What would a fascist American government look like? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I was running across this Quora piece and it looks interesting:

Of note to your question is the assessment by Captain GM Gilbert, an Army psychologist assigned to observe the defendants at the Nuremburg trials:

Fascism arrives as your friend. It will restore your honor, make you feel proud, protect your house, give you a job, clean up your neighborhood, remind you of how great you once were, clear out the venal and the corrupt, remove anything you feel is unlike you.
In my work with the defendants I was searching for the nature of evil, and now I think I have come close to defining it.A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to deal with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.
That very lack of empathy is a defining attribute of America today, whether for immigrants, those lacking health-care coverage, the poor, the incarcerated, minorities… there’s really no poorly enfranchised group that is not being victimized by an uncaring body politic. Those with money, those with unquestioned access to the reins of power, even gun-owners - any group with obvious levers to exert their will - are unchallenged at the top of the pecking order, and work incessantly to further buttress, and even increase, their advantage.


I really think that is true people. If I had to boil down what the worst thing a person can do in terms of their virtues or flaws that really make them evil? It is the inability to empathize. It means they are incapable of snapping out of their selfish stances and thoughts. A total lack of being able to put themselves in another person's shoes. Even for a moment.

That is evil defined.

What do you think it is?
Tainari88 wrote:
I was running across this Quora piece and it looks interesting:

Of note to your question is the assessment by Captain GM Gilbert, an Army psychologist assigned to observe the defendants at the Nuremburg trials:

Fascism arrives as your friend. It will restore your honor, make you feel proud, protect your house, give you a job, clean up your neighborhood, remind you of how great you once were, clear out the venal and the corrupt, remove anything you feel is unlike you.
In my work with the defendants I was searching for the nature of evil, and now I think I have come close to defining it.A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to deal with their fellow men. Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.
That very lack of empathy is a defining attribute of America today, whether for immigrants, those lacking health-care coverage, the poor, the incarcerated, minorities… there’s really no poorly enfranchised group that is not being victimized by an uncaring body politic. Those with money, those with unquestioned access to the reins of power, even gun-owners - any group with obvious levers to exert their will - are unchallenged at the top of the pecking order, and work incessantly to further buttress, and even increase, their advantage.


I really think that is true people. If I had to boil down what the worst thing a person can do in terms of their virtues or flaws that really make them evil? It is the inability to empathize. It means they are incapable of snapping out of their selfish stances and thoughts. A total lack of being able to put themselves in another person's shoes. Even for a moment.

That is evil defined.

What do you think it is?

They're sociopaths, and the Republican party has become the sociopath party..

To answer your question, violent. Very, very, very violent..
wat0n wrote:Honestly? A huge failure, since the US is just too large of a country to be under a hyper centralized government like a fascist regime. I suppose the US would split in that case.

That is what happened in the American Civil War that lasted over four years.

This is what happened.

American Civil War
Date April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865 (4 years, 1 month and 2 weeks)
Result Union victory Abolition of slavery in the United States Beginning of the Reconstruction era Passage of the Reconstruction Amendments
Territorial changes Dissolution of the Confederate States of America

I think the USA this time will just rev up facial recognition and AI, and tapping and tracking everyone, a big Brother is watching you Snowden nightmare type of scene. Everyone will have an algorithm and so on, and credit ratings on social conformity like they are currently doing in China.

You put your eyeball retina or fingerprint or palm print in a machine and every tiny thing you say, do, and buy, and think is carefully cataloged.

Only people deemed part of the system are allowed to purchase stocks, and bonds, and so on, and only certain people are given ratings to access information that is highly regulated.

It will be a society where trust for the system is low, but everyone is scared of bucking it Wat0n, because you won't get a job if you do, you won't be able to get a loan, or rent a house or buy a car or even be allowed to have children unless it is all approved by a state that has to have absolute control of all human activity in order to keep the pecking order going.
late wrote:They're sociopaths, and the Republican party has become the sociopath party..

To answer your question, violent. Very, very, very violent..

All sociopaths are highly lacking in empathy. They can't do empathy at all.

Violent? Some are and others are not.

Violent people often are repressed and also used to a total lack of self control. No one really taught them how to solve conflicts with anything but brute force and threats.

They have very little ability to control themselves well.
Tainari88 wrote:That is what happened in the American Civil War that lasted over four years.

This is what happened.

American Civil War
Date April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865 (4 years, 1 month and 2 weeks)
Result Union victory Abolition of slavery in the United States Beginning of the Reconstruction era Passage of the Reconstruction Amendments
Territorial changes Dissolution of the Confederate States of America

I think the USA this time will just rev up facial recognition and AI, and tapping and tracking everyone, a big Brother is watching you Snowden nightmare type of scene. Everyone will have an algorithm and so on, and credit ratings on social conformity like they are currently doing in China.

You put your eyeball retina or fingerprint or palm print in a machine and every tiny thing you say, do, and buy, and think is carefully cataloged.

Only people deemed part of the system are allowed to purchase stocks, and bonds, and so on, and only certain people are given ratings to access information that is highly regulated.

It will be a society where trust for the system is low, but everyone is scared of bucking it Wat0n, because you won't get a job if you do, you won't be able to get a loan, or rent a house or buy a car or even be allowed to have children unless it is all approved by a state that has to have absolute control of all human activity in order to keep the pecking order going.

It'd be even worse than the Civil War, because the Confederacy would at least try to keep most of the American political system as it was.
Tainari88 wrote:That is evil defined.

What do you think it is?

I've always, probably incorrectly, categorized evil into two subgroups; those with immense indifference to others (lacking empathy) or those who derive pleasure in others' suffering (schadenfreude). A little bit of sociopathy vs. psychopathy perhaps, but I might be off the mark here.

What would a truly fascist American government look like? A totalitarian police state with propaganda up the wazoo, mass imprisonments, public executions. Kind of like today, really, but set to 11 instead of 3-4.
wat0n wrote:It'd be even worse than the Civil War, because the Confederacy would at least try to keep most of the American political system as it was.

Humans get used to having a corporate run plutocrat and autocratic government. They conform. They go and buy a house in some security guard, gated community where everyone that lives there has the same economic profile and they only socialize with each other. A bubble of safety atmosphere. They do not care about the one living in war zones, or food deserts, or who are going through problems. The important thing is to be safely locked in their own worlds. Suburbia.

They sell that dream in these new developments to the North of the city here in Merida too you know...una privada they call it. Urbanización privada. You pay HOA fees, and so on, and you have an entire world there only made for them. No public access to such a place. Exclusivity. The high life.


No need to look upon the face of poverty or be exposed to crime. It is all behind closed doors.

MadMonk wrote:I've always, probably incorrectly, categorized evil into two subgroups; those with immense indifference to others (lacking empathy) or those who derive pleasure in others' suffering (schadenfreude). A little bit of sociopathy vs. psychopathy perhaps, but I might be off the mark here.

What would a truly fascist American government look like? A totalitarian police state with propaganda up the wazoo, mass imprisonments, public executions. Kind of like today, really, but set to 11 instead of 3-4.

Yes, that is what it would look like MadMonk.

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