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By litwin
Rich wrote:The Liberal loves the big lie. One of the Liberals big lies is that Lenin invaded Poland to create a Moscow ruled empire. In fact he invaded Poland in-order to create a Berlin ruled empire. This is what the "Socialism in one country " debate was really about. The Soviet Union, was a union of multiple countries and multiple nations. But Lenin and Trotsky both envisaged a Communist Empire ruled from Berlin. For both of them the purpose of the Revolution in Russia was to aid the revolution in Germany. Stalin's heresy was not "Socialism in one country", but "Socialism in Russia".

What's for certain is that Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin all knew that the Bolshevik Revolution would never have triumphed in Russia without the outsize influence of Jews, Latvians and other minorities of the Tsarist Empire.

with other words , putin´s empire is Papua with snow ​

"Everything is going according to plan."

- Saddam Putsein

QUESTION : who of you really believe that Moscow empire is A (THE) SUPER - POWER ?

I say NO freaking WAY, AND There is a reason why in Finnish verb "Ryssiä" (Muscovy ) , roughly meaning "to totally fail something".

in 3 years Moscow empire will be poorer than Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Over the past 10 years, Muscovy's GDP per capita has fallen by 16% and is on a par with Mexico ($13,642), lower than Panama ($18,725), Bulgaria ($15,854) and Argentina ($14,024).

Tainari88 wrote:[...] What would happen if the world starts using another form of renewable clean energy and oil loses all its value and the petrodollar is no longer important? [...]

How about you first invent any such energy source and then we can discuss it ?

Right now nothing of this sort exists. Carbon hydrates are simply unbeaten when it comes to the question of easy to transport chemical energy.

What else do we have ? Well you can of course instead try hydrogen. That needs to be cooled and compressed, requires a LOT of space to store, and also has trouble with efficiency.

Then we have batteries. Dont last too long, need ages to recharge. Very impractical.

The only reason why we use alternatives is because we want to no longer increase the carbon dioxide in the air and because petrol may become rare. Not that we know anything superior or even just equal.

Also, a lot of oil and gas is of course used for other means than just energy. Like the production of fertilizer.
litwin wrote:"Everything is going according to plan."

- Saddam Putsein

You see its statements like this, that bring us back to the fascinating question of why are Liberals so stupid. so the Liberal is aware that Saddam's regime spokesmen were highly inaccurate. I guess we should congratulate the Liberal on actually bring able to remember something from over two decades ago. Accuracy of historical memory is not exactly one of the Liberals strong points. But of course it never occurs to the Liberal that it is he that most resembles the inaccuracy of the Saddam regime spokesmen. From the effects of sanctions, Russian GDP, Russian weapons production, on a host of metrics it is the Liberal and the Ukrainian regime that is a pathetic laughing stock.

In late autumn 2022, the Ukrainian defence minister said that Ukraine could be in Crimea by Christmas. Eighteen months later far from being in Crimea the Ukrainians are struggling to hold on to Robotyne. Joe Biden has just ordered the Ukrainians to pull the Abrams out of the line because those nasty Russians have been trying to destroy them. :lol: Who could have imagined that the Russians would actually try to destroy western tanks. You just can't make this stuff up.
Last edited by Rich on 02 May 2024 09:27, edited 1 time in total.
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By paeng
Skynet wrote:I think the world needs one world currency just to make conversions easy to calculate (reference value).
It is not just Petro Dollar, 90% of international transactions are done in USD.

If the BRICS intodruce their currency they could topple the Dollar.

Oil will have a value because electricity is not available in many areas of global South and military purpose is oil important because it is the most energy dense ( energy per Liter) material we know.

Bitcoin is a cult who can last for ever... I need just cryptocurrencies like Monero to buy drugs for recreational usage... I do not see any other practical reason to use Crypto... as soon as quantum computers work are Cryptocurrencies nothing worth

The dollar was used as a global reserve in order to avoid economic instability leading to war (e.g., two countries trading and using each others' currencies, and one of them falls apart economically, with the value of its currency dropping, and the other stuck with the same due to trade). That was backed by the most powerful economy in the world plus lots of oil and gold.

The problem is that that economy eventually reached a peak due to late capitalism, conventional oil production peaking, and the need to create more dollars to fuel what was supposed to be containment of Communism in Indochina but turned out to be military adventurism. So the U.S. switched to the petrodollar but doing so by fueling arms deployment and more threats of war plus the need to control the Middle East.

That didn't stop the result of having one's currency used as a global reserve, which is chronic trade deficits. To adjust to that, the states employed voodoo economics or deregulation leading to financial speculation, which caused debt to balloon but which was also needed to support increasing consumer and military spending.

And the military spending was needed to keep other countries weak and thus dependent on the dollar.

But they've become stronger and are now slowly moving away from the same.

Finally, this can be seen in relation to Ukraine. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and NATO switched from containment of Communism to encirclement of economic rivals like Russia and China, and that included manipulating weak countries through structural adjustment and shock therapy, which is what happened to Russia and Ukraine. Russia reacted negatively, leading to the rise of Putin. Ukraine could not, which led to de-industrialization across decades, similar to what happened to the Philippines, another U.S. ally.

That manipulation was coupled with NATO enlargement. Kennan and other officials warned U.S. Presidents that if they kept doing these things the eventually red lines would be crossed, and that would anger Russia and even China.
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By Rugoz
paeng wrote:That didn't stop the result of having one's currency used as a global reserve, which is chronic trade deficits. To adjust to that, the states employed voodoo economics or deregulation leading to financial speculation, which caused debt to balloon but which was also needed to support increasing consumer and military spending.

Many countries have/had chronic trade deficits without being a global superpower or having a reserve currency. Other countries have an overvalued currency, much more so than the USD, and yet a large trade surplus (e.g. Switzerland). The main reason for these trade imbalances are differences in saving rates, and those reflect cultural attitudes towards consumption/saving.

paeng wrote:Finally, this can be seen in relation to Ukraine. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and NATO switched from containment of Communism to encirclement of economic rivals like Russia and China, and that included manipulating weak countries through structural adjustment and shock therapy, which is what happened to Russia and Ukraine. Russia reacted negatively, leading to the rise of Putin. Ukraine could not, which led to de-industrialization across decades, similar to what happened to the Philippines, another U.S. ally.

All Eastern European countries went through structural adjustment. Want went wrong in Ukraine and Russia, among other things, was that the entire process was utterly corrupt, with state property given away to opportunists in the bureaucracy (oligarchs) for pennies. The West cannot be blamed for that.

Believe it or not, domestically, these countries do their own thing and the US has little control over them.

paeng wrote:That manipulation was coupled with NATO enlargement. Kennan and other officials warned U.S. Presidents that if they kept doing these things the eventually red lines would be crossed, and that would anger Russia and even China.

The West has always respected the territorial integrity of Russia, and that's the only thing Russia has a right to. Meanwhile Russia invaded two of its neighbors.
The Schweizer Franken isnt overvalued. Switzerland is simply a small player with neither much in regards to crude nor much in regards to industry, and thus literally has no way to make its currency more valueable than it should be.

By the way no country actually ever WANTS to overvalue their currency. If your currency is too valueable, then imports get too cheap, and your exports get too expensive.

That means your local companies will go under.

Meaning you will deindustrialize.

This is why countries that can, like Russia and China, quite on the contrary and quite regularily try to *undervalue* their currency so they can promote further industrialization.

By the way, in a very related issue, Germany (and Austria) has deindustialized the rest of the Eurozone by paying its workers too small wages. This is a mechanism like undervalueing your currency, except the Eurozone has no mechanism to harmonize the members of the Eurozone economically, thus Germany maintained a permanent advantage. Even France suffers from this problem, but especially obvious was the effect on Greece. This issue is still not resolved, though the current deindustrialization of Germany thanks to the loss of cheap russian pipeline gas may give the remainder of the Eurozone a breather.

While the US overall benefits from the overvalued US dollar in certain areas because they simply have monopolys, the USA too has faced a deindustrialization thanks to their overvalued national currency. That already happened during the 1960s to 1970s though.

Its also one of the core issues why the USA is in no way the juggernaut today that it was during WW2. It simply lacks the industrial base for doing so.

The loss of the US dollar as the international currency will thus, at least in the long run, cause a reindustialization of the USA. Assuming the USA starts to actually give its people good education and the engineers needed to reindustrialize will be available, anyway.
Rugoz wrote:The West has always respected the territorial integrity of Russia,

:eek: :eek: :eek:

History: not your strength.
Rugoz wrote:Many countries have/had chronic trade deficits without being a global superpower or having a reserve currency. Other countries have an overvalued currency, much more so than the USD, and yet a large trade surplus (e.g. Switzerland). The main reason for these trade imbalances are differences in saving rates, and those reflect cultural attitudes towards consumption/saving.

All Eastern European countries went through structural adjustment. Want went wrong in Ukraine and Russia, among other things, was that the entire process was utterly corrupt, with state property given away to opportunists in the bureaucracy (oligarchs) for pennies.

Agree. If you'd stopped there I would have given this post a Like.

The West cannot be blamed for that.

While I certainly don't support the West is to blame for everything. The West can not be completely exculpated both for the creation of Communism in Russia in the first place and how it was dismantled.

The West has always respected the territorial integrity of Russia, and that's the only thing Russia has a right to. Meanwhile Russia invaded two of its neighbors.

Good God! how many countries has the US invaded? How many places have the United States armed forces intervened without the permission and often against the wishes of the local population? How many times has the Iraqi Parliament asked the American armed forces to leave Iraq?
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By Rugoz
Negotiator wrote:The Schweizer Franken isnt overvalued.


Assuming there's such a thing as an overvalued currency, the Swiss franc is a prime example of that.

Rich wrote:Good God! how many countries has the US invaded? How many places have the United States armed forces intervened without the permission and often against the wishes of the local population? How many times has the Iraqi Parliament asked the American armed forces to leave Iraq?

Funnily enough, the US respected the territorial integrity of Iraq. As for the Iraqi parliament "asking" the US to leave, it has never done so. It only passed a legally non-binding resolution that the government should work towards ending the presence of foreign troops.

But Iraq is not the subject. Fact remains, Russia's neighbors have much more to fear from Russia than Russia has to fear from NATO.
Crimea voted to join Russia by the same method that Kosovo became independent under Imperator Obama. Ukraine and the West refused to accept the will of the Crimean people. The Russians of Crimea, the legitimate successors of the Byzantine Empire have been fighting for their freedom for hundreds of years. Against Muslim genociders, against Nazi genociders, against the British, French and Italians, against the German supported and financed Bolsheviks.

The West with Victoria fuck the EU Nuland were clearly the aggressors and initiators of the current conflict.
Last edited by Rich on 02 May 2024 19:20, edited 1 time in total.
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By litwin
Rich wrote:Crimea voted to join Russia by the same method that Kosovo became independent under Imperator Obama. Ukraine and the West refused to accept the will of the Crimean people. The Russians of Crimea, the legitimate successors of the Byzantine Empire have been fighting for their freedom fro hundreds of years. Against Muslim genociders, against Nazi genociders, against the British, French and Italians, against the German supported and financed Bolsheviks.

The West with Victoria fuck the EU Nuland were clearly the aggressors and initiators of the current conflict.

what do you think about putin´s fav. " philosopher ", how do you describe Dugin´s " philosophy " ?​

“The most terrible ghettos (WHEN WE TAKE OVER THE USA) will be created for surfers- they are the most impudent, the most anti-Eurasian phenomenon."

and " It will be an Atlantist, Leviathan ghetto for rollers, rappers, or skateboarders. "
and Jerusalem needs to be under Moscow control: “The Muscovite city is the mother of all cities. Jerusalem will be Muscovite or it will not exist at all. And His Majesty Kitovras will rule there. This is what the secret Pigeon Book, the Book of Depths, says. Muscovite tsar - is a star to all tsars.”


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By litwin
Negotiator wrote:How about you first invent any such energy source and then we can discuss it ?

Right now nothing of this sort exists. Carbon hydrates are simply unbeaten when it comes to the question of easy to transport chemical energy.

What else do we have ? Well you can of course instead try hydrogen. That needs to be cooled and compressed, requires a LOT of space to store, and also has trouble with efficiency.

Then we have batteries. Dont last too long, need ages to recharge. Very impractical.

The only reason why we use alternatives is because we want to no longer increase the carbon dioxide in the air and because petrol may become rare. Not that we know anything superior or even just equal.

Also, a lot of oil and gas is of course used for other means than just energy. Like the production of fertilizer.

Well, that’s a match made in heaven. Guys that slay together stay together. When one of them cuts the bodies and the other one eats them, the bodies will never be found. Perfect crimes.

Can't wait for them to go back to Muscovite society 8)

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By Rugoz
Rich wrote:Ukraine and the West refused to accept the will of the Crimean people.

You mean the will of the Kremlin who "counted the votes". :lol:

Rich wrote:The West with Victoria fuck the EU Nuland were clearly the aggressors and initiators of the current conflict.

Ms. Nuland seems to draw the ire of the biggest nutcases on this planet. I salute her. :cheers:
Rugoz wrote:Many countries have/had chronic trade deficits without being a global superpower or having a reserve currency. Other countries have an overvalued currency, much more so than the USD, and yet a large trade surplus (e.g. Switzerland). The main reason for these trade imbalances are differences in saving rates, and those reflect cultural attitudes towards consumption/saving.

All Eastern European countries went through structural adjustment. Want went wrong in Ukraine and Russia, among other things, was that the entire process was utterly corrupt, with state property given away to opportunists in the bureaucracy (oligarchs) for pennies. The West cannot be blamed for that.

Believe it or not, domestically, these countries do their own thing and the US has little control over them.

The West has always respected the territorial integrity of Russia, and that's the only thing Russia has a right to. Meanwhile Russia invaded two of its neighbors.

There are different reasons for having that, but for the U.S. it's a Triffin dilemma. That's why, not coincidentally, economic growth started slowing down after the late 1960s, and with trade deficits the gold standard dropped and replaced by the petrodollar scheme. And when that wasn't good enough, voodoo economics was introduced by the early 1980s, loading to a rise in overall debt.

Savings rate, my foot. Cultural attitudes. Good grief. Talk about pseudoscience.

For structural adjustment, the one that adjusted to it was Poland. Let's see if you can figure out why.

No, they didn't do their own thing. One has to be incredibly naive to argue that.

Respect? Who are you kidding? ... r-ukraine/

They were manipulating the former Soviet Republics, including Ukraine, from the time the Soviet Union fell apart. Even Kennan and former officials of the Bush and Clinton admins knew that.
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By Rugoz
paeng wrote:There are different reasons for having that, but for the U.S. it's a Triffin dilemma. That's why, not coincidentally, economic growth started slowing down after the late 1960s, and with trade deficits the gold standard dropped and replaced by the petrodollar scheme. And when that wasn't good enough, voodoo economics was introduced by the early 1980s, loading to a rise in overall debt.

Economic growth slowed down everywhere in the industrialized world. The gold standard is deflationary in a growing economy, and thus generally a dumb idea. The dollar isn't backed by oil or any commodity.

The Triffin dilemma is true in the sense that a higher demand for safe US assets (reserves held by foreign central banks are primarily treasuries) reduces interest rates and makes debt less costly, but the US could easily save more and run an account surplus. It's not like the US would run out of debt to sell :lol:.

paeng wrote:Savings rate, my foot. Cultural attitudes. Good grief. Talk about pseudoscience.

The saving rate is directly related to the trade deficit. It's basic accounting. Countries that save more consume less imported goods and services. The excess savings, i.e. the savings that aren't invested domestically, are invested abroad. Equalizing returns etc.

AFAIK it's impossible to explain the large differences in saving rates across countries without "culture". There's also direct evidence, such as immigrants retaining the consumption/saving habits of their country of origin for several generations.

paeng wrote:For structural adjustment, the one that adjusted to it was Poland. Let's see if you can figure out why.


paeng wrote:No, they didn't do their own thing. One has to be incredibly naive to argue that.

Your idea of US influence around the world is comical, but of course common among your kind.

The fact that the entire process was utterly corrupt, which obviously was not recommended by the IMF at any point, proves that the Russian government did their own thing (among other advice that was not followed).
Poland and other baltic states have anounced they will now deport young ukrainian men found inside their borders back to Ukraine, so they can be fed into the war machine, increasing the damage to the ukrainian people even further.

German source:

In view of the increasingly successful Russian advances in Ukraine, there are calls for the armament of the Ukrainian armed forces to be accelerated and stepped up. For example, an article in the current issue of the journal Internationale Politik, which is published by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), states that "unrestricted support for Ukraine with weapons and ammunition" is urgently needed. [1] The author - Ralf Fücks, Director of the Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod), a think tank financed with large sums from the Berlin government budget - refers to the Taurus cruise missile, which is capable of destroying the Kerch Bridge, which is used to supply the Crimean peninsula. Fücks also calls for the assets of the Russian central bank, insofar as they are stored in Europe, to no longer just be frozen, but to be used "for arms deliveries to Ukraine". "Europe is at war," writes Fücks, "and in war there can be no 'business as usual' with the other party."

Others go even further. In a new article for the US magazine Foreign Affairs, three US military officers call on European countries to make good on the threat made by French President Emmanuel Macron at the end of February and send soldiers to Ukraine. They could take on a variety of tasks there. For example, they could set up and operate repair workshops for damaged tanks or other weapons systems west of the Dnipro River. Alternatively, they could train Ukrainian military personnel close to the front. It is also conceivable that they could take over mine clearance or perform the usual border protection tasks on Ukraine's borders with Belarus and Transnistria; the latter alone could free up more than 20,000 Ukrainians, who could then be sent to the front immediately.[2] Furthermore, the authors suggest that Ukrainian air defense could be taken over by European soldiers - also in order to make Ukrainians available for frontline operations. Finally, European military personnel should be deployed for defensive tasks west of Dnipro and in Ukraine's Black Sea ports, for example in Odessa. If they came under Russian fire, they would have the right to defend themselves militarily.

Poland and the Baltic states are currently considering another option to compensate for Ukraine's glaring shortage of soldiers. This involves the possibility of forcing Ukrainians of military service age who have fled abroad to return to their country of origin, where they can then be recruited and immediately sent to the front. According to Eurostat, a good 860,000 of the 4.3 million refugees from Ukraine who have been officially registered in the EU are adult men. Last week, Kiev announced that men between the ages of 18 and 60 would no longer be able to have their passports renewed at diplomatic missions abroad as is generally the case; to do so, they would now have to travel back to Ukraine and prove that they are registered with the relevant recruitment offices. According to Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Poland - where a good 200,000 adult Ukrainians live - now wants to ensure that as many of them as possible are transferred to Ukraine. When asked whether Warsaw would deport them, Kosiniak-Kamysz replied: "Anything is possible."[3] Lithuania and Latvia have also announced that they will support the return of Ukrainians.

Translated with (free version)

Under human rights its not legal to deport people into a country if this endangers their life. That literally is the classic reason for the right for asylum.

I dont think this has ever been done by anyone before either. They found a new moral low nobody has ever reached.

But I bet theres some people who love this because they dont consider ukrainians human beings, but cannon fodder. If they dont die at the front lines, surely they just party, riiiight ?

All considerations as to how more Ukrainians could be sent to the front - be it by releasing them through the deployment of soldiers from EU states in Ukraine, or by EU states deporting Ukrainians who have fled - ignore urgent warnings from demographers. Last summer, the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) predicted an "irreversible demographic shock" for Ukraine in a study; as a result of the war-related losses in the younger generation and the massive movement of refugees, Ukraine's working population will shrink by a quarter by 2040 compared to the pre-war population - with dramatic consequences for the country. [4] A recent analysis in the New York Times pointed out that the 25- and 26-year-olds who, according to a recent decision by the Ukrainian government, are now to be extensively recruited, belong to two of the country's lowest birth cohorts, who had already left gaps in the labor market in the immediate pre-war years. Now they could be further decimated at the front.[5] The long-term consequences would be immense.

In view of the increasingly desolate military situation in Ukraine, even the media, which has always supported the war, is now beginning to criticize the decision in April 2022 to reject the ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, which seemed within reach at the time, and to continue the war. On March 29, Moscow and Kiev agreed on a communiqué in Istanbul that included ten points to end the war, including Russia's commitment to withdraw its armed forces from Ukraine - but not from Crimea - and Ukraine's commitment to neutrality ( reported [6]). Foreign Affairs recently reported on the agreement that would have made an end to the war possible - and admitted that "Putin and Zelenskyi" were "prepared to consider extraordinary compromises to end the war". This failed, not least because there was no support for it in the West.[7] Even the Springer newspaper "Die Welt" judged earlier this week that "after two years of war", the deal considered at the time "appears advantageous".[8] This puts the West's responsibility for the continuation of the war in Ukraine since April 2022 up for discussion.

Russia has been consistently the enemy of Europe and later the USA as well since 1840. Reason ? None. Except its a large country with an enormous amount of resources that would neither bow to the British nor to the US Empire.
Last edited by Negotiator on 03 May 2024 19:21, edited 1 time in total.
Rugoz wrote:Ms. Nuland seems to draw the ire of the biggest nutcases on this planet. I salute her. :cheers:

People who are mad at Nuland will have various agendas. Some of the people who are mad at Nuland may will be nut cases, but that doesn't mean that project Nuland wasn't mad. Nuland was trying to get Ukraine into the EU, the reason she was "Fuck the EU" was because she knew that the EU, its constituent countries leaders and their populations didn't want Ukraine to join the EU, at least any time soon. In Britain Boris johnson would lead the Leave campaign. One of the Leave's main arguments was the threat of EU expansion. The Brexit leaders strategy was based on the assumption that the EU would collapse soon after Britain left. Boris Johnson had spent virtually his whole adult life trying to destroy the EU, in 2022 he would become the leader of the war for Ukrainian westernisation.

Nuland was also trying to get Ukraine into NATO. But again NATO didn't want Ukraine to join at least any time soon. Nuland didn't even have the Obama administration behind her aggressive anti Russian agenda. She, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton were a Neo Con faction working within, but not representative of the Obama administration
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By Rugoz
Negotiator wrote:Poland and other baltic states have anounced they will now deport young ukrainian men found inside their borders back to Ukraine..

Zero evidence, not even in your shitty article. Pathetic, as always.

Rich wrote:People who are mad at Nuland will have various agendas. Some of the people who are mad at Nuland may will be nut cases, but that doesn't mean that project Nuland wasn't mad. Nuland was trying to get Ukraine into the EU, the reason she was "Fuck the EU" was because she knew that the EU, its constituent countries leaders and their populations didn't want Ukraine to join the EU, at least any time soon. In Britain Boris johnson would lead the Leave campaign. One of the Leave's main arguments was the threat of EU expansion. The Brexit leaders strategy was based on the assumption that the EU would collapse soon after Britain left. Boris Johnson had spent virtually his whole adult life trying to destroy the EU, in 2022 he would become the leader of the war for Ukrainian westernisation.

Nuland was also trying to get Ukraine into NATO. But again NATO didn't want Ukraine to join at least any time soon. Nuland didn't even have the Obama administration behind her aggressive anti Russian agenda. She, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton were a Neo Con faction working within, but not representative of the Obama administration

Let me guess, you just made up the reason behind "fuck the eu" completely. :lol:
The article IS the source, dumbnut.

And its source is offline sources, that are listed below the article an thus I cannot link.
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By litwin
Negotiator wrote:The article IS the source, dumbnut.

And its source is offline sources, that are listed below the article an thus I cannot link.

YOUR Muscovy is the pure hell for humans
“In short, they want to nullify [=kill] me, shoot me,” :lol:
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