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By litwin
Rich wrote:@litwin and similar operators on other social media platforms have been very useful to the "no compromise with Russia" Liberals and cuckservatives. But it doesn't surprise me that more recently some of the hawks are now questioning the usefulness of this narrative going forward.

However Litwin plays a very important and useful role on the forum in elucidating and clarifying the liberal viewpoint. For example many liberals may scream "orcs" at the Russians, but most don't fully understand the body of Neo Nazi racialtheory that underlies these sentiments. In the same way that the average Church goer doesn't fully understand the beliefs of the Christian belief system with which he identifies. Its worth noting that one of the ways that Sunni Islam seeks to differentiate itself, is by claiming to have a belief system that is simple and consistent enough for the ordinary person to understand.

Anyway even if we ignore a lot of Litwin's tweets, he has still created a body of work over the last two years, much of which is still to be critiqued. This point about the Russians being the perpetual military losers, but ending up with the biggest country in the world is an important one. Although Russia in 1991 was the biggest country in the world it was significantly smaller than Russia in 1914 and in the nineteen nineties the Liberals presumed that, that trend would continue. Before Putin came to power Liberals presumed that Russia would continue to shrink.

Neo Nazi racial theory ? LETS TALK ABOUT Neo Nazi racial ACTIONS , CAN YOU ?


The Ideology of Putin's MUSCOVY :

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By litwin
Sun Tzu said to win by disrupting alliances was better than going to war. We should attack Moscow IMPERIALISM ALL OVER THE WORLD: BELARUS, Moldova, Georgia , EU, Balkans, etc. we´d also stop flow of goods into Moscow empire through Central Asia, INDIA, Armenia etc. , tighter sanctions worldwide. We should start NOT having any red lines and stop showing weakness and hesitance.

Sweden: NATO must create 'more strategic difficulties for Moscow imperialist ',
I wonder if Russia will really attempt push to Kharkiv after they mobilize. This assumes push from Belgorod and not really grind from Kupyansk.

If they commit to that, it would be a great opportunity to destroy even more Russian forces even faster so the objective would be super obvious, really close to good logistics and mostly covered by anti-air. That would be a slaughter even better than Avdiivka if executed properly and pre-pared for. Realistically Russia has not enough forces to take the city but they might try surrounding it as a plan. But it is a huge ass city compared to miniscule places like Avdiivka or Bakhmut by comparison.

Plus a direct attack from Belgorod would be flanked by UA troops on both sides. The more I think about it the better this sounds. Do it Russia, just do it.

Hold the flanks, let them penetrate a bit up to the city but stop them near city defenses and then murder them in a fire pocket :excited:
Potemkin wrote:...obvious internal contradiction in the attitude of Western commentators on the Russian-Ukrainian war - they seem to simultaneously believe that the Russian military have a Keystone Cops level of bungling incompetence and also that the Russian military is so dangerous that if Putin isn’t stopped then Poland and Finland will be next on the chopping block. Well, which is it? Because both those things cannot be true at the same time.

Basic principles of War Propaganda ... Propaganda

In the West, we have Hollywood to help with this form of manipulative lying, so our propaganda is really convincing.
Potemkin wrote:@Rich was pointing out an obvious internal contradiction in the attitude of Western commentators on the Russian-Ukrainian war - they seem to simultaneously believe that the Russian military have a Keystone Cops level of bungling incompetence and also that the Russian military is so dangerous that if Putin isn’t stopped then Poland and Finland will be next on the chopping block. Well, which is it? Because both those things cannot be true at the same time.

It's just an adjustment of expectations, I would say.

The Russian Army is definitely still very competent, just not enough to have taken Kiev.
Skynet wrote:ISIS wants to create a division between Chechens and Russkis.

I doubt they need Ukrainian help!

Pretty much and they are also want to spur more recruitment in the Muslim world. It is easy to do when they look like defenders of Muslims since Russia bombs places like Syria and oppresses Muslims in Russia sort off. Actually little known fact, there have been strange attacks against China in Pakistan also.
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By Skynet
@Mostly they attack muslim countries... for them is Armageddon... any Muslim who does not join their ruthless Terror war is an infidel... even with their Salafi-Jihadis like the Taliban they are in trouble...

It will take decades to stop them entirely like it was hard to stop Anarchist terror 100 years ago.
True North
Point to point navigation describes the long-lost art of celestial navigation, the ability to use the stars to chart a course across the open seas in the age before compasses. The key to successfully executing point to point navigation lay in fixing one’s position vis-à-vis the North Star. Failure to do so meant risking sailing aimlessly about a sea with no fixed reference points, an act that leads to death or, perhaps worse, becoming a castaway on some unchartered point on earth.

After a storm, a ship’s captain and his navigator would scan the skies for the North Star, from which they could establish not only what direction true north was, but also where they were in reference to the position of the North Star in the sky, so that they might navigate to safety.

When special operations forces are compromised behind enemy lines, they conduct what they call “escape and evasion,” the act of avoiding detection and probable death or capture, while making their way to a pre-designated haven from which they can regroup or be extracted. The CIA trains its operations officers in similar skill sets. Both colloquially refer to such actions as “finding their true north.”

The perpetrators of the horrific attack on the Crocus City Hall and Concert Center in Krasnogorsk, a metropolitan community located to the northwest of Moscow, were no different than any other terrorist/militant before them; after their act of mass murder, they sought out their “true north” to make good their escape.

Western governments, analysts, and pundits have loudly proclaimed that the men who carried out the attack on the Crocus City Hall had nothing whatsoever to do with Ukraine, and instead have collectively embraced a narrative that paints the men as members of the Islamic State-Khorasan (ISIS-K). ISIS is an off-shoot of Al-Qaeda-Iraq (AQI) which emerged in 2013 when core AQI members relocated to Syria. In 2014 ISIS declared itself to be a caliphate and began a series of operations which saw it take control on a third of Syria and a quarter of Iraq before being driven back and ultimately defeated by a coalition which included Iraq, the United States and Iran.

In 2014 Central Asian fighters affiliated with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan formed a branch of ISIS in Afghanistan known as ISIS-K, where they stood for Khorasan (ISIS-K). Khorasan is an ancient term for the territory encompassed by modern day Iran, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan. ISIS-K continues to operate today in Afghanistan and Iran, as well as inside the former Soviet Central Asian republics, including Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

According to US officials, the United States collected intelligence that ISIS-K was planning an attack on Moscow in early March. This intelligence was behind a public warning issued by the US embassy in Russia on March 7 that “extremists” were planning an imminent attack on large gatherings in Moscow. “US citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours,” the warning, published on the embassy website, stated. American citizens were warned to avoid crowds, including concerts. These US officials likewise claimed (and Russia has acknowledged) that Russia had been informed about the intelligence behind the March 7 warning. This information was shared based upon the “duty to warn” principle where US intelligence about potential terrorist attacks must be shared with the suspected targets. However, rather than passing this information through formal channels, it was done unofficially, through informal channels, significantly diluting the impact of the information.

The attackers posted a photograph of them reciting the Shahada, or Islamic oath and creed ("I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God") which, if made sincerely, is all that is required to be identified as a Muslim in the eyes of God. While Islamic scholars note that it is only necessary to recite the words, for jihadists reciting Shahada accompanied by a raised right index finger, has become de riguere—Osama Bin Laden delivered it in this fashion, as did Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the founder of the Islamic State.

Shahada is a ritual, and those who make Shahada must understand its importance for it to have any meaning. As such, if one incorporates the raising of the right index finger as part of the Shahada ritual, it must be done piously. The use of the right hand is critical—in the Muslim faith, the right hand symbolizes all that is good, and the left is reserved for unclean acts: “No one among you should eat with his left hand or drink with it, for the shaytaan (devil) eats with his left hand and drinks with it.”

The four attackers delivered this oath by raising their left hands.

They also published this photograph with their faces blurred—they were shielding their identity.

There can be no subterfuge when reciting Shahada—it is an oath made before God and in the eyes of men.

Moreover, the blurring of their faces indicated that the attackers intended to survive their mission.

For most militants affiliated with ISIS-K, true north is the path to martyrdom, a one-way ticket to paradise. Their goal is to inflict as much harm as possible before being dispatched from this mortal earth, an act that is usually made certain using a suicide vest detonated at a time when more death and destruction can be wrought.

The perpetrators of the Crocus City Hall attack, however, did not wear suicide vests. Indeed, they had no intention of losing their lives, but rather to live and be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor, a purported $5,500 payment for services rendered.

These weren’t Islamist militants.

These were mercenaries who disguised themselves as Islamic militants.

And when they finished their murderous rampage, the purported ISIS-K fighters jumped into their car and headed toward their “true north.”


Ukraine. The source of their money.

Ukraine. The source of their motivation.

The Russian investigation into the terror attack is still in its early stages. There are many facts left to be uncovered.

But there is a plethora of data which allows one to populate the puzzle with enough pieces to begin to see a discernable shape take form.

Russian authorities went out of their way to make sure that all four perpetrators were captured alive.

The perpetrators are in the process of being interrogated. Many of the techniques being used by Russia would not be permitted in the United States as they could readily be classified as torture. And many intelligence professionals—me included—discount the value of any confession made under severe duress.

But the Russian interrogations are aided by the fact that the Russian investigators are not engaged in a fishing expedition, but rather are guided by specific facts derived from the forensic examination of the cell phones of the four terrorists, which are currently in the possession of Russian authorities. One of these phones was recovered at the crime scene, and the data contained on this phone was used by Russian security officials to track the terrorists as they drove out of Moscow, toward Ukraine. Telephone numbers contained on the recovered phone allowed the Russians to zero in on the remaining phones, and monitor phone calls made by the terrorists in real time—including numerous calls to persons inside Ukraine who were working to create a gap in the Russian-Ukrainian border that the terrorists could escape through.

True North.

The Russians have been able to identify the core structure of a support network in Moscow which provided the four terrorists with transportation and housing.

Eleven arrests have been made in this regard.

The Russians have identified a network operating in Turkey who were affiliated with the recruitment, training and logistical preparation and support of the terrorist operation in Moscow.

Forty arrests have been made as a result.

But more importantly, Russia has gathered enough information to issue a warrant for the head of the Ukrainian security service, Vasyl Malyuk, on charges of public incitement of terrorism. Likewise, the head of the Russian security service, Alexander Boritnikov, has stated that when it comes to delivering justice to Ukrainians who may have been involved in the attack on the Crocus concert venue, “Everything is ahead of us.”

Russia, it seems, is navigating point to point.

Not toward a safe haven, but rather on a path of retribution.

And its “true north” is the same as that of the terrorists.

JohnRawls wrote:Hamas are terrorist animals who started this and Israel are ethnic cleansing animals also, Gaza is 66% destroyed this is already reaching levels of Russian devasation in Ukraine. Mariupol is 70% destroyed, Bakhmut is 80% destroyed.

The blame for the destruction of Mariupol and Bakhmut, lies 100% with the Ukrainian government and their western backers. The defence of Mariupol made no military sense. The forces in Mariupol should have been withdrawn before they were cut off. The Ukrainian government deliberately got its Neo Nazi formations destroyed, in order to remove potential centres of opposition to a Zelensky dictatorship and to please their western liberal backers. If it hadn't been for this treacherous act by the Zelensky regime, the Ukrainian armed forces would have been too strong for Russia to take Bakhmut. Particularly if the west had permitted the use of its best equipment for the defence of Bakhmut rather than insisting it be solely concentrated on gaining the Sevastopol Naval Base for America in time for the 2024 Presidential election
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By Rancid
paeng wrote:
Meanwhile, your opponents argue that everyone else at fault for everything. Except 'murica.

I don't know who are you are referring to, but the person that decided on this war was Putin. IIRC he decided it late in the previous year before he started his war.
By Rich
I'd be totally happy for us to send ground troop into Ukraine to get an immediate peace. Hate filled liberal war mongers like Emmanuel Macron want to send in ground troops into Ukraine to prolong the war, death and, destruction for as long as possible. Macron's talking about a couple of thousand troops, no where near enough to gain Zelenky's peace demands.

Zelensky has stated that his war against Russia and Netanyahu's campaign in Gaza are part of the same struggle, the same war. This is in a sense true. The plan is to turn Crimea into a giant American aircraft carrier. That can then be used as a base to project power in to central Asia, to cut off Russia from Iran and to complete the American encirclement of Iran from the north. I suspect the Israeli government is deeply sceptical of this plan,considering it pie in the sky. Even if Biden wins reelection, they don't trust him not to throw his Ukrainian allies under the bus as he did for his Afghan allies at the start of his first term.

But its only when you understand this plan, that you understand why western leaders were so fanatically opposed to Ukraine defending Bakhmut. Wagner were totally exposed to being surrounded in Bakhmut by counter attacks against the poorly defended flanks. This exposure drove Prigozhin mad, leading to his desperate attempt at insurrection. He could not understand why the Ukrainians were not using their western equipment to counter attack on the weakly held and weakly fortified Russian flanks.

Getting back Crimea has always been a demented, hair brained goal. How do you get the world's biggest nuclear power to accept it short of complete regime collapse? My guess was the thinking amongst western Zionist leaders was if Putin can be compensated by allowing him to capture all of the Donbas and Kharkov, maybe we can get him to accept the loss of Crimea without going nuclear.
Rancid wrote:I don't know who are you are referring to, but the person that decided on this war was Putin. IIRC he decided it late in the previous year before he started his war.

Again: nope.

Putin in Feb 2022 only decided to defend the Donbas from an ukrainian invasion force of 100,000 men, ready to strike at the border of the Donbas.

And Zelensky started negotiations very quickly, apparently just one day after Putin started this "SMO". Negotiations in Istanbul which have now been documented by two different independent sources and and which quite quickly yielded results, too. Ukraine would have gotten a very generous deal out of these negotiations, only slightly worse than what they got out of Minsk II, and everyone could have moved on.

It was Boris Johnson, and behind the scenes probably all other western leaders as well, who decided that this should be a full blown war. And Ukraine pays dearly for this decision ever since. NATO is literally fighting to the last ukrainian in this war.

The west absolutely wanted this war and made it worse every chance they got. And now they are whining because they finally realize what any competent military advisor would have told them beforehand: that Russia would win such a conflict. Theres no shortage of such advisors who have said this from the start. Including for example president Obama, who told us exactly that back in 2016 already.

Feel happy to call reality "russian propaganda" or whatever. Facts dont care if you ignore them, though.

Rich wrote:I'd be totally happy for us to send ground troop into Ukraine to get an immediate peace. [...]

This may be the most decoherent, completely divorced from reality mess of a posting I may have ever read.

The absolute highlight of it was that you compare the military actions of Ukraine with the genocide that Israel currently commits in Gaza. A comparison that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever because the people in Gaza are helpless civilians against an unmoderated, murderous abuse by Israel, with the later having full control over what is essentially a prison population. While Ukraine fighting Russia is clearly two professional militiaries, with usually relatively little involvement of civilians in the first place.

skinster wrote: :D

What people generally seem to miss is the fact that a gamechanger really only does that, it changes the game.

What Ukraine would need is an outcome changer, and thats not possible.

The west indeed has sent gamechangers to Ukraine. But those only made the war worse, and got more people killed.

We can only make the war worse. We cant make Ukriane win.

The F16 specifically are literally 1970s fighter jets. While Russia has the newest, 2020s stuff. And Ukraine has no way to actually station the F16 in their country, because the F16 need really long runways and Russia, thanks to their air superiority, can just bomb those.

So the F16 are a pipe dream, and have been from the start. How long have we been talking about these things now ? For a year ?

So its very much like the tanks, which also did nothing. Except with fighter jets the deal is only even worse.
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By Rancid
Negotiator wrote:Again: nope.

Putin in Feb 2022 only decided ...

blah blah blah

Anyway, good to see Europe stepping up support.
Rancid wrote:I don't know who are you are referring to, but the person that decided on this war was Putin. IIRC he decided it late in the previous year before he started his war.

How can anyone discard the fact that Russia signed for peace in Minsk and Istanbul, that is both before and after the war?

How do you decide a war when you sign for peace and the other side publically spits on the peace agreement to either create or sustain the war in question?

Who has really decided on this war Rancid?
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