Jon Talks White Resentment with Isabel Wilkerson - Page 12 - Politics | PoFo

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If the phenomenon is not uniquely white (or black for that matter), then the theory runs into trouble.

In particular, it means you cannot and are not in a position to focus on whites. It also means it's a bad strategy to do so, and that MLK was right about the need to aim for an universal appeal.

Furthermore, it also means that the indicators used to measure white resentment are not, in fact, measuring white resentment since it's not an exclusively white phenomenon. And maybe it isn't even measuring resentment to begin with.

One interesting fact: That "thermometer" towards each of the 3 racial/ethnic groups mentioned there (Blacks, Whites, Hispanics) doesn't really correlate well with their anti-racism measure after considering their "resistance to change" variable (which seems to be correlated with white resentment too). I find that odd, and it would be interesting to see if their measure of white resentment and resistance to change (and other variables) correlate with those "thermometer" variables after controls to begin with.
If the argument is that the phenomenon is not exclusively white, then this is merely a whataboutism.

There is no criticism or disagreement with the idea that white resentment exists and that acts as a motivator for opposing equality programs.

It just tries to deflect the focus onto an illogical and ahistorical black resentment.
It is a fallacy to label all criticism as whataboutism. That's even truer when it is directly related to the issue at hand.

If the phenomenon is not exclusively white, then it is quite obviously not white resentment. If nonwhites who are supposed to benefit from equality also suffer from that phenomenon then it is less likely it drives opposition to equality programs.

Also, if the phenomenon is not widespread it quite obviously isn't a factor either. The mean "white resentment" score in the sample is just under 3 ("When combined, the five items form a composite scale of White resentment (M = 2.93, SD = 1.29, Cronbach’s alpha = 0.926 (and a single factor, with a 3.58 eigenvalue, percent explained = 71.6 percent)"), in a 1-5 scale. We don't know exactly the shape of the distribution of scores, but I find that of interest on its own, just as it's interesting to see that African Americans are the only race/ethnicity group with a clearly higher average action-opposition to racism score.
If someone wants to present an example of black resentment in this thread about white resentment, feel free.

It will not change any of the arguments made about white resentment.

Black people can also be susceptible to racialised messaging and thereby end up opposing equality programs that would benefit them.

The fact that a black person also does it has no impact on the fact that a white person does it.

It may even have a measurable impact on politics, but that is far less plausible.

This seems like a semantic criticism. The overall term is racial resentment. “White resentment” is when white people do it. No one is arguing that whites are the only one who engage in racial resentment, but by definition, they are the only ones who engage in white resentment.
The dynamic goes like this:

Historic racism creates modern inequalities.

Programs are created to address said inequalities.

These programs are perceived as benefiting BIPOC people at the expense of whites.

Whites oppose said programs.

So, as far as I can tell, the important question is why are these programs perceived as benefiting BIPOC at the expense of whites?

Some of it is deliberate manipulation, as @late alludes to when he mentions Trumpmania.

What are the other possible causes?
wat0n wrote:
Interesting article, and also what is essentially its part 1 defining stasis (written before the election): ... r-30-2020/

But how exactly does playing the racial blame game help achieve any of those goals?

When a group finally gets status, they fight to protect it.

However, a lot of it is really just White whining...

The Italians got fully assimilated in the 70s, I was in my 20s back then. Meaning I was single, and watched the news a lot. They were obnoxious. But, eventually, they settled down.

If the racists ever learn to mind their own business, the Blacks will settle down. Funny how that works...
Pants-of-dog wrote:The dynamic goes like this:

Historic racism creates modern inequalities.

Programs are created to address said inequalities.

These programs are perceived as benefiting BIPOC people at the expense of whites.

Whites oppose said programs.

So, as far as I can tell, the important question is why are these programs perceived as benefiting BIPOC at the expense of whites?

Some of it is deliberate manipulation, as @late alludes to when he mentions Trumpmania.

What are the other possible causes?

It's not all that clear the dynamic goes like that. Not given the actual electoral behavior of the US population (white or not) in recent years when directly prompted about the matter, like in votes regarding Medicaid expansion, at least.

I think this is too simplistic of an explanation, and I am also not that sure one can say the public's views about social programs of all types are the same as they were (say) 15 years ago. I think there's more support for social spending in general, even if no one really wants to go to how they were designed before the 1990s.

I also think it makes sense, since some economic trends that begun in the 2000s and deepened with the subprime crisis have being damaging for broad segments of the population that are not defined by race (e.g. millennials, who are increasingly getting political power).

late wrote:When a group finally gets status, they fight to protect it.

However, a lot of it is really just White whining...

The Italians got fully assimilated in the 70s, I was in my 20s back then. Meaning I was single, and watched the news a lot. They were obnoxious. But, eventually, they settled down.

If the racists ever learn to mind their own business, the Blacks will settle down. Funny how that works...

Well, it sure took long (80+ years) for that to happen, and that's with the help of the Italian government which lobbied hard for the US government to stop the lynching of its emigrants and the subsequent efforts for discrimination against them to stop or at least decrease. I think Blacks have only began to be truly, if slowly, assimilated starting in the 1960s.
@wat0n wrote:

Well, it sure took long (80+ years) for that to happen, and that's with the help of the Italian government which lobbied hard for the US government to stop the lynching of its emigrants and the subsequent efforts for discrimination against them to stop or at least decrease. I think Blacks have only began to be truly, if slowly, assimilated starting in the 1960s.

This is completely untrue. Do you know why? I am going to see if you can figure why it is completely wrong. But if you can't figure it out? Then I will explain it fully. It might be a good opportunity for you to figure out what assimilation means versus acculturation.

It is a big difference.
Tainari88 wrote:@wat0n wrote:

This is completely untrue. Do you know why? I am going to see if you can figure why it is completely wrong. But if you can't figure it out? Then I will explain it fully. It might be a good opportunity for you to figure out what assimilation means versus acculturation.

It is a big difference.

I think we're using the term "assimilation" loosely here. If you want, one can say Italians took 80 years to acculturate (some aspects of Italian culture, like its cuisine, have clearly spread to the broader American society so it's not been a one-way street). Likewise, Blacks have only been able to begin to acculturate since they were allowed to starting in the 1960s or so (with the somewhat earlier example of blues in the 1950s, a precursor to rock music and of African-American origin).
wat0n wrote:I think we're using the term "assimilation" loosely here. If you want, one can say Italians took 80 years to acculturate (some aspects of Italian culture, like its cuisine, have clearly spread to the broader American society so it's not been a one-way street). Likewise, Blacks have only been able to begin to acculturate since they were allowed to starting in the 1960s or so (with the somewhat earlier example of blues in the 1950s, a precursor to rock music and of African-American origin).

No. First, an immigrant arrives in a community in the USA. Let us pick an Ellis Island arrival in NYC. Italians. They go and find some jobs where knowing and speaking English is not required. They live next door to other Italians and speak and discuss topics of interest all day long. Their children go to schools with other Italian kids in the public school system. They learn English because the school speaks and teaches English as a primary language. The kids only speak Italian to their grandparents and parents in the home. It becomes a language not reinforced formally with formal study. They grow up and speak English as their primary and preferred language of choice, and Italian fluently but as a household and informally used language. For example, they have a hard time writing in Italian without pausing and thinking about it very hard. They never buy books in Italian and prefer to read most of their literature in English and not Italian. Mainly because they were educated and got used to reading in English and they speak in English with the wider society in English and Italian were restricted use language at home only. They marry and they are first-generation immigrant children. The sons and daughters of immigrant parents either never learned English or felt that English was not their preferred language to communicate in. By the time those immigrants from the first generation marry and have their children those second-generation children never hear any Italian at home. Especially if their mother or fathers married outside of the Italian culture and instead married for example Irish or German first-generation immigrants. A common occurrence in a place like NYC at the turn of the century (20th century). That is the process of assimilation in a natural form.

Acculturation is that those children retain their Italian, study it in school formally, add English, and maintain both cultures more or less in equal status. Bolstering both. Bicultural and bilingual in equal measure. They never lose their Italian identity and learn what is needed to get a job, study and navigate a system that is not Italian but American and influenced by English language preferences and a culture that makes WASP culture the central mainstream model of cultural acceptance. But? They do not lose any of their own traditions, they maintain their language and they get a full formal education in both Italian, and English and they also raise their children in the same cultural milieu.

One can see that there is very little assimilation for example with the German Amish. They speak German for many generations because they as a whole rarely assimilate to the mainstream and literally keep their own ways and traditions. They have to pay taxes, and live in the same towns as modern people who prefer televisions, cars and so on, to horse drawn carriages and personal computers. The children of many Amish people never assimilate due to actions they take in preserving their own traditions, language and customs.

There are different degrees of acculturation and different degrees of assimilation but in general assimilation is an experience where you are going to lose your historical and linguistic identity to blend in with some mainstream model held up by the dominant society as the norm or standard of what being that nationality, or ethnicity or cultural milieu is supposed to represent.

Definitions and videos:

African Americans were not really immigrants to the Americas @wat0n . They were forcibly removed from their homelands and were sent to be bought and sold like chattel slaves. To be only property. Not considered human beings with any protections under the law as humans. In fact, they were categorized exactly like one would expect to be categorized if you were a cow or a horse or some animal. If you were an old cow with little milk to be given from your udders? Can't have calves or heifers, and no longer produced milk, maybe you might have value as a skin for leather goods or beef for a cooking pot. Same thought process. If you were a woman all your children will have the same slave status as the female slave. That means if your mother is a slave you are a slave. Property. Your child can be and often was bought and sold just like a calf or a puppy is from a mother dog or mother cow. No, say in that. The reason the children were following the status of the mother is that the law in the US was that you as a slaveowner can impregnate your own slave and those children would never have legal rights to be free and you can sell them off to pay off debt, or loan them out to other farmers or owners who would rent them for a while and you can profit from them. If the father is a free white man and the status followed the father's status as it happened in the Spanish Caribbean islands and the Spanish system? You had to baptize the babies and they could not be considered slaves any longer because the father was a free Roman Catholic Spaniard or Peninsular. One difference between the slave system in Latin America or the Caribbean and the Protestant English system in the Southern USA. The status follows the mother.

I do not want to get into a lot of detail about slaves. Because it is a very interesting and long subject. Since it was an institution that you find in many countries, and cultures and have a lot of differences in how it is practiced and how it worked in the thousands of years it was used as a way of exploitation and working for empires and working for warring factions.

Black Americans or African Americans were actually the ones who had to have the quickest and most efficient way of forceful assimilation of all Americans. They had to learn the language of their masters because if they spoke any language that was not English or French or Spanish (etc. any of the European Imperial languages in the Americas), they would be punished. So that was taken away. Speak Mandinka, Mende, Yoruba, Bantu, Lucumí, etc get whipped or beaten, starved or tied up and punished. Forcibly remove your way to communicate. For the Protestant English in the Southern USA slaveowners they prohibited drums and drum playing. A way of communicating for the Africans. Because the Africans from Western Africa were diverse. They spoke many languages and were from many villages and many lands. They were not all one language. The drums helped bridge that gap of diversity. That was taken away in the English speaking slave states. Not so in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean or Brazil. I won't get into that all this means, that the slave had to also adapt to the religion practiced by their masters. Which was protestant Christianity for the Southern USA states. The customs, the foods, the hierarchies, and the entire culture of the white slaveowners was the one that had to be copied and adapted. But along with that came restrictions to make sure the African slaves would not be independent or be able to understand the laws, the means to gain knowledge about the society they lived in. So education and knowledge were not allowed. Being told about what they could say or how they could be together was highly regulated.

You were property. Like a chair, an animal, or an inanimate object to be bought and sold. You had to work and also what and when you ate, went to the bathroom, or slept or not was all determined by the owners. You also could not be on the road or walk around outside of a certain boundary. Your life cycle was determined by others who had absolute control over everything you could do and your every move.

This went on for years. Centuries. And finally after it is over...where do you go? Your whole life was controlled by the Master and the overseer? You only know how to obey, you can't read or write, you do not own land or property. Your children were taken from you long ago and sold off, your spouse you never knew and were raped and also had no rights, you ate without any consideration from a pig trough and you had no real shoes and no real winter clothing, you were taught nothing that made you able to learn a trade of value. If you had a community you were afraid to get attached since they might be sold away or whipped to death or keel over and die of overwork picking cotton and unceremoniously dumped in some grave to not stink up the place and keep people from their work the next day.

Then you got Jim Crow laws restricting all that you are allowed to do like vote, travel, buy at a store, and the kinds of jobs you can get and the pay you are allowed to earn. Who you can marry or not. And a lot more.

You really have no fucking idea Wat0n what it took for Martin Luther King Jr to get to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to happen. I was born two years after that was passed. I am not that old. Yet, all these traumas are supposed to be evaporated by now. 2023. All while some kid from Chile in Chicago thinks the African Americans are supposed to be assimilated by now. They got ASSIMILATED long ago. By a whip and guns, dogs and force and violence. What they need to do is get equality. Justice and peace. It is LONG OVERDUE.
I think that if people can figure out why whites perceive these programs as benefiting other races at their expense, we can stop a lot of white resentment.

And if anyone has any concrete criticisms of my description of this dynamic, I would welcome them.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If the argument is that we need to measure black resentment against whites that turns into opposition for programs that help white people move towards equality after centuries of oppression and racism…..

Please note that white people never dealt with centuries of racism and oppression, and therefore they do not need to move towards equality, and therefore there are no programs to help whtes achieve equality, and so black resentment is an illogical and ahistorical concept.

This argument is illogical. White resentment doesn't only measure resistance to "equality programs", therefore neither should "black resentment" be defined by this.

If some black people resent white people as a race, then "black resentment" exists.

Also, the assumption that white people can be resentful toward POC (which does occur) but POC can't be resentful towards white people (which also occurs) is a racist assumption. Resentment towards entire racial groups is racist and toxic and should not be tolerated in society.
Unthinking Majority wrote:This argument is illogical. White resentment doesn't only measure resistance to "equality programs", therefore neither should "black resentment" be defined by this.

If some black people resent white people as a race, then "black resentment" exists.

This is how racial resentment seems to be defined by the social scientists who study it.

Are you saying that I misinterpreted them, or are you arguing that this definition is not a good one?

Also, the assumption that white people can be resentful toward POC (which does occur) but POC can't be resentful towards white people (which also occurs) is a racist assumption. Resentment towards entire racial groups is racist and toxic and should not be tolerated in society.

This seems to be using a different definition of racial resentment than the one used by social scientists.

If we define resentment as opposition to programs designed to close gaps in racial inequalities, then black resentment against whites would be blacks who oppose a program that would help white people become more equal. This does not make sense since white people in North America are already at equality or doing better than black people.

Unthinking Majority wrote:What would be examples of these programs that whites are resentful of?

From your previous link: ... ted_States

    One early example of a white backlash occurred when Hiram Rhodes Revels became the first African-American to be elected to the US Senate in 1870. The resulting backlash helped to derail Reconstruction, which had attempted to build an interracial democracy.[14] Similarly, the 1898 White Declaration of Independence and the associated insurrection were reactions to the electoral successes of black politicians in Wilmington, North Carolina.

    Among the highest-profile examples of a white backlash in the United States was after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many Democrats in Congress, as well as President Lyndon B. Johnson himself, feared that such a backlash could develop in response to the legislation, and Martin Luther King Jr. popularized the "white backlash" phrase and concept to warn of that possibility.[15] The backlash that they had warned about occurred and was based on the argument that whites' immigrant descendants did not receive the benefits that were given to African Americans in the Civil Rights Act.[16] After signing the Civil Rights Act, Johnson grew concerned that the white backlash would cost him the 1964 general election later that year. Specifically, Johnson feared that his opponent, Barry Goldwater, would harness the backlash by highlighting the black riots that were engulfing the country.[17]

    A significant white backlash also resulted from the election of Barack Obama as the first black US President in 2008.[18] As a result, the term is often used to refer specifically to the backlash triggered by Obama's election,[15] with many seeing the election of Donald Trump as president in 2016 as an example of "whitelash".[15][19] The term is a portmanteau of "white" and "backlash" and was coined by the CNN contributor Van Jones to describe one of the reasons he thought let Trump win the election.[20]

    The Stop the Steal movement and the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, occurring in the wake of the 2020 US presidential election, have been interpreted as a reemergence of the Lost Cause idea and a manifestation of white backlash. The historian Joseph Ellis has suggested that many who ignore the role that race played in Donald Trump's 2016 presidential victory are following an example set by Lost Cause propagandists, who attributed the American Civil War to a clash over constitutional issues while downplaying the role of slavery.[21][22][23]

Other examples already given in this thread include Obamacare and Medicaid expansion.

Please note that if you have already read your own source and this thread, then it is hard to imagine that this is a good faith question and not a relentless request for evidence, previously addressed, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity, and feigning ignorance of the subject matter.

Since I wish to assume that you are asking in good faith, I will assume that you did not read the mentioned material.
Tainari88 wrote:No. First, an immigrant arrives in a community in the USA. Let us pick an Ellis Island arrival in NYC. Italians. They go and find some jobs where knowing and speaking English is not required. They live next door to other Italians and speak and discuss topics of interest all day long. Their children go to schools with other Italian kids in the public school system. They learn English because the school speaks and teaches English as a primary language. The kids only speak Italian to their grandparents and parents in the home. It becomes a language not reinforced formally with formal study. They grow up and speak English as their primary and preferred language of choice, and Italian fluently but as a household and informally used language. For example, they have a hard time writing in Italian without pausing and thinking about it very hard. They never buy books in Italian and prefer to read most of their literature in English and not Italian. Mainly because they were educated and got used to reading in English and they speak in English with the wider society in English and Italian were restricted use language at home only. They marry and they are first-generation immigrant children. The sons and daughters of immigrant parents either never learned English or felt that English was not their preferred language to communicate in. By the time those immigrants from the first generation marry and have their children those second-generation children never hear any Italian at home. Especially if their mother or fathers married outside of the Italian culture and instead married for example Irish or German first-generation immigrants. A common occurrence in a place like NYC at the turn of the century (20th century). That is the process of assimilation in a natural form.

Acculturation is that those children retain their Italian, study it in school formally, add English, and maintain both cultures more or less in equal status. Bolstering both. Bicultural and bilingual in equal measure. They never lose their Italian identity and learn what is needed to get a job, study and navigate a system that is not Italian but American and influenced by English language preferences and a culture that makes WASP culture the central mainstream model of cultural acceptance. But? They do not lose any of their own traditions, they maintain their language and they get a full formal education in both Italian, and English and they also raise their children in the same cultural milieu.

I think you're focusing too excessively on language. Italian Americans have most definitely kept note of their Italian identity (as in, they identify as Italian-Americans), and there was a clear decreasing trend of those speaking Italian in the US starting in 1980 actually (there's agreement that, by that time, Italian-Americans had been integrated fully). Only after the 1980s there has been a decrease in the number of Italian Americans as in people who don't identify with the "Italian" part anymore.

Tainari88 wrote:African Americans were not really immigrants to the Americas @wat0n . They were forcibly removed from their homelands and were sent to be bought and sold like chattel slaves. To be only property. Not considered human beings with any protections under the law as humans. In fact, they were categorized exactly like one would expect to be categorized if you were a cow or a horse or some animal. If you were an old cow with little milk to be given from your udders? Can't have calves or heifers, and no longer produced milk, maybe you might have value as a skin for leather goods or beef for a cooking pot. Same thought process. If you were a woman all your children will have the same slave status as the female slave. That means if your mother is a slave you are a slave. Property. Your child can be and often was bought and sold just like a calf or a puppy is from a mother dog or mother cow. No, say in that. The reason the children were following the status of the mother is that the law in the US was that you as a slaveowner can impregnate your own slave and those children would never have legal rights to be free and you can sell them off to pay off debt, or loan them out to other farmers or owners who would rent them for a while and you can profit from them. If the father is a free white man and the status followed the father's status as it happened in the Spanish Caribbean islands and the Spanish system? You had to baptize the babies and they could not be considered slaves any longer because the father was a free Roman Catholic Spaniard or Peninsular. One difference between the slave system in Latin America or the Caribbean and the Protestant English system in the Southern USA. The status follows the mother.

I do not want to get into a lot of detail about slaves. Because it is a very interesting and long subject. Since it was an institution that you find in many countries, and cultures and have a lot of differences in how it is practiced and how it worked in the thousands of years it was used as a way of exploitation and working for empires and working for warring factions.

Black Americans or African Americans were actually the ones who had to have the quickest and most efficient way of forceful assimilation of all Americans. They had to learn the language of their masters because if they spoke any language that was not English or French or Spanish (etc. any of the European Imperial languages in the Americas), they would be punished. So that was taken away. Speak Mandinka, Mende, Yoruba, Bantu, Lucumí, etc get whipped or beaten, starved or tied up and punished. Forcibly remove your way to communicate. For the Protestant English in the Southern USA slaveowners they prohibited drums and drum playing. A way of communicating for the Africans. Because the Africans from Western Africa were diverse. They spoke many languages and were from many villages and many lands. They were not all one language. The drums helped bridge that gap of diversity. That was taken away in the English speaking slave states. Not so in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean or Brazil. I won't get into that all this means, that the slave had to also adapt to the religion practiced by their masters. Which was protestant Christianity for the Southern USA states. The customs, the foods, the hierarchies, and the entire culture of the white slaveowners was the one that had to be copied and adapted. But along with that came restrictions to make sure the African slaves would not be independent or be able to understand the laws, the means to gain knowledge about the society they lived in. So education and knowledge were not allowed. Being told about what they could say or how they could be together was highly regulated.

You were property. Like a chair, an animal, or an inanimate object to be bought and sold. You had to work and also what and when you ate, went to the bathroom, or slept or not was all determined by the owners. You also could not be on the road or walk around outside of a certain boundary. Your life cycle was determined by others who had absolute control over everything you could do and your every move.

This went on for years. Centuries. And finally after it is over...where do you go? Your whole life was controlled by the Master and the overseer? You only know how to obey, you can't read or write, you do not own land or property. Your children were taken from you long ago and sold off, your spouse you never knew and were raped and also had no rights, you ate without any consideration from a pig trough and you had no real shoes and no real winter clothing, you were taught nothing that made you able to learn a trade of value. If you had a community you were afraid to get attached since they might be sold away or whipped to death or keel over and die of overwork picking cotton and unceremoniously dumped in some grave to not stink up the place and keep people from their work the next day.

Then you got Jim Crow laws restricting all that you are allowed to do like vote, travel, buy at a store, and the kinds of jobs you can get and the pay you are allowed to earn. Who you can marry or not. And a lot more.

You really have no fucking idea Wat0n what it took for Martin Luther King Jr to get to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to happen. I was born two years after that was passed. I am not that old. Yet, all these traumas are supposed to be evaporated by now. 2023. All while some kid from Chile in Chicago thinks the African Americans are supposed to be assimilated by now. They got ASSIMILATED long ago. By a whip and guns, dogs and force and violence. What they need to do is get equality. Justice and peace. It is LONG OVERDUE.

I never claimed African Americans immigrated voluntarily, why would you put words in my mouth? In fact, if Anglos don't count as immigrants then African Americans shouldn't count either since they arrived at the same time whites did whether as indentured servants or slaves.

Being forced to learn English is not assimilation by itself, however, and in any event Black communities in the US even went as far as to develop their own dialects of English throughout the years (for example, Gullah - I learned from it because it turns out Clarence Thomas, the ultraconservative Black SCOTUS justice, spoke it as the first language in his household when growing up). Assimilation goes well beyond language, and in any event African Americans never got the opportunity to assimilate or acculturate into the Anglo-American culture during slavery (since, as you said, they were property and not person, having less rights than your pet has nowadays) and the subsequent segregation. It would only end as the movement towards civil rights took hold, and it's not a coincidence largely African-American genres like blues or jazz became more widely known and socially accepted during those years.

If the US had not enslaved and segregated its Black population they'd have undoubtedly assimilated long ago. Probably before the 20th century even, just as it happened to pretty much every group that was not physically separated from the wider society (like the German Amish you mentioned). But it is undoubtedly true, as well, that the process has been ongoing for a while precisely because of the effort by MLK to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent laws and court rulings. It is not a coincidence racial intermarriage has been increasing ever since Loving v Virginia among both Whites and Blacks, and it is most definitely part of the ongoing (and unstoppable) process of acculturation.
Tainari88 wrote:
An interesting article about White Resentment and what the thinking is behind white resentment: ... s-america/

From your article:

“In that context, any racial progress today is perceived as coming at the expense of whites, even if it strengthens our democracy. … If you don’t pay attention to those psychological aspects of political decision-making, you’ll miss the nuance of American politics, let alone the politics of race.”

Our geniuses complain about CRT a lot, but they lack the intellect to handle it. One of the tenets of CRT is that most policy needs to be color blind to avoid that resentment.

Our bigots are stuck in the past. The people leading them around by the nose have their own agenda, and the last thing it does is benefit them....
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