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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Godstud wrote:Ok. I'll bite. Tell me what the patriarchy is, and how men benefit from it... in the West. I can agree with you on a great many things, but this myth isn't one of them.

It's not a myth. But again, if you believe there is no patriarchy, which year did that end?

The Creation of Patriarchy by the brilliant historian, Gerda Lerner, is a good book that covers this question and answers your question about what the system that patriarchy is. There are PDFs online.
skinster wrote:It's not a myth. But again, if you believe there is no patriarchy, which year did that end?
Things fade over time and often there isn't a significant, "Gotcha!", moment. The Patriarchy, or what was left of it, died with Feminism.

I'm sorry, but I am not going to read a whole book, or seek for information to support your argument, for you.

The Patriarchy is a Feminist bogey-man. How are men benefitting from this modern Patriarchy? How are women oppressed? Surely you can present some easy examples for me where women lack rights and privileges, in the West.
Godstud wrote:Things fade over time and often there isn't a significant, "Gotcha!", moment. The Patriarchy, or what was left of it, died with Feminism.

You seem to be struggling to answer when it ended. Surely it was documented? But as yet, you're unable to support your position, which unfortunately seems to be based on feelings rather than reality. It seems you think because some women got some rights in the West over the last half a century, that patriarchy ended. That's a pretty cartoon-ish position.

I'm sorry, but I am not going to read a whole book, or seek for information to support your argument, for you.

You asked.

The Patriarchy is a Feminist bogey-man.


Marx and Engels wrote about it and development of human relations before feminists did.

How are men benefitting from this modern Patriarchy?

Ask the vast majority in all Western governments, perhaps?

How are women oppressed?

In the U.K. alone, on average 3 women are killed every week by men. And this is a low number compared to other countries where, in some cases, women are being raped every minute of the day.

Just because you don't know about it and refuse to read about it, Godstud, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
skinster wrote:Ask the vast majority in all Western governments, perhaps?
I asked you to defend your position by answering the question. I did not ask for you to pass the buck.

skinster wrote:In the U.K. alone, on average 3 women are killed every week by men. And this is a low number compared to other countries where, in some cases, women are being raped every minute of the day.
That's a poor argument. Men are killed, as well. Almost all the crime is done by less than 1% of the population. There are laws to protect women, and most men already protect women. Men are more likely than women, to suffer from violence, as well(the rate of men being murdered is twice that of women,, in the UK). Are men oppressed because of this? I doubt that you'd be willing to admit it.

skinster wrote:Just because you don't know about it and refuse to read about it, Godstud, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I asked you to tell me what privileges the patriarchy gives and what rights and privileges that men have that you don't have. I didn't ask someone else. If you can't even list the things that the patriarchy does, then your stand does not make sense.

The so called patriarchy is a manifestation of biological differences between men and women.

Of course, if you argue there is a patriarchy then you also have to acknowledge the benefits it grants you. I doubt that you will do that, however, so I'll stick with my opinion on the "patriarchy".

Do you think that women should be included in the draft in the UK? If you want equality, shouldn't it also come with equal responsibility? I am with you on most things, but women are not oppressed in the West.
Pink-haired Portland surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction, in now-deleted video

Godstud wrote:That's a poor argument. Men are killed, as well.

By other men, rarely women, though it happens, and when it does, it's mostly in defence or response to abuse.

But that's besides the point. Patriarchy never ended just because some women in the West got some rights or if a minuscule amount of women have killed.

Do you think that women should be included in the draft in the UK? If you want equality, shouldn't it also come with equal responsibility? I am with you on most things, but women are not oppressed in the West.


Anyone who wants to sign up as a pawn for the imperialists is their business, male or female.

Anyway, patriarchy is a system where men are the dominant sex class over women (and children) and this is based on their biology and it still very much exists and it didn't end, even if some people believe it did, though can't name when it ended or how or why. You seem to think women getting rights in the West means patriarchy ended, which is incorrect. If you are open to learning, I'd recommend that book I shared since this topic is complex and goes way beyond equal rights or whatever. I am however, not that interested in arguing this issue with a bloke who is clueless on the subject because in my experience, it's always a waste of time.
A hierarchy exists, @skinster, but that exists in any society, and indeed even in the animal kingdom.

skinster wrote:By other men, rarely women, though it happens, and when it does, it's mostly in defence or response to abuse.
Extensive Research: Women Initiate Domestic Violence More than Men, Men Under-report It.
“Analyzing data gathered from 11,370 respondents, researchers found that “half of [violent relationships] were reciprocally violent. In non-reciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more that 70% of the cases.” Out of all the respondents, a quarter of the women admitted to perpetrating the domestic violence and, when the violence was reciprocal, women were often the ones to have been the first to strike. In addition, an analytic view of 552 domestic violence studies published in the Psychological Bulletin found that 38% of the physical injuries suffered in domestic violence disputes were suffered by men.”
https://aliesq.medium.com/extensive-res ... baa4fbec9d

skinster wrote:I am however, not that interested in arguing this issue with a bloke who is clueless on the subject because in my experience, it's always a waste of time.
You are talking about an overarching system that apparently 50% of the population benefits from, and you are supposedly oppressed by. Women getting killed/raped by criminals is terrible, but that's because some people are shit, and it's not because of a "patriarchy".

Anyways, we are going off-topic and you clearly can't defend your position of a patriarchy, and so are stone-walling.
White privilege is BS. Your belief is not supported by reality. Privilege exists but it has no colour or race. Real privilege is linked to CLASS and wealth.

Just because people are given opportunities does not mean they take them. Lucky people are usually just people who took advantage of opportunities that presented themselves to them. Many risk-aversed people don't do the same.

So you must have been given your Masters degree. Doesn't that make you feel ashamed of your privilege?
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