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Pants-of-dog wrote:Perhaps you could simply define whiteness clearly, as you have been asked many times.

If it is genetic, then please list the genetic traits that only white people have.

Avoiding the question is nit an argument.

Lol this is a totally absurd request which ones again shows you understand nothing about genetics. Even if I knew the billions of genes most common to white people there is no way I could list them in a forum. It would probably take years to write it and I am sure it would exceed some character limit.

But anyway because of how genes work I woukd assume there is no gene with is completely exclusive to white people, especially considering there are a lot of mixed race people. Having a single white gene is of course not enough to make you white...as we can easily point out by the fact thay every race of human has 2 arms.

It is more about how many of the genes you have and each one you do have increases the certainty that you are a white person and had white parents.

But in a more generalized sense, what really matters to life forms-all life forms- is just genetic similarity. The more dna you share with another life form the more altruistic your instincts are. That is why we don't feel guilty about eating potatoes...they are very dissimilar genetically (even though I am sure we share millions of genes with potatoes). I am a white person, so people most similar to me are other white pepeople. My parents, for example, were white. And every other white person is basically part of my extended family. Probably about as related as 30th cousins on average.
And in addition to what @Tainari88 referred to regarding Puerto Rico , and its historic multiethnic heritage , in the town of East Jackson , in my own home state of Ohio , there lives people who identify as being Black , yet to the outside observer look to be White . So once again , what exactly makes a person white ? Who can really say for sure if someone is really fully white , just because their immediate family is originally from Europe , and they might look it ? Even long before the 20th Century , when a number of German women took up with Blacks , there was said to be Germans of mixed African descent . And this continues to remain the case . After all it's not called the Black Forest for nothing . All of us , White and Black alike , are still German though . I feel that Germanness has to do with who one is on the inside over what one looks like outwardly.




FiveofSwords wrote:Lol this is a totally absurd request which ones again shows you understand nothing about genetics. Even if I knew the billions of genes most common to white people there is no way I could list them in a forum. It would probably take years to write it and I am sure it would exceed some character limit.

But anyway because of how genes work I woukd assume there is no gene with is completely exclusive to white people, especially considering there are a lot of mixed race people. Having a single white gene is of course not enough to make you white...as we can easily point out by the fact thay every race of human has 2 arms.

It is more about how many of the genes you have and each one you do have increases the certainty that you are a white person and had white parents.

But in a more generalized sense, what really matters to life forms-all life forms- is just genetic similarity. The more dna you share with another life form the more altruistic your instincts are. That is why we don't feel guilty about eating potatoes...they are very dissimilar genetically (even though I am sure we share millions of genes with potatoes). I am a white person, so people most similar to me are other white pepeople. My parents, for example, were white. And every other white person is basically part of my extended family. Probably about as related as 30th cousins on average.

Notice people we have a serious lack of being clear and unequivocal.

The avoidance about entire societies that are mixed race, blows up his theory that people are only attracted to mating with people who are the most similar to them. Physically and genetically. They are the most altruistic is the argument. Most likely to get along with. These weak arguments are not reality folks.

The reality is mixed race people have been around since the first hominids left the African continent a long time ago.

In fact, incest, inbreeding and even marrying close cousins is frowned upon in most cultures. Why? Genetic defects. We see this with the royal families of Europe who often married first and second cousins to keep the properties and power within a very tight circle of people.

Why would a father and a daughter or brother and a sister have sexual relations? It is totally taboo in most cultures. Because it is seen as breaking social prohibitions but on a genetic level it creates WEAKNESS not strength. Not enough variation. Variation is actually the reason for mating outside of the closest genetic pools.

The reality is the Nazis wanted to create a Eugenics program not based on science or trying to help populations with genetically problematic diseases and help them cure illnesses by editing the genes but they wanted to assign, specific traits to racial groups without even mapping the genomes. Remember in those days of the Thrid Reich they did not have the technology to do so. The argument was that Jews, certain groups including 'some European based groups' including the Slavs, were not the superior group of Europeans. It was a hierarchy that was socially constructed. Any defect from some unscientic racial superiority assignment was the reason for the discrimination.

Variation is life. Why do you want to assign specific traits to groups of people that vary widely WITHIN their same group because you want to justify a Master Race breeding program?

But races are predictable in certain traits. That is what they say? How many variants exist of all the entire spectrum of human races in the world? Some are going to have people with disabilities. SOme with genetic defects. You got Africans with certain desirable traits in cognition, in language, in mathematics, in this or that. Same with Asians and many other groups. If there is a variant across the board you have to think is that group getting good nutrition? Clean water? Clean air? Lower stress? Ideal conditions? For lifestyle and access to the appropriate education at the correct time? Or is it being affected by lack of books in the home, lack of exposure to written and spoken language? Lack of tutoring? Delays due to physical or nutritional deficits?

The variants are huge.

What these Eugenics people want to do is make generalized sweeping statements about a specific 'race' and think it is convincing enough to create a socioeconomic hiaerchy related to it where their ethno group can justify running the power arch. That is what that is about. It is artificially created and invalid.

What are they going to do? Only recruit the high IQ individuals of every race and interbreed them. But you might get a 150 African and a white 150 of the opposite sex. You mate them. because the criteria is strictly IQ not race looks. Somatic looks is discarded. It is strictly IQ. But what if you get an ovum that winds up having some kind of defect and a sperm that is also not as high IQ because it is following a pattern of a great grandparent in that combination of embryo? Edit it out....and etc.

It is ridiculous claims and not scientific.
Tainari88 wrote:Notice people we have a serious lack of being clear and unequivocal.

The avoidance about entire societies that are mixed race, blows up his theory that people are only attracted to mating with people who are the most similar to them. Physically and genetically. They are the most altruistic is the argument. Most likely to get along with. These weak arguments are not reality folks.

The reality is mixed race people have been around since the first hominids left the African continent a long time ago.

In fact, incest, inbreeding and even marrying close cousins is frowned upon in most cultures. Why? Genetic defects. We see this with the royal families of Europe who often married first and second cousins to keep the properties and power within a very tight circle of people.

Why would a father and a daughter or brother and a sister have sexual relations? It is totally taboo in most cultures. Because it is seen as breaking social prohibitions but on a genetic level it creates WEAKNESS not strength. Not enough variation. Variation is actually the reason for mating outside of the closest genetic pools.

The reality is the Nazis wanted to create a Eugenics program not based on science or trying to help populations with genetically problematic diseases and help them cure illnesses by editing the genes but they wanted to assign, specific traits to racial groups without even mapping the genomes. Remember in those days of the Thrid Reich they did not have the technology to do so. The argument was that Jews, certain groups including 'some European based groups' including the Slavs, were not the superior group of Europeans. It was a hierarchy that was socially constructed. Any defect from some unscientic racial superiority assignment was the reason for the discrimination.

Variation is life. Why do you want to assign specific traits to groups of people that vary widely WITHIN their same group because you want to justify a Master Race breeding program?

But races are predictable in certain traits. That is what they say? How many variants exist of all the entire spectrum of human races in the world? Some are going to have people with disabilities. SOme with genetic defects. You got Africans with certain desirable traits in cognition, in language, in mathematics, in this or that. Same with Asians and many other groups. If there is a variant across the board you have to think is that group getting good nutrition? Clean water? Clean air? Lower stress? Ideal conditions? For lifestyle and access to the appropriate education at the correct time? Or is it being affected by lack of books in the home, lack of exposure to written and spoken language? Lack of tutoring? Delays due to physical or nutritional deficits?

The variants are huge.

What these Eugenics people want to do is make generalized sweeping statements about a specific 'race' and think it is convincing enough to create a socioeconomic hiaerchy related to it where their ethno group can justify running the power arch. That is what that is about. It is artificially created and invalid.

What are they going to do? Only recruit the high IQ individuals of every race and interbreed them. But you might get a 150 African and a white 150 of the opposite sex. You mate them. because the criteria is strictly IQ not race looks. Somatic looks is discarded. It is strictly IQ. But what if you get an ovum that winds up having some kind of defect and a sperm that is also not as high IQ because it is following a pattern of a great grandparent in that combination of embryo? Edit it out....and etc.

It is ridiculous claims and not scientific.

As always you are just pouting a bunch of false nonsense that isn't even related to what o said. I can easily believe that you struggle to know what I am saying or how genetics works in general...it is a subject that people with unusually average intellect should not bother with. As talented as I may be, I simply cannot teach vector analysis to an oyster. I must admit, however, that I never heard of an oyster that was confident in its understanding of vector analysis.

Anyway I feel bad that you use so many words to say nothing. We are burning coal right now and releasing toxins into the atmosphere just so that some poor innocent computer can store these random words you make up.
@ingliz another thing I forgot to mention with the Sword man...is that he tries to act like he is a certified geneticist with a degree in genetics. Is he? Where are his credentials? His genetics courses?

I can back my claims that I am a certified anthropologist and I have transcripts and grades and certifications and degrees. Plus fifteen years of threads with specific topics dealing with anthropology and names, dates of professors I studied under and names of accredited institutions I graduated from.

I also if challenged could get online and do simultaneous interpretations instantly. Verifying my ability to understand, speak and write and read more than one language and it is advanced in various. Does he have a single proof of his authority as a genetics expert? Yes or no?

I can answer that for you. He has nothing.

It is a Nazi tactic in his neck of the woods to scream about White Genocide, and how the white race is going extinct due to what? Conspiracy theories and some power grab that they hope to do in the future.

The White Race is brainwashed.

The genetics departments all over the world if asked about Nazi National Socialists professional card carrying members among their genetics ranks? What will they say? Those people are CLOWNS. They do not have any real scientific proof. Instead a genetics professor will say that there is a group of Europeans who tolerate milk or cow's milk better than some Asian groups and or Native American groups and the Nazis chug some milk all day as proof of it being the food of {white} people. It is STUPID in the extreme.
Deutschmania wrote:And in addition to what @Tainari88 referred to regarding Puerto Rico , and its historic multiethnic heritage , in the town of East Jackson , in my own home state of Ohio , there lives people who identify as being Black , yet to the outside observer look to be White . So once again , what exactly makes a person white ? Who can really say for sure if someone is really fully white , just because their immediate family is originally from Europe , and they might look it ? Even long before the 20th Century , when a number of German women took up with Blacks , there was said to be Germans of mixed African descent . And this continues to remain the case . After all it's not called the Black Forest for nothing . All of us , White and Black alike , are still German though . I feel that Germanness has to do with who one is on the inside over what one looks like outwardly.





Well as I said, race is genetic. Do that is certainly a way to be sure what race a person is, even if you suffer from poor eyesight. I certainly do not believe a person is whatever race they feel lole being.

And as you have said before, your own ancestry is jewish. So that means you are not german.

It actually is not called the black forest because german women copulation eith blacks a lot (spoiler alert, they dont). But the fact you express this is very much consistent with jewish ancestry...this is a peculiar behavior that many people have observed the Jewish race expressing.
Tainari88 wrote:@ingliz another thing I forgot to mention with the Sword man...is that he tries to act like he is a certified geneticist with a degree in genetics. Is he? Where are his credentials? His genetics courses?

I can back my claims that I am a certified anthropologist and I have transcripts and grades and certifications and degrees. Plus fifteen years of threads with specific topics dealing with anthropology and names, dates of professors I studied under and names of accredited institutions I graduated from.

I also if challenged could get online and do simultaneous interpretations instantly. Verifying my ability to understand, speak and write and read more than one language and it is advanced in various. Does he have a single proof of his authority as a genetics expert? Yes or no?

I can answer that for you. He has nothing.

It is a Nazi tactic in his neck of the woods to scream about White Genocide, and how the white race is going extinct due to what? Conspiracy theories and some power grab that they hope to do in the future.

The White Race is brainwashed.

The genetics departments all over the world if asked about Nazi National Socialists professional card carrying members among their genetics ranks? What will they say? Those people are CLOWNS. They do not have any real scientific proof. Instead a genetics professor will say that there is a group of Europeans who tolerate milk or cow's milk better than some Asian groups and or Native American groups and the Nazis chug some milk all day as proof of it being the food of {white} people. It is STUPID in the extreme.

If you managed to graduate kindergarten, you can thank affirmative action. I can tell from your pathetic attempt to mimic English speakers that your brain must be smaller than the average ficus plant's (and before you Google it, no, the ficus plant does not technically have a brain)

Is this supposed to be a forum? Does anyone here have anything worth responding to? Frankly I am losing any hope that I will be able to discover intelligent life here.
FiveofSwords wrote:I have more refined taste so I may care more about cognitive functions and behavior

Around 150 statistically significant gene loci may influence an individual's cognitive ability.

It's a shame you appear to be lacking many of the markers.

Well, this thread went to shit pretty quickly. Will the last one to leave switch out the lights…?
ingliz wrote:Around 150 statistically significant gene loci may influence an individual's cognitive ability.

It's a shame you appear to be lacking many of the markers.


Lol why would you use the term 'gene loci' when you don't know what it means? Anyway dude...there are a lot more than 150 genes that could influence cognition. Common sense should be enough to figure that out.
FiveofSwords wrote:If you managed to graduate kindergarten, you can thank affirmative action. I can tell from your pathetic attempt to mimic English speakers that your brain must be smaller than the average ficus plant's (and before you Google it, no, the ficus plant does not technically have a brain)

Is this supposed to be a forum? Does anyone here have anything worth responding to? Frankly I am losing any hope that I will be able to discover intelligent life here.

You can always leave. No one needs you here. You have no credentials for genetics.

And people already met each other in person in this forum. Some of us have. So all this shit you are talking is making you look worse.

Take your Nazi toys and go home to some redneck fora where they actually believe your crap.

Potemkin wrote:Well, this thread went to shit pretty quickly. Will the last one to leave switch out the lights…?

Lol. Do you want to pull the plug on the thread?

Remember when you asked him why his race matter to him? because like Toni Morrison says the only way these no accomplishment Nazi types from the US can have a sense of accomplishment is over something they never did anything to get. Some generic color they were born with.

If they had to actually do something with their lives? They might be happier with who they are. They never did shit with their lives. So they wind up trying to convince people on the internet of their worth? With knowledge they never worked at.

How bad is racism in the USA Pote? You tell me. :lol:
FiveofSwords wrote:If you managed to graduate kindergarten, you can thank affirmative action. I can tell from your pathetic attempt to mimic English speakers that your brain must be smaller than the average ficus plant's (and before you Google it, no, the ficus plant does not technically have a brain)

Is this supposed to be a forum? Does anyone here have anything worth responding to? Frankly I am losing any hope that I will be able to discover intelligent life here.

:lol: We hang on your every word, because you are so great at being clear and giving definitions of what you consider whiteness.

You fail at the most basic definitions.

Personal insults are not going to get you anywhere.

But you do not have enough knowledge about genetics to make a decent argument.

So who cares about your arguments? They are nonarguments.

FiveofSwords wrote:there are a lot more than 150 genes that could influence cognition.

No doubt, but of the estimated 100,000 human genes, only about 6,000 genes of known function have been identified and positioned on the human chromosome.

By the way, a gene locus is the physical location of a specific gene on a chromosome.

ingliz wrote:No doubt, but of the estimated 100,000 human genes, only about 6,000 genes of known function have been identified and positioned on the human chromosome.

By the way, a gene locus is the physical location of a specific gene on a chromosome.


Are you convinced of his genius debating skills Ingliz? Tell me? :lol:
FiveofSwords wrote:Lol this is a totally absurd request which ones again shows you understand nothing about genetics. Even if I knew the billions of genes most common to white people there is no way I could list them in a forum. It would probably take years to write it and I am sure it would exceed some character limit.

But anyway because of how genes work I woukd assume there is no gene with is completely exclusive to white people, especially considering there are a lot of mixed race people. Having a single white gene is of course not enough to make you white...as we can easily point out by the fact thay every race of human has 2 arms.

It is more about how many of the genes you have and each one you do have increases the certainty that you are a white person and had white parents.

This seems subjective, arbitrary, and variable.

How is this, in any way, scientific?

But in a more generalized sense, what really matters to life forms-all life forms- is just genetic similarity. The more dna you share with another life form the more altruistic your instincts are. That is why we don't feel guilty about eating potatoes...they are very dissimilar genetically (even though I am sure we share millions of genes with potatoes). I am a white person, so people most similar to me are other white pepeople. My parents, for example, were white. And every other white person is basically part of my extended family. Probably about as related as 30th cousins on average.

You have no idea if white people are more genetically similar to you. You are assuming this based solely on skin colour.

Also, don't get too hung up on genes. Genetic effects on cognitive ability do not operate independently of environmental factors (Briley and Tucker-Drob, 2013; Plomin and von Stumm, 2018).

4 foot tall Chinese parents are regularly giving birth to 6 foot teenage monsters in China? Why? Because things like childhood malnutrition, poverty, and pollution effect things like height or cognitive ability far more than genes possibly could. Environmental factors and epigenetic expressions are far more important than a single chromosome could be.

I think its a bit far-fetched to argue that everywhere in the world is so equitably developed that we can make reasonable observations about racial ability based rather than environment, but that's just me.
Fasces wrote:4 foot tall Chinese parents are regularly giving birth to 6 foot teenage monsters in China? Why? Because things like childhood malnutrition, poverty, and pollution effect things like height or cognitive ability far more than genes possibly could. Environmental factors and epigenetic expressions are far more important than a single chromosome could be.

I think its a bit far-fetched to argue that everywhere in the world is so equitably developed that we can make reasonable observations about racial ability based rather than environment, but that's just me.

Simplistic explanations are not possible with genetics and the factor of other forces like studies in human neuroplasticity. Human cognition is interesting in the extreme precisely because it is an interesting play between what the human brain does to reinforce patterns and pathways in its own adaptive process.

People continue to learn and adapt until the day of their deaths mostly. It is extremely complex. But the ones who want to have power based on racial categories and who back scientific racism like the Nazis do? Do not want to go through that route. They just want to go back to Master Race theories and believe in the thought that is you are a Spaniard you naturally are attracted to a woman who is Spanish that is as similar to you as possible in culture, history and heritage. Not be attracted to a Chinese woman who is genetically different.

Racial mixing is really a form of race traitorism that does not allow a goal of Eugenics to be manifest.

Again, they want a neat package in a messy world. They did not get the message even with the ovens burning day and night and the rejects of German Nazism filling the graves and ash heaps. They did not get the message. That the harder you try to erase the enemy, the more you can't. Because the enemy is YOU. You are interconnected to everyone and everyone whom you despise and see as the enemy is in fact some long ago ancestor on some level. All of us are like an Aspen Grove, one organic body with trees of the same genus. All are dependent on variation of thought, culture, language and history in order for there to be a strong response if one part of the system collapses the next group varies sufficiently to see if it can overcome the first group's collapse. It is like the Irish Potato famine, if the entire potato genus collapses the only ability to save said food group is to go back to Peru and look for the potatoes that never shared the exact same sequence and they could do a battle with the fungus and conquer for the life of the potato overall. Lol.

Simplistic people want race purity and bullshit are just people who want to dominate other people in order to have power and create an ideal society by denying humanity to everyone else. They really are fighting their own humanity, their own vulnerability, and their own lack of ability to be people of true civilization. Again, they live in the reptilian brain part of human existence. What Rapaille the pro-capitalist anthropologist says is how you manipulate people out of fear. Not love. Not logic. But fear. Reptile thinking.

We have to discard that or we are doomed to repeat the same results as in WWII. Huge losses and the Third Reich loses again. This time worse than before with more millions lost in the stupidity.

Rapaille Fasces is a very intelligent and multilingual French cultural anthropologist. Who Donald Trump hired for a bit for a specific purpose. He is pro-capitalist and is also about using anthropology to control people via fear. Fear of change, fear of losing their identity, and using threats that are external to be able to sell them a product, or a service or try to steer them into a pattern of thinking that is about BRAND and myth.

If you tap into the human brain's lowest functional part which is the reptilian brain? You can get a cohesive response.

The issue becomes when that reptilian brain is tapped into the people whom the nationalist group sees as the OTHER. The outsiders. And believe that the outsiders are inferior and easy to eliminate. When they are not. They become an enormous problem. Again, you are fighting your own self. Your own species. Everything they think is absent in the enemy and which they are superior to them? That is not true. It is false. Everything they think they are in terms of superiority? Is present in the enemy too. But they do not see it because instead of using the upper cortex and the limbic they use the reptilian brain. Something that had to be subjugated long ago in advanced civilizations because if they were not? We would not have cities international trade and interdependent economies.

Again, they are fighting themselves. But they won't know it till it is too late.

I tried to get a Rapaille interview in English. It is not listed in my Mexican youtube. But Rapaille speaks a lot of languages. French, English, Spanish....hmm Here is the interview in Spanish.

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