Lesbians complain about so many of the profiles on dating sites being trans - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Apparently now on many lesbian dating sides, more than half the profiles are transgender men-identifying-as-women.
Many of the lesbian women are feeling like this is "invading their space" and many of them feel uncomfortable.

[i]from article[/i] -
"It's very sad to see women in general being erased ... I see a lot of screenshots of pictures from lesbian dating apps, and, like, every other swipe is a man."​

Jaimee Michell is the founder of "Gays Against Groomers", a gay advocacy group set up to denounce the targeting and sexualization of children by "LGBTQQIP2SAA" activism. Jaimee began the organization in an effort to separate homosexuals from the gender ideology movement, in her words, to "reclaim our good standing in society that we just achieved not that long ago".​

Conversations among lesbians about only wanting to date biological women have been dubbed "transphobic" and "abusive" by activists and media.​

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023 ... -lunatics/

This sounds bizarre, but actually isn't that surprising. For any of you familiar with the online dating world, there is an enormous gender imbalance, far many more men than women. The fact that on so many lesbian dating sites nearly half the profiles are trans men-identifying-as-women is just one more manifestation of this.

These trans men-identifying-as-women (will use the abbreviation TW) are still attracted to women. But now they are just having trouble finding women who are attracted to them.
As you can imagine, a lot of these lesbians are not biting, and the TW are having trouble finding a woman who wants to go on a date with them.

(TW do have more luck with bisexual women, but even then many say they prefer someone who's one or the other, not a mix of both)

And then of course the worst thing, a lesbian actually goes on a date and discovers that the "woman" meeting her is actually a trans woman (TW). Can make the woman feel extremely uncomfortable, feels deceived, "violated", even "unsafe".
AveMaria02 wrote:I'm a devout Catholic.

I'm guessing you mean Roman Catholic. I was brought up in the Church of England where they chant the creed.

The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

Still I guess in practice in the Church of England, there's a lot less focus on the Apostolic Succession. Anyway my question to you would be, has the ending of Acts never struck you as a bit odd? As a Roman Catholic has it never struck you as a bit odd that Acts doesn't mention Peter going to Rome? That in fact there is not a single word in the Cannon to support the primacy of Rome.

AveMaria02 wrote:but I also believe that marriage is ordained by God for men and women only.

Well if one reads and believes one of the Protestant / Roman Catholic / Orthodox Bibles, it is very clear that God supports polygamy and also men having sex slaves as well as their regular wives.
Rich wrote:I'm guessing you mean Roman Catholic. I was brought up in the Church of England where they chant the creed.

Still I guess in practice in the Church of England, there's a lot less focus on the Apostolic Succession.

The Anglican Church is the joke version, the Mickey Mouse version, of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s the Church of the Obese Polygamist. In every other respect, it’s just a breakaway sect of the RC Church. It’s the religious version of Taiwan. Lol.

Anyway my question to you would be, has the ending of Acts never struck you as a bit odd? As a Roman Catholic has it never struck you as a bit odd that Acts doesn't mention Peter going to Rome? That in fact there is not a single word in the Cannon to support the primacy of Rome.

Canon, @Rich. The word is ‘canon’. :)

Well if one reads and believes one of the Protestant / Roman Catholic / Orthodox Bibles, it is very clear that God supports polygamy and also men having sex slaves as well as their regular wives.

Indeed. It also forbids the eating of shellfish and pork, which most people who aren’t Jewish just ignore. Or they say, “That’s the Old Testament”. Well, so are the Ten Commandments. Do you ignore those too?
Potemkin wrote:Canon, @Rich. The word is ‘canon’. :)

No excuses sir!

Indeed. It also forbids the eating of shellfish and pork, which most people who aren’t Jewish just ignore. Or they say, “That’s the Old Testament”. Well, so are the Ten Commandments. Do you ignore those too?

Ah but there is an important distinction here, which I feel is important for non Christians to take note of. Christianity does claim to be a new covenant replacing the Old Mosaic covenant. St Paul goes to some lengths to explain why Christians are not subject either to circumcision or the dietary restrictions of the Mosaic law. St Paul specifically references the earlier pre Mosaic covenant between Yaweh / El and Abraham. I say Yahweh / El, because of course in the E and P sources God or the God is referred to as El and is only known as Yahweh after the burning bush.

But I know of no injunction in the Gospels, Acts, the Epistle or the Apocalypse of St John against a man having multiple wives. Nor am I aware of Jesus or any other writer or character in the New Testament ever claiming that Solomon was morally wrong to have 300 sex slaves.
Just to point out, these TW could just form their own separate dating site.

But as we all know, no man (or very few of them, to be more accurate) wants to date a woman who's actually man. Even men who have transitioned into being a woman.

So it's kind of a game. They're all pretending to be women, but the real women are the ones who are desirable.

(Yes, there do exist a few men with a fetish for trans women who still have their junk down there, but that is the exception. Ironically I doubt most of these trans women are especially attracted to that)
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