The War Against Masculinity - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Ingliz wrote:Is there any job a woman cannot do in the modern workplace just because she is a woman? And the answer is No.
Any job where they have to lower standards, to compete, is a job that they cannot do. eg. Police work, military, and firefighting.

Facts. Women take up less than 10% of any infrastructure/construction work and often far less than that.

Ingliz wrote:I don't care what a woman chooses to do with her life. Housewife or steeplejack, it's up to them.
They have freedom of opportunity. No one is saying different. They are simply not choosing the infrastructure jobs you say that society can do without. Did you forget your asinine Feminist BS already about not needing men?

I never made a misogynist comment about not needing women. That would be stupid. Why the misandry?

You are simply proving the point of the guy who made the OP.
Godstud wrote:Where are the statistics?

ONS Census dataset 2021. In Employment: Construction: Women aged 16 and over.

As of 2022, women make up around 14% of construction industry professionals, and this number is only set to rise with more and more women in construction and engineering jobs. Misconceptions about gender-specific roles are gradually diminishing with a growing number of women choosing a career in construction and engineering.

Note that 37% of new entrants into the UK construction industry are women. My 13% as a number was a few years ago and is out of date now.

It still doesn't prove the idiotic point you were making. You fail to address any other things I said. It's telling. You prove my point by what you say.

One study found women comprise five per cent of contractors and four per cent of construction managers.

In Canada, BuildForce Canada estimated in 2020 that of the nearly 1.1 million tradespeople employed in the industry, women made up five per cent. In 2017 BuildForce estimated women accounted for 12.4 per cent of the construction workforce nationally – 3.9 per cent onsite, 38.5 per cent off-site. ... per%20cent.

Yes, there are lots of women who hold flags by the highway, and few driving the equipment.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Western morality used to be governed by Christianity. My grandfather said that religion, for all its faults, kept people from turning into animals. Maybe he had a point.

Education now means "god is dead", the West has rejected religion as moral authority. We now create our own morality. As an overreaction to the repression that Christianity/religion caused, we've doubled down on hedonism, personal liberty, self-absorption, we value self-interest and "doing whatever feels good" over most else. Drugs, sex, careers, travel, fancy cars smartphones and smartwatches...and not having children because kids will take lots of time, money, and energy away from our ability to do or acquire everything just mentioned. "The family" has been devalued, because you have to be responsible for someone else's wants and needs instead of just your own.

I think Islam takes things to the other extreme, total control and repression, also unhealthy. But in 150 years we will see that through all its faults, at least Muslim culture is sustainable.

Young men have been so emasculated and coddled, and deemed so unneeded by both women and society that many of them spend their days in front of screens fulfilling fantasies with video games and porn that they don't feel they can achieve in real life. Only a strong male role model can save them from this fate. But since more boys are now raised by single moms than just about at any other point in human history, and most of their teachers are women too, it means they're fucked, and many of the married dad are also emasculated & submissive, and so the young men have to search out mentors like Jordan Peterson to help give them the direction they never had. And all the feminists and emasculated men try to tear Peterson down because he challenges what they have achieved ideologically.

I generally agree with your point. However, I'm trying to find where all of these coddled emasculated young men are in the real world.

Something I have noticed from this "OMG our boys are being turned into girls" hysteria, especially from Fox News types, is that they work off the assumption that these boys have no brains and can't think for themselves. They assume these boys are a bunch of dumb shits that just accept and take everything they are told as truth. They assume that these boys are easily brainwashed (they're not, they see the nonsense too). This is supremely false. My 10 year old boy and his friends is quick to point out some of the dumb shit he sees and hears at school and outside of school. These boys aren't stupid. As long as we feed their curiosities, and encourage logical/reasonable/critical thinking; they will not become pussies. These boys have a natural tendency to want to compete and do the "traditional" boy things. They aren't fucking morons. We should stop assuming they are this stupid to fall for this shit.

I look at my son, his friends, my younger male cousins, my cousin's kid's who are male, the younger men at work, etc. I don't see any of those stereotypical pussy/spineless boys/men people keep talking about. From those young men I actually know and interact with; They seem to understand what's up, they do see the ridiculousness in some of the wokeness shit. They are not brain washed bags of mush. I met another young man that is a military officer very recently. Dude doesn't seem like a punk weak bitch to me. Dude's a badass as far as I can tell. More bad ass than I could ever be.

From my personal experience of raising a boy. Seeing his friends, and having met numerous young men. I simply do not see this emasculation. Or rather, I just don't see it en masse, like the kind of people who start these threads claim it is. Sure, in my son's class of 15 boys; there's like two kids that would classified as "wimps/weenies/weasels". The rest, do your typical boy shit. Compete hard, fight occasionally, have fun outside. Sure, they like youtube, but that doesn't suck up all their time. They certainly do not believe everything they see on there, and they are quick to call bullshit on well... bullshit.

We currently have a whole generation of kids that are in the military and working in corporate America that was raised in the era of "participation trophies". Yet, America is still an economic and military super power. I don't buy this thesis at all. I see a lot of great leaders in the making when I look around at all the younger men, and boys I see. Yes, I see a few pussies too, but not to a degree that makes me concerned for the future.

I wonder how many of these people that claim "OMG our boys are being turned to girls" are actually currently raising a boy. I suspect few... Does @Agent Steel steel have a boy he's raising? I'm guessing no.

@noemon has boys that are bit older than my boy. I wonder what his thoughts are on this. Does he see the same that I see?

Anyway, my thesis is, that this "War against masculinity" is completely overblown. Even if it weren't, it's not going to be successful, because boys aren't stupid.

And yes, they know and laught at participation trophies. They know it's stupid too.
Last edited by Rancid on 23 Oct 2022 17:01, edited 3 times in total.
Unthinking Majority wrote:
Western morality used to be governed by Christianity.

It did.

But that started to change with the Enlightenment. The values of our government are secular, not religious. The wars about religion were recent history for the Founding Fathers, and they were quite clear about avoiding that fate.

The rest of your post is also a bit 'off'.

It's not completely wrong, it just has that musty, mildewy smell Faux News likes so much,
Godstud wrote:the idiotic point you were making

My point is it's a woman's choice whether she needs a man; for all practical purposes, she doesn't.

Any job where they have to lower standards

They are not lowering them for women.


The British Army has been forced to lower standards because next to nobody wants to enlist, and those that do are all fat fucks.

Rancid wrote:
I generally agree with your point. However, I'm trying to find where all of these coddled emasculated young men are in the real world.

Something I have noticed from this "OMG our boys are being turned into girls" hysteria, especially from Fox News types, is that they work off the assumption that these boys have no brains and can't think for themselves. They assume these boys are a bunch of dumb shits that just accept and take everything they are told as truth. They assume that these boys are easily brainwashed (they're not, they see the nonsense too). This is supremely false. My 10 year old boy and his friends is quick to point out some of the dumb shit he sees and hears at school and outside of school. These boys aren't stupid. As long as we feed their curiosities, and encourage logical/reasonable/critical thinking; they will not become pussies. These boys have a natural tendency to want to compete and do the "traditional" boy things. They aren't fucking morons. We should stop assuming they are this stupid to fall for this shit.

I look at my son, his friends, my younger male cousins, my cousin's kid's who are male, the younger men at work, etc. I don't see any of those stereotypical pussy/spineless boys/men people keep talking about. From those young men I actually know and interact with; They seem to understand what's up, they do see the ridiculousness in some of the wokeness shit. They are not brain washed bags of mush. I met another young man that is a military officer very recently. Dude doesn't seem like a punk weak bitch to me. Dude's a badass as far as I can tell. More bad ass than I could ever be.

From my personal experience of raising a boy. Seeing his friends, and having met numerous young men. I simply do not see this emasculation. Or rather, I just don't see it en masse, like the kind of people who start these threads claim it is. Sure, in my son's class of 15 boys; there's like two kids that would classified as "wimps/weenies/weasels". The rest, do your typical boy shit. Compete hard, fight occasionally, have fun outside. Sure, they like youtube, but that doesn't suck up all their time. They certainly do not believe everything they see on there, and they are quick to call bullshit on well... bullshit.

We currently have a whole generation of kids that are in the military and working in corporate America that was raised in the era of "participation trophies". Yet, America is still an economic and military super power. I don't buy this thesis at all. I see a lot of great leaders in the making when I look around at all the younger men, and boys I see. Yes, I see a few pussies too, but not to a degree that makes me concerned for the future.

I wonder how many of these people that claim "OMG our boys are being turned to girls" are actually currently raising a boy. I suspect few... Does @Agent Steel steel have a boy he's raising? I'm guessing no.

@noemon has boys that are bit older than my boy. I wonder what his thoughts are on this. Does he see the same that I see?

Anyway, my thesis is, that this "War against masculinity" is completely overblown. Even if it weren't, it's not going to be successful, because boys aren't stupid.

And yes, they know and laught at participation trophies. They know it's stupid too.

You seem to be upset at the suggestion that boys are stupid and malleable yet you make judgmental attacks against me, falsely assuming that I watch "how to be alpha" youtube videos when I've never done anything like that. I think it's hypocritical for you to say "don't treat boys like they're stupid" yet you assume I can't think for myself and just accept society's definition about masculinity.

I have had a strong personal relationship with masculinity and masculine ideals ever since I was boy. Nobody taught me anything about it. I took up weight-lifting and implemented a very disciplined lifestyle. Other males around me whined and complained while I was constantly working my ass off. Most men around me seemed extremely coddled and pussified.
Agent Steel wrote:You seem to be upset at the suggestion that boys are stupid and malleable yet you make judgmental attacks against me, falsely assuming that I watch "how to be alpha" youtube videos when I've never done anything like that. I think it's hypocritical for you to say "don't treat boys like they're stupid" yet you assume I can't think for myself and just accept society's definition about masculinity.

I have had a strong personal relationship with masculinity and masculine ideals ever since I was boy. Nobody taught me anything about it. I took up weight-lifting and implemented a very disciplined lifestyle. Other males around me whined and complained while I was constantly working my ass off. Most men around me seemed extremely coddled and pussified.

In this thread, I've not called you stupid. I think you are projecting something (I'm not sure what). Generally, what I have experienced is that (especially young) boys/mens who spend a lot of time thinking/talking about masculinity, complain about where masculinity is going, etc. Tend to be doing it out of some sort of personal trouble/confusion around their perception of their own masculinity, or their own personal frustrations and failings. "Most men around me seem extremely coddled and pussified" is the sort of statement that flags this type of boy/man to me. People that focus too much on those around them tend to have a weak sense of self.

If you want to call that hypocritical..... whatever, that's your issue.
Rancid wrote:I generally agree with your point. However, I'm trying to find where all of these coddled emasculated young men are in the real world.

Something I have noticed from this "OMG our boys are being turned into girls" hysteria, especially from Fox News types, is that they work off the assumption that these boys have no brains and can't think for themselves. They assume these boys are a bunch of dumb shits that just accept and take everything they are told as truth. They assume that these boys are easily brainwashed (they're not, they see the nonsense too). This is supremely false. My 10 year old boy and his friends is quick to point out some of the dumb shit he sees and hears at school and outside of school. These boys aren't stupid. As long as we feed their curiosities, and encourage logical/reasonable/critical thinking; they will not become pussies. These boys have a natural tendency to want to compete and do the "traditional" boy things. They aren't fucking morons. We should stop assuming they are this stupid to fall for this shit.

I look at my son, his friends, my younger male cousins, my cousin's kid's who are male, the younger men at work, etc. I don't see any of those stereotypical pussy/spineless boys/men people keep talking about. From those young men I actually know and interact with; They seem to understand what's up, they do see the ridiculousness in some of the wokeness shit. They are not brain washed bags of mush. I met another young man that is a military officer very recently. Dude doesn't seem like a punk weak bitch to me. Dude's a badass as far as I can tell. More bad ass than I could ever be.

From my personal experience of raising a boy. Seeing his friends, and having met numerous young men. I simply do not see this emasculation. Or rather, I just don't see it en masse, like the kind of people who start these threads claim it is. Sure, in my son's class of 15 boys; there's like two kids that would classified as "wimps/weenies/weasels". The rest, do your typical boy shit. Compete hard, fight occasionally, have fun outside. Sure, they like youtube, but that doesn't suck up all their time. They certainly do not believe everything they see on there, and they are quick to call bullshit on well... bullshit.

We currently have a whole generation of kids that are in the military and working in corporate America that was raised in the era of "participation trophies". Yet, America is still an economic and military super power. I don't buy this thesis at all. I see a lot of great leaders in the making when I look around at all the younger men, and boys I see. Yes, I see a few pussies too, but not to a degree that makes me concerned for the future.

I wonder how many of these people that claim "OMG our boys are being turned to girls" are actually currently raising a boy. I suspect few... Does @Agent Steel steel have a boy he's raising? I'm guessing no.

@noemon has boys that are bit older than my boy. I wonder what his thoughts are on this. Does he see the same that I see?

Anyway, my thesis is, that this "War against masculinity" is completely overblown. Even if it weren't, it's not going to be successful, because boys aren't stupid.

And yes, they know and laught at participation trophies. They know it's stupid too.

Well you also live in Texas. Possibly the most hyper-masculine jurisdiction in the western world. Sometimes to the other extreme, which is also unhealthy. So I would assume compared to many other places Texans haven't bought into this kind of ideology and their exposure is less.

I think there's such a think as "toxic masculinity", which i would mainly define as gender stereotypes that pressure men to do things seen as "tough". Like if you don't drink beer or steak isn't your favorite food you're told "you're not a real man". How silly. But on the other hand, men and boys just doing things they naturally like doing that doesn't harm anyone else is called "toxic" by some too and they're shamed for being who they are.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Well you also live in Texas. Possibly the most hyper-masculine jurisdiction in the western world. Sometimes to the other extreme, which is also unhealthy. So I would assume compared to many other places Texans haven't bought into this kind of ideology and their exposure is less.

I think there's such a think as "toxic masculinity", which i would mainly define as gender stereotypes that pressure men to do things seen as "tough". Like if you don't drink beer or steak isn't your favorite food you're told "you're not a real man". How silly. But on the other hand, men and boys just doing things they naturally like doing that doesn't harm anyone else is called "toxic" by some too and they're shamed for being who they are.

I don't know if I'm more insulated from the wokenesss stuff. Remember, I'm in Austin. Austin is not like the rest of Texas.

Anyway, I'm curious to hear @Agent Steel's definition of behaviors that make these pussied men pussies.
I have met some very tough guys who really know how to fight that others who didn't know better would label them as "woke." Just because a guy is "woke" doesn't mean he is a wuss bag and can't fight or isn't some of the toughest dudes on the planet.
late wrote:It did.

But that started to change with the Enlightenment. The values of our government are secular, not religious. The wars about religion were recent history for the Founding Fathers, and they were quite clear about avoiding that fate.

The rest of your post is also a bit 'off'.

It's not completely wrong, it just has that musty, mildewy smell Faux News likes so much,

Our political values are secular, but our moral values have been Christian. Most people in the West were pretty strongly Christian and that's changed dramatically over the last 60 years or so Yeah it starts with the enlightenment, but only the elites were well-educated centuries ago so the enlightenment applied mostly to them. Now a lot more people finish high school and go to post-secondary and are educated enough to reject the superstition of religion. This is a good thing, but there is a moral vacuum being filled with our whims and wants.

We now make our own morality and values. This frees us from dogma, but if we don't create the right new values we can be in trouble. Much of the new values and ideas the last 60 years have been created in the universities and colleges, for better and worse. Some have been positive, others haven't, and others have seemed to be useful but over the decades had unintended consequences. Things like the sexual revolution and expanded divorce rights have given us much more freedom, but created many more single parent households too and disrupted the family unit. Nothing wrong with sex before marriage or divorce, as long as they are managed responsibly. White feminists have created these values that have eroded African-American families. 70% of African-American kids are raised by single moms. The boys grow up without healthy male role models and the girls have daddy issues & continue the cycle of getting pregnant out of wedlock because they've never had healthy love from another man.
Wasn't Christianity the original feminizing faith? Where are the real men? Those who follows the God's of War and Maleness?

306 AD: the year Masculinity died and Western society because feminized.
Rancid wrote:
I don't know if I'm more insulated from the wokenesss stuff. Remember, I'm in Austin. Austin is not like the rest of Texas.

Anyway, I'm curious to hear @Agent Steel's definition of behaviors that make these pussied men pussies.

I define a pussified man as someone with a sense of entitlement; someone who complains about the condition they're in instead of working to fix it. I saw a lot of this in high school. Lots of lazy, disrespectful assholes.
Agent Steel wrote:I define a pussified man as someone with a sense of entitlement; someone who complains about the condition they're in instead of working to fix it. I saw a lot of this in high school. Lots of lazy, disrespectful assholes.

I can agree with that, but I think looking at high school males is a poor data set to make a judgement of all men from. Don't you think? What do you see in men that are say 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 35-40, 40+? Keep in mind, that anyone under the age of 40 has grown up in the era of participation trophies.

Also, when my kids were in soccer, they never got such trophies, I think this is a thing of the past that is not practiced anymore. Instead, they just give the kids a sprinkler day at the end of the season. They let the kids run through the sprinklers and get wet and goof off.

Are you in high school? That is an odd choice of demographic to pick IMO.
Fasces wrote:Wasn't Christianity the original feminizing faith? Where are the real men? Those who follows the God's of War and Maleness?

306 AD: the year Masculinity died and Western society because feminized.

Oddly enough, Christianity in the UK had its own masculine movement:

I remember it being brought up as an influence in discussions around gender in early 20th century Australia.
@Fasces, Unless I said it specifically, then, "No.". I am not blaming women for deadbeat dads.

@ingliz I sure am glad this doesn't happen, then.

FDNY drops physical test requirement amid low female hiring rate ... ring-rate/

Talking about masculinity is called "toxic masculinity" in Social Media. This is where the main drive of Feminism is taking place, and changing the mindsets of young women. If you don't like something a man does, it's "Toxic Masculinity", or even Misogyny. It's then removed from Social Media because of this.

Andrew Tate got removed because he had the gall to say that a 22 year old women has more value in the sexual marketplace, than a 30 year old woman. Others have been censored for speaking facts, but these facts offend Feminists, to which facts are like Kryponite.

Note: The "health at any size" and "Woke" movements are founded in the same Feminism that is getting people de-platformed.
Dating apps have showed that almost 100% of women are picking the top 10-15% of men.

The top 10-15% in what? You can write anything on a Tinder profile :hmm:

Anyway where I live, there’s hardly any women in the useful trades, and if they are in construction its in an office or driving or holding a flag like Godstud pointed out.

Maybe the UK is different. They’re a bit different over there.

Anyway, I don’t care. I got one of the last good ones that God made. The rest of the world can burn. I’m safe :)
Yes, @ness31, you can write anything on Tinder, Instagram or any of the many dating apps around. What these studies have shown, however, is who women are choosing.
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