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Rancid wrote:Wait, are we blaming the terrorist attack in RUssia on the ship in Baltimore? :?:

Sort off, USA bad Putin Good was Riches line basically.
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By ingliz
JohnRawls wrote:newspapers

It does now but when you posted your 'no power' cause they were still investigating and you were guessing.

They appear to have ruled out sabotage.

The FBI has said there is “no specific and credible information to suggest any ties to terrorism at this time” and the Secretary of Homeland Security says, “There are no indications this was an intentional act.”
litwin wrote:all killed on the video are Maskali , doesnt look well for your guys ....

ps rest in pieces :knife: :lol:

That Russian young man in the Tweet there is really off his rocker nuts!!

Fun to kill people?! Is he insane?
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By Rancid
JohnRawls wrote:
Sort off, USA bad Putin Good was Riches line basically.

Some people try way too fucking hard to make up the reality they wish to be true.

Anyway, the pro-putin is bought into the paranoia filled crap Putin has fed consistently over the years. Putin himself has also gone from selling crack to smoking it (i.e. believing his own bullshit).
Rancid wrote:Some people try way too fucking hard to make up the reality they wish to be true.

Anyway, the pro-putin is bought into the paranoia filled crap Putin has fed consistently over the years. Putin himself has also gone from selling crack to smoking it (i.e. believing his own bullshit).

Come on Rancid who is Putin but a right wing freak drunk on his own power? He is a nationalist. And an authoritarian too. So he knows he is on his way out and he has to justify his continued rule.

Now the Ukrainians have issues as well but the bottom line is that invasions are about imperialism almost 100% of the time.

But, some nations are excused from that behavior and others are not. Why?

It is about who is abusing power and for what purposes.
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By Rancid
Tainari88 wrote:Now the Ukrainians have issues as well but the bottom line is that invasions are about imperialism almost 100% of the time.

LIES, this is a defensive action!
By late
Tainari88 wrote:
But, some nations are excused from that behavior and others are not. Why?

Because sometimes it leads to World War 3.....
Rancid wrote:LIES, this is a defensive action!

Imperialism definition again. Do not think I already know you by now Rancid. :D For other readers:

Britannica Dictionary def.

What is the definition of imperialism in the world?
imperialism, State policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.

I wonder how many wealthy and powerful nations engage in this so called imperialism eh folks?

Is it Moscow Putin Putito only? I don't think so.... :violin:
late wrote:Because sometimes it leads to World War 3.....

Worry about the 75 million Trump voters who want to end democracy in any sham form in the USA in 2024.

Oh, the USA is not fascist leaning. Oh the USA is not full of dumbells. Oh the USA is not about some people who never read at all and want to ban books.

Not my USA who is great. I knew how bad these people were YEARS ago.

Half the nation did not know Puerto Ricans were USA citizens. Half the country are uninformed people in general and most do not give a shit about anything but losing some position that is threatened by crap like Gay people in Rainbow parades and some YOU SHALL NOT REPLACE US paranoia in Charlottesville.

I never lived with bullshit about the US government and the US voters being open minded people. I always knew how ignorant they were.

It surprised me that so many people were caught by surprise by this. Why? Where were you folks the last 60 years? Living in lala land?

He is a hero. Hug that American flag. They are all in. Cult. Love that fuck until the end.

When they start talking loving that flag and hyperpatriotism? It is all Putin love and Trumpy love.

Patriots. Fight for some authoritarian asshole. Who are we talking about again? Putin or Trump types?
By late
Tainari88 wrote:

That I do, a lot.

I am an odd duck. I'm only a few classes from a degree in history. I grew up playing the old school war games. For example, one had 2 rulebooks, both over 100 pages long.

And I play a game called Go. It teaches you to see patterns and relationships. "Life is a simplified paradigm of Go" (that's from a novel, and the guy saying it is over the top. At the same time, he's not entirely wrong. Go is a demanding and punishing teacher, but teach it does..)

Anyway... the end result is I have an unusual perspective. I see this pattern as one that is likely headed to World War. It fits with the ways things have gone to hell in history.

No matter how you play it, this is a very, very, very dangerous game. And the dumbest position of all is the idea that there is some way to not play..

Edit: I want to again thank you for being here. You being female doesn't make my testosterone kick in. So I explain things, which I should always do, but generations of dealing with male idiots has worn my social skills to a frazzled nub that is more dead than alive.

Aside from that, you have an underlying understanding of things, and an ability to explain that awareness, that exceeds my ability even when I am inclined to do so. I am grateful for that, even if dullards fail to realise that that is a valuable gift.
late wrote:That I do, a lot.

I am an odd duck. I'm only a few classes from a degree in history. I grew up playing the old school war games. For example, one had 2 rulebooks, both over 100 pages long.

And I play a game called Go. It teaches you to see patterns and relationships. "Life is a simplified paradigm of Go" (that's from a novel, and the guy saying it is over the top. At the same time, he's not entirely wrong. Go is a demanding and punishing teacher, but teach it does..)

Anyway... the end result is I have an unusual perspective. I see this pattern as one that is likely headed to World War. It fits with the ways things have gone to hell in history.

No matter how you play it, this is a very, very, very dangerous game. And the dumbest position of all is the idea that there is some way to not play..

Edit: I want to again thank you for being here. You being female doesn't make my testosterone kick in. So I explain things, which I should always do, but generations of dealing with male idiots has worn my social skills to a frazzled nub that is more dead than alive.

Aside from that, you have an underlying understanding of things, and an ability to explain that awareness, that exceeds my ability even when I am inclined to do so. I am grateful for that, even if dullards fail to realise that that is a valuable gift.

Late, the reality is that patterns are always there in human history. They give you clues about many things.

The reality is that human mentalities that are following these authoritarians are about the same thing.

It does not matter what nationality it is.

People say to themselves how could these people have gone along with this CRAP and IMMORALITY and violent inhumane horror? How did it happen? it happens because humans got to believe in lies. They can't take full responsibility for their own lives and realize that other cultures, other classes, and other people are their absolutely most human of all people. The enemy is YOU. The friend is YOU. You are every nationality out there. The good, the bad and the ugly is EVERYONE.

They can't INCLUDE that reality. If they did they have to change the entire society. They find that hard.

What is so hard about accepting human beings as being human beings? No, because they are this or that. Fill in the blank.

Are they human? Then they are relatable.

Do you want to kill human beings just like you are? No.

Then do something to create a society that killing other humans is not feasible or even pursued. Solve conflict without mass killings.

Can't do it? Then accept winding up losing superpower status.

Accept defeat.

Accept not winning.

Because the arrogance is going to kill people off quick anyway:
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By litwin
Tainari88 wrote:That Russian young man in the Tweet there is really off his rocker nuts!!

Fun to kill people?! Is he insane?

he is a Muscovite.


there is the only one solution :
Tainari88 wrote:Imperialism definition again. Do not think I already know you by now Rancid. :D For other readers:

Britannica Dictionary def.

What is the definition of imperialism in the world?
imperialism, State policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.

I wonder how many wealthy and powerful nations engage in this so called imperialism eh folks?

Is it Moscow Putin Putito only? I don't think so.... :violin:

the leading expert on this subject speaks :
Tainari88 wrote:That Russian young man in the Tweet there is really off his rocker nuts!!

Fun to kill people?! Is he insane?

I suspect that’s why a lot of young men join the army, @Tainari88, in all nations. They want to travel the world, meet lots of interesting people, and kill them. That’s their idea of fun.
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By Skynet

Accoridng German TV broadcast, the concealed it actively from Trump...

Democracy is an illusion, the elected leaders come and go but the Appartchiks stay. Ask JF Kennedy what happens
Rancid wrote:Everyone else is at fault for everything. Except Putin and Trump. :lol:

Its the age old tradition in Russia that the Tsar is good but the Boyars are evil. A theme that has been laughed at by many Russian writers and poets when they still had a culture but still keeps repeating and repeating and repeating...
By Rich
Rugoz wrote:LoL, I literally made a thread in The Basement to stop litwin's thread/tweet spam.

Feel free to like it ;)

@litwin and similar operators on other social media platforms have been very useful to the "no compromise with Russia" Liberals and cuckservatives. But it doesn't surprise me that more recently some of the hawks are now questioning the usefulness of this narrative going forward.

However Litwin plays a very important and useful role on the forum in elucidating and clarifying the liberal viewpoint. For example many liberals may scream "orcs" at the Russians, but most don't fully understand the body of Neo Nazi racial theory that underlies these sentiments. In the same way that the average Church goer doesn't fully understand the beliefs of the Christian belief system with which he identifies. Its worth noting that one of the ways that Sunni Islam seeks to differentiate itself, is by claiming to have a belief system that is simple and consistent enough for the ordinary person to understand.

Anyway even if we ignore a lot of Litwin's tweets, he has still created a body of work over the last two years, much of which is still to be critiqued. This point about the Russians being the perpetual military losers, but ending up with the biggest country in the world is an important one. Although Russia in 1991 was the biggest country in the world it was significantly smaller than Russia in 1914 and in the nineteen nineties the Liberals presumed that, that trend would continue. Before Putin came to power Liberals presumed that Russia would continue to shrink.
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