Iran is going to attack Israel - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Given that Iran did attack Israel I feel like this counts as more like yesterday's news
Dr House wrote:Given that Iran did attack Israel I feel like this counts as more like yesterday's news

Not really. Iran is stupid in its decision making often. Netanyahu needs more conflict to stay in power and Israel in general always wants to bomb Iran(Israeli military) so this attack/retaliation was stupidity of the highest order from the side of Iran. The only thing holding back Netanyahu is actually Biden which is a miracle by the way. I can see how it played out in the mind of Iranian leaders, oh hey we had similar situation with Trump and US in regards to the AL Quds commander(Suleimani?) so lets do it again so people will be happy and we can say we showed them but that totally ignores the political situation in US compared to Israel and the people who are in charge.

As much as you wanna say Biden is chicken shit but what will this even accomplish?(So Biden is right on this one) Israel will bomb Iran with impunity and Iran will have to escalate funding for proxies and create more attacks in the Gulf of Aden, Hamas, Hezbollah and Syrian proxies because they have no other way to respond since their drones and rockets are shit compared to Western technology as the last retalition showed it. In return this escalates the conflict to the benefit of no one except Netanyahu, I would like to say to the benefit of Israel but I am not really seeing how Israel is gonna benefit from this besides Likud/Netanyahu.
JohnRawls wrote:Not really. Iran is stupid in its decision making often. Netanyahu needs more conflict to stay in power and Israel in general always wants to bomb Iran(Israeli military) so this attack/retaliation was stupidity of the highest order from the side of Iran.

All foreign politics are an extension of domestic ones. Iran had to do something after the Damascus strike.

Keeping Netanyahu in power and Israel on the warpath favors Iran. Worse, by joining Israel and the Western powers in the defense of Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are openly placed in a terrible position, domestically and across the region.

Israel will similarly feel that they have to respond. Tit-for-tat until we start burying people by the millions.
MadMonk wrote:All foreign politics are an extension of domestic ones. Iran had to do something after the Damascus strike.

Keeping Netanyahu in power and Israel on the warpath favors Iran. Worse, by joining Israel and the Western powers in the defense of Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are openly placed in a terrible position, domestically and across the region.

Israel will similarly feel that they have to respond. Tit-for-tat until we start burying people by the millions.

Burying people by the millions is what I fear the most. Hope, that it is just some bluffing. That it all blows over. Because if it becomes an outright war between various Muslim nations and Israel and the US thinks it has to be the assistant in direct response? We are in deep caca for sure.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 16 Apr 2024 00:22, edited 1 time in total.
JohnRawls wrote:Not really. Iran is stupid in its decision making often. Netanyahu needs more conflict to stay in power and Israel in general always wants to bomb Iran(Israeli military) so this attack/retaliation was stupidity of the highest order from the side of Iran.

Islam is based on lies. Mohammad was not some great prophet of the creator of the universe. Its possible he didn't even exist. But working on the assumption as if Islam was true, starting as a true Muslim believer ....

This a long war between Muslim and Infidel. Its been going on for 1400 years. The purpose of the Iranian military is to fight Allah's war. The purpose of the Iranian state is to build and support that military. The purpose of human life is to serve Allah. There is no greater task for Muslims today than the recovery of Jerusalem from the Infidel. If a billion Muslims have to die in order to recover Jerusalem it is of little consequence. The focus of a Muslim should be on his life after death not his life before death. There is no better way to die than in the service of Jihad.

Iran's leadership has managed to get itself into an open war with Israel in which the American President has said he wants to take no part. That seems like quite an achievement to me. It is the Liberals with their idiotic demand for total victory over Russia that are displaying stupidity of the highest order. We need Russia's help in containing Iran, rather than pushing Russia into an ever closer alliance with Iran.
MadMonk wrote:All foreign politics are an extension of domestic ones. Iran had to do something after the Damascus strike.

Keeping Netanyahu in power and Israel on the warpath favors Iran. Worse, by joining Israel and the Western powers in the defense of Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are openly placed in a terrible position, domestically and across the region.

Israel will similarly feel that they have to respond. Tit-for-tat until we start burying people by the millions.

You don't make others look bad by inflicting the maximum damage to yourself and undermining your position the most. The retaliation was a humiliation and then if Israel attacks it will be a further humiliation since Iran will not be able to jack shit about it. You are saying that it makes others look bad, sure to some part of the Muslim world that Jordan, Saudi Arabia and so on do not really care about right now at the very least.

So on one side, Saudi Arabia/Jordan/Iraq get more cozy with the West while agravatting Iran and some others they don't care about also sort of cementing their "relationship" with Israel and if shit against Iran hits the fan then they will have Israel on their side. Its not like Saudi Arabia and Iran are friends or neutral. On the other hand Iran got humiliated 1 time already and was shown as incapable while Saudi Arabia and Israel were shown to be capable. This can repeat again if Israel chooses to do so and Iran won't be able to do anything about it.

As I said, it was a stupid decision. Iran can try to spin it as much as it wants inside the country also but that will be rather hard to do after this and even harder if Israel retaliates and blown shit up. Basically it is not a well thought out decision on their side as I said.


You are explaining the reasoning that lead to their stupidity. That is plainly obvious who knows the history of Iran even a bit. When Khomeinei came to power he sent two letters one to the Soviet Union politburo to convert to Islam and forsake their communist ways and one to the US senate/congress to convert to Islam and forsake their capitalism. The long story short here is that he fucked up and made himself an enemy of both the East and the West at the time and this survives till today hence the wonky decision making.

As for the Russian threat, well it is a question of capability. And Russia has dozens times more capability to be threatening compared to Iran. You are "suggesting" to focus on a Rabbit instead of the bear. Pardon my French, but that is a shitty idea. The bear is far more problematic compared to the rabbit. If it makes you feel better, the bear has been cosying up to the rabbit and trying to strengthen them as a sort of enemy of my enemy is my friend strategy. If Russia is dealt with and China is neutral then we can push through anything we want on the Iran subject in the security council, let this positivity brighten your day.
JohnRawls wrote:Netanyahu needs more conflict to stay in power

Netanyahu is nakedly corrupt, involved in multiple court cases for said corruption, and even tried a power grab to reform the Israeli court system to benefit him.

Exactly what mechanism in this shining beacon of democracy is going to keep him out of power?
JohnRawls wrote:So Iran launched like 300 shaheed drones and ballistic missiles and didn't manage to hit anything, everything got intercepted and only some debrees hit something. Uhm, I hope people understand how much of a technological overmatch there is now between Iran and NATO/Israel or Russia and NATO? Russia is also essentially firing the same missiles and drones, the only "more advanced" rocket that Russia posses is the Kalibr missile which is also interceptable.

And by Russian standards 300 is a lot for example, usual attacks from Russia are like 50 and on good days may be 80-90.

No such overmatch.

I hope you understand now how much more respectable, trustworthy and reliable Iranian leaders actually are compared to Israel and the West.

There is a huge moral mismatch indeed as Iranians, Russians, Chinese do not enjoy the privileges of Hollywood+, their actions are actually far more weighted & restrained than the US's, Israel's or ze wests.

1) They only attacked after being attacked.
2) They gave us all 3 days to prepare to ensure nothing happens.

Compare this with pre-emptively nuclear bombing Hirosima, Nagasaki, or carpet bombing Syria, Libya and Iraq and you get the point.

These are people another human can actually communicate with and find consensus, the western liberal like yourself, Rugoz, Biden and such are not such creatures. They only want what they want and all toys out of the pram if they don't get it. Burn the world type of humans as long as they get what they want.

When you are taking lessons in wartime morality & etiquette from the Russians and the Iranians, that should give you a hint that you may have jumped the crazy line.
Iran has 3000 missiles who can reach Israel + unknown ammount of drones... (according a German TV expert)

Israel spend 1,4 Billion USD for just 300 drones. The Balistic missiles hit Israeli bases...

Iran sent to all a message:" Do not f*** with us".

Iran lacks just a capable Airforce which Israel posesses

We need a peace initiative whith all stakeholders for 2 State solution
Iran's attack on the Zionist entity, a justified attack after their embassy was destroyed in Damascus, has shaken shit up in the region. Now, the Zionist entity knows that if it acts in that cowardly manner against Iran again, it will get a response.

It is worth mentioning, the U.S. greenlit this response since bombing embassies is a no-no and the Iranians used international law in the form of Article 51, to justify their response.

Still, Iran allowed the Zionists plenty of time to prepare against it. But they showed their power, using lots of old decoy drones before hitting them with missiles that struck a command and control facility in Tel Aviv, an intelligence facility in the occupied Golan Heights and took out at least five ballistic missile sites.

The Zionists are of course pretending none of this happened and that the Iranian attack was no big deal..but this is to be expected..

The Iranian response shows the Zionists up for the savages that they are, who attack women and children, hospitals and schools etc., whereas the Iranian response hit military targets only and killed nobody.

Watching Zionists in occupied Palestine running around screaming into shelters and emptying out their supermarkets and petrol stations on the day of and days leading up to the Iranian response was good. I expect this attack and potential escalation of a regional war will mean more settlers leave and go back to where they came from.

Although I doubt a regional war will escalate beyond what's happening currently, unless the Zionists show us how dumb they are, again..

A discussion on this event, here:
Supposedly Iran sent information on their attack to the Swiss, so that the Swiss could pass it on to whoever was going to help defend against the barrage.

In other words, Iran was mostly making a show for its domestic population and didn't really want to go to war with Israel.


That said, Iran couldn't go toe to toe against Israel anyway, so it's also in their security interest to not escalate. It's not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts (also it's foolish to view nations as people. Words like "friends" and "history" should carry little weight in geopolitics other than for propaganda).
Skynet wrote:“The interception percentage of the missiles is about 84 percent, a very high percentage but not comparable to the numbers that the IDF provided, which gave the feeling that there had been an absolute interception of all Iranian threats,” Fialkov told Hebrew newspaper Maariv in an interview released Wednesday.

There were around 7 hits around in total and 6 out of those hits hit nothing of relevance besides earth. 1 hit damaged a plane that was a hundred meters away or so by debree. That is all Iran did for 300 drones/missiles. So 1 damaged plane slightly by debree + a person died/injured somewhere in the desert.
Rancid wrote:Supposedly Iran sent information on their attack to the Swiss, so that the Swiss could pass it on to whoever was going to help defend against the barrage.

In other words, Iran was mostly making a show for its domestic population and didn't really want to go to war with Israel.


That said, Iran couldn't go toe to toe against Israel anyway, so it's also in their security interest to not escalate. It's not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts (also it's foolish to view nations as people. Words like "friends" and "history" should carry little weight in geopolitics other than for propaganda).

I'm not sure that it's as simple as Iran thinking it would lose a direct conflict as much as it's about a broader geopolitical strategy. An Iran-Israel war could rally Israel's allies to the cause (as we already saw with the attack) in a moment where Israel is becoming increasingly isolated because it's engaging in a genocide that even countries like the USA are beginning to have to admit.
KurtFF8 wrote:
I'm not sure that it's as simple as Iran thinking it would lose a direct conflict as much as it's about a broader geopolitical strategy. An Iran-Israel war could rally Israel's allies to the cause (as we already saw with the attack) in a moment where Israel is becoming increasingly isolated because it's engaging in a genocide that even countries like the USA are beginning to have to admit.


What I was getting at, is that Iran's light response, wasn't out of the kindness of their hearts as some are suggesting in the internet hot take sphere. It's just another move in the big game.

That said, Israel did destroy an anti-air system right next to one of Iran's nuclear facilities as the response to this "attack". Sends a clear message of what Israel can do without the US. That message being "we don't need the US, so be careful how you act".

EDIT: Just to be clear, before people get their panties in a twist. I am against Israel as a Jewish state. I'm not some rah rah Israel person.
Rancid wrote:Supposedly Iran sent information on their attack to the Swiss, so that the Swiss could pass it on to whoever was going to help defend against the barrage.

Source? I think Iran only communicated the end of the attack.
Wait a moment, I'll just quickly pick up the weapons of mass destruction that the USA used to justify the iraq war to decide if I find the USA a reliable source. :lol:

Suffice to say I'm super happy that this crisis seems to have passed and at least for the moment we wont see a war between Israel and Iran.

Unfortunately it of course doesnt mean that this is actually over and we wont see it in future, but that was the situation before this situation already anyway.
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