Israel-Palestinian War 2023 - Page 194 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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wat0n wrote:Oh yes, your dishonest disregard for what you label as settler colonialism when done by Europeans and Jews.

Your inability to show how the spread of Islam was due specifically to settler colonialism (instead of the many other ways of spreading religion) is not magically antisemitism on my part.

You just did not support the argument.


Where can I read about this?

In many recent news articles covering recent events in the Israel invasion of Gaza.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Your inability to show how the spread of Islam was due specifically to settler colonialism (instead of the many other ways of spreading religion) is not magically antisemitism on my part.

You just did not support the argument.

Oh yes I did, I even showed it was similar to how Christianity was spread in the Americas by Spain. It's interesting how just one is settler colonialism.

Pants-of-dog wrote:In many recent news articles covering recent events in the Israel invasion of Gaza.

Such as? I have yet to hear the UN saying this was confirmed on the ground by UN officials.

Some of us have not forgotten about the disproven claim of 500 dead in Jenin.

It is also not true that the Palestinian militias did not control the Nasser hospital during the siege.
wat0n wrote:Oh yes I did, I even showed it was similar to how Christianity was spread in the Americas by Spain. It's interesting how just one is settler colonialism.

Provide a link to the post.

Such as? I have yet to hear the UN saying this was confirmed on the ground by UN officials.

Some of us have not forgotten about the disproven claim of 500 dead in Jenin.

It is also not true that the Palestinian militias did not control the Nasser hospital during the siege.

The UN itself discusses it on their website. Google it.

In the same article they describe how the IDF is killing or wounding a child every ten minutes. As mentioned earlier, this is the deadliest war in children on record.
@Pants-of-dog so you have no source to back your claims up.

I am now still waiting for you to explain why was the spread of Christianity in the Americas settler colonialism while the spread of Islam in the Levant was not. I won't bother repeating myself.
To a credulous two-state preacher, Rich wrote:No in the longer term the West Bank Arabs and probably the Gaza Arabs too, will be expelled or exterminated.

There is no two state solution. If you don't believe me, please try looking at the map....

My favorite "two-state solution" (to the First Nation issue that the British had) was to divide North America into the Province of Quebec (Ohio Valley, Quebec, Ontario) and let the British keep the thirteen colonies.

The Quebec Act of 1774

Finally, the First Nations will have a homeland to call their own!

Two years later, the USA breaks away from Britain and then goes on to genocide all the First Nations all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

wat0n wrote:Indeed, both Hamas and Netanyahu need to go.

Yeah, just like "Once Sitting Bull is gone, there will be peace among the peoples."

The racism that killed off the nature-protectors of the Americas is still alive in the hearts of every imperialist.

Racism is always used to make money and gain land. It is a strategy more than an illness.

wat0n wrote:We went through this ITT. Should I go back to the post showing the AI checker said one is authentic? :roll:

And if you scroll down this thread on Twitter you'll find further evidence of you being a compulsive liar, as is a prerequisite for Zionists.

Zero proof of this.

The Times of Israel is founded and run by British-born David Horovitz who became a settler in occupied Palestine about 40 years ago and also did hasbara within the IDF.

What there is zero proof of, is your lies about The Grayzone, which is independent media that makes you cry, not run by racist settlers but justice-minded Jews.

The Grayzone editors actually worked for Russia's Permanent Mission to the UN as we also saw ITT :lol:

When did we see this in this thread? Why not post again instead of pretending you have evidence for your lies? I've noticed this tendency in you. Others likely have too. Zionists and compulsive lying is just a thing, unfortunately, because your entire ideology is fascistic and defensive of genocide, ethnic-cleansing, colonialism and settler-colonialism, which includes an escalated live streamed genocide for the last 200+ days. You can't admit to this so have to create a fantasy of lie after lie after lie, spend billions on these lies and still, after October 7, all those lies evaporated in the blink of an eye as people all over the world unaware to Zionist savagery were forced to reckon with what Israel is.

The truth comes out eventually.

You have a victim saying she was raped.

You also have a Zionist and see above on that lying thing / trusting Zionists when they say anything.

We have footage of Palestinian combatants executing Israeli civilians on October 7 yet you will still not believe it, so the demand of footage is not to gather evidence.

I didn't deny this, I also saw Palestinian resistance fighters kill Israelis on October 7 and there is evidence for that whereas there isn't evidence for your usual lies.

You even have victims who have come forward. The ones who weren't burned alive, that is.

You also have a lot of debunked claims and straight up hoaxes. And you also have evidence of Zionist propagandists instructing their online trolls - people like you - to keep yapping on about these debunked claims of rape to distract from the genocide.

There is no need of one when Israel is perfectly able to do one.

Israel refusing an investigation speaks volumes, but thanks for displaying how much you are a sucker for anything Israel says. You are on the hasbara payroll, after all, so I guess this is fair.

Sure, rape supporter.


And I am indeed sure that international laws defend Palestinians, as occupied people, to resist their occupiers, including with armed struggle and there is plenty of documentation of Israelis raping Palestinians throughout the last almost-century and reported on by Israeli historians too, like Ilan Pappe, I believe even Benny Morris who turned to Zionism for money recorded this mass rape amongst the ethnic cleansing that took place in the 1940s, plus you also have Israelis in those earlier Zionist terrorist groups casually admitting to the raping they did on film. If you think these two things you were responding to with "rape supporter" are untrue, prove how, instead of repeatedly calling people rape supporters because that is not an argument to what I said.

I'm already doing that, and it makes you butthurt that I'm calling you out for demanding to watch rape footage for masturbating.

:lol: that you think you are putting me in my place. What place would that be? The place where I expose what propagandists for the genocidal Zionist entity look like? Because that would be accurate.

"rape supporter" is just this year's version of "you antisemite!", to distract and intimidate from Israel's 75+ years of genocide against Palestinians and it simply doesn't work. Your repetition of it simply exposes you to be a Zionist propagandist / hasbara troll.

Yes, we know you support raping Israeli women (it sets you off, after all) and will refuse to hold the perpetrators accountable by simply denying that they were raped. Nothing new here.

It has already been leaked that Zionist propagandists need to constantly focus on rape stories but can you stop making it so obvious that you have no other argument and are only here to distract from that live streamed genocide.

Unthinking Majority wrote:A 2-state solution is the ideal of course, and one I wish would happen. Unfortunately the Palestinian/Arab leadership do not want a permanent 2-state solution and never have.

The Two State Solution was always a charade to steal more Palestinian territory and that is exactly what has happened throughout Israel's colonisation of Palestine and the increased stealing of territory in the Occupied Palestinian Territories of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

During negotiations for the 1947 UN Partition Plan, not only did the Arab negotiators not agree with the details of the plans proposed, they made clear they would not accept any inch of land in Mandatory Palestine being turned into an Israeli state.

Nobody and no group would agree to colonisation of their land by foreigners at the hands of a colonial state (Britiain) on behalf of a group (European Jews) who did not live there, including you and anyone reading this. What kind of clown shit is this "argument"? :D

During the 2000 Camp David summit it was clear that all Arafat wanted was to gain concessions from Israel and would he stated he would not agree to any deal that made any agreed 2-state borders "final" because their longterm goal was the total elimination of Israel as an country (Zionism) and returning all the land back to Arab control.

This is Zionist bollocks, as you can see in the above article. Arafat refused to go under 22% of Palestinian land for a Palestinian state. Bear in mind, British colonialism of Palestine and the agreement with Zionists there offered Palestinians 45% of the land, despite the latter being a minority and foreign to the land.

Hamas also has in their Charter since the 1980s the same thing as their raison d'etre: the elimination of all of Israel.

Hamas in 2017 changed their charter to go along with a two state solution.

Likud on the other hand since 1977 in its charter has refused Palestinian sovereignty over themselves in their own state and this was recently reiterated by all of the terrorists that run front and centre in Israeli politics after the U.S. made mention of the two state charade.

It is the Zionists who have always been the intransigents and that is evident in the negotiations to end the war today by refusing to commit to a permanent ceasefire.

Abbas seems the most reasonable of Palestinian leadership, and the West Bank settlements are illegal and wrong, but we also have an Israeli leadership and population that feels burned and very distrustful over what has happened since Israel gave back Gaza, so they feel why in the world would they risk also de-occupying the West Bank when it could backfire like Gaza? Abbas won't be leader forever. Hamas/Gaza has hardened Israelis and created the conditions for them to keep re-electing a hardliner like Netanyahu. The last peace-loving dove they elected tried peace and made concessions and Israelis have suffered terrorism ever since, including Oct 7.

The amount of complete bullshit in one quote, you give wat0n a run for his money...

Unthinking Majority wrote:Netanyahu is a product of Hamas.

This too. :lol:

Netanyahu is a product of his dad who was also a fascist and joined terrorist orgs with a young Menachem Begin who would join parades along with Mussolini supporters and who founded Likud after commanding terrorist org, Irgun. Netanyahu leads that party today.

wat0n wrote:And yes, London has become so unsafe for Jews - due to the behavior of leftists - that Jews need to walk with police escort. But we are supposed to believe antisemitism is not an issue in the left.

More nonsense. Tons of Jews join us on the protests against the genocide. That hasbara troll agitator who leads that dodgy org Campaign Against Antisemitism has been exposed for being a liar and fraud. And the antisemitism accusations don't work anymore but it's cute you've switched gear from 'rape supporter' for a second.

Tainari88 wrote:@wat0n who the hell in their right mind could defend what happened on October 7th? Most of the people taken hostages were just living peacefully in kibbutzs or in their homes and most were from the Left and centrists and apolitical people in general trying to live their lives. Families.

Well, international laws defend Palestinian resistance in the form of armed struggle against their occupiers. And nope, they weren't peacefully living in the kibbutz, Tainari, these were settlers living on stolen land known as "the Gaza envelope" right on the border of Gaza concentration camp - now death/extermination camp - which has held 2.3 million prisoners since 2007, with over a million of them being children. If one is stupid enough to go settle on stolen land while millions of natives are imprisoned right on your borders and you expect to live peacefully like that for ever, you have got to be straight up retarded. Anyone with children who does this is an idiot forcing their own idiocy (and racism and genocidal intent) on their children.

It is not about defending October 7 per se, but understanding that if you treat the natives like this, whose country you stole as over 7 million still live amongst you under occupation, aside from the 2.3 million in that concentration camp you've created for them, then you have to expect that the idea of living peacefully while creating chaos and NO PEACE for others, will likely result in some bad things happening.

Still, what happened on October 7 was less than 1% of what Palestinians have suffered at the hands of Zionists since their country was stolen from them in the 1940s. No justice, no peace! is a chant on these protests for a reason.

U.S. scholar Norman Finkelstein says October 7th is best understood as a slave revolt. He says of his parents, Holocaust survivors who were forced into concentration camps by the Nazis, said they would not condemn what happened on October 7. More on that here:

Rancid wrote:THere's lots of giddy-ness and support around it. I think skinster was rooting it on at one point. :?:

Yes, I supported the October 7 resistance operation against Zionist occupiers and so does international law and I particularly support it because it appears to be the beginning of the end of Zionism in occupied Palestine, has created Arab unity in the form of the Axis of Resistance and will likely be the the beginning of the end of the Arab compradors in the region too.

Crying over October 7 crew need to bear in mind, over 200 Palestinians were killed by Zionists in the same year before October 7 happened but people like you were ignorant to that and all of the crimes against Palestinians because you've made what happened on October 7 the beginning of history when that is not when history began. Was everything peachy in occupied Palestine on Oct 6? Were you giddy about children tortured and raped with impunity in Israeli prisons before October 7 or something because I never heard you say anything about that? What about the ongoing ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, were you giddy about that?

wat0n wrote:Hamas does not want to negotiate a peace treaty with Israel, even now the talk is about a "permanent ceasefire", which is not peace even if it sounds like it.

Hamas does want peace in the form of ending the war which is what permanent ceasefire means. It is Israel refusing this and would prefer a pause in the war so it can re-arm and allow its terrorists within the IDF to have a little break.

Rancid wrote:Is it not possible that both are terrible?

No. This is a very well documented story between the oppressor and the oppressed, between the colonizers and those they colonized, between settlers and natives. It is not a new story of history.

There is a clear case of genocide, ethnic-cleansing and settler-colonialism on one side (that includes apartheid and a concentration camp) and there is natives that have had their country stolen from them and who have been forced to live under supremacy in the form of discriminatory laws (in "Israel proper"), a racist military law (in the West Bank) and a concentration camp (in Gaza). It's really not that complex if you read a book or two on the subject. Ilan Pappe may be a good start (The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine).

wat0n wrote:Hamas was created by religious Palestinians as the offshoot of another Islamic group (the Muslim Brotherhood). As such, it is ideologically opposed to a secular, formerly socialist, group like the PLO and indeed undermines it.

Hamas is not the only resistance organisation fighting this war. There is an alliance of them and those include socialist orgs - PFLP and DFLP - so what the fuck are you even talking about. :lol:

Alistair Crooke met with the founder of Hamas Sheikh Yasin who told him: Hamas is not an Islamic movement. It is a liberation movement, and anyone, be they Christian, or Buddhist – or even I – could join it.' Hamas is a national liberation movement and if they were pro Islamic only, they wouldn't be working with socialist orgs.

Also, Hamas offered a hudna with the Zionists decades ago. It is Israelis who have always opposed them because they care for land over peace and that is evident in their MO from the beginning. If it wasn't, Palestinian land wouldn't have gone down from 45% to 22% and to today, 0% since that 22% is under occupation.

HAMAS! HAMAS! HAMAS! has been big in Zionist and mainstream corporate propaganda over the decades, and damn does it show.

Just a fifth of the world proscribed Hamas's armed wing and the countries which have are colonizers, military dictatorships and states with a history of fascism. The vast majority of the world consider Hamas a legitimate org even if there are a bunch of people gullible to Hamas bogeyman stories..

The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonized. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted.

wat0n wrote:I know that you believe Israel just wants to kill people,

Yes, wat0n, lots of people have eyes and don't lie to themselves about what they see or are not so easily gullible to the lies..sorry that pisses you off but such is life..

Saeko wrote:As everyone who isn't a complete moron already knew.

It has been evident since Day 1, the Israeli leadership does not care about its own hostages. Zionists protesting daily in favour of hostage exchanges have learned the hard way that their government actually doesn't care about them. And good. Hopefully it'll encourage more departures of the settlers. And hopefully anyone dumb enough to put their lives on the line for a state that clearly doesn't care about them, has seen how their state doesn't care for them and decides against serving in the IDF terrorist forces...

wat0n wrote:And once Hamas is defeated in Rafah, the post-war process will begin.

The boundless cases of Zionist fantasies.

Hamas will never be destroyed, every martyr has created a hundred more and again, there are a number of Palestinian resistance orgs fighting the Zionists and they inlude PIJ, Saraya al-Quds, PFLP, DFLP and all the other orgs in the West Bank.
wat0n wrote:Zero proof of this.

Like wat0n, I am a stickler for proof of just about any claim.

So when I saw a documentary on Telesur when I was in Havana in January, I was enthralled by the topic, but sceptical. It was an hour-long documentary about how the Ukraine War and the Palestinian Genocide were both creating thriving industries in organ-trading.

The Spanish-language documentary went on to explain that this organ-trading was only really known to the extremely rich - those who can afford a few hundred thousand dollars for new kidneys, or a heart. And this trade is NOT known to the non-rich - except to the non-rich in Israel and Ukraine who are getting rich by selling the organs of dead victims.

I didn't write about this in either the Cuba thread or this thread because I had not seen any other proof of this going on.

But then I started seeing articles about the Palestinian dead from other writers , like this one:

Jonathan Cook wrote:...Some bodies were reported to have been found with their hands and feet bound, and stripped of clothing, strongly suggesting they had been executed during a three-month invasion of the city by Israeli soldiers. Others were said to be decapitated, or their skin and organs removed...

euronews wrote:Israel 'stealing organs' from bodies in Gaza, alleges human rights group

Concerns about 'organ theft' by Israel's forces from dead Palestinians were raised by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

Israel's army has been accused of stealing organs from the dead in Gaza by an NGO, which called for an independent international investigation.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said on Sunday it had "concerns" about possible organ theft from Palestinian corpses, following reports by medical professionals in Gaza who examined some bodies after they were released by Israel.

The NGO claimed it has documented Israeli forces confiscating dozens of dead bodies from the al-Shifa and Indonesian hospitals in northern Gaza, alongside others in the south. ...

Human Trafficking Search wrote:Israel Became Hub in International Organ Trade Over Past Decade

Israel has become increasingly involved in the world transplantation industry in the last decade. This comes a few years after India, which until the 1990s was the global center of the organ trade, enacted legislation prohibiting transplants using organs acquired from living people....

Know any old rich people who have no problems with stealing organs from war victims?



Ukrainian: $20,000 each or two for $35,000
Palestinian $40,000 each or two for $75,000 (alcohol-free, pre-pubescent)

"We think it's worth it!" Image
skinster wrote:Hamas in 2017 changed their charter to go along with a two state solution.


Well, international laws defend Palestinian resistance in the form of armed struggle against their occupiers. And nope, they weren't peacefully living in the kibbutz, Tainari, these were settlers living on stolen land known as "the Gaza envelope" right on the border of Gaza concentration camp - now death/extermination camp - which has held 2.3 million prisoners since 2007, with over a million of them being children. If one is stupid enough to go settle on stolen land while millions of natives are imprisoned right on your borders and you expect to live peacefully like that for ever, you have got to be straight up retarded. Anyone with children who does this is an idiot forcing their own idiocy (and racism and genocidal intent) on their children.

Legit resistance would have been Hamas attacking an Israeli military target, not murdering men, women, the elderly, and children in their homes, raping women and taking hostages.

U.S. scholar Norman Finkelstein says October 7th is best understood as a slave revolt. He says of his parents, Holocaust survivors who were forced into concentration camps by the Nazis, said they would not condemn what happened on October


Yes, I supported the October 7 resistance operation against Zionist occupiers and so does international law and I particularly support it because it appears to be the beginning of the end of Zionism in occupied Palestine, has created Arab unity in the form of the Axis of Resistance and will likely be the the beginning of the end of the Arab compradors in the region too.

Nice to know you're a terrorist piece of shit. At least you have the balls to admit it.
wat0n wrote:Hamas massacred and kidnapped hundreds in October 7, which is what started the war
Hamas uses human shields
Hamas refuses to fight in open areas, even its rockets on Israel are launched from Gaza's cities
Hamas then shoots at civilians trying to flee
Hamas then uses hospitals for shielding and has no problem fighting inside them, turning them into legitimate military targets

Ignoring this is not an argument

You have to include the years before that date.
skinster wrote:

And if you scroll down this thread on Twitter you'll find further evidence of you being a compulsive liar, as is a prerequisite for Zionists.


You were saying?

skinster wrote:The Times of Israel is founded and run by British-born David Horovitz who became a settler in occupied Palestine about 40 years ago and also did hasbara within the IDF.

So your big argument is that Horovitz is Israeli


skinster wrote:What there is zero proof of, is your lies about The Grayzone, which is independent media that makes you cry, not run by racist settlers but justice-minded Jews.

I already posted proof of how they worked for the Permanent Russian mission to the UN.

skinster wrote:When did we see this in this thread? Why not post again instead of pretending you have evidence for your lies? I've noticed this tendency in you. Others likely have too. Zionists and compulsive lying is just a thing, unfortunately, because your entire ideology is fascistic and defensive of genocide, ethnic-cleansing, colonialism and settler-colonialism, which includes an escalated live streamed genocide for the last 200+ days. You can't admit to this so have to create a fantasy of lie after lie after lie, spend billions on these lies and still, after October 7, all those lies evaporated in the blink of an eye as people all over the world unaware to Zionist savagery were forced to reckon with what Israel is.

The truth comes out eventually.

Should I post an example again? Fine

Permanent Russian Mission to the UN wrote: Problems at this track were piling up for years and assumed increasingly menacing proportion. It would take a while to enumerate them all. However, to ignore the most obvious violations that impede the normal functioning of the OPCW would be the wrong thing to do. In this connection, we highly appreciate the activities of our second briefer for today, Mr.Aaron Maté, a contributor to “Grayzone”, who has shown a true example of independent journalism by bringing to the public the egregious cases of falsification of the results of the 2018 Douma investigation by the OPCW Fact Finding Mission for Syria (FFM), which were reflected in a report of this mechanism.


skinster wrote:You also have a Zionist and see above on that lying thing / trusting Zionists when they say anything.

skinster wrote:You also have a lot of debunked claims and straight up hoaxes. And you also have evidence of Zionist propagandists instructing their online trolls - people like you - to keep yapping on about these debunked claims of rape to distract from the genocide.

At first, you were demanding victims to come forward and say they were raped.

Now you have those victims coming forward and you refuse to believe them. Why? Because you're a liar, and would never accept any testimony you don't like. Hence projection like:

skinster wrote:Israel refusing an investigation speaks volumes, but thanks for displaying how much you are a sucker for anything Israel says. You are on the hasbara payroll, after all, so I guess this is fair.

... Even though even UN reports find the claims aren't baseless, at all.

skinster wrote:I didn't deny this, I also saw Palestinian resistance fighters kill Israelis on October 7 and there is evidence for that whereas there isn't evidence for your usual lies.

Kill Israelis, including civilians.

skinster wrote:*lol*

And I am indeed sure that international laws defend Palestinians, as occupied people, to resist their occupiers, including with armed struggle and there is plenty of documentation of Israelis raping Palestinians throughout the last almost-century and reported on by Israeli historians too, like Ilan Pappe, I believe even Benny Morris who turned to Zionism for money recorded this mass rape amongst the ethnic cleansing that took place in the 1940s, plus you also have Israelis in those earlier Zionist terrorist groups casually admitting to the raping they did on film. If you think these two things you were responding to with "rape supporter" are untrue, prove how, instead of repeatedly calling people rape supporters because that is not an argument to what I said.

Actually targeting civilians is always illegal.

And yes, I don't doubt Jewish Hamas (Irgun and Lehi) committed all sorts of atrocities. Which is why they were eventually disarmed by force, by Israel itself.

skinster wrote: :lol: that you think you are putting me in my place. What place would that be? The place where I expose what propagandists for the genocidal Zionist entity look like? Because that would be accurate.

"rape supporter" is just this year's version of "you antisemite!", to distract and intimidate from Israel's 75+ years of genocide against Palestinians and it simply doesn't work. Your repetition of it simply exposes you to be a Zionist propagandist / hasbara troll.

You're a rape supporter because you have been supporting the October 7 massacre, which included rape.

Not that "just" supporting targeting civilians and killing hundreds of them makes you any better.

skinster wrote:It has already been leaked that Zionist propagandists need to constantly focus on rape stories but can you stop making it so obvious that you have no other argument and are only here to distract from that live streamed genocide.

Or maybe rape has a special place since your camp has been all the way into #MeToo and all that stuff.

skinster wrote:More nonsense. Tons of Jews join us on the protests against the genocide. That hasbara troll agitator who leads that dodgy org Campaign Against Antisemitism has been exposed for being a liar and fraud. And the antisemitism accusations don't work anymore but it's cute you've switched gear from 'rape supporter' for a second.

If that was the case, there would not be cops telling Jews to avoid being Jewish in London. Tokenizing won't help you, at all.

skinster wrote:Hamas does want peace in the form of ending the war which is what permanent ceasefire means. It is Israel refusing this and would prefer a pause in the war so it can re-arm and allow its terrorists within the IDF to have a little break.

Right, now that Hamas got its ass kicked it wants to end war so it can survive and have another try, heh?

This is certainly not "wanting peace".

skinster wrote:Hamas is not the only resistance organisation fighting this war. There is an alliance of them and those include socialist orgs - PFLP and DFLP - so what the fuck are you even talking about. :lol:

Indeed, you have some other minor ones that accept their submission to Hamas. But the one calling the shots in Gaza is Hamas and even you know that.

skinster wrote:Alistair Crooke met with the founder of Hamas Sheikh Yasin who told him: Hamas is not an Islamic movement. It is a liberation movement, and anyone, be they Christian, or Buddhist – or even I – could join it.' Hamas is a national liberation movement and if they were pro Islamic only, they wouldn't be working with socialist orgs.

And yet Hamas has no qualms about suppressing Christians and keeping them out of the public eye as Gazan Christians have themselves denounced several times in the past.

skinster wrote:Also, Hamas offered a hudna with the Zionists decades ago. It is Israelis who have always opposed them because they care for land over peace and that is evident in their MO from the beginning. If it wasn't, Palestinian land wouldn't have gone down from 45% to 22% and to today, 0% since that 22% is under occupation.


A hudna is not peace, it's just "lemme get stronger until I can kill you later". There's no reason for Israel or anyone else to allow that.

skinster wrote:HAMAS! HAMAS! HAMAS! has been big in Zionist and mainstream corporate propaganda over the decades, and damn does it show.

Just a fifth of the world proscribed Hamas's armed wing and the countries which have are colonizers, military dictatorships and states with a history of fascism. The vast majority of the world consider Hamas a legitimate org even if there are a bunch of people gullible to Hamas bogeyman stories..

The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonized. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted.

One of the problems is undoubtedly Hamas, and you can tell by the fact that it rules Gaza as what it is i.e. an islamist dictatorship.

And I say Hamas is "one of the problems" because it's not the only one. Israeli irredentists are also a problem, but not as important as Hamas because they don't have their own army while Hamas does.

skinster wrote:Yes, wat0n, lots of people have eyes and don't lie to themselves about what they see or are not so easily gullible to the lies..sorry that pisses you off but such is life..

If we go by those who really just want to kill people, Hamas is clearly at the top of the list. It's as simple as keeping in mind their stated goal of repeating October 7 many times in the future.

skinster wrote:The boundless cases of Zionist fantasies.

Hamas will never be destroyed, every martyr has created a hundred more and again, there are a number of Palestinian resistance orgs fighting the Zionists and they inlude PIJ, Saraya al-Quds, PFLP, DFLP and all the other orgs in the West Bank.

And yet they can be perfectly be kept out of any governing role just as ISIS has.

The same can be said about the other minor groups, which are if anything easier to deal with

paeng wrote:You have to include the years before that date.

Sure, all the way to 1920. You don't want to do that, because then it becomes clear who started using violence to advance political goals.

QatzelOk wrote:Like wat0n, I am a stickler for proof of just about any claim.

So when I saw a documentary on Telesur when I was in Havana in January, I was enthralled by the topic, but sceptical. It was an hour-long documentary about how the Ukraine War and the Palestinian Genocide were both creating thriving industries in organ-trading.

The Spanish-language documentary went on to explain that this organ-trading was only really known to the extremely rich - those who can afford a few hundred thousand dollars for new kidneys, or a heart. And this trade is NOT known to the non-rich - except to the non-rich in Israel and Ukraine who are getting rich by selling the organs of dead victims.

I didn't write about this in either the Cuba thread or this thread because I had not seen any other proof of this going on.

But then I started seeing articles about the Palestinian dead from other writers , like this one:

Know any old rich people who have no problems with stealing organs from war victims?



Ukrainian: $20,000 each or two for $35,000
Palestinian $40,000 each or two for $75,000 (alcohol-free, pre-pubescent)

"We think it's worth it!" Image

We already went through this. Including the fact that many were in fact buried by Palestinians during the battle of Khan Younis, and there is sadly footage of that.

A fact people like Cook conveniently omit, even though Gazans themselves uploaded such footage.

Also, you can't just kill people and steal their organs. That is not how transferring organs works.
QatzelOk wrote:My favorite "two-state solution" (to the First Nation issue that the British had) was to divide North America into the Province of Quebec (Ohio Valley, Quebec, Ontario) and let the British keep the thirteen colonies.

The Quebec Act of 1774

Finally, the First Nations will have a homeland to call their own!

Two years later, the USA breaks away from Britain and then goes on to genocide all the First Nations all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Why do you call them first nations? That's absolutely absurd. None of the tribal groupings date back to Siberian entry into North America, Not even close. I can see why someone might call them the first race or races. Although, its clear that Cultural Marxist archeologists are desperate to cover up any evidence of early Euracial occupation of the Americas.

I notice a lot of Liberal and leftie cretins say that Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory. How stupid can you get? The whole point of Cultural Marxism is that it has unifying values, sentiments, logic and tropes that mean that many people can act in a similar manner without any directing central committee, or even an all encompassing cohesive ideological agreement.
Rich wrote:Why do you call them first nations? That's absolutely absurd. None of the tribal groupings date back to Siberian entry into North America, Not even close. I can see why someone might call them the first race or races. Although, its clear that Cultural Marxist archeologists are desperate to cover up any evidence of early Euracial occupation of the Americas.

They’re called ‘First Nations’ because nation-states have been Europeans’ favoured form of political organisation for about four centuries now, and we want to place the Native Americans on the same level of political consideration as ourselves. So we pretend that they had nation-states in the Americas ten millennia or more ago, when in fact nobody in the world had that level of political organisation at that time. Calling them ‘First Peoples’ would be more accurate, but not as politically useful. After all, history, just like race, is a social construct. :)

I notice a lot of Liberal and leftie cretins say that Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory. How stupid can you get? The whole point of Cultural Marxism is that it has unifying values, sentiments, logic and tropes that mean that many people can act in a similar manner without any directing central committee, or even an all encompassing cohesive ideological agreement.

…in other words, just like any cultural movement in human history ever. :eh:
Potemkin wrote:They’re called ‘First Nations’ because nation-states have been Europeans’ favoured form of political organisation for about four centuries now, and we want to place the Native Americans on the same level of political consideration as ourselves. So we pretend that they had nation-states in the Americas ten millennia or more ago, when in fact nobody in the world had that level of political organisation at that time. Calling them ‘First Peoples’ would be more accurate, but not as politically useful. After all, history, just like race, is a social construct. :)

…in other words, just like any cultural movement in human history ever. :eh:

100% agreement with you on your answers to Rich Pote.


Bravo caballero. Bravo.
Potemkin wrote:They’re called ‘First Nations’ because nation-states have been Europeans’ favoured form of political organisation for about four centuries now, and we want to place the Native Americans on the same level of political consideration as ourselves. ...

You have made the mistake of confounding "nation" and "nation-state" in the above quote.

"First Nations" refers to the fact that the nations that were present in the Americas when Chris Columbus discovered it... had been there for thousands of years. And they were nations.

Nation: A nation is a large type of social organization where a collective identity, a national identity, has emerged from a combination of shared features across a given population, such as language, history, ethnicity, culture, territory or society.

Now Israeli colonists would, like you Pote, insist that having a formal government, army, and secret services that employ Jeffrey Epstein... are all essential if you want to enter the Nation-State club in which you can purchase nuclear weapons and crush "non-state" actors with ease and confidence.

But living in the Quebec nation allows me to use the word "nation" in a way that is not the same as "nation-state."

Israel is a "nation-state" and this has allowed it to fool itself into thinking that Jews are a single nation. They are a single nation the same way that Gay Men are a single nation.

If Gay Men were a nation, I would probably hang my head in shame over what they would do to the indigenous "non-fabulous" people whose country they ("we?") had stolen.
There still seems to be no explanation for the bodies found in the Nasser hospital mass grave with their hands bound.

Except for the obvious explanation that the IDF shot and buried them.
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