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By starman2003
skinster wrote:It's great news and you can read above about some of those benefits.

How much money for reconstruction? What weapon systems to repel missile attacks?

This is just your opinion, by the look of it. The Iranians don't fear the Yankees or the Zionists.

They respect the power of both or they would've retaliated fiercely for Israeli attacks, or ignored threats over enriching to weapons grade.

Iran is not Iraq, it has a million+ strong standing army and a lot of weapons

Unfortunately too many of Iran's conventional weapons are horrendously obsolete or inferior. They don't have a single jet or tank that can stand up to the merk, Barak F-15 or f-35.

and a lot of allies since it provides many of them in the region with weapons and other support.

Alas Israel has been preparing to take on hez on its own turf, as the Oron recon plane and barak appear to be designed to find hidden hez positions, leading to prompt destruction.

The Iranians have already stated if the Zionists and their masters in Washington attack them, the first place they would send missiles into is Tel Aviv.

Why didn't they send those missiles after their nuclear scientists or personnel in syria were killed?

Is it obvious or is this your opinion again?

KSA obviously isn't satisfied as it made a deeper US commitment a condition for "normalization."

The end result is the same.

No, a rapprochement which amounted to china knocking their heads together isn't likely to be as durable--if durable at all--compared to a real rapprochement, on the initiative of the parties themselves.

"There will be no peace between any Arab nation and Israel until the Palestinian conflict is ended by Israel agreeing to share sovereignty over the land"

Unfortunately Abbas wasn't speaking for UAE, Bahrain and other states willing to ditch the palestinians….
By skinster
starman2003 wrote:How much money for reconstruction? What weapon systems to repel missile attacks?

If you're on the internet, you can have a look for updates yourself. You weren't sure about benefits so I answered you with the article that stated some of them. Are you expecting everything to change overnight or believe your demands or interests mean anything in this debate?

The Syrians and Chinese are working together, particularly to reconstruct broken Syria that has been under an imperialist war since 2011. This is a good thing and great for the Syrian people.

They respect the power of both or they would've retaliated fiercely for Israeli attacks, or ignored threats over enriching to weapons grade.

This is just your opinion. They do attack Israel, indirectly, via the three countries I mentioned already.

Unfortunately too many of Iran's conventional weapons are horrendously obsolete or inferior. They don't have a single jet or tank that can stand up to the merk, Barak F-15 or f-35.

More of your opinion.

Alas Israel has been preparing to take on hez on its own turf, as the Oron recon plane and barak appear to be designed to find hidden hez positions, leading to prompt destruction.

Israel is not fighting Hezbollah any time soon. They backed off when they had a chance really, but saw they were getting missiles from not just Lebanon, but Palestine, Syria and Egypt decided to end things.

Why didn't they send those missiles after their nuclear scientists or personnel in syria were killed?

If Israel attacks Iran they will get missiles in Tel Aviv. I am sure the Zionists accept this as they would've attacked them already.

KSA obviously isn't satisfied as it made a deeper US commitment a condition for "normalization."

Your opinion is beginning to get quite boring. No offence. But if you want to share sources that support your position we can debate further.

No, a rapprochement which amounted to china knocking their heads together isn't likely to be as durable--if durable at all--compared to a real rapprochement, on the initiative of the parties themselves.

Unfortunately Abbas wasn't speaking for UAE, Bahrain and other states willing to ditch the palestinians….[/quote]
skinster wrote:The Syrians and Chinese are working together, particularly to reconstruct broken Syria….

It seems like smoke and mirrors. I didn't see any specific figures on aid $ or commitments to supply weapons.

This is just your opinion. They do attack Israel, indirectly, via the three countries I mentioned already.

They use surrogates because they don't want a direct confrontation in which they'd come out worst.

More of your opinion.

:lol: I have no doubt my opinion is shared by anyone knowledgable about modern weapons. Unfortunately Iran doesn't yet have any jet or tank remotely capable of stranding up to Israel's F-35s, Baraks and merks etc.

Israel is not fighting Hezbollah any time soon...

They may well try once they have the systems I suspect have been designed specifically for such an adversary. Hopefully hez will be able to counter them.

If Israel attacks Iran they will get missiles in Tel Aviv. I am sure the Zionists accept this as they would've attacked them already.

Israel is not deterred by Iran but restrained by the US and EU etc which fear the economic blowback of a war in the gulf.

Your opinion is beginning to get quite boring. No offence. But if you want to share sources that support your position we can debate further.

I thought much of what I've said is common knowledge. But if you think this exchange is boring we can end it right here and now.

No, a rapprochement which amounted to china knocking their heads together isn't likely to be as durable--if durable at all--compared to a real rapprochement, on the initiative of the parties themselves.

Unfortunately Abbas wasn't speaking for UAE, Bahrain and other states willing to ditch the palestinians….[/quote][/quote]
By skinster

starman2003 wrote:It seems like smoke and mirrors. I didn't see any specific figures on aid $ or commitments to supply weapons.

Yeah, the Chinese and Syrians are just pretending to make alliances for whatever bizarro reason you seem to have in your head. :lol:

They use surrogates because they don't want a direct confrontation in which they'd come out worst.

This can be said about the neocons and Zionists.

They may well try once they have the systems I suspect have been designed specifically for such an adversary. Hopefully hez will be able to counter them.

They had a chance to recently and refused to take that road, because if you remember, Zionists ostensibly lost the war against Hezbollah last time.

Israel is not deterred by Iran but restrained by the US and EU etc which fear the economic blowback of a war in the gulf.

The Zionists are deterred by Iran, otherwise they would've attacked already, but they know Tel Aviv will go up in smoke and can't risk that. Remember, they freak out even when a handful of soldiers are killed. They've been pushing the U.S. to make war with Iran instead, with little success.
By skinster
Horrific terrorist attack via drones at the military parade yesterday in Syria which as yet, has left 89 dead, 31 of which were women, 5 children, and at least 277 injured.

It came from Al-Qaeda terrorists still holed up in Idlib province. The Syrian Arab Army responded with bombing Idlib. In my humble opinion, a Syrian response should've been happening every day until those scumbags fled back to whichever hole they came from.
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:Yeah, the Chinese and Syrians are just pretending to make alliances for whatever bizarro reason you seem to have in your head.

I don't deny relations are good. I just don't see evidence China will provide critical help like billions in aid for reconstruction or advanced weapons.

They had a chance to recently and refused to take that road, because if you remember, Zionists ostensibly lost the war against Hezbollah last time.

Like I said the Israelis are developing or producing new systems which appear to be designed to take on hez. They're just not ready yet.

The Zionists are deterred by Iran, otherwise they would've attacked already,

I reiterate that the US and EU, fearing economic blowback, are the ones who've restrained Israel.

but they know Tel Aviv will go up in smoke and can't risk that.

Na the Israelis are the ones with nukes so they can best deter any major attack. Note that Iran never retaliated for the hundreds of israeli strikes on syria, many of which killed Iranians.

The attack on the graduating ceremony in Homs was absolutely awful--the work of HTS savages probably armed by Turkey or Israel. I agree wholeheartedly with your proposed remedy.

Btw skinster I have no doubt you're excited by the Hamas attacks on Israel. :) It's great to see damage and casualties inflicted on the zionists. :)
My only criticism is that it may bolster nutanyaho...
By skinster

starman2003 wrote:Btw skinster I have no doubt you're excited by the Hamas attacks on Israel. :)

It's not just Hamas tho, it's the various resistance orgs all over Palestine, AKA the Lions' Den. And yes, it is has been beautiful to watch. 8)
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:It's not just Hamas tho, it's the various resistance orgs all over Palestine, AKA the Lions' Den. And yes, it is has been beautiful to watch. 8)

Groveling at the feet of zionists, a plethora of whores in the US and EU denigrate this shining example of Palestinian courage. One can only hope that people in the "normalization" countries see the contrast between Palestinian guts and the shameless capitulation of their governments.
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:The UAE are the only state in the region who defended the Zionists.

What a contrast there is between official policy and popular views in arab countries! If the people in UAE had had their way, the country's take on this conflict would be like Iran's. One can only hope that as israeli outrages mount, popular pressures in arab states will finally alter policy--or even topple governments. :)

The Saudis put a statement putting all the blame onto Israel.

I don't think this war was ordered by Iran to derail "normalization." But derailment now seems quite possible, if not certain. :)
By skinster

starman2003 wrote:What a contrast there is between official policy and popular views in arab countries! If the people in UAE had had their way, the country's take on this conflict would be like Iran's.

Even in the countries attempting normalisation with Israel, the masses protest in defence of Palestine. The Arab world absolutely opposes what Israel has been doing for almost a century to Palestinians. Hell, even Westerners do. That's demonstrated by the demonstrations in Western cities all over the world these last few days in defence of Palestine.

Another one is planned in London this weekend. Last time a big one like this was planned, half a million people showed up to defend Palestine from the apartheid state whose boot is on her neck.

One can only hope that as israeli outrages mount, popular pressures in arab states will finally alter policy--or even topple governments. :)

There is already talk from resistance orgs in countries all over the ME who are talking about joining in defence of Palestinians and resistance factions like Hezbollah. I predict the savage Zionists will continue to carpet-bomb until they get a number of dead they are satisfied with, then they'll move in the direction of exchange of hostages.

I don't think this war was ordered by Iran to derail "normalization." But derailment now seems quite possible, if not certain. :)

I don't think it was ordered by Iran either for that reason. I think it was ordered by the Palestinian factions because of all the attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank over the last year, the raids, the pogroms in Huwara, etc.etc. And they timed it one day away from the Yom Kippur resistance war 50 years ago.
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:I predict the savage Zionists will continue to carpet-bomb until they get a number of dead they are satisfied with, then they'll move in the direction of exchange of hostages.

The zionists say they'll crush Hamas completely, and make sure it's out of power. To do that they'll have to preoccupy the Gaza Strip, causing enormous loss of life. The crossing point to Egypt was bombed to ensure there's no escape. Gallant gave Israeli troops carte blanche; they can do anything without fear of prosecution. Sounds like a prelude to genocide.
By Rich
starman2003 wrote:Sounds like a prelude to genocide.

I really doubt that. "Genocide, genocide, genocide" I hear a lot of people talking about genocide. Not only do few of them have any practical experience of genocide most don't even seem to have done even basic theoretical study. Committing genocide with a modern western or even semi westernised population is not easy. Genocide rather reminds me of building a modern micro services architecture. It all sounds very straightforward until you start seriously thinking about implementing one.

Gaza claims two million people, now even accounting for the fact that Hamas and Fatah, it we're talking about a serious genocide, then we have to be talking about exterminating a minimum of two hundred thousand people, and even then the Muslims will replace those losses within a few years.

No genocide is hard, very hard. And please don't bring up Rwanda, the situations are not analogues.
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By starman2003
Rich wrote:Committing genocide with a modern western or even semi westernised population is not easy.

Gallant just gave Israeli soldiers carte blanche. In their dealings with Palestinians they won't have to follow any rules at all. They can kill all the people they want.
By skinster
Update about the region.

starman2003 wrote:The zionists say they'll crush Hamas completely, and make sure it's out of power. To do that they'll have to preoccupy the Gaza Strip, causing enormous loss of life. The crossing point to Egypt was bombed to ensure there's no escape. Gallant gave Israeli troops carte blanche; they can do anything without fear of prosecution. Sounds like a prelude to genocide.

Surely you should know better than to take what the Zionists say with a pinch of salt. When they refer to Hamas, they're referring to all Palestinian resistance forces, something they cannot extinguish because whenever they kill any, they create even more (the families and friends of those killed). The resistance will not stop being unless the Zionists kill millions of Palestinians, which they simply cannot do without getting annihilated themselves. The Iranians and Saudis will not sit by and let that happen, nor will the Iraqis, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians etc. that border Palestine.

As for Gallant giving Israeli troops carte blanche, why is anyone acting like this is new? They've had just that in the last 4 massacres in Gaza. They never face war trials. When the outside world writes reports on their crimes against humanity, those are ignored. Israel has complete impunity because it's an imperialist colony propped up by the U.S. Empire who has its own rules about the world. Israel has violated over 60 U.N. resolutions and...nada. Iraq violated 2 and got destroyed.

As for "prelude to genocide", I think it'd be correct to refer to what you mean as an 'escalation of genocide' since the genocide of Palestinians never ended since it began in the 1940s. Just look up the definition of what genocide means before anyone comes back crying about the use of a word that fits, rather than genocide itself..
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:The resistance will not stop being unless the Zionists kill millions of Palestinians, which they simply cannot do without getting annihilated themselves. The Iranians and Saudis will not sit by and let that happen, nor will the Iraqis, Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians etc. that border Palestine.

Unfortunately Israel retains a military edge over potential enemies, compounded by the internal Syrian and Iraqi conflicts. That's a key reason for capitulation ("peacemaking/normalization") over the past 50 years. ("If you can't beat'em join 'em.)If Israel's enemies were capable of overcoming it militarily it would've disappeared long ago. Now I'm well aware of the surprising showing by Hamas on the 7th and the achievements of Hezbollah etc. But the ability to inflict some losses is a far cry from the ability to wipe out.
Sandzak wrote:Syria is in trouble since it lost the water from Golan, they can not feed them self.

They still have the Euphrates. They've had droughts but the real economic problem is the nutty "caesar act," and theft of their oil.
By skinster
starman2003 wrote:Unfortunately Israel retains a military edge over potential enemies, compounded by the internal Syrian and Iraqi conflicts. That's a key reason for capitulation ("peacemaking/normalization") over the past 50 years. ("If you can't beat'em join 'em.)If Israel's enemies were capable of overcoming it militarily it would've disappeared long ago. Now I'm well aware of the surprising showing by Hamas on the 7th and the achievements of Hezbollah etc. But the ability to inflict some losses is a far cry from the ability to wipe out.

Then explain why Israelis refuse to do a ground invasion of Gaza?

Don't tell me you fell for their excuse that they were holding back because of "the weather". :lol:
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By starman2003
skinster wrote:Then explain why Israelis refuse to do a ground invasion of Gaza?

Probably the same reason the anti-iraq coalition didn't begin the ground attack for a month after war began in mid January '91. Despite their superiority they wanted to minimize casualties by first wearing down the enemy with air strikes.

Don't tell me you fell for their excuse that they were holding back because of "the weather". :lol:

Well, weather hampered Israeli operations of the past. See Rabinovich The Yom Kippur war. When the chief meteorologist of the air force entered his office on October 7, Hod(?) said "What are you doing here…?" "Sorry sir but there's cloud cover over golan…" forcing hod to call off a strike.
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