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Morgan Le Fey wrote:Sounds like the doublespeak Nazis and the "conservatives" who have morphed into Nazis would say.

Muddy the waters so much that no one knows what words mean.

Keep failin love.

Stop being a moron. I'm 51 years old doofus. I don't worship ANY leaders, that's what Anarchists are about!

But I already know you aren't politically savvy enough to really understand any of that. You're just "some guy" saying "some shit" because you read it all day on your disinformation apparatus.

No Gods, No Masters, All Cops Are Bastards. This includes ALL leaders of ALL nations.


Nazis and Dofus right-wingers often whine about Anarchists along these lines: "Nuh uh you're the AXE-UAL FASCISTS NOT ME, NOPE!"

You're not even a challenge.

Put a jacket on before you freeze to death, you silly twerp. Eat your vegetables. Go to bed on time so you're not a jerk to everyone.

You not worshipping any leaders doesn't mean that you don't respect some or their actions or work for the matter. Depending on how one wants put it.

So even if you don't worship anyone then it doesn't mean that you don't follow anyone's example. We live in a society after all. You are part of it.
What on Earth makes you think I think I'm not part of a larger community and why does instant disregard for all leadership seem hard to you?

Have you never been around Anarchists before?

I don't know what you want here, I find your comment oddly off topic.
Morgan Le Fey wrote:What on Earth makes you think I think I'm not part of a larger community and why does instant disregard for all leadership seem hard to you?

Have you never been around Anarchists before?

I don't know what you want here, I find your comment oddly off topic.

Not in your understanding I haven't. Most people who are not anarchists consider you guys violent or obnoxious honestly when it comes to hanging out for "political" reasons if it is outside of academia. At least the European anarchists, may be American ones are different.

As for disregarding leadership, i mean the topic is about Musk and Twitter. I don't think that Musk is shit simply because his a "leader" is an explanation that most people would agree to here. Musk is both underrated by most and overrated by his cultists for the wrong reasons.

As a CEO his very, very good at his job. As a HR management or Technical person he is not that great but it is admirable that he seems to have a very blunt and stubborn work ethic so he tries to brute force things so to speak. (Hardcore?)
JohnRawls wrote:Not in your understanding I haven't.

It shows. You don't get me at all.

JohnRawls wrote:Most people who are not anarchists consider you guys violent or obnoxious

We're both, and I don't care what anyone else thinks or feels about us, they're wrong or lying. We destroy property, not people. Violence against material things is not violence but glorious destruction. Keep in mind, I'm not a kid either. Not even close. Punching Nazis in the face is the only acceptable initiation of force. For the record, we NEVER call liberals Nazis in order to punch them. We just generally walk away from liberals shaking our heads. Only the actual right-wing-dangerous racist/homophobic/misogynistic whatevers earn those punches. I haven't really hit a guy myself yet, not even sure if it would hurt, but that isn't the point, abolition is.

We see hard societal hierarchies be they religious, state, corporation, or military as the trick the bourgeoisie play on the masses in order to maintain their wealth and control. As such continuous opposition to all these things is a duty. Why do you think you need a leader to tell you what to do? We don't lick boot leather. Ever. Anarchism is a simple philosophy like Islam is a simple religion: follow a few strict principles and let the rest fuck itself.

JohnRawls wrote:i mean the topic is about Musk and Twitter.

Yep. Its kind of weird to me how quickly right-wing forces move to take control of the media. I like how Elon, on advice from Andy Ngo of all people, banned the Crimethink collective, yet Proud Boys, The Base, Oath Keepers, and III%ers all have a presence on the platform.

So Elon, like the rest can fuck himself. He can do it twice for being such a "Dr. Evil" nerd about everything too.

JohnRawls wrote:I don't think that Musk is shit simply because his a "leader"

He's shit because he's right wing. Beyond that, why worship another dewd? He's just "some guy" no smarter, no dumber than anyone but ruthlessly self-interested and connected enough to influence all our lives for his profit.

I get if you're the type who just need the world to exist as it is that this is too complicated a dive for you to buy into, but again I don't care about converting anyone... like at all. I expect to convert 0 boot lickers to "my" cause.

Why do you think Elon knows better than you just because he's a leader?

JohnRawls wrote:Musk is both underrated by most and overrated by his cultists for the wrong reasons.

No, he's literally just a snake oil salesman who had good fortune at the time of his birth and has the power and wealth to carry out his personal agenda. A right-wing weird "Outer Space Resources" kind of vision where he pretends he's neutral but isn't and never was.

JohnRawls wrote:As a CEO his very, very good at his job.

Um, is he your dad or something honey? He sucks at his job, and like all pretenders has reached his Peter Principle. Twitter is self-destructing, Teslas are a mess, His solar panel systems are fuckery, and the list goes on and on. He's almost another Donald Trump, just Dutch or whatever.

JohnRawls wrote:As a HR management or Technical person he is not that great but it is admirable that he seems to have a very blunt and stubborn work ethic so he tries to brute force things so to speak. (Hardcore?)

He tried to get "hard" with his Twitter employees and all the senior staff blew him off and took the severance deal. Tesla is a literal mess. He was born to a modern "Noble" family and was able to Capitalize on his connections and early wealth to put him in the position he is in today... Like all of these guys.

I mean you have to understand the Communists by now. We're like them but no vanguards and we just start with the destroyed state, we don't need to wait on any withering.

Still in most instances, when it comes to neoliberal politics we will agree. Pro-Gun, Pro-labor, We stress the fight against racist nation-states more than Communists do as "Everyone is functionally equal" is one of our primary tenets.

I hope all these lovely words make my words make sense. I really don't debate dishonest folks for very long. ;)
Morgan Le Fey wrote:For the record, we NEVER call liberals Nazis in order to punch them.

Anyone can be called a Nazi. Leon Trotsky was killed for supposedly being a Nazi. He was accused of conspiring with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to restore Capitalism to Russia. And before you give me any of that they were Bolsheviks, what that got to do with us, Anarchists played a critical role in creating the Bolshevik totalitarian dictatorship. The Spanish CNT voted to join the Comminern in 1919. Anarchists played critical roles in the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917. It was actually an Anarchist that closed down the Constituent Assembly.

This is why I say Anarchists are fascists who want to overthrow democracy. Yes they're different from the Bolsheviks in that they are idiot fascists. They don't end up in power themselves. Nestor Makno played a critical role in defeating the White forces in the Ukraine. When the Anarchist useful idiots are no longer useful then the Bolsheviks discard them. During the 1917 revolution there was a significant Anarchist presence in the Kronstadt Naval Base, by 1921, The Germans had surrendered, the Whites had been completely defeated and a peace treaty had been signed with Poland. The useful idiots, Anarchists, Left Social Revolutionist, Menshevik Internationalists were well past their sell by date. When the sailors at Kronstadt had the audacity to complain about the rule of their new Bolshevik masters, the above mentioned Trotsky proclaimed, "We shot them down like partridges."
Rich wrote:Anyone can be called a Nazi.

This line of muddying the waters comes from deep within the far-right movement. You have no answer for anything other to say "nuh uh you do it too", then you lie or exaggerate the facts to confuse your willfully ignorant adherents.

Sadly this is just lying. Anyone "may" be called a Nazi, but "anyone" isn't by us at least.

For instance, we are heavily against Obama as an Imperial President. He isn't a Nazi and shouldn't be punched though, he just served the system.

Anyone who was at 1-6-22 is an actual Nazi, snazzy armband or not. Also Rich, let's cut the shit. I'm German. I have a personal duty to push back against right wing brutality and discrimination in all its forms. A. Personal. Duty. Rich. So it's not "just some shit to argue about" on a forum for me.

Me and Eli Wiesel, and a bunch of screaming mad weirdos!

So you keep telling yourself *it's all equal left and right* then let's do the body counts among Anarchists-Anti-fascists and the hard right! In the US over the last few years. Lets do all the right wing violence, including an actual inssurection. Lol you literally tried a fascist coup something on the order of "Stupid Adolf's first coup attempt that sent him to jail to write Mein Kampf"

and you wanna whine because we alway reliably and will forever call you and only your types out for the Nazi horseshit. I don't how big you are nor whether you punch women or not, I would love to punch you if you are indeed the Nazi you appear to be by using this horshit Nazi muddying the waters fakery.

I'm serious Rich, the lie is that their is parity of far left and right. There is not: Its just the far right.

We don't like to kill. You do. All the time. In every policy you have. Your positions MUST rely someone dying/being exploited for your wealth.

So do please go find a banjo and have a plunk on it, sweet man. Maybe find your bestie, slide him your backup six-string, and you can duel it out on those banjos all day long...

Instead of wasting your time taking my Anarchy 101 classes! :D :lol: :lol: ;)
Rich wrote:You falsely accused me of knowing nothing about opensource and trying to cover up lack of knowledge of a basic fact. You still haven't apologised for that libellous insult. While that stands I'm not inclined to take advice from you with a kindly disposition.

uh huh...
Wels wrote:You, Sir, are an idiot.

When Christian Rakovsky formally admitted his mistakes in his letter to Pravda, titled There Should Be No Mercy, he called Trotsky and his supporters "agents of the German Gestapo."


so where are we with twitter? Have advertisers come back yet? I'm sure they will, it's just a question if Elon Musk can find that balancing point between his dumbshit propaganda/market manipulation/culture war stoking, and actual good business strategy. These two things are in conflict at the moment.
Rancid wrote:Anyway,

so where are we with twitter? Have advertisers come back yet? I'm sure they will, it's just a question if Elon Musk can find that balancing point between his dumbshit propaganda/market manipulation/culture war stoking, and actual good business strategy. These two things are in conflict at the moment.

I think Elon will sell the company at a huge loss or creditors will claim it because nobody wants their ads featured next to tweets from the Daily Stormer guy that were forced into your feed because Elon is listening to the world's dumbest nazis simply because they flatter him.

And here we have the Proud Boys using the excuse that the cops were in on it with them to get off of charges from the January 6th right-wing insurrection that took place. This isn't new. Kops and Klan go hand in hand.

Also, I laugh heartily at the fools who argue with ingliz. In any given conversation he is the assassin and you oughta be smart and just try and figure out his point. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Rancid wrote:Anyway,

so where are we with twitter? Have advertisers come back yet? I'm sure they will, it's just a question if Elon Musk can find that balancing point between his dumbshit propaganda/market manipulation/culture war stoking, and actual good business strategy. These two things are in conflict at the moment.

Did you leftist dumbshits (redundant) find a "balancing point"?


2. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter.

3. The “Twitter Files” tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.

4. Twitter in its conception was a brilliant tool for enabling instant mass communication, making a true real-time global conversation possible for the first time.

5. In an early conception, Twitter more than lived up to its mission statement, giving people “the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.”

6. As time progressed, however, the company was slowly forced to add those barriers. Some of the first tools for controlling speech were designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters.

7. Slowly, over time, Twitter staff and executives began to find more and more uses for these tools. Outsiders began petitioning the company to manipulate speech as well: first a little, then more often, then constantly.

8. By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: “More to review from the Biden team.” The reply would come back: “Handled.”

The evidence with screenshots and links to evil goes on for a dozen pages...

https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/elon- ... r-notebook

Lmao the Biden campaign asked Twitter to take down pictures of Hunter’s dick and the dumbest rightwingers are acting like free speech is dead.

Idiots like Bluto so desperately want people to care about the laptop. It’s pathetic.

Just read 22. This was when Trump was president and in charge of the DOJ btw.

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