US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 31 - Politics | PoFo

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Tainari88 wrote:Sounds like perfect organized crime material except Robert De Niro says he lacks the reliability and even Mafia bosses value their word to their collesgues in crime. He tends to throw everyone under the bus. Lol.

I dont know if you recall, but la loca MTG at one point referred to different groups in the MAGA wing as "the five families".

THese people are telling us exactly who they are, yet, so many of us are way too fucking stupid to see it.
skinster wrote::lol:
The U.S. has basically dropped Ukraine.

Sure, keep thinking that. Election year is causing problems but otherwise it is the same. Republicans don't want Ukraine to have military victories that can help Biden which is sad and costs innocent lives but it is a temporary situation. The chance of funding being unlocked eventually is sky high irrelevant who wins the election.
JohnRawls wrote:
Sure, keep thinking that. Election year is causing problems but otherwise it is the same. Republicans don't want Ukraine to have military victories that can help Biden which is sad and costs innocent lives but it is a temporary situation. The chance of funding being unlocked eventually is sky high irrelevant who wins the election.

That's assuming Russia isn't giving financial support to Trump through all his legal issues. There's already suspicion that the DJT stock is getting pumped by foreign nationals that are currying favor with Trump.
Rancid wrote:That's assuming Russia isn't giving financial support to Trump through all his legal issues. There's already suspicion that the DJT stock is getting pumped by foreign nationals that are currying favor with Trump.

You are paranoid at times. Lets say Trump wins, lets say RUssia is paying him off, what is he going to do? He is still under checks and balances while other congressmen and senators will vote for it.
JohnRawls wrote:He is still under checks and balances while other congressmen and senators will vote for it.


Depends on how the senate and house are split. Republicans are cowards and likely to go along with Trump.

JohnRawls wrote:You are paranoid at times.

Don't under estimate the power of Trumptards.
They're going to bring the debunked "Russiagate" back, I can feel it..

JohnRawls wrote:Sure, keep thinking that.

If the U.S. was still behind the war in Ukraine, it would be all over the Western mainstream, but it has been dropped in favour of that genocide in Gaza. Do you still have the Ukraine flag in your profile pic? I miss seeing those around. :lol:
Rancid wrote:I dont know if you recall, but la loca MTG at one point referred to different groups in the MAGA wing as "the five families".

THese people are telling us exactly who they are, yet, so many of us are way too fucking stupid to see it.

No, Rancid, I think a lot of the people who voted for Trump are just hating on the system as is. They see elitist politicians, bankers, brokers, and corporate people who lie to them. Media who lie to them. Everyone lies to them. They are just chumps or taxpayers and average people, or they are well off and see minorities as a threat to their idea of the American Ideal. They want to do something about it. Thinking that Trump is the solution to the establishment status quo and he is their monkey wrench to the system. They want an easy fix to the deep unease they feel in the pit of their stomachs.

Many of them probably do not even consider themselves racists. They just want to think that the system needs to be disciplined through an outsider.

They fail to realize what the system is properly at all. Tremendous lack of analysis of their lived conditions. A real lack of understanding of what capitalism is, what media and its role in American society are. It is about political correctness too many structured rules that serve only a small group. Spoiled with their ideas of being taken advantage of when they have fucking exploited half the world. They refuse to do that. I find it all the time. Blame others for their own fucked up choices. They have been told that American society is about certain principles and no one follows it really if you are either a politician or a very wealthy individual or corporation. Those are the people who are successful. Who threatens my security? The vulnerable, not the powerful. The Powerful is I. When it is not. Delusion Rancid.

The January 6th crowd where not unemployed people, students only, or some kind of disenfranchised group. They were people with healthy incomes, jobs, families, and responsibilities. They were people who were led to believe that what they thought of the US government and how it functioned was being betrayed by arrogant pricks who needed their comeuppance.

Trump was the man who would do that to the system.

They just failed to grasp that democracy is about tolerance above all.

I learned that long ago Rancid. I always voted for a minority political platform, in an island bombarded with American political propaganda day and night. Pumping the entire society with lies day and night.

I lived with voters who never agreed with me. Who always was lied to. But democracy is not about people agreeing with my point of view and my vision of what I want. It was about letting people live with whatever they CHOSE to believe. That is democracy. It is not everyone agreeing and my vision of my own nation. It is about accepting where people are at in that year or that place. You have to accept that your minority view is not the one in power. AND LET IT GO.

Accept that your shit is going to lose. Even though you know it is the best choice. Because the reality is that unless the majority are aware of the fragile truce of acceptance of visions of what you think should happen? Civil war is not far away for anyone Rancid.

Got to not be angry that your idea of what the USA should be is not in the power seat and let it go? There is never any peace. You have to YIELD. Force never works if you deal with democratic voting traditions.

I find most Reaganites, Bush followers, and Trump followers totally wrong on everything. But if they are the majority in a society and they vote and win an election? A defective system and a defective election process? Only the majority of the people have the responsibility to not do something better. You can't take the responsibility from their shoulders. That is what independence is about. It is not some other group that has to solve the problem.

The Mexicans know the Narcos are a problem. But unless they work on that in their own society? It won't change.

The Americans know guns and drug dealing are a problem in their own society. But they have to cope with it. Not expect some other nation to do the dirty work for them. Americans want action and they do not get it from the government. Because it is a sold-out government to powerful actors and they are part of Capitalism. Which is about power between those with money and those without. Democracy is bullshit to a capitalist. Otherwise, why bribe puppet leaders in other nations to ignore the needs of their own citizens? But, they sell themselves as being democratic. They are not. But the American voters are told they are the best way of making money and keeping their status in the world. It is a lie. But they believe it. A lot of lies Rancid.

Democracy is about understanding that if people want to believe a fucking lie their entire lives? Then they have to accept whatever flaws that society produces and do something about change. That is the truth of it.

You can't force people to believe in eliminating lies. They need to get fed up and upset enough on their own to take action. If they do not? They have to accept civil wars, lies, and problems until they finally realize what they thought was the monkey wrench to the system solution was autocratic regimes that failed all throughout history because it was an easier road to do that than have to accept the majority having to let go of lies.

It all has consequences Rancid. People do learn for sure. It costs them a lot.

AMLO said it well. In order for Mexico to have stopped being a plaything of the Spanish crown, or being invaded by France, and being invaded by the USA and having Chapultepec occupied, and the Mexican Revolution and all those bloody wars for freedom to rule themselves? They had to suffer over and through every problem to understand. Do you want to have a free nation? You will have to fight for it. And you will have to struggle. It is not the duty of the non-Mexicans to make it happen. It never was.

The US voters are going to have to accept if there is a civil war if they get fascistic and start doing crazy shit and lose power and drag the entire down with their lack of understanding.

But once they solve the problem? They emerge without a lot lies and a lot of pain and some resolutions. All that lying shit they have been subjected to for a long time has a price tag attached to it. They got to pay that price to improve. All nations do Rancid.
JohnRawls wrote:Helping Ukraine to defeat the Russian invasion and murder and rape.

The Empires in human history never go down quietly JohnRawls. They are innately abusive regimes.

Otherwise, they would not be empires.

The Russians are going to have to accept modifying their ambitions. But they are dangerous when they have to accept loss.

Never underestimate a wounded Empire.

And that goes for all of them.
Tainari88 wrote:No, Rancid, I think a lot of the people who voted for Trump are just hating on the system as is. They see elitist politicians, bankers, brokers, and corporate people who lie to them. Media who lie to them.

Sure, but they are too stupid to understand, Trump is just another flavor of that, more of all of that. Lying to them.

These are people running from one abuser, to an even worse abuser. TRump is a fascist, Trump has encouraged and made political violence acceptable (this is well documented). Trump is not a good alternative.

Hence, these people are fucking morons.
Rancid wrote:Sure, but they are too stupid to understand, Trump is just another flavor of that, more of all of that. Lying to them.

These are people running from one abuser, to an even worse abuser. TRump is a fascist, Trump has encouraged and made political violence acceptable (this is well documented). Trump is not a good alternative.

Hence, these people are fucking morons.

Leslie woman gets to the point.


Tainari88 wrote:
Leslie woman gets to the point.


One potential solution is for us to do everything we can to make sure the US turns into a failed state.

I could be convinced of that, and perhaps it is a good idea to vote for Trump then.
Rancid wrote:One potential solution is for us to do everything we can to make sure the US turns into a failed state.

I could be convinced of that, and perhaps it is a good idea to vote for Trump then.

Oh Rancid, you should not be untrue to your true political truths.

You have to see it is all a learning process for people. They do not learn what autocracy means until it is in their face. There was some Greek woman in some small town in Iowa married to a Mexican guy that was undocumented. He owned a restaurant with her. They were hardworking people. Paid taxes to Iowa and the feds. She voted for Trump. Her husband a Mexican undocumented man reported in to the ICE Homeland security people and they detained him and deported him. She was shocked. He said they would only deport bad hombres. She believed that asshole. Now, her family was without a father (they had three daughters), and the little town loved his Mexican diner and he was absent. They all voted for the fuck. Yet, here they were shocked Rancid. They got to learn the hard way.

Do you think I would vote for those stupid ass corrupt statehooders in Puerto Rico? Never. Never will vote for them.

They need to be faced with a flat rejection and deal with it. All those idiots like Jenniffer Gonzalez are members of the Republican party even though Luis Pierluisi who also is pro statehood but joined the Democrats instead when he realized the Republicans were against Puerto Rican statehood due to being racists and not wanting equality at all and not liking Puerto Rican culture, love of Spanish and hatred of Latin American voting.

Jenniffer is still begging on her knees like an asshole person waiting for racist idiots to give her equal rights. She needs to sit in that shit for YEARS until she gets the message that the reason they are not dealing with statehood is because the SCOTUS knows that if you force citizenship on people without consulting them first because you took over their land and did not want to give them voting rights? You will have to give the land back and give up a lot of power. If you set a legal precedent for giving back land and stating that forcing citizenship on people that never voted for it? They will have to do the same thing to the Indian Native American tribes in the USA, and do reparations and it opens up a can of worms that has to do with force being used and not democracy.

So she has to sit in shit for YEARS until it dawns on her....if they give PR rights? They will have to make US Virgin Islands a state, Guam, give rights to American Samoa, and etc. Make them all states and give senators to a bunch of people they do not want to make senators.

Once that sinks in to the foolish woman? She will be ANGRY as a hornet about being lied to for a long, long time.

But that is their karma. Believing LIES from a rotten government that told her a long time ago that it is not about being just or fair. It is about stealing land, and denying votes.

But these people never learn except through PAIN.
Tainari88 wrote:The Russians are going to have to accept modifying their ambitions. But they are dangerous when they have to accept loss.

Which ambitions? And when have they been dangerous when having to accept a loss? I'm genuinely curious of your position here.
Rancid wrote:Depends on how the senate and house are split. Republicans are cowards and likely to go along with Trump.

Don't under estimate the power of Trumptards.

Donald Trump showed boldness, courage and wisdom both in recognising, Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the annexation of the Golan. While Cowardly liberals just can't admit the truth, the Jews are never going to give up Jerusalem and the Golan is never going back to Syria. Even thinking that Israel will ever give back Hebron H2 to an Arab state is probably a pipe dream. Similarly with Ukraine liberals lack the courage to tell Ukrainians you're not going to get all your 1991 territory back. If liberals could grow up and start acting like adults, we could actually start putting resources and backing into achievable goals.
Rich wrote:Donald Trump showed boldness, courage and wisdom both in recognising, Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the annexation of the Golan. While Cowardly liberals just can't admit the truth, the Jews are never going to give up Jerusalem and the Golan is never going back to Syria. Even thinking that Israel will ever give back Hebron H2 to an Arab state is probably a pipe dream. Similarly with Ukraine liberals lack the courage to tell Ukrainians you're not going to get all your 1991 territory back. If liberals could grow up and start acting like adults, we could actually start putting resources and backing into achievable goals.

Is this some sort of excuse for Trump?
Rancid wrote:Clearly you are not paying attention.

If they were that similar, why is the "deep state" only going after Trump?

Why are you defending only Trump in these threads?

This statement is just trash/noise from all the jackasses that say it.

Trump and Biden share almost identical views on social and economic issues. No conservative runs for president.

Both candidates do not believe in freedom and free markets. Both believe in authoritarianism and statism.
Rancid wrote:Is this some sort of excuse for Trump?

Trump being a good democrat, actually obeyed the ruling of Congress that ordered the President to recognise Jerusalem within 5 years, back in 1995.
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