South Africa launches case at UN court accusing Israel of genocide - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Israel is ignoring the ruling.

Twelve ministers from Netanyahu's Likud party and numerous members of the Knesset attended a 'conference' calling for Palestinians to be removed from Gaza a couple of days ago.

Haaretz called it an orgy of Jewish supremacism.

ingliz wrote:Twelve ministers from Netanyahu's Likud party and numerous members of the Knesset attended a 'conference' calling for Palestinians to be removed from Gaza a couple of days ago.

Haaretz called it an orgy of Jewish supremacism.

So the question I'd like to ask the Palestinian supporter is what was the point of the 10/7 attack? What purpose did it serve? What in God' name was it meant to achieve? We can argue about whether this atrocity, happened or that, but its totally irrelevant. Any attack, any success was surely going to harden the hearts of Israelis, not soften them.

When I look at 9/11, I can see the strategy of a brave intelligent, thoughtful man or men. I can see the work of visionaries. Al Qaeda goaded America into invading Afghanistan and inflicted a humiliating defeat on the World's leading super power. Under Joe Biden's leadership America was turned into a laughing stock. But I see no such rational for 10/7.
wat0n wrote:You should not just read the order, but the separate opinions (of dissenters) and declarations (by some justices those who voted in favor). The bar at this stage is low enough that any war that is fought in a city could lead to "plausible" genocide claims.

wat0n, if you have ever studied alcoholism and the role of enablers, you would realize that you are no friend of the Jews or Israel in this thread.

You are the person at the bar who turns to a very drunk friend (who lends you money whenever you need it)... and you say,

"Tony, you aren't that drunk that you can't drive home alone in your sports car. Go for it!
Just be careful that the cops don't catch you. :)

And by the way, have you got twenty bucks until next week? :) "

Looks like you won't have to pay "your friend" back.
I don't see how any apologists for the Israeli government , and IDF , can come up with an excuse for this incident . A little girl , Hind Rajab , along with her family , was just murdered by IDF soldiers . How can anyone say that this is anything but an indiscriminate war crime atrocity ? If this is not state sponsored genocide then I don't know what is .

It's odd to see people like @late to only now become so concerned about civilian suffering. I don't recall seeing anything like that on October 7.

Now we're seeing employees from supposedly humanitarian institutions like the Palestinian branch of the Red Cross and the UNRWA who were aware of what's happening that day, with some participating actively in it, yet no one of those responsible for their hiring quits and these institutions demand more money if anything.

But there are no comments about it, because for people like him and others Israelis are subhuman, so there's nothing wrong or to be criticized about this behavior.

wat0n wrote:
I didn't say you are, @late. You're just giving a pass to mass murderers and those who aid them within international organizations, no biggie here.

So give us a number, a hundred times the number of Israelis killed?

Or do we want to get honest, and admit he has no intention of stopping?
The ICJ ruling has found that ‘it is plausible that Israel’s conduct amounts to genocide.’

To plausibly ensure that the Israeli government and the IDF are not committing genocide, the IDF would have to commit to following the measures mentioned in the interim ruling.

The continued military attacks against civilians show that the IDF are not following the measures.

Consequently, it is not realistic to argue that Israel is not committing genocide.
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