How Transphobia Built A Coalition Of Eco-Radicals, White Nationalists And Right-Wing Think Tanks - Politics | PoFo

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-Its Going Down

(Also available on podcast via the link)

Last month, antifascists and members of the LGBTQ+ community, mobilized against a group of TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists), holding events across the US, under the banner of “Let Women Speak.” While these rallies were small, drawing only a few dozen and opposed by much larger crowds, they also brought out far-Right anti-trans activists and members of fascist groups like the Proud Boys. This far-Right/TERF crossover highlights a growing alliance that’s been building over the past few years, as anti-trans radical feminists have built relationships and begun to work openly with everyone from far-Right media personalities like Tucker Carlson, right-wing think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation, and even open white nationalists.

Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) Member Kara Dansky on Tucker Carlson Tonight

These alliances are creating a growing cross-over in the streets, as we saw with the violent clashes in Los Angeles last summer, when both TERFs and far-Right activists organized protests outside of a local spa, following a flurry of anti-trans conspiracy theories. Moreover, some TERF groups such as WoLF, or Women’s Liberation Front, have also become involved in pushing for anti-trans legislation and even working to elect Republicans.

Members of WoLF Speak on an Anti-Trans Panel Put on by the Right-Wing Heritage Foundation

As the Washington Post reported in 2020:

    The Washington Post wrote:Mainstream progressives have long shunned the organization, calling it a discriminatory, right-wing group disguised as feminist. But the Women’s Liberation Front, also known as WoLF, has found an increasingly influential platform by teaming up with conservatives who disagree with their support of abortion rights and the “reproductive sovereignty” of women.

    WoLF’s leaders have become frequent guests on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and at Heritage Foundation events. The group received a $15,000 grant from the Alliance Defending Freedom to help fund a legal fight against the Obama administration over transgender bathroom policies. It also filed an amicus brief in one of the most consequential Supreme Court cases of the year, arguing that sex-based discrimination protections in the workplace should not apply to transgender people.

    Now, WoLF is even helping shape legislation in places like South Dakota, which last month became the first state to advance a wave of state bills nationwide banning medical interventions for transgender youth. Kara Dansky, a WoLF board member from the District, plans to travel to South Dakota on Monday to testify in favor of the bill in a Senate committee hearing.

    …members of WoLF, many of whom are lesbian, claim they are the victims of exclusion and “cancel culture.” They say they’ve been kicked off Twitter, excommunicated from social circles and fired from jobs for expressing their views on gender identity.

As a report from Trans Safety wrote:

    recent submission to the UN by WoLF in collaboration with the Christian Right anti-LGBT rights organization “United Families International” showed the breadth of trans-Atlantic collaboration between religious fundamentalists and feminist activists (and the aforementioned Deep Green Resistance).

Another report from Workers’ Liberty went even deeper:

    in 2017, our own newspaper highlighted WoLF’s collaboration with another evangelical Christian group, Focus On The Family, in opposition to including trans women in Title IX (legislation against sexist discrimination).

    That same year, WoLF contracted Zachary Freeman and his Imperial Independent Media to do their fundraising. Freeman is a director in the anti-abortion Family Policy Institute of Washington. He is known for his efforts to get the names of workers in a foetal tissue research lab released, so that anti-abortionists could target them for harassment.

    Keen-Minshull is a special advisor to WoLF’s board. In 2021, Keen-Minshull talked about travelling to the US before the 2020 election and advising Republican strategists to focus on anti-trans agitation as a campaign issue. She argued that Trump was a lesser evil compared to Biden, because of the latter’s support for including trans women in anti-discrimination law. She called on (cis) women to put aside the left-right divide and abortion rights, in favour of an alliance against trans rights – which she believes “destroy” women’s rights. Keen-Minshull justified this alliance on the basis that if forced to choose, she would rather see women subjected to a “conservative family unit”, forced to wear “uniforms” and do housework.

Ironically, as we discuss on this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, in many ways, WoLF is in fact a front group for Deep Green Resistance (DGR), which is an organization founded by authors Derrick Jensen and Lierre Kieth. In the 2000s, Jensen was a popular writer who critiqued industrial civilization and his books such as A Language Older Than Words and The Culture of Make Believe, were popular in anarchist circles. In 2011, Jensen, along with Kieth, most known for her book, The Vegetarian Myth, published Deep Green Resistance, which called for the bringing down of industrial civilization and the creation of a political vanguard led by DGR which would work in concert with an underground, guerrilla resistance movement.

Clockwise from top-right, white nationalist Keith Woods speaks with Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith on “Louder with Crowder,” Derrick and Lierre speak alongside white nationalist Keith Preston, Richard Spencer and Kieth Woods

Anarchist currents and publications, such as Earth First!, were very critical of the politics of DGR and also rejected the group’s attacks on trans people, as many mobilized to push DGR out of movement spaces and events. As the Institute for Anarchist Studies wrote:

    While DGR provocatively addresses many pressing social and ecological issues, its opportunistic, loose-cannon theoretical approach and highly controversial tactics leaves it emulating right-wing militia rhetoric, with the accompanying hierarchical vanguardism, personality cultism, and reactionary moralism. By providing a negative example, DGR does us the service of compounding issues into one book. Take it as a warning. As we grasp for solutions to multiple and compounding social and ecological crises, quick fixes, dogmatism, and power grabbing may grow as temptations.

    DGR’s organizational body (distinct from the book, but modeled after it) leads us to agree that they have been rightly accused by former members of acting like a cult rather than as part of a larger movement. They seem much more interested in lionizing their leadership than in taking direct action.

    Our ultimate conclusion is that DGR’s goal of “civilization’s” destruction through “underground” attacks against infrastructure manifests both an ideological and strategic misdirection, foreclosing the potential for participatory democracy and direct action as it veers into intellectual dishonesty and irreconcilable political contradictions.

    Last year in Portland, Oregon, a friend who is an Earth First!er, trans activist, and professional doula was “outed” on a transphobic website linked to DGR, forcing her to flee town due to fear of both personal and professional reprisals. This is in keeping with the tactics proposed by Keith since at least the late-1990s, when she published an article in the RadFem newspaper, Rain and Thunder, calling for taking “direct action” against trans women attempting to use the ladies’ restroom.[13] We take violence seriously enough to call DGR’s bluff on their oscillating ethical apparatus of concerns regarding violence.

Members of DGR and by extension WoLF, have gone on to make connections with the far-Right and white nationalists. Derrick Jensen and Lierre Keith have been guests and been interviewed on a variety of far-Right publications and livestreams. These include the white nationalist website, Counter-Currents, the white nationalist Keith Woods, who works directly with Richard Spencer, and both Jensen and Keith have appeared on a far-Right YouTube channel along with Keith Preston, known for speaking at white nationalist conferences.


Former Deep Green Resistance activist Jennifer Bilek

As Gizmodo reported:

    in episode [of Deep Green Resistance’s YouTube show]…featured blogger Jennifer Bilek, who, on Facebook, said she’s “often wondered why so many of the men involved in the transgender/transhumanist agenda are jewish,” positively citing a video by Keith Woods, a frequent guest on white nationalist Richard Spencer’s livestreams…Jensen had appeared on Keith Woods’ podcast in 2020.

    Jensen hosts a separate radio show, Derrick Jensen Resistance Radio, with a similar pattern: alternating between interviews with people working on various environmental issues with figures who hold famously transphobic views. Some of his recent guests have included Graham Linehan, a former TV writer who was permanently suspended from Twitter for “hateful conduct” and has compared transgender youth medical care to Nazi experiments.

    Jensen also hosted [WoLF and DGR member] Kara Dansky (as did The Green Flame), who recently appeared on Tucker Carlson, claiming that trans health clinics were “eugenics centers” and saying that “words like gender identity don’t have any meaning.” Dansky authored a book titled The Abolition of Sex: How the “Transgender” Agenda Harms Women and Girls and has publicly identified herself as “#TeamTERF.” Though appearing on the podcast episodes uploaded to the DGR YouTube channel, neither Linehan nor Dansky appear to have any public association with environmental causes or efforts.

Clockwise from top-right, Lierre Keith and Posie Parker, Lierre Keith (left) and Kara Dansky (right) and other members of WoLF on panel, Posie Parker speaks with white nationalist Jean-François Gariépy, Posie Parker speaks with ex-Trump official and ultra-nationalist troll Sebastian Gorka

One key link in this crossover has been Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, who also goes by “Posie Parker,” a long-time member of WoLF, and also a British anti-trans activist. Parker, along with Lierre Keith, played a leading roll in putting together the recent anti-trans ‘Let Women Speak’ rallies. Parker has also built extensive links with the far-Right, praising activists like Tommy Robinson, appearing on livestreams with white nationalists, and taking photos with Proud Boys.


As Jezebel wrote:

    Trans-exclusionary radical feminists (or TERFs) have in recent years partnered with right-wing groups in the United States in an effort to rollback and restrict the rights of trans people, and in particular trans women. And if an interview with a prominent British TERF and a well-known white nationalist is any indication, some are now also attempting to build alliances and find a sympathetic audience for their bigotry among white nationalists. This isn’t new or particularly surprising, but it’s disgusting all the same.

    Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (better known as her pseudonym Posie Parker), who is known in the United Kingdom for her strident anti-trans activism as well as in the United States for harassing the trans rights advocate Sarah McBride, recently appeared on the YouTube channel of French-Canadian far-right nationalist Jean-François Gariépy. Gariépy, for his part, believes in the need for a “white ethno-state” and regularly features the noxious Richard Spencer on his show. And while the two, during the 80-minute interview, debated and disagreed about women’s role in the family and gender disparities in the criminal justice system, their anti-trans bigotry united them.

As anti-trans hatred continues to be a rallying cry for the far-Right, we should be on guard for elements on the Left who are attempting to make common cause with fascists, far-Right political parties, and white supremacists.

[b]Morgan's Thoughts:[/b]

The details of this are not surprising. The right continues to push back against the many gains the people have obtained in the US and some parts of the West in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. That trans people, at best 1% of the population (Assuming the "left-hand rule" applies- once its fully untaboo, the real number of left-handers emerges) cause the right wing so much stress is indicative of the GOP's historical power dynamic. As the party of white supremacy (Noting the party-switch in '65 that made southern Dems into southern GOP and calling them both the GOP for simplicities sake, it is not a technical accuracy), their targets morph through the ages from Blacks, Mexicans, Indigenous Turtle Islanders, Asians, and Queer/Trans Folks, depending on labor requirements and the need to use that free labor as a hedge against the labor costs relative to employing poor "Whites".

The far right to TERF highway seems like an intuitive connection to make, Scratch a racist a misogynistic homophobe appears. Scratch a homophobe, and racist woman hater takes a bow, etc...

Harking back to Thomas Jefferson's The Notes-- The first pamphlet historians point to that uses the term "race" to describe Black and White relations in the Americas-- we see the GOP is still the same genocidal party that led a band of former English and Scottish-Irish land pirates to steal a nation.

Morgan Le Fey wrote:

She called on (cis) women to put aside the left-right divide and abortion rights, in favour of an alliance against trans rights – which she believes “destroy” women’s rights. Keen-Minshull justified this alliance on the basis that if forced to choose, she would rather see women subjected to a “conservative family unit”, forced to wear “uniforms” and do housework.

*Decoy* tactics, presumably, or the logical-conclusion of elitist bourgeois radical feminism, finally winding up at far-right *separatism*, through hyper-competitive identity politics to the exclusion of 'rival' oppressed social minorities -- trans people.

Here's the dynamic, working on the conventional linear left-right political spectrum as 'centrifugal' and 'centripetal' physical-like empirical forces:

Ideologies & Operations -- Left Centrifugalism

Spoiler: show


They seem much more interested in lionizing their leadership than in taking direct action.

Yup -- I'd say this is typically *bourgeois* / commercial, or top-heavy pyramidal hierarchical organization, branding, and a private-ownership-oriented *commercial* internal politics and culture. With all due respect, many people from the *business* world think they can just hop-over into politics and 'run' things the same way they're used to doing in the *private* sector.

Over time companies tend to get increasingly *financialized*, meaning they just get *bloated* with market capitalization, regardless of actual operations for production of the company's product itself -- note all of the recent housing construction freeze-ups in China, for example.
People can not change their sex. There are a small percentage of people who have genuine inter sex conditions, but the vast majority of men are just men,and they can never become women, this has nothing to do with my ideological preferences. I'm just stating scientific fact. And some of us have the dignity that we refuse to be gaslighted into pretending that we believe otherwise.

The claim that we hate trans people is a filthy Cultural Marxist lie. We bear no malus to them what so ever. If they want to dress as women and try and act as women that is fine. But women. real women have the right to have women only spaces. if a group of women are happy to accept "Trans women" in their exclusive group that's fine, if they don't that's also fine.

It would be the same say for a Native American group. If they wanted to accept Elizabeth Warren as one of them, fine no problem. If they wanted to exclude Elizabeth Warren and say no she is not one of us that would also be fine.

As for women that want to identify as men. Well they really don't seem to cause any problem at all. I've spent minimal time in male exclusionary spaces in my life, but at no point have I felt any need to exclude women who identify as men. Nor am I aware of any other man who has had a problem. No the problem is men who choose to identify as women seeking to barge their way into women only spaces, or seeking to extend their sports careers by unfairly competing as a woman.
Rich wrote:People can not change their sex.

Are you a medical doctor now, on top of Nazi lover? Can I just call you Mengele? You're opinion is completely irrelevant and unless you have sexual interest in [people who change their sex] I'm not sure why you have voiced any opinion whatsoever.

Rich wrote:There are a small percentage of people who have genuine inter sex conditions

Can you link me to something that explains who and what these people are and what that has to do with the OP?

You're making it up as you go because you don't like the OP. Big surprise, crazy Nazi lover is also transphobic. Can't wait for the racist and mysogynist to show up.

Fact is, you just don't like them so you don't want them to be real. If you don't like them sexually, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE???

Rich wrote:The claim that we hate trans people is a filthy Cultural Marxist lie.

Define Cultural Marxism right now.

You actions and the threads you choose to obsess over bear witness to your lies. If you aren't transphobic leave trans people be forever. Shut your silly Nazi cakehole and stop lying to me. I don't care if you want to lie to yourself, you Nazi-lovers tend to lie to themselves quite virulently.

Just don't think you can EVER lie to me. Go play in the street Rich. If I wanted a conservative's opinion on Anarchy I could walk up to my Capital Building and wait for one of the nose pickers to blather on by.

You Nazi-loving goofballs have done nothing politically but attack a politically helpless group in hopes of doing another racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Its all the right wing have ever had: Scare each other stupid then go to the latest lynching.

Your politics are those of bullies and doofuses. I will always fundamentally oppose the politics of hate you have always practiced whether you lie to yourself about them or not.

Rich wrote:We bear no malus to them what so ever.

Then never talk about them again brah. And leave them alone politically. All else is you lying again.

Rich wrote:But women. real women have the right to have women only spaces.

You don't need quotes around transwomen. They are a legally accepted group of people who's protections from Men's violence is as important as cis women's need. They are safe with transwomen in women's spaces because they are all women.

That you guys want to play word games and pretend they don't exist so you can do this "Women only spaces" horseshit is stupid. You're a man mansplaining to a woman that I need to be safe by not letting transwomen into my bathroom or changing spaces THAT ALL HAVE PRIVATE STALLS.

Fuck Off, we got this and don't need you. Please do not rape any women as you are a man, therefore you rape.

Its so funny goodball Nazi lovers actually believe "Alpha Males" are a real thing (They aren't, most men aren't actual dogs) but somehow transwomen are so unreasonable they can't possibly exist.

You people are a joke and your small minds, lack of imagination, and willingness to continually bootlick the masters makes you a really, really weak individual. I feel really really sorry for you.

Do transwomen actually scare you? It's ok, they are as gentle as we are. They won't hurt you poor 'lil Rich. Now, an Alpha Male who wants your car? That's who we need protection from. Oh wait, that's still not real either.

Rich wrote:I'm just stating scientific fact

You wouldn't know science if an apple fell on your head. Which brand of Christianity are you? Most Nazi lovers are not Catholics, though some are. I'm going Southern Baptist.

Rich wrote:It would be the same say for a Native American group. If they wanted to accept Elizabeth Warren as one of them, fine no problem. If they wanted to exclude Elizabeth Warren and say no she is not one of us that would also be fine.

Well by your logic I just let transwomen in the bathrooms they were born to use. Thanks for nothing, go punch a Nazi you silly doof.

Rich wrote:As for women that want to identify as men. Well they really don't seem to cause any problem at all.

They are called Transmen and Transwomen. There is only a problem for Nazi lovers, not the rest of the world.

I can't even begin to address how incredibly stupid and transphobic this who bunch of nonsense really is.

The right has tried to make all homosexual and transgender folks into child molesters for time immemorial. Just because you are too young and ignorant to know this playbook, doesn't interest me.

You can blather about not being a hater, and you can pretend "You're scared for me" but you aren't. You're a hater, you've always been one, and all the politics I've read from you are about hate politics.

I would love to meet you in person someday Rich. I truly, truly would.

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