden and Finland a chance to test their new NATO metal.

At the very least more sanctions on Iran seem appropriate. Limited military campaign especially against Iranian drone production facilities, military production facilities and military industry along with important military instalations is also okay.
Rich wrote:Iran does not have nuclear weapons.

We do not know. I read on the iran defense forum, Iranian scientist were in North-Korea at the first nuke test. Israel also did not conduct a test. Their scientists were in South-Africa.

Iran has a secret agenda: Conquest of Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina, then is the supreme leader Khalif al Ummah, leader of all muslims, all muslims would have to obey him according muslim tradition.

The Sharia got forgotten Chomeini reintroduced it and he had the plan to make Theheran, capitol of all muslim states.
There is no way to conduct 'limited bombings' of Iran without serious reciprocal action. Iran is not isolated and defenseless. It has allies on a regional level that could conduct attacks directly on Israel, Saudi Arabia and other Us allies. It has a world class global intelligence service that could stage massive attacks on western targets.

This would result in an escalation, and another trillion dollar war the US would lose, but after ruining yet another country and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.

It's all so tiresome. Leave it the fuck alone, you're 20,000km away. Just hands off. This is not your backyard.
As appalling as what happened to Mr Rushdie is, and as tempting as it might me, I don’t think going to war is the answer . Bomb Iran - we all lose on so many levels. Iran, the country should be protected at all costs.

I wonder what Salman Rushdie thinks should happen. I hope someone asks him.
Rugoz wrote:Not to blame the victim here, but bodyguards would have been helpful.

If anything the guardian council should be wiped out.

I read that they were checking people for food and drink but no bag checks. I’m not a proponent for OTT security … but you know, it was Salman Rushdie.

Poor man thought he’d got his life back; what a cruel twist :hmm:
You can tell the American war-mongers here by who is shouting for war. One man had someone attack him. That is not justification for the deaths of tens of thousands, or more. You guys are fucking delusional if that's what you think!

I doubt Salman Rushdie would support fucktards asking for a war in his name, simply because yet another extremist made an attempt to kill him.
Rich wrote:Really have we not tolerated enough of this nonsense? imagine if Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia publicly ordered his supporters to murder a distinguished British and American resident. imagine if Russia allowed its citizens to put out a bounty on the head of a distinguished British and American resident. This is what Iran has done. These are acts of war. Its time to respond in kind.

As always I'm a man of peace and moderation. So before going to war we should give Iran a way out. They must agree to extradite all those suspected of criminal offenses in relation to Rushdie and anyone else whose criticised Islam. They must give unfettered access to investigators, and they must allow us to send in security forces to protect those investigators. Failure to agree to all demands within 48 hours should lead to war. We should invoke the NATO treaty and give Sweden and Finland a chance to test their new NATO metal.

What is the goal here?
What can be achieved with what force over what time period?

You think if the US bombs Iran a lot somehow a regime that thinks warm fuzzy thoughts and moderation is going to arise?

Yeah the Rushdie thing is bad thing. There should be consequences. But violence is blunt tool Have wars in the middle east in recent decades not shown how expensive they are and how are they difficult;to end in something that actually achieves stuff and ,makes the world better?

Making wild threats and starting a war that unlikely to achieve anything of value an enormous cost is not a smart move.
It is perhaps time for a world war, Totalitarianism vs. Freedom.


No, Iran is committed to Khomeini's teachings and he wanted Theheran to become the capitol of muslim fundamentalist super-state / "Caliphate".

Who would know "Salmand Rushdie" or "Charlie Hebdo" without extreme violent reactions... nobody... it is not a majority muslim country where this was printed so the common people give a fuck, but there are about 25% Sharia-Fans in the Muslim world

The Extremists know well how to bring a situation to boil...

Post Scriptum

Me like the majority of mankind believes in God, my opinion is nobodies religous feelings should be hurted in public, in private even the worst jokes are O.K.
WHHHYYYY do people want to do this shit? They have no idea or concept what they are asking for. If somebody wants to go to war with Iran, then they need to be the first infantryman on the frontlines leading the charge into Iran. Anybody who advocates for war, needs to be the first man on the front lines serving as an infantryman, armed with a weapon and leading the charge. We'll see how loud their calls for war will be then. They should also require their kids to serve too, as infantrymen, on the front lines. Otherwise, just SHUT UP. Nobody wants to hear from your loud mouth.

Godstud wrote:You can tell the American war-mongers here by who is shouting for war. One man had someone attack him. That is not justification for the deaths of tens of thousands, or more. You guys are fucking delusional if that's what you think!

I doubt Salman Rushdie would support fucktards asking for a war in his name, simply because yet another extremist made an attempt to kill him.

The ones who call for war the loudest are usually the ones who will not be doing any of the fighting or dying nor have any of their family members doing the fighting and dying. They just need to SHUT THEIR MOUTHS because they have no idea what they are asking for and they aren't willing to put their lives at stake along with the lives of their family members. Why should anybody follow them when they aren't willing to walk the walk and put their lives at stake for what they advocate for?
Politics_Observer wrote:Anybody who advocates for war, needs to be the first man on the front lines serving as an infantryman, armed with a weapon and leading the charge. We'll see how loud their calls for war will be then. They should also require their kids to serve too, as infantrymen, on the front lines. Otherwise, just SHUT UP. Nobody wants to hear from your loud mouth.

What an absurd notion. At the beginning we would probably not even have planes operating over Iran. initially it would be massive campaign of stand off missile strikes, drones and cyber. We wouldn't even have our Navy in too close to the Iranian coast. We would probably want to insert special forces teams at some point to secure nuclear materials, seize key people and destroy certain facilitates, that can not be secured from the air. But at no point would there be any reason to send in conscripts or hastily trained infantry.
Rich wrote:What an absurd notion. At the beginning we would probably not even have planes operating over Iran. initially it would be massive campaign of stand off missile strikes, drones and cyber. We wouldn't even have our Navy in too close to the Iranian coast. We would probably want to insert special forces teams at some point to secure nuclear materials, seize key people and destroy certain facilitates, that can not be secured from the air. But at no point would there be any reason to send in conscripts or hastily trained infantry.

This will not work. Iran has a lot of rockets, they showed Trump their precision.

Send the Israelis and Saudis, Iran is their problem.
How about instead of being idiots, you prevent a war, instead, and don't over-react like a bunch of teenaged girls?

One man was attacked by an extremist. That is not justification for bombing anyone, and killing people. Nor is it a solution to prevent future such things from happening. If anything, it would cause MORE extremists to be born.

People calling for a bombing(possibly killing thousands of people), for an attempted murder, are just braindead morons who lack any sort of moral or ethical foundation.

If you want to do something, pick up a gun and go to Iran, and STFU.
Now would be a great time for TLAMs to wipe out a few Iranian military bases and the tents their leadership occupy. :D

But once again, we have feeble Biden bending us over. Bracing for sternly worded memoranda from this administration with the proper font and logo.

Sandzak wrote:No, Iran is committed to Khomeini's teachings and he wanted Theheran to become the capitol of muslim fundamentalist super-state / "Caliphate".

Again, shiites are theologically opposed to a Caliph and/or Caliphate.

As for capital of the Muslim world... the Pope teaches that Christendom should be reunited (Protestants, Orthodox, etc) in a single apostolic Church, but something tells me you're less apocalyptic about that.

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