freemasonry and its goals - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Early modern era & beginning of the modern era. Exploration, enlightenment, industrialisation, colonisation & empire (1492 - 1914 CE).
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    RhetoricThug wrote:Magick or magic is essentially the act of bending our perception of reality. Perhaps this is why the arts and sciences are confidently in the hands of conspirators.

in my opinion magic is imposing own free will on the rest by forcible means for what sometimes its enough will some courage and other times manipulation, normally all done directly or indirectly with help from demons-anathema-to-them! are there elites who have such approach, surely anyone blind enough to seek heaven on earth (even more in possessive way) is open also fro manipulation by the fallen spirits and in return he serves as tool for distracting from Salvation if not seducing others to be open for possession, I'll banalize its strictly spiritual business, and sadly many elites like it or not are bound to slavery through such causality, so I dont judge any neopagan, and above all I am aware they could be helped and unburdened by invoking extra Grace for and on them (as cleansing approach) yet its their free will and conscious effort to repent, yeah but what if he is gone and his art or philosophy still lingers around, hm I'll wont make change if start chasing the rabbit but demystifying its food and blood so others would not choke while preparing for barbique!

we live an reality that has purpose by itself, its word for life in every aspect of existence, even our thoughts as abstract thing resonates particular conscious energy, so is every thing-event-flow, all of them leave own physical or spiritual fingerprints, but as humans we are way higher on that ladder, the problem with the same is that as such also has meaning and those who missed the same are missing chance for transcendence and reaching to higher realms of existence, yet how to be sure that some direction is true and worthy, so as always we had have guidance, but again and again coz the gift of Free Will we are not rarely falling in own trap of interpreting the very same truth, and like many times before also in modern times we are straying from the truth and true evolutive ladder that would be Monotheism i.e. more and more we are indifferent or willing to accept the false freemasonic universalism as one love monism [1][1] and altho we are aware on finite and decaying place like earth we cant introduce lasting heaven still some are extradelusional that this can be case, particularly neopagans like freemasons and alike, not that we need to be creativeless or unimaginative but to expect that we can bend the reality even more by own power its at best naive trivialization of our purpose in this world i.e. Salvation and Eternal Life as means can be reached once we accept that this world is inbetween the Higher and lower realms of existence, so as Christian I can freely claim they've as neopagans bent everything that can be bent in this respect, aside that their perfectionism is reachable only to few highest adepts, in my opinion one crucial soteriological problem for all those that are freemasons, altho completely their craft is not at all compatible with Christianity even more sole opposite what tho is not loudly enough expressed by the Church [2][3] and here we are coming to one paradox like priests members of freemasonry what was not unusual occurrence in the past century eg. in Orthodox Christianity which I am confident lead to the heresy of ethnophiletism on east if we know that all those new states that emerged from the Ottoman Empire were brought to life as nations through freemasonry and its local devotees and stooges usually elite members in their local societies, what actually is case till this day if we know that causality rulz in this world, and to be more ridiculous even nowadays there are many that sit on two chairs as traditional christians that in same time are socializing in freemasonic lodges, now we just need to upgrade the secular to univerasalist constitutions so the same paradox would be wide and long stretched to all, hm easier if its done through globalism once usA and eU merge in one superstate!

    RhetoricThug wrote:Unfortunately, people entertain other people's' thoughts. Meaning to say that they, the thinker, are entirely comprised of prepackaged ideation, only communicating to survive day-to-day.

I'll jump in this category too simply coz have ideals that can be beneficial if shared, eh if someone educated me in time not to mess with paganism earlier, I would be more than happy now, instead again and again to stumble on some causality recidives when I'll loosen my nous, even worst when forgetting in what time we live in! stil I dont have urge for indoctrination others nor controlling them like that, but its really sad when one cant help those that are helpless coz their wrong neopagan mindset, so in large extent this thread is chance to point (to all those that are careless for neopagan hangout and are still Christians) dont play with fire You can get burnt!

    RhetoricThug wrote:Most groups or organizations have a power structure similar to a tribe, mafia, intelligence network, political party, and use various modes of power (brute force or law), intimidation, disclosure, redaction, and persuasion, to influence those that suffer from a lack of equal or greater mental faculties.

altho true, actually this is problem with the ego, but per'se its word for the lust of pride when even Christians not rarely allow themselves to attack instead defend, in some respect my projecting in this thread can be seen as such, yet I am not attacking but exposing particular religion and mostly coz its covert structure which in my opinion is infiltrated on many levels in the western governing hierarchy, lets say they copied papism but in heterogeneous way of ruling, hm, to one point earlier the pope was just spokeperson to particular clique of clans, but later upgraded its status to theocracy, anyway as risk for easier dismantling once particular corruptive nature was waken up, something that is less obvious in freemasonry even tho their camp regularly is making huge imperial or social mistakes!

RhetoricThug wrote:Anthropologically or sociologically speaking, secret societies operate the way social hierarchies organize via division of labor or compartmentalization of knowledge. It's perfectly sane to consider the possibility that a well-organized group of like-minded people decided to get together and discreetly rule over others.

except less responsibility, yes in this way its easier for any agenda to survive even the same failed in some structure of hierarchy! this model was employed strikingly by the euroatlantic determinists (the modern elite of freemasonry) for what I've posted interesting decimation on historum [4]

    RhetoricThug wrote:Theosophy's an interesting feature of Occult tradition. What do you think of Madame Blavatsky or Lucis Trust? I'd wager to bet that Theosophy and Scienticism, along with Technocracy and Transhumanism, serve humanity as a synthesis of many preceding occult factions.

even tho in unconcise way, think through the footnotes above to some extent is elaborated all the shapeshifting of freemasonic orders, maybe there is some diagram to be found how which denomination when popped up, but to me that is less important than the core beliefs and agendas as religion so as structure, now when theosophy is in question I can say just its occultism rests on rusicrucianism and could be seen as elite level of standardized hermeneutic knowledge, but in same time that can be misleading if we know that madamB was in ties with freemasons too [5] and altho her stamina is somehow in context of this thread still she could be seen as freelancer [6] coz after freemasonry overtook the west, occultism burst on all sides in various forms, thus cant say for certainty whether theosophy is somehow leading cult of the western neopagan elite, maybe pretended to become, but knowing that she was russian probably they side-apart from her standardization, for which also cant say how close is to transhumanism which sounds more like strive for freemasonic heaven on earth [7]
RhetoricThug wrote:Thoughts on Albert Pike or Manly P Hall? I'm under the impression that the Vatican used Jesuits and The Knights of Malta to combat Freemasonry.

also through the past footnotes in this thread there is indirect info for pike, maybe only exception are the apparent letters of pike to mazzini coz their not fully disclosed authenticity [1][1] while for hall can point just that as pike he is sincere luciferian among the freemasons [2][2][2]

for jesuits can say yes they were vaticans secrete service till ww2 when the maltese opus'dei took that role, which points that northerners took again control over the holly see if we know that maltese knights were infiltrated by north even earlier when as hospitalers integrated most of the remnants of templars, as could be seen from the recent problems of pope Francis they are still "independent" [3][3][3] nice silly excuses in the last link, yet this is my assumption how this order became almost secular suppose coz northerner infiltration i.e. till now eg. disbanded celibacy [4] or accepted noncatholics in its echelon [5] but when one will see how much confusion of theories exist [6][6][6] it is hard to determine whether is word for northern infiltration or southern neopagan clans made own nest [7][7][7] even less to determine whether coz some members they as maltese knights laid path for eu and bilderborg later [8] so its vague to claim globalism is northern or southern skim, hm maybe now they are rowing in same boat!? maybe extorted position coz internal vatican factions [8] and here fits the speculation for black pope [9][9][9] that the logic says is mathese [9][9][9] this asks the question whether cia retook opus dei from fascists [10] but if we know that fascists were northerner infiltration then opus dei just transferred from northern to northern faction! anyway last true pope according to Saint Malachy will be benedictine thus we cant be certain who is who now [11][11] yet my conclusion is that jesuits and opus dei (maltese corps) are in disarray now, and probably the later are close to freemasonry!?
The last sentence sounds like assumption, exactly like many other theories that suggest implicit correlation, tho most directing to johannite heresy roots [1][1] which survived later through the remnants of the templars that passed the same to the rest orders, predominantly hospitalers and teutons, the first one dissolved while the second one still active [2][2][2][3][3]

    Once peace was restored, they no longer had this vow to fulfill, and they returned to their own country. They decided then to do symbolically what they could not really do. They then decided to never admit to their ceremonies anyone who has not given proof of his zeal, of his discretion and its fraternity.
    They joined, in Malta, with other Knights who were related to Freemasonry and then took the name of Knights of East and West, Princes of Jerusalem, to show everyone where their Order was founded and that he had never changed anything either of his customs or of his principles [1][1]

and yes its reckless to claim heresy without any substantial evidence for such, plain not secrete, but there could be problem obtaining the same if we know that even the earlier infiltration of neopagans mids templars was hard to be disposed, what about nowadays when eventual indirect correlation its not enough eg. blackwater connection (last 3rd footnotes), and even there was some direct proof, again probably vatican will think more than twice whether to share it publically, after all its word for complex structure (vatican) that in moment of eventual sharp purification will provoke condemnation as within so as from outside, its so robust and centralized that when resolving huge problem the same is instantly misused for discreditation eg. the huge affair with pedophilia, what about official order to be opened, for sure people will suspect that the rest orders are also infested with neopagans if not neopaganism, on top of that the risk for direct retaliation which expected by neopagan elite clans it could be instigated in form of bloodbath, on what nowadays any pope will say Peace and probably said till now so common Catholics will not suffer even less such causality to end up in clash between christians and western neopagans, simply from soteriological perspective the Christian healing goes through Prayers and Forgiveness not condemnation and hate, what if should be norm for every Christian how much more for the Church as Communia ... in my case I see these post as demystification so I would try to point to my fellow Christians be watchful when tomorrow will be tempted to accept universalism as one love religion through eccumenism, dont judge but dont drink from the same cup with neopagans so would not fell in apostasy!

from this aspect, even current conspy theories as piled info easily fell in trap of condemnation, even whole Catholicism to be labeled as heretic coz one order in particular time shown heretic inertia mostly coz some apostates (usually in their elite levels), yet one can remove the "chaff" from the wheat and it could be seen where is eventual problem among the malthese knights, but that dont means that whole vatican at the moment was paralyzed, on contrary as could be seen its trying even to clean its past wrong bulls coz the very same infiltration, but as I said process that is nor easy nor quick coz the robustness and centralization of the Catholic Church, dont forget on causality i.e. many popes where declared saints but actually now they should be invoked so particular heretical bull could be too eg. unum-sanctam [4][4] or antiquorum-habet-fida-relatio [5][5][5] so if such ecclesial issue are hard to be resolved what about wide purification i.e. removing all cancerous levels among the elites surely many among the maltese knights too, hm, this will stay probably for some time ahead on level of speculation! can anyone point to further info about the refurbished hospitalers infiltrated by freemasonry!?
By RhetoricThug

Odiseizam wrote:
    in my opinion magic is imposing own free will on the rest by forcible means for what sometimes its enough will some courage and other times manipulation, normally all done directly or indirectly with help from demons-anathema-to-them! are there elites who have such approach, surely anyone blind enough to seek heaven on earth (even more in possessive way) is open also fro manipulation by the fallen spirits and in return he serves as tool for distracting from Salvation if not seducing others to be open for possession, I'll banalize its strictly spiritual business, and sadly many elites like it or not are bound to slavery through such causality, so I dont judge any neopagan, and above all I am aware they could be helped and unburdened by invoking extra Grace for and on them (as cleansing approach) yet its their free will and conscious effort to repent, yeah but what if he is gone and his art or philosophy still lingers around, hm I'll wont make change if start chasing the rabbit but demystifying its food and blood so others would not choke while preparing for barbique!
    Humans do yearn toward a hierarchy of needs, there isn't always a nefarious hand playing the fiddle or contracting the deed. Magic doesn't necessarily involve coercion, I've read elsewhere that magic works best when the intended target unknowingly obliges the will of the magician through an act of consensual choice. For instance, a silver-tongued politician might incite, or in this case recite, a rhetorical rite of persuasion via television, radio, internet, but it's ultimately the poor civilian or solider that executes commands and performs intentional acts of compliance. And in this case, a direct variation of force is not used to assert the will of the magician. Order followers make the magic happen. Ex-Satanic cult member, Mark Passio, covers a similar thesis that "order followers" keep the system of slavery in place in a world ruled by secret societies.

    I think magic is most powerful when it fools those that know better into committing atrocious acts against humanity in the name of dogma or ideology. However, very high tech forms of magic exert control over everyday life. The financial markets indirectly hold multitudes of good people in economic bondage. Key metrics give untold power over populations when unseen board members slither and sit to discuss ways of improving profit margins, revenue, and growth. Money is a means to an end in the mind of someone driven by occult pathology. Once an individual obtains a certain level of wealth and rises above the hierarchy of needs, hedonism, hubris, and utter malarkey become an infatuation. It's rare for humanity to turn the other cheek. We primarily seek to conquer others, and that's the game secret societies play.

    Forceful endeavours make way for greater scrutiny and mental malaise. Best be discreet and make others do what thou wilt without transparency. Again, you see this kind of magic play out amongst the general public everyday. People conduct their everyday business in the name of survival, and ultimately serve veiled conscriptions of conscience. Software, hardware, brands, sigils, charity, you name it- can be transmuted to serve an agenda. Slow commandeering ties populations together, and this produces relatively minimal resistance because the whole of mankind is myopic in their desire. I don't believe that people are communicating with demonic spirits to achieve power, I merely think people are deceitful and gullible. Consciousness as an evolutionary cycle favors movement, whether or not that movement reflects our decreed version of morality matters not, you're gonna have to serve somebody. ;)

    we live an reality that has purpose by itself, its word for life in every aspect of existence, even our thoughts as abstract thing resonates particular conscious energy, so is every thing-event-flow, all of them leave own physical or spiritual fingerprints, but as humans we are way higher on that ladder, the problem with the same is that as such also has meaning and those who missed the same are missing chance for transcendence and reaching to higher realms of existence, yet how to be sure that some direction is true and worthy, so as always we had have guidance, but again and again coz the gift of Free Will we are not rarely falling in own trap of interpreting the very same truth, and like many times before also in modern times we are straying from the truth and true evolutive ladder that would be Monotheism i.e. more and more we are indifferent or willing to accept the false freemasonic universalism as one love monism [1][1] and altho we are aware on finite and decaying place like earth we cant introduce lasting heaven still some are extradelusional that this can be case, particularly neopagans like freemasons and alike, not that we need to be creativeless or unimaginative but to expect that we can bend the reality even more by own power its at best naive trivialization of our purpose in this world i.e. Salvation and Eternal Life as means can be reached once we accept that this world is inbetween the Higher and lower realms of existence, so as Christian I can freely claim they've as neopagans bent everything that can be bent in this respect, aside that their perfectionism is reachable only to few highest adepts, in my opinion one crucial soteriological problem for all those that are freemasons, altho completely their craft is not at all compatible with Christianity even more sole opposite what tho is not loudly enough expressed by the Church
    What's great about Jiddu Krishnamurti- he was groomed to be the new World Teacher, but later rejected this mantle and withdrew from the Theosophy organization behind it. His interests included psychological revolution, the nature of mind, meditation, inquiry, human relationships, and bringing about radical change in society. He stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasised that such revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social.
    ^He rejected Theosophy and its ridiculous claim to ultimate truth.

    In this realm an immaterial essence or metaphysical spirit that's encapsulated by a material or mortal vessel journeys the corporeal jungle of unattainable and eternal life. Consciousness flows where attention goes, intention is a valued judgment. Furthermore, I don't believe in intellectual property. How do know that humans are "higher" on the ladder? How do you know what you know? I'm not scared of any claim to spiritual power, because I know it's never more powerful than the exercise of consciousness.

    If you're worried about the state of the world, I recommend total involvment, whatever that may mean to you. Push us forward, scout. ;)
    Last edited by RhetoricThug on 28 Nov 2021 14:11, edited 1 time in total.
    It's a scam. They're registered as a tax-exempt entity in this country and use their status to purchase nursing homes and other predatory businesses. I'm very familiar with the hospitality portion of their business because I've done direct contract work in the IT sector and know people who work there.

    They take people's houses and life savings as collateral and in some cases don't return them to the family once the resident passes away. In return they provide a crappy one room apartment that's essentially a 2-star motel-charging up to $1,000/week for it. The unfortunate scammed victims are provided with a live in nurse, cleaner and cook shared among 50+ residents.

    The workers are underpaid, often minimum wage and as you'd expect the living conditions are abhorrent. Their food is shit, their weekly activities are shit or entirely missing for months at a time. The administration (who are members of the cult) are mostly absent and enjoy six figure salaries. On top of their tax exempt status they enjoy government subsidies in this sector. Per resident they get thousands every month and not a single cent is spent on the resident.

    And that's how they run just one part of their business. I could tell you about their assisted living with impaired vision charity scam too. How they operate that organization at a $50 million/year loss, while paying a skeleton staff $90,000/year each to run activities in the offices one day a week, staff who are entirely absent from work 4 days a week and who's org once again receives massive government subsidies and assistance.

    This shit cultish organization is banned in self respecting countries for a reason. Nuke it from orbit and shoot anyone claiming to be a member.
    one thing is certain - the thirst for power and control always lead to problem, from cultural religious and political point of view, on west definitely that was freemasonic infiltration mids all in the past centuries from the enlightenment era onward, as is shown in my last post even mids chatholics what about mids protestants, in the later case as if someone knew that weaken decentralized mass of believers are more easier for infiltration, definitely when many are illiterate like in the past century, altho in times like this that could be useful once the threat is detected!

      actually most widest infiltration till now in some christian denomination by the neopagans is in the evangelical circles, even coming to level that charismatics like edgar cayce promote freemasonic atlantean narrative among protestants, tho not all fell on such mindboggling heretical visions, yet many had been aligned either with the freemasonic [1][1] either in the zionist neopagan camp [2][2][2] becoming hostages to their nwo ideal with "reformative christian will" what again wasnt per'se due to their protestantism but fragmented structure that as such was more open for penetration!

    here greater risk for all is ecumenism what would be christian reconciliation on all levels coz universalism i.e. how freemasonry to come to reemergence if not else wars and peace )stock and carrot( skims, when many after ultimate suffering will be opened for such stunt, what actually is bluepront thrown through wcc since ww2 altho laid even earlier by carnegie and his endowment friends [3][3]


      @RhetoricThug your interpretation sees no external existence of beings, hm, take my word there is diversity of forms and roles on top of hierachy in the spiritual world, its not at all plain fantasy in question, so those who can are using their help, sadly but in many cases as slaves to fallen-angels-anathema-to-them! now you can accept being spiritual anarchist and flush wu-wei stance as do-nothing approach of Salvation but for that You need errorless life and calmness like water drop in vacuum, and again in the end someone will pass and kickstart trajectory, nevermind this is topic for another thread, I can just say be careful not to loose your time in vain eventually chasing some own heaven on earth like eg. freemasons doo! I was earlier pagan, practicing one, and can freely say Run Away as quick as You can from the trap, dont forget doable only if You accept that there is One who can help, in my deepest knowledge experience and confidence that would be Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ! now while seeking Church for stable focus seek as orthodox as You can ...

    @Igor Antunov hm mids freemasonic western realm only bashing that is acceptable for the atheist or neopagan elites is Christianity either as institutionalized religion either as true knowledge, the rest is done usually to ephemeral cults that dont follow the freemasonic skims, still who am I to judge when we are all bound to causality when we are not focused on Salvation i.e. inheritance (on all levels) plays huge role what can be reset only through Our Almighty Lord ...
    that was templars mission, but as alchemists templars holy cup was not christian but sufi [1][1] indeed they were enmasse influenced by sufis [2][2][2] the problem with this is that they worshiped substance that defacto was useful as back them so as nowadays [3] altho idolizing the same is wrong by all means!!! just imagine what kind of precious herb would be hemp for medieval elite which as lymphocite booster would be unique protection against many diseases, simply it got cultic status even more coz in large doses like c.indica bhang (as sufis use it) induces trans alike state what would be ideal for occult practitioners, after all from where is derived the assassins name hashishins - which were the edifiers of templar ocultism!?
    * must be noted templars were even earlier as infiltrated immersed in dualism and just upgraded their gnosticism in various ways when lend in middle east, opening room for further syncretization of the aegean cults from antiquity! (see the last paragraph)

    the true freemasonic goal is to reinstate paganism, as religion they are syncretic gnostic and occult teaching about neoplatonic monism by them defined allegorically as isis [1][1] mixing different epistemological structures in one labeled philosophically as naturalism which lead to deism! actually the european neopagan monism [2][2][2] was result from the "empiricism" (read alchemy) of all those occult elites that through the scholastics on the medieval universities started to push for various heretical interpretations of metaphysics [3] what eventually later led to various beliefs like deism and in the end standardization of all that in one freemasonic religion, yet all that process can be observed as separate also [3]

      The Freemasons especially considered themselves as the guardians of the ancient Egyptian mysteries of Isis [1][1]

      Both Kant and Schiller saw in the veiled image at Sais and its inscription the quintessential expression of the sublime. “There is” wrote Kant in his third critique “no thought more sublime or more sublimely expressed than the famous inscription on the veiled image of Isis, i.e. mother nature [1][1]

      Deism sprang to full flower in the eighteenth century with the laws of nature mediating all that happened in creation, instead of Jesus, serving as mechanical vice-regent. The culmination of this line of development was providential deism [1][1]

    its interesting how dualism became glue earlier for all this neopagan inertia mids Christendom "Out of Manicheism, or out of what was finally left of it, came Paulicianism, and out of Paulicianism came many strong medieval cults – (the bogomili), the Patari, (the cathars) the Waldenses, the Hugenots, and countless other such developments" which inertia led to renaissance and revival of the antiquity cults i.e. day after opened door for reemergence of all the rest aegean cults, and finally century ago mixed even with hinduism through theosophy! but many cant even understand how the renaissance alchemy lead to the enlightenment humanism, in which we are choking even nowadays on all levels from political to cultural aside educational philosophical etc. etc. me myself I am maybe too sincerely labeling that as western neopagan imperialism, altho defacto coz the secularism mids the french revolution the same didnt paralyzed all western masses also on spiritual level, the reason why I am suggesting that jacobins were influenced by jesuits for such stunt, tho it could be otherwise i.e. freemasons seeking how more easily to throw Christianity on fringes of the society to introduce secularism so later through education and popular culture to brainwash the masses to side-step from Christianity!? anyway the skim wasnt obviously extra efficient what actually in my opinion on ideological level was reason for two world wars and as could be sensed probably for another in near future, especially knowing how now when living in informatic era more and more garbage is coming out from under the neopagan rug either as demystification or plain propaganda usually through art with emphasis on movies and music even cartoons!
    Bedoin tribes ascending
    From the egg into the flower,
    Alpha information sending
    State within the heaven shower
    From disciples the unending
    Subtleties of river power
    They slip inside this house as they pass by
    If your limbs begin dissolving
    In the water that you tread
    All surroundings are evolving
    In the stream that clears your head
    Find yourself a caravan
    Like Noah must have led
    And slip inside this house as you pass by.
    Slip inside this house as you pass by.
    True conception, knowing why
    Brings even more than meets the eye
    Slip inside this house as you pass by.
    In this dark we call creation
    We can be and feel and know
    From an effort, comfort station
    That's surviving on the go
    There's infinite survival in
    The high baptismal glow.
    Slip inside this house as you pass by.
    There is no season when you are grown
    You are always risen from the seeds you've sown
    There is no reason to rise alone
    Other stories given have sages of their own.
    Live where your heart can be given
    And your life starts to unfold
    In the forms you envision
    In this dream that's ages old
    On the river layer is the only sayer
    You receive all you can hold
    Like you've been told.
    Every day's another dawning
    Give the morning winds a chance
    Always catch your thunder yawning
    Lift your mind into the dance
    Sweep the shadows from your awning
    Shrink the fourfold circumstance
    That lies outside this house don't pass it by.
    Higher worlds that you uncover
    Light the path you want to roam
    You compare there and discover
    You won't need a shell of foam
    Twice born gypsies care and keep
    The nowhere of their former home
    They slip inside this house as they pass by.
    Slip inside this house as you pass by.
    You think you can't, you wish you could
    I know you can, I wish you would
    Slip inside this house as you pass by.
    Four and twenty birds of Maya
    Baked into an atom you
    Polarized into existence
    Magnet heart from red to blue
    To such extent the realm of dark
    Within the picture it seems true
    But slip inside this house and then decide.
    All your lightning waits inside you
    Travel it along your spine
    Seven stars receive your visit
    Seven seals remain divine
    Seven churches filled with spirit,
    Treasure from the angels' mine
    Slip inside this house as you pass by.
    Slip inside this house as you pass by.
    The space you make has your own laws
    No longer human gods are cause
    The center of this house will never die.
    There is no season when you are grown
    You are always risen from the seeds you've sown
    There is no reason to rise alone
    Other stories given have sages of their own.
    Draw from the well of unchanging
    Its union nourishes on
    In the right re-arranging
    Till the last confusion is gone
    Water-brothers trust in the ultimust
    Of the always singing song they pass along.
    One-eyed men aren't really reigning
    They just march in place until
    Two-eyed men with mystery training
    Finally feel the power fill
    Three-eyed men are not complaining.
    They can yo-yo where they will
    They slip inside this house as they pass by.
    Don't pass it by.


    Odiseizam wrote:
      @RhetoricThug your interpretation sees no external existence of beings, hm, take my word there is diversity of forms and roles on top of hierachy in the spiritual world, its not at all plain fantasy in question, so those who can are using their help, sadly but in many cases as slaves to fallen-angels-anathema-to-them! now you can accept being spiritual anarchist and flush wu-wei stance as do-nothing approach of Salvation but for that You need errorless life and calmness like water drop in vacuum, and again in the end someone will pass and kickstart trajectory, nevermind this is topic for another thread, I can just say be careful not to loose your time in vain eventually chasing some own heaven on earth like eg. freemasons doo! I was earlier pagan, practicing one, and can freely say Run Away as quick as You can from the trap, dont forget doable only if You accept that there is One who can help, in my deepest knowledge experience and confidence that would be Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ! now while seeking Church for stable focus seek as orthodox as You can ...
    All interpretations are intersections of BEING, other stories given have sages of their own. My interpretation's an amalgamation of a multiplex singularity. A singularity that's rooted in the unthinkable & unutterable nuance of Life and BEING. It's impossible to abstract or give definition to a formless Ding an sich. What you're doing is giving POWER to an idea that depends on the continuation of SPIRIT in its many temporal forms. The incarnate process of BEING vying for a proclamation of rulership scorns humanity by diluting our understanding of SELF. You're giving Freemasonry legitimacy by contemplating its power over civilization. Reckless abandonment of conscience warrants delusion and paranoia for those trapped by the magician's sleight of mind.

    I AM, I AM, I AM THE PINNACLE OF NOW! There isn't any separation between us, the space-time medium interrelates or interconnects us, and a delayed sequence of essence drives this whole of humanity on planet Earth and streams through us. Linguistic inception touts a hardline but knows its lines lie between itself. Unoccupied and bored hands will find mischief, however the hand that stands still doesn't incite movement in the great turning of BEING. Non-participation is that which Freemasons fear most. I've effectively killed Freemasonry by denying its passage.

    There was a knock at that door that shook through their hearts
    She blew it right open and pulled it apart
    @RhetoricThug my efriend, surely I am not giving freemasonry legitimacy by contemplating its power over civilization, on contrary by disposing its twisted theology and eschatology I am demystifying as shallow fake eqalite thus suggesting that we dont need to be afraid from its covert vibe or illusory might i.e. its just empty vessel waiting to burst so as such is not at all ultimate omnipower, tho it could bring oblivion for sure how many are still not aware that became "its" slave&serfs, altho we dont need to conform coz we have Free Will, but we accepted to be tricked fooled even misused by "them" due to the past illiterate centuries that along the aristocratic corrupt flirting with the renaissance neopaganism led to what we know now as modern western society ruled by "them" where Free Will is existing only in/for "their" will goals agendas unilaterally as some elitist humanist bullying of all Monotheists in covert way and means to follow "their" lead ~ altho freemasons as deists (freemasonry as deism) are (is) not recognizing the same [1][1] and "their" exceptionalism implants authoritarianism - as all enlightenment niche is [2] altho luckily which by all means in full opposition is confronted by Orthodox Christianity as bearer of The Free Will that is outwordly pandan to "them" ~ having difference even on fractal cultural level as clash between european west and east, so currently "that" western eutopian neopaganism meet its opposition [3] the question is how many Protestants will become Orthodox Christians so would step even on its turf on "their" neopagan utopianism that is seeing us eugenically obsolete! and surely its somehow relaxing when we know with "whom" we have work i.e. we are witnessing an western imperialism that rests on neoplatonism and pax'romana roots stemmed through pax'britanica and pax'americana to pax'universalis as euroatlantic determinism for ruled by "them" utopian n'w'o [4][5]

    the question is how euroatlantic determinists will export war if "their" wealth implodes, at least then the third world countries will take a breath if not else, but that that brings us to "their" fears and whether "they" will prepare for ultimate confrontation with east, on what for sure Russia will not keep calm for sure, but lets hope "their" utopian torch of lady liberty will not lit the barrel! maybe will try by transhumanist ordo'ab'chao spins eg. nanobot assimilation of all that could be assimilated as graceless due to the liberalistic fall of these times deepen in apostasy and consumerism!?

    I had once the opportunity to join them, they do thing like jinn calling :lol:

    I was in many odd clubs. Why not ? But according to the conference of Islamabad is this for muslims forbidden, so I did not join.
    the joy of joining so would not join, in context of teutons and "their" alchemic esoteria covertly imbued in the citizens psyche through education, could be recognized in its infiltration in usA too [1][1] practically decisive momentum so later the same blueprint to be upgraded to level of wide western enlightenment lobotomization of the alumnis by "their" magnificent teachers [2][2] what actually lead to the current silence of the western academia on the trahnshumanist agenda of w'e'f coz the sake of "their" technocratic n'w'o (as secured way for the teuton'julian elites to keep "their" euroatlantic control above the potentially wast pool of hackable animals that should embody "their" utopianism with cybog&chimera slaves which should service its longevity)

      anyway its not easy to grasp how which faction push what mids the euroatlantic neopagan swamp [3] (< good points in this Joseph Farrell interview for Jay Dyer to dot later interfaction push pulls) [3] tho if we know who landed whom what [4][5] and like that who owns who by margin credit in the western geopolitics then is not at all difficult to grasp why all the enlightenment inertia couldnt reach its utopian ideals nor ever will (if "they" are not willing to forget interfactional indebting)! practically just like this we can grasp how zionists and british freemasons found common ground i.e. joint forces through "their" common patrons directly or indirectly [6][6][6] the question tho remains the same will this indebting inheritance causally play big role in case of "their" last run towards transhumanist technocracy which is unraveling in front of our eyes on west!?

    what is interesting, the true origins for me are alchemic rusicrucians [7] but even vatican is not sure how came all that neopagan stew to life, hm maybe in doubt to disclose coz eventual indirect guilt to the same inertia [8][8][8] at least the next explanation about rosicrucians sounds like that! hm I wonder if spanish illuminism was popping up in same time when kabbalists were flourishing there, did the same crossed to north through italian alchemic line or directly drop among teutons through khazars!?

    So far, however, the Freemasons were really working stonemasons ; but the
    so-called Cologne Charter — the genuineness of which seems certain — drawn up
    in 1535 at a reunion of Freemasons gathered at Cologne to celebrate the
    opening of the cathedral edifice, is signed by Melanchthon, Coligny, and other
    similar ill-omened names. Nothing certain is known of the Freemasons — now
    evidently become a sect — during the seventeenth century, except that in 1646
    Elias Ashmole, an Englishman, founded the order of Rose Croix, Rosicrucians,
    or Hermetic Freemasons — a society which mingled in a fantastic manner the
    jargon of alchemy and other occult sciences with pantheism. This order soon
    became affiliated to some of the Masonic lodges in Germany, where there was
    constant founding of societies, secret or open, which undertook to formulate a
    philosophy or a religion of their own.

    As we know it now, however, Freemasonry first appeared in 1725, when
    Lord Derwentwater, a supporter of the expelled Stuart dynasty, introduced the
    order into France, professing to have his authority from a lodge at Kilwinning,
    Scotland. This formed the basis of that variety of Freemasonry called the
    Scotch Rite. Rival organizations soon sprang up. Charters were obtained
    from a lodge at York, which was said to have been of very ancient foundation.
    In 1754 Martinez Pasquales, a Portuguese .Tew, began in some of the French
    lodges the new degree of " cohens," or priests, which was afterwards developed
    into a system by Saint-Martin, and is known as French Illuminism. Adam
    Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, in Bavaria,
    gave a definite shape to the anti-Christian tendencies of Freemasonry. In 1776,
    two years after the expulsion of the Jesuits from the university, he brought
    together a number of his pupils, and organized the Illuminati, which he estab-
    lished on the already existing degrees of Freemasonry. The avowed object of
    the Illuuminati was to bring back mankind — beginning ^vith the Illuminated —
    to their primitive liberty by destroying religion, and by reshaping ideas of
    property, society, mari'iage, &c. One of the Illuminati, a Sicilian, Joseph
    Balsamo, otherwise Cagliostro, organized what he called Cabalistic Freemasonry,
    under the name of the Rite of Misraim. He it was who in 1783 predicted, as the
    approaching work of the Freemasons, the overthrow of the French monarchy.
    Freemasonry was very active in the French Revolution, and assisted in bringing
    about many calamities.

    Freemasonry meanwhile had split into numerous sects, or " rites," all work-
    ing to destroy a belief in the divine revelation of Christianity. In 1781 a great
    assembly of all the Masonic rites was held at Wilhelmsbad, in Hanover, under
    the presidency of the Duke of Brunswick, which, refused to recognize Weis-
    haupt's system, but permitted the most mischievous tenets of Illuminism to be
    engrafted on the higher degrees of Freemasonry. About this time the Scotch Rite was established at Charleston, S. C, by some officers of the French auxiliary army. The York Rite had been introduced by English colonists.
    as standardized neopagan religion which was esoterical bearer of the enlightenment era, freemasonry became alchemist vehicle for removing Christianity from the european realm and in its place by various means to implant neopaganism on small door for the masses through education tho on large door through republicanism for the elites, subtle in the first case while abrupt in the second, and it did, all of it achieved by the banner of liberty from the vatican yoke (its kings and scholars) with lesser emphasis that is word for neopagan substitution so Christians if not support at least not to revolt against this covert spiritual inversion of the enlightenment revolution! actually freemasonry laid firm ground for all academia to be directed molded and engaged in the neoplatonist humanism as empiricist science and renaissance art both alchemic mirror of the fallen pagan gnostic teachings, and indeed many followed and are still following that pattern, knowingly or not chasing the neopagan ideals for superhumanity and heaven'on'earth [1][1] as could be seen till such extent that mankind became wide experimental group towards these goals, now maybe awakening to that fact, but in essence for a long hostage of that very same neopagan thought that brought social darwinism and eugenics as public tools not some concealed science for chasing superhumanity, and normally the hijacked academia will never object or when do is in form experiment went wrong or some scientist went little more ambitious, not rarely that wast failures mids "their" chase labeled just as lucrative error [2][2][2] altho defacto is word for deliberate agenda for chasing superhumanity through humans which physical health is seen as sum of chemical processes per'se removing any spiritual underline so would control the narrative for chasing anthropogenic apotheosis [2][2][2] I am just not sure whether "they" can rig and skew "all" data so would keep rolling "their" faulty tech science agendas [3][3][3] with spiderman complex in their heads probably entrapment nets are flying with ease [3][3] tho without fear as schock&awe scenarios like 9/11 or plandemix cant fool not even "their" blind subordinate plutocrats mids the euroatlantic realm!

      not that I am some expert about "their" esoteria or its origins, but through mosaic fractal logic from the available sources on net I can firmly claim that "their" neopaganism is indeed wrong utopian cult, which occultism stretch till akkadians and time of The Prophet Noah, if so probably as in times of Noah once again we see trial in my belief stirred by the fallen-angels-anathema-to-them who are the driving spirit behind the enlightenment era, so either "these" current neopagans are fooled for chasing superhumanity so would harvest as more souls as possible for "their" puppet-masters-anathema-to-them or are fooled so would open door for "dem" to materialize instead like now just having opportunity to posses some soul!? arent we all reminded by Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ that again this will be case [4][4][4]

    think in the past page there is huge elaboration how is word for syncretistic neopagan religion, yet the origins as alchemic stew are diverse but as through chatarism so as kabbalism even orphism and all revoked aegean mysticism is word for dualism in its roots [5] simply by tracing the origins of all these we will come to mazdaism i.e. zoroastrism, which in my opinion is akkadian gnosis, that can be traced as such through greek roots which are phoenician [5] and their akkadian [6][6][6] so prepare once again for deluge even worst as self provoked punishment how we've left "these" neopagans to lay transhumanist reality at our doorstep! anyway cant claim with utmost certainty that this is undisputed fact about the origins of dualism, but I drawn conclusion in my style [6][6][6][6] which trough magoi reached babylon [6] and from there around till these very days [6] yet again dont forget freemasonry is syncretic neopagan religion so its wrong to project same akkadian esoteria but can like this can be traced the neopagan will of the euroatlantic determinists who driven by the demons-anathema-to-them by pushing the current transhumanist revolution as in the days of The Prophet Noah again are provoking Our Almighty Lord Wrath to be unleashed on the earth as is Prophesized in The Bible Revelation that it will be case! dont forget if "those" european neopagans are prone to make idol from every thing eg. money as mammonistic cult through debt [7] then just imagine what will "they" do now from the genetic and bionic revolutions as transhumanist vibe!?
    Last edited by Odiseizam on 02 Oct 2022 23:58, edited 3 times in total.
    altho defacto is word for deliberate agenda for chasing superhumanity through humans which physical health is seen as sum of chemical processes per'se removing any spiritual underline so would control the narrative for chasing anthropocentric apotheosis [2][2][2]

    Think these quoted footnotes are most important point in this thread, and along the utopian eschatology of freemasonry which is neatly elaborated by Tom Horn in his dvd zeitgest 2025 [1][1]'[1][1]'[1][1] are bringing us to the current geopolitical turmoil that needs to establish "their" freemasonic new'world'order for what is envisioned ordo'ab'chao scenario [2][2][2] what has logic to be reached through three world wars by pikes blueprint [3][3][3] now so we would grasp the suggestion from this last 3rd footnote that lon was "their" agenda we need to link AndrewC to freemasonry [4][5] to what also we need link how so socialism is freemasonic skim for what aside many knots interestingly handy eg. comes "their" fourth basel'gathering banner'logo [6][6][6] and altho secularism was norm so would be pushed out enmasse Christianity from the scene, defacto freemasons raised "their" pentagram on all flags ~ but also imbued through education the deist naturalism [6][6][6] ~ and also widely flushed an hype for esoteric new'age'trends that actually were meant so would be unraveled "their" esotery to the masses on one or another way [6][6][6] and to all this additional link is universalism ("their" brotherhood of light) which esoteric one'world'religion should be pivot of apotheosis in "their" n'w'o to what also through neoplatonist glitch smoothly aligns vatican too [7][7][7] (luckily Orthodox Christianity is not in that cauldron coz as autonomous is decentralized [8] altho there is ecumenical momentum that is embraced even now by some) so finally after ww3 we would need just some brainwashing skim [9][9][9] so all would be fooled to kneel on "their" false messiah enthroned in one of "their" freemasonic solomons temples!, we need only to close this logic how otan has the sirius star as emblem or how strangely prefer dragon hype so we would say even "their" modern army is already aligned to the cause [10][10]

    I really hope that the footnotes in the second 3rd footnote in the last 9th footnote (here is separate link [11]) are not already true assumption coz if so and vatican agreeing fully with the m'rna tech then that is ultimate path to very end times [12][12] what somehow also aligns to the freemasonic eschatology for reaching "their" apotheosis in this century, what eventually knowing by The Revelation will reach eventually very short emergence and nothing else but oblivion and eternal punishment for all that will embrace it [13][14][15] now in which context goes the last two footnotes hm lets speculate after ww3 due to emp cataclysm also after asteroid and global deluge due to glacier melting probably electricity will be issue thus it could pop up magoi spins!?, tho I would get wrong with these speculations coz I am nor theologian nor some insightful eschatologist thus will only say to us what is important is not to be peddled by neopagans as Christians and per'se to focus on Salvation coz more and more will be difficult to keep calm and focus on Merciful Life in Feat ... so be aware at least with whom You have work as Christians so would understand that You cant make compromises nor lay Your Hope anyhow on "them" and "their" agendas!, simply put all Spiritual Armor [16] so would withstand in times of dismay and delusion that are coming in this World!
    Its really unbelievable that we dont have any profound public debate so we would even check whether we are not already in "their" utopian skim for quit a vile i.e. since "their" enlightenment era [1][1] what about to be recognized eventual current emergence of "theirs" behind the scenes [2][2][2] acting stupid or trying to ignore the connection since lon and now u.n. as "their" agenda [3][3][3] will not make things less painful on contrary will bring us even quicker to oblivion simply we need to confront "them" why "they" think that "they" can play all of us by trickery!?

    Start Debating Before Its Not Too Late!


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