PA: Israel plans to retain half of W. Bank and Jerusalem - Politics | PoFo

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The usual... Hamas has also recently offered Israel another truce, and true to form, Israel rejected it. Israel is not interested in peace.

It would be interesting to see the maps just to make sure that PA officials aren't lying, but it would not out of Israel's usual practices. Sharon planned to take up to half the West Bank as well, and Olmert had desired to continue Sharon's unilateral withdraw to implement it. Also recall the letter from Bush to Sharon mentioned in the article, which said the U.S. would not force Israel to accept pre-1967 borders, despite everyone knowing that is the key tenant of the only internationally recognized, barely just, peace proposal.

'Israel offering mini-state of cantons'

Khaled Abu Toameh , THE JERUSALEM POST May. 5, 2008
Palestinian Authority officials said Monday that Israel was offering the Palestinians nothing more than a "mini-state of cantons" in parts of the West Bank.

The officials told The Jerusalem Post that Israel's proposals were "completely unacceptable" and "provocative." They also claimed that the US Administration was supporting the Israeli position.

"Today, it's clear to us that Israel has no intention of withdrawing from all the territories that were occupied in 1967," said one official.

"If the Israelis and Americans think that they will ever find a Palestinian leader who would accept less than the 1967 borders, they are living under an illusion."

Another top PA official said that maps presented by the Israeli government to the Palestinians in the past few weeks showed that Israel is planning to retain control over nearly half of the West Bank and large parts of eastern Jerusalem.

The Israeli maps, he said, "turn the Palestinian communities in the West Bank into cantons surrounded by Israeli military bases and large settlement blocs."

The official added: "We have made it clear to both the Israelis and Americans that they should throw away these maps. No Palestinian will ever agree to the presence of settlements or Israeli soldiers in the West Bank. This is in violation of [US President George W.] Bush's vision of two states living next to each other in peace."

The officials said they were unaware of dramatic changes in Israel's position regarding final status issues, adding that it was "premature" to talk about progress in the negotiations between the two parties.

They said they were surprised to hear reports in the Israeli media about certain progress that was ostensibly achieved during Monday's summit between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

"Apparently Olmert's office is spreading these rumors to divert attention from the problems he's facing at home," the officials said, referring to the latest police investigation against Olmert.

"The Israeli government is not serious about the peace talks," said Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior PLO official closely associated with Abbas. "We don't believe that we can reach an agreement [with Israel] before the end of this year."

Abed Rabbo accused Israel of "deceiving" the Palestinians by continuing to build settlements while talking about the need to reach a peace deal.

"Israel does not want to change its policy," he added. "Israel wants to continue settlement expansion and the construction of the separation wall."

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat described the talks between Abbas and Olmert as "serious and thorough."

Erekat said Monday's talks focused on the final status issues. He said Abbas demanded an end to construction in the West Bank settlements and the reopening of closed PLO institutions in Jerusalem.

He said Abbas also demanded the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, especially those who have been in prison for more than 20 years, as well as women, minors and political leaders such as Marwan Barghouti.

According to Erekat, Israel has agreed to grant residency status to 10,000 Palestinians who entered the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past decade.

Jerusalem Post
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By ThereBeDragons
Hamas offered Israel the exchange of a third of Israel's territory for a ten year truce - not even lasting peace or formal recognition. Yeah, that sounds like a really good deal.

"If the Israelis and Americans think that they will ever find a Palestinian leader who would accept less than the 1967 borders, they are living under an illusion."

If the Palestinians think that they will ever find a Israeli leader would would accept anything than lasting formal recognition and peace, they are living under an illusion.

Looks like peace isn't forthcoming anytime soon.
By Maas
Looks like peace isn't forthcoming anytime soon.

how can it be?
The "secular" government is being held hostage by religious freeks who continue to build settlements. It's obvious Israel doesn't peace since the building continues = the opposite of giving back.
By DemonicRage
Israel will one day have to move to Uganda to build their Zionist state...

even there they will find no peace...

Time is not on Israels side...
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By danholo
The ultimate destruction of Israel is the only path to peace? The need for Israel is reaffirmed every time I visit this board. Sad.
By sploop!
The ultimate destruction of Israel is the only path to peace?

I must have missed the post here that said that - maybe you can point it out to me?
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By danholo
Considering that all Israel wants is to be able to exist, that must be the aversion to peace, right? Otherwise it's totally absurd to even consider Israel "not being interested in peace". Of course, again, depending on what "peace" means in this context.
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By War Angel
The ultimate destruction of Israel is the only path to peace? The need for Israel is reaffirmed every time I visit this board. Sad.

No, my friend, it's not sad at all - it gives me a sense of purpose. Everytime I come here, and see the hordes of hateful posters, I am reassured - Israel MUST stay, and I must always be there for its protection. Like me, there are many others.

Some people say "Oh, come on, it can't be THAT bad", and really, most of the people here aren't that militant (except myowndrummer and his ilk), but the amount of hate is still mind-blowing.

It's important to remember, if not comprehend - we are Jews, and we will always be hated. Fuck the reasoning behind it, it's not like we can change anything. Just resist.

It brings a smile to my face, everytime I see all the "Israel must be annihilated" posts here... first of all, it's so funny, that such a small country would bring so many people to such anger. Secondly, I can't feel anything but immense pride, that despite everyone's best efforts (Babylonians to Nazis and now Arabs), we are still here, breathin' and kickin'. :)
By sploop!
Yeah, yeah, yeah - the Jewish hate card - heard it all before...

Maybe you should take a serious look at why Israel is despised, instead of falling back on the easy answer.
By Politically Motivated
Considering that all Israel wants is to be able to exist

If this article is true then Israel wants more than just to be able to exist. I like the little 'all we want...' rhetoric though, almost makes it appear that Israel isn't a state founded via terrorism and ethnic cleansing.
By DemonicRage
Israel does not have a human face.
It has stolen land and is a tyrant.

It wont exist because it is greedy...

Not because it shouldnt have the right to.... but because it is arrogant and tyrannical and cannot surpress humanity around itself forever...
By Mike Powell
Israel does not have a human face.
It has stolen land and is a tyrant.

It wont exist because it is greedy...

Not because it shouldnt have the right to.... but because it is arrogant and tyrannical and cannot surpress humanity around itself forever...

Calm down there, buddy. Don't get too aggressive O.K. :)
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By Verv
Hey sapper, perhaps Israel is not interested in peace.

I would like to know what it is that makes you think the Palestinians are interested in peace. Or are they also a guilty party in the greater conflict?

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By War Angel
Yeah, yeah, yeah - the Jewish hate card - heard it all before...

'Tis only natural. :)

Maybe you should take a serious look at why Israel is despised, instead of falling back on the easy answer.

I know why Israel is despised, and frankly, I don't give a shit. I will not try to appease anyone, and if someone has a serious problem with Israel, they're more than welcome to take it up with our military. Past experience shows this has detrimental results on one's life expectancy, though. :lol:

almost makes it appear that Israel isn't a state founded via terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

Aye. What country in history wasn't, again?

Israel does not have a human face.


It wont exist because it is greedy...

Yess, greedy Jooos... especially since Israel hasn't, like, given up on 2\3 of its area in 1981, and a hefty bit more in 1993, and some more in 2005, and... wait a minute, Israel has been steadily decreasing in size. Holy shit. :eek:
By Maas
Past experience shows this has detrimental results on one's life expectancy, though.

Indeed, president Olmert still sits firmly even though he fucked up against Hezbollah.
Yess, greedy Jooos... especially since Israel hasn't, like, given up on 2\3 of its area in 1981, and a hefty bit more in 1993, and some more in 2005, and... wait a minute, Israel has been steadily decreasing in size. Holy shit.

that's excluding that wall on the wrong side of the line and also more and more settlements in the west bank.
By stalker
Peace is only possible under Islam.

Dar al-Islam = House of Peace.

Dar al-Hard = House of War, where all the infidels, Zionists, pagans, etc, live.

I recommend we all submit to the will of Allah.
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By Beren
Sapper wrote:Israel is not interested in peace.

Israel is not interested in peace/truce with the unreliable and basically militant Hamas.
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By Nets
Sploop wrote:Yeah, yeah, yeah - the Jewish hate card - heard it all before...

Maybe you should take a serious look at why Israel is despised, instead of falling back on the easy answer.

Maybe I should take a serious look at why about 1/2 of my family was gassed by Europeans instead of falling back on the easy answer.

I'm not saying all hatred of Israel comes from nowhere, but history agrees with WarAngel. The world hates us and always will hate us.
Danholo wrote:The ultimate destruction of Israel is the only path to peace? The need for Israel is reaffirmed every time I visit this board. Sad.

WarAngel wrote:It's important to remember, if not comprehend - we are Jews, and we will always be hated. Fuck the reasoning behind it, it's not like we can change anything. Just resist.

It's true. The PoFo mideast forum is the biggest affirmation for Zionism I have ever seen. I mean all this talk about Jewish controlled media, Jewish controlled Banks, and Jewish controlled world Governments, etc......its the same shit the Lutherans, Nazis, the Czarists, and later the Soviets said against us. I'm sure back then we were told to "stop playing the anti-antisemitism card" and look at the evidence.

Verv wrote:I would like to know what it is that makes you think the Palestinians are interested in peace. Or are they also a guilty party in the greater conflict?

Verv they are "Brown" people, which means in the Leftist playbook they are incapable of wrongdoing. They don't know any better. I hate this mindset.
Indeed, president Olmert still sits firmly even though he fucked up against Hezbollah.

Prime Minister Olmert may actually fall due to the latest corruption scandal.
By Maas
Maybe I should take a serious look at why about 1/2 of my family was gassed by Europeans instead of falling back on the easy answer.

That argument is false since your family was gassed by a highly specific group of Europeans. Otherwise you make it appear that also the European Jews were helping with the gassing. And there is nothing wrong with naming the easy answer. There is how ever something terrible wrong with ignoring the easy answere.

The world hates us and always will hate us.

That too is a false statement.
Iraq got attacked for all the wrong reasons because the US went guessing when Iraq didn't cooperate with a couple of UN resolutions. Libya didn't apply to a couple of UN resolutions and it got ignored by the world for a couple of decades. Israel doesn't cooperate with maybe 40 resolutions, and somehow that is perfectly ok.

Prime Minister Olmert may actually fall due to the latest corruption scandal.

The percentage of Israeli politicians that get connected with corruption or got a sexual scandal going is rediculisly high. Why Israeli's keep voting for them parties and keep the war alive is one of lifes great misteries.

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