The Characteristics of the Dictators - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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1-The dictator believes that all his opinions are always right.

2-The dictator believes that he is the embodiment of the country. Any kind of opposition against him is considered a crime against the country.

3-Everyone in the country must be minor. No one is allowed to be a major person. If anyone dares to be a major person, the dictator gets rid of him.

4-The dictator uses the media to brain-wash his people. Some sects of the people become more loyal to the dictatorship than the dictator himself.

5-The dictator creates frightening security systems and puppet law representatives.

6-The dictator creates devilish enemies to justify his dictatorship.
Wael El-Manzalawy wrote:1-The dictator believes that all his opinions are always right.

2-The dictator believes that he is the embodiment of the country. Any kind of opposition against him is considered a crime against the country.

3-Everyone in the country must be minor. No one is allowed to be a major person. If anyone dares to be a major person, the dictator gets rid of him.

4-The dictator uses the media to brain-wash his people. Some sects of the people become more loyal to the dictatorship than the dictator himself.

5-The dictator creates frightening security systems and puppet law representatives.

6-The dictator creates devilish enemies to justify his dictatorship.

I have a personal story about #3: "Everyone in the country must be minor. No one is allowed to be a major person. If anyone dares to be a major person, the dictator gets rid of him."

A few people that I have known have told me, one on one, that they believe that "the government" (the president, prime minister, king, whatever) is like "the father of the country."

This kind of vision of "a national head of state" seems to go along with the idea that everyone else is a child, or a minor. And this kind of belief and subservience to the "ONLY ADULT IN THE COUNTRY" means that anyone who criticizes the ONLY ADULT should be treated like a spoiled little brat speaking out against his superiors (the adults).

The entire history of civilization involves exploiting natural phenomena (like family structures - the father) and using it for propaganda purposes: ie. "I am like your father. You must therefore obey me." The similarities between fatherhood and government structure is subsequently depicted in state-controlled and state-controlling mass media or religion in order to create a fake similiarity between disimilar things (heads of state and nature).

Head of state is like father. Likewise, "the spectacle" is like real life.

Amazing that adults can believe this about themselves.
Wael El-Manzalawy wrote:1-The dictator believes that all his opinions are always right.

2-The dictator believes that he is the embodiment of the country. Any kind of opposition against him is considered a crime against the country.

3-Everyone in the country must be minor. No one is allowed to be a major person. If anyone dares to be a major person, the dictator gets rid of him.

4-The dictator uses the media to brain-wash his people. Some sects of the people become more loyal to the dictatorship than the dictator himself.

5-The dictator creates frightening security systems and puppet law representatives.

6-The dictator creates devilish enemies to justify his dictatorship.

7. A dictator burns resources by mass surveillance of his own people.

8. The regular army is poorly trained and equipped, just the dictators loyal special forces are a real army.

Thanks for this thread I was a supporter of dictature but you opened my eyes. :)
Sandzak wrote:7. A dictator burns resources by mass surveillance of his own people.

Interesting to think about how this was done under dictator-kings, and what kind of damage this did to "resources."

I think, before mass surveillance, police, etc., it was the superstition of religion and the fear of violence from "the king's men" that kept everyone submissive. This was the kind of "surveillance."

As for the BURNING OF RESOURCES, I think this may have taken the form of "ruined social relations and natural feelings." In other words, what the king was destroying was the freedom of his subjects to think freely and naturally (religion is violently enforced), or to react to the king or his men in a natural, egalitarian way (social violence, crushing submission).

This was probably how Europe ruined the kinship of its people before modernity. (along with the guns, germs and steel that this kind of fake social hierarchy leads to)
9: A genius is commonly, like Archimedes who naked run in the streets and jelling: "Heureka, heureka....", a crazy/excentric. This people are free spirits, in autoritarian countries they can not fit in the society because they do not mince words so they become Enemies of the state.

Koroljov the father of the Soviet space program spent also under Stalin years in the gulag, until Nikita Chrushchov freed him, unfortunatelly he was so sick that he did not live long enough to built further rockets.

Nikola Tesla said he talks to aliens...

Steve Jobs took LSD...

Without freedom a genuis can not thrive. Without creative heads no progress!
Sandzak wrote:Without creative heads no progress![/b]

Being creative doesn't mean that you will create something useful or healthy.

And if you live under a "l'état, c'est moi" dictator, the only objective your inventions can have is "to please the king."

Because he IS the state.

In the USA, it is rich corporations and mafia godfathers who are "the state," and all the commercialized inventions of my lifetime have been mainly to please them.

So any inventions that can be used to survey or punish plebs... is marketed as miraculous.
Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy wrote:Arabs are losing faith in democracy to deliver economic stability across the Middle East and North Africa, according to a major new survey.

Nearly 23,000 people were interviewed across nine countries and the Palestinian territories for BBC News Arabic by the Arab Barometer network.

Most agreed with the statement that an economy is weak under a democracy.

The problem is not democracy or Arabs. The problem is Islam. The Druze and Arab Christiaan have prospered in Israel, a freedom loving democracy.
Israel is classed as a "flawed democracy"

The great flaw of Israel is that there are millions of Muslims inside the territories that Israel needs in order to have strategic security.

Islam is also the reason that Eastern Europe has greater tendencies to dictatorship than Western Europe. Muslims were completely defeated in Western Europe in 1492, while in the East and Asia minor they continued to dominate. In Asia Minor, the Muslims genocided the Armenians and Greeks because they resented their economic success. Islam appeared successful in its early centuries, because Muslims were a minority and were able to exploit the more economically successful and innovative non Muslim populations.
@Rich Muslims developed algebra, soap, and damascus steel which pierced with ease the armour of crusaders (but the knowledge get lost in the 17th century)...

The loss of Granada the Silicon Valley and MIT of the Muslim world was devestating.

In Toledo (Spain) the Spainards robbed knowledge.

The prophete Mohammed said: Search in science Allah.

But todays muslims are lazy and uneducated, we pray just the hole day. Chomeini's "Islamic Revolution" catapulted the Islamic world in medivial times.
Sandzak wrote:@Rich Muslims developed algebra, soap, and damascus steel which pierced with ease the armour of crusaders

There is some controversy over whether it was the muslims who actually discovered those things.

Yes, they were rich from pillaging the non-muslims, taking slaves and piracy. The Muslims were the cause of Mediterranean Europe going into the Dark Ages, with oceanic trade being cut off due to the heavy piracy.
Sandzak wrote:But todays muslims are lazy and uneducated, we pray just the hole day.

Perhaps this is because the noble submission of today's Muslims... has nothing worthy of submission to submit to.

This isn't just a problem with Muslims, by the way.

The "good, honest, hard-working and obedient" people of the world have mostly all been hoodwinked into submitting to shitty people with bad ideas.
QatzelOk wrote:Perhaps this is because the noble submission of today's Muslims... has nothing worthy of submission to submit to.

This isn't just a problem with Muslims, by the way.

The "good, honest, hard-working and obedient" people of the world have mostly all been hoodwinked into submitting to shitty people with bad ideas.

Praying 3-5 times a day, repetitively , thinking nothing, reminds me of a soccer game. All I can think is soccer. Kind of scary. Now , the average Muslim knows none of you are saying that 3 times a workday. Thats scary in person, I think. Don't forget to rest on Sunday, unless you can't. There's a necessity of not resting on sunday based on necessities , its in the rulebook. weekends..
Mike12 wrote:Praying 3-5 times a day, repetitively , thinking nothing, reminds me of a soccer game. All I can think is soccer. Kind of scary. Now , the average Muslim knows none of you are saying that 3 times a workday. Thats scary in person, I think. Don't forget to rest on Sunday, unless you can't. There's a necessity of not resting on sunday based on necessities , its in the rulebook. weekends..

Look how submissive North Americans are to commercial media and the corporations that get into their brains through their unhealthy media diets.

And to concentrate on Muslims... is a way that commercial media uses scapegoats to get you to ignore domestic problems.
QatzelOk wrote:Look how submissive North Americans are to commercial media and the corporations that get into their brains through their unhealthy media diets.

And to concentrate on Muslims... is a way that commercial media uses scapegoats to get you to ignore domestic problems.

I don't ask everybody about their detergent. I don't ask anybody about the giant screaming tower and everybody around doing the group activity.

Mike12 wrote:I don't ask everybody about their detergent. I don't ask anybody about the giant screaming tower and everybody around doing the group activity.

Every dictator that has ever existed would admire the rules of American football:

"Knock everyone down using brute force in order to get more land for the team."

And a hundred-thousand obese fans sitting and "feeling the energy" from the sound system, the video screen entertainment, and the crushing of the other team....

And it's all "brought to you by" major corporations, with a flyover from the military.
QatzelOk wrote:Every dictator that has ever existed would admire the rules of American football:

"Knock everyone down using brute force in order to get more land for the team."

And a hundred-thousand obese fans sitting and "feeling the energy" from the sound system, the video screen entertainment, and the crushing of the other team....

And it's all "brought to you by" major corporations, with a flyover from the military.

That IS pretty funny. One pillar of islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca. So they got you at least once in this stadium thing. And really.. Isn't it the same with the loudspeaker in your community. Its the same with a macrocosm. Everyone just did a noon prayer.

God rested on a 7th sabbath day so you should also rest, which actually, doesn't even arrive yet at meeting or congregation.
Mike12 wrote:God rested on a 7th sabbath day so you should also rest, which actually, doesn't even arrive yet at meeting or congregation.

So says the first creation story of Genesis. You might notice that a second creation story begins at Genesis 2: 4. It doesn't take too much analysis to realise that the second version is the older version and there is no rest day, because ancient Jews / Israelites didn't have the seven day week, pre the exile. The ancient Jews were not big on Astrology / Astronomy, like the Babylonians. There are seven planets or wanderers visible to the naked eye. Hence seven days.

Babylon's burning baby can't you see. Babylon's burning with Astrology.

Such were the anxiety inducing effects of Astrology, that plotting the Roman Emperors chart was banned.
Mike12 wrote:God rested on a 7th sabbath day so you should also rest, which actually, doesn't even arrive yet at meeting or congregation.

Most dictators like to cite God as their mentor. "God chose me to rule over you."

This is impossible to prove, so it's perfect for undemocratic psycopathic control freaks.

So if you want your slaves to work for six full days, tell them God only rested once per week. What a great lie for a dictator who wants to work his slaves to the point of destroying them and their societies.

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