Case of Polio within the US. When will the science deniers will come to their sense? - Politics | PoFo

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#15243264 ... -says.html

For 50 years we didn't have local transmission of this scourge of a disease. But not it turns out that some people think it is cool and trendy to believe in some sort of alternative reality.
COVID, Polio, Global warming, the contaminated shit air you breathe or severe droughts don't care what you believe, your political affiliation. It is time to allow a tiny bit of reason into your thick skulls. You idiots are going to turn this country into one of those shithole places were you don't want to accept immigrants from.
XogGyux wrote:

For 50 years we didn't have local transmission of this scourge of a disease. But not it turns out that some people think it is cool and trendy to believe in some sort of alternative reality.
COVID, Polio, Global warming, the contaminated shit air you breathe or severe droughts don't care what you believe, your political affiliation. It is time to allow a tiny bit of reason into your thick skulls. You idiots are going to turn this country into one of those shithole places were you don't want to accept immigrants from.

Shithole people deserve to live in a shithole country. Fortunately, their actions usually ensure that they do. So that’s alright then. :)
Potemkin wrote:Shithole people deserve to live in a shithole country. Fortunately, their actions usually ensure that they do. So that’s alright then. :)

No. Your actions impact others you know. When you don't get vaccinated, and you become a petri dish for infection, you might infect others that are not vaccinated due to medical issues and/or their vaccine did not work. When you burn shit in the air... well the air in new york does not decide to stay there... it kind of moves everywhere, when you dry the fuck out of the colorado river it does not flow into Mexico... and so forth.
XogGyux wrote:I don't think there is much other than support. But I am sure if it becomes a pandemic, pharmaceutical companies will be all over the place finding new innovative ways to treat it. Then again... there is a foking way to reliably prevent it altogether... is called using the brain, getting vaccinated.

I couldn’t agree more. Which is why the reputational damage inflicted on vaccines in the last 2 years is criminal.

But in 2022 I can’t believe a therapeutic isn’t a good possibility so I think everyone should stop hyperventilating.
XogGyux wrote:No. Your actions impact others you know. When you don't get vaccinated, and you become a petri dish for infection, you might infect others that are not vaccinated due to medical issues and/or their vaccine did not work. When you burn shit in the air... well the air in new york does not decide to stay there... it kind of moves everywhere, when you dry the fuck out of the colorado river it does not flow into Mexico... and so forth.

If the non-shithole people allow the shithole people to turn their country into a shithole country, then they too deserve to live in a shithole country. Stop the fuckers, or be prepared to breathe shit for air, eat shit for food and have shit health. Your call.
XogGyux wrote:I don't think there is much other than support. But I am sure if it becomes a pandemic, pharmaceutical companies will be all over the place finding new innovative ways to treat it. Then again... there is a foking way to reliably prevent it altogether... is called using the brain, getting vaccinated.

Wow! What an incredible and totally unexpected lucky break for Big Pharma! :excited:
Saeko wrote:Wow! What an incredible and totally unexpected lucky break for Big Pharma! :excited:

Don't feed into the paranoia. It is not as if they were the ones foking shit over. We had a few very deadly diseases under control with vaccines and a whole bunch of idiots have made it their life's mission to disrupt the order. It is not as if anti-vaxxers skip their vaccine and stay quiet, they have the urge to go around the world spreading nonsense which amplifies the issue.

These are the top selling medications:
1 adalimumab rheumatoid arthritis Humira 19 936 18427
3 apixaban anticoagulant Eliquis 9872 7395
4 lenalidomide multiple myeloma Revlimid 9685 8187
5 nivolumab oncology Opdivo 7570 5763
6 pembrolizumab oncology Keytruda 7171 3809
7 etanercept rheumatoid arthritis Enbrel 7126 7885
8 trastuzumab breast cancer Herceptin 6981 7013
9 bevacizumab colon cancer Avastin 6847 6686
10 rituximab non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Rituxan, MabThera 6750

Notice a trend? They are all targeted at treating common chronic conditions. There are no antibiotics or even anti-virals (such as HIV, hepatitis or influenza). The money is on long protracted treatments of chronic conditions that don't kill quickly. It is not as profitable to sell you 2x COVID vaccines + yearly booster as it is to sell you 730 yearly doses of eliquis (for atrial fibrillation) for the rest of your life or a life long prescription of humira for your rheumatoid arthritis or your ulcerative colitis.

If you go to the list for 2013 of "best selling pharmaceuticals" the whole list is made out of medications that are used for chronic conditions: ... l_products
A quick glance shows that the first medication that you can use to "cure" something and not having to use it chronically, is #64 doxycycline (which is an antibiotic). Then at 71 we have lidocaine, which is a mixed bag, I suppose most of its use is temporary (surgical procedure) but it also comes in long-term use formulations such as lidocaine patch as what could be used for treating chronic back pain. The first vaccine does not even show up until #83.

This idea that useless vaccines are being pushed because they are a huge money maker is a delusion. More money will be made from the chronic complications of covid, the nebulizer treatments for the shitty lungs after partial recovery, the anticoagulation treatments for the blood clots and strokes that occurred due to covid, the chronic pain due to the deconditioning and body damage that occurred due to a month long hospitalization and/or the antipsychotic/anxiety/depressive to deal with long-term psychiatric symptoms than will ever be made from vaccines. You want to give $$ to big pharma? Allow polio, tuberculosis, malaria, yellow fever, etc back into our countries... then I'll be rushing to buy some pfizer, novarti, bayer and merk stock.
ness31 wrote:
I couldn’t agree more. Which is why the reputational damage inflicted on vaccines in the last 2 years is criminal.

But in 2022 I can’t believe a therapeutic isn’t a good possibility so I think everyone should stop hyperventilating.

I had polio when I was very young. Nasty disease.

Vaccines are one of the great innovations humanity has come up with. The anti-vax insanity is, well, insane.
XogGyux wrote:

For 50 years we didn't have local transmission of this scourge of a disease. But not it turns out that some people think it is cool and trendy to believe in some sort of alternative reality.
COVID, Polio, Global warming, the contaminated shit air you breathe or severe droughts don't care what you believe, your political affiliation. It is time to allow a tiny bit of reason into your thick skulls. You idiots are going to turn this country into one of those shithole places were you don't want to accept immigrants from.

Hey idiot shit.... you're the one who wants illegal aliens to come here uncontrolled from plenty of disease ridden countries.

We have vaccinations for polio and many other diseases. Do you think all these people crossing borders are properly vaccinated with records as you wave them through and don't even say much more than hello to them?

What happens to infants that aren't vaccinated or fully vaccinated but are born here? Are you going to give a polio vaccine as soon as the infant pops out of the mother? Of course not. You have a window where certain people are susceptible. And what do YOU democrats (morons) do? You import millions of people with questionable health conditions and transport them all over the fucking country. Of course we're going to have problems, you fucking momo.

It is time to allow a tiny bit of reason into YOUR thick skull.
BlutoSays wrote:
Hey idiot shit.... you're the one who wants illegal aliens to come here uncontrolled from plenty of disease ridden countries.

We have vaccinations for polio and many other diseases. Do you think all these people crossing borders are properly vaccinated with records as you wave them through and don't even say much more than hello to them?

What happens to infants that aren't vaccinated or fully vaccinated but are born here? Are you going to give a polio vaccine as soon as the infant pops out of the mother? Of course not. You have a window where certain people are susceptible. And what do YOU democrats (morons) do? You import millions of people with questionable health conditions and transport them all over the fucking country. Of course we're going to have problems, you fucking momo.

It is time to allow a tiny bit of reason into YOUR thick skull.

The solution is good heathcare. Once we got a vaccine for polio, we got to herd immunity by using it. That's how you do it.

When Trump brought back 14 Covid patients without following pandemic protocols... that's how you don't do it.

Thinking you can shut your border and keep out disease is a fantasy, to put it politely..
late wrote:I had polio when I was very young. Nasty disease.

Vaccines are one of the great innovations humanity has come up with. The anti-vax insanity is, well, insane.

You’re older than I thought :D

I speak to a lot of people who ‘remember’ polio and it’s as though their trauma guides our health decisions in 2022 and I’m sorry, but it shouldn’t. Covid is no polio.
Last edited by ness31 on 18 Aug 2022 01:50, edited 1 time in total.
late wrote:The solution is good heathcare. Once we got a vaccine for polio, we got to herd immunity by using it. That's how you do it.

When Trump brought back 14 Covid patients without following pandemic protocols... that's how you don't do it.

Thinking you can shut your border and keep out disease is a fantasy, to put it politely..

The solution is for you idiots not to have a couple of million people jumping the border uncontrolled every year. You have no idea what they're carrying or what they're immune to with no controls whatsoever.

When you talk about the wide variety on viruses and bacteria(not just polio or covid), not ALL vaccines provide the entire population 100% immunity. Vaccinations are effected by a range of things including people's individual immune systems and natural susceptability to individual viruses, health conditions when they're vaccinated, the times they are vaccinated being within ranges of time periods to build strong immunity, effectiveness against different variants, etc. The CDC will tell you vaccines are 90% to 100% effective. What does that tell you? If you're gonna introduce a large population of people without proper vaccination, of course disease is going to spread around.

But of course, you want the "browning of America" quickly enough so you can harvest the votes and save your party, REGARDLESS of all the drawbacks that also brings, like very stressed social safety nets, high local property taxes, large underground economies, economic dislocations, schools and students that are held back trying to integrate ESL standards, the crime that goes along with it, etc.

Blanket statements like "the solution is good healthcare" are just bullshit generalities you spew constantly. You aren't even fully immune until your body forms immunity against the virus, and that's different for all types of vaccines.
ness31 wrote:
You’re older than I thought :D

I speak to a lot of people who ‘remember’ polio and it’s as though their trauma guides our health decisions in 2022 and I’m sorry, but it shouldn’t :hmm:


Vaccines have been important to Americans since before there were Americans. George Washington had his troops innoculated.
late wrote:71.

Vaccines have been important to Americans since before there were Americans. George Washington had his troops innoculated.

A vaccine is basically mimicking what the body would otherwise do on its own. Absolutely revolutionized our health. No argument. But the Covid response was misguided and damaging to vaccines.

Surely we can all see that now? :hmm:

PS - you’re feisty for 71 :D
BlutoSays wrote:
The solution is for you idiots not to have a couple of million people jumping the border uncontrolled every year. You have no idea what they're carrying or what they're immune to with no controls whatsoever.

When you talk about the wide variety on viruses and bacteria(not just polio or covid), not ALL vaccines provide the entire population 100% immunity. Vaccinations are effected by a range of things including people's individual immune systems and natural susceptability to individual viruses, health conditions when they're vaccinated, the times they are vaccinated being within ranges of time periods to build strong immunity, effectiveness against different variants, etc. The CDC will tell you vaccines are 90% to 100% effective. What does that tell you? If you're gonna introduce a large population of people without proper vaccination, of course disease is going to spread around.

But of course, you want the "browning of America" quickly enough so you can harvest the votes and save your party, REGARDLESS of all the drawbacks that also brings, like very stressed social safety nets, high local property taxes, large underground economies, economic dislocations, schools and students that are held back trying to integrate ESL standards, the crime that goes along with it, etc.

Blanket statements like "the solution is good healthcare" are just bullshit generalities you spew constantly. You aren't even fully immune until your body forms immunity against the virus, and that's different for all types of vaccines.

Do you have data saying that these polio outbreaks are due to immigrants?
Open Borders Bring a Higher Risk of Disease
Walter Williams | August 29, 2018 | The Daily Signal

The Immigration and Nationality Act mandates that all immigrants and refugees undergo a medical screening examination to determine whether they have an inadmissible health condition.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has technical instructions for medical examination of prospective immigrants in their home countries before they are permitted to enter the U.S. They are screened for communicable and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, polio, measles, mumps, and HIV. They are also tested for syphilis, gonorrhea, and other sexually transmitted diseases.

The CDC also has medical screening guidelines for refugees. These screenings are usually performed 30 to 90 days after refugees arrive in the United States.

But what about people who enter our country illegally? The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis, and syphilis.

Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: “What’s coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, and different viruses.”

Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying lice and suffering from various illnesses. Because there have been no medical examinations of undocumented immigrants, we have no idea how many are carrying infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.

According to the CDC, in most industrialized countries, the number of cases of tuberculosis and the number of deaths caused by TB steadily declined during the 100 years prior to the mid-1980s. Since the 80s, immigrants have reversed this downward trend in countries that have had substantial levels of immigration from areas where the disease is prevalent.

In 2002, the CDC said: “Today, the proportion of immigrants among persons reported as having TB exceeds 50 percent in several European countries, including Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. A similar proportion has been predicted for the United States.”

The number of active TB cases among American-born citizens declined from an estimated 17,725 in 1986 to 3,201 in 2015. That was an 80 percent drop. Data reported to the National Tuberculosis Surveillance System show that the TB incidence among foreign-born people in the United States (15.1 cases per 100,000) is approximately 13 times the incidence among U.S.-born people (1.2 cases per 100,000).

Those statistics refer to immigrants who are legally in the U.S. There is no way for us to know the incidence of tuberculosis and other diseases carried by those who are in our country illegally and hence not subject to medical examination.

This public health issue is ignored by all those Americans championing sanctuary cities. The public health issue is also ignored by Americans clamoring for open borders, and that includes many of my libertarian friends.

By the way, in the late 19th century and early 20th century, when masses of European immigrants were trying to enter our country, those with dangerous diseases were turned back from Ellis Island. Americans hadn’t “progressed” to the point of thinking that anyone in the world has a legal right to live in America. Neither did they think that it was cruel or racist to take measures to prevent our fellow Americans from catching diseases from foreigners.

But aside from diseases, there is the greater threat of welcoming to our shores people who have utter contempt for Western values and want to import anti-Western values to our country, such as genital mutilation, honor killings, and the oppression of women.

Many libertarian types make the argument that we would benefit from open borders when it comes to both people and goods. That vision ignores the important fact that when we import, say, tomatoes from Mexico, as opposed to people, to the U.S., they are not going to demand that we supply them with welfare benefits.

The bottom line is that we Americans have a right to decide who enters our country and under what conditions. If we forgo that right, we cease to be a sovereign nation. But that may not be important to some Americans. ... f-disease/

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