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By Noelnada
(Godwin's Law may not apply here)


Who still claims that Hitler is a role model for pan-European activists is a deluded fool.

I never heard anyone claiming so, except maybe few deluded fools, i'm not even sure about that.
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By Oxymoron

In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka

I agree with that although subsittute alchohol for Vodka.
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By R_G
......this educated me......HOW??
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By Khmer Rouge
Who still claims that Hitler is a role model for pan-European activists is a deluded fool.

Who EVER thought that Hitler was a role model for pan-European activists?!
By Conservationist
Russians aren't European; they're Eurasian.

Pan-Europeanism is a stupid idea, as is casteless nationalism.

No one has time for delusional rhetoric.
By Einherjar
Who EVER thought that Hitler was a role model for pan-European activists?!

You are obviously not familiar with neo-nazi movements.
By Metal Gear
Russians aren't European; they're Eurasian.

Pan-Europeanism is a stupid idea, as is casteless nationalism.

No one has time for delusional rhetoric.

I agree. Pan-nationalism based on shared philosophy can work, but pan-Europeanism based ONLY on the criteria of a European social construct cannot work. Different supporters of nationalism can collaborate, but they cannot make the absurd claim that all Europeans are equals. That wouldn't be nationalism.

You are obviously not familiar with modern neo-nazi movements.

They are a JOKE! They expect all European nations to ignore all their differences and only focus on Jewish people instead.
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By Potemkin
Like other post-Soviet countries, Tajikistan has taken a fresh look its history following independence in 1991. The result is a state campaign to promote the notion that the Tajiks as a Aryan nation – and the widespread use of the swastika.

It's not really ironic at all - the Tadjiks are an Aryan people, just as the Iranians are. It's a tad insensitive of them to adopt the swastika as a national symbol, but perhaps they're trying to persuade the Russian neo-Nazi skinheads not to kill them? "Look - we're just like you! We're Aryans and we like the swastika too!"

Anyway, what do the Russian skinheads think they're doing, targeting an Aryan people like the Tadjiks? Even by their own deranged ideology, this makes no sense at all. :eh:
By Metal Gear
Where is the evidence that Russians or even Germans are "Aryan" to begin with. It's nothing but linguistic taxonomic garbage that has zero correlation to actual racial characteristics. I would never mistake a German for an Indian/Iranian.
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By QatzelOk
Einherjar, there are two major problems with your OP. One of them is structural, while the other one is in the subtext of "Hitler was a racist scumbag."

First problem, structure:

Because you haven't provided a source for your article, we have to assume that either you plagiarized this bit of ham-fisted rhetoric, or that you wrote it yourself. If you wrote it yourself, I am wondering why you had to drag Hitler into this thread.

Second problem, subtext:

You assume Hitler started some big-ass war because he was a racist megalomaniac with dreams of conquering Europe and beyond. In actual fact, all he wanted to do was to switch to the Euro - just like Saddam Hussein.
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By albionfagan
Errrm does he not know his history, a lot of 'Germans' have slavic blood, especially the western germans.
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By albionfagan
Also Russians, aren't Eurasian.

Some are Europeand and some are Asian.

I find it hard to think of someone in Vladivostok identifying with west russian cultures etc.
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By Bosnjak
Hitler declared the Russians as Superior, because in his eyes is war a competition which nation is superior.
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By Hi-Def
Hitler managed to sweep through numerous countries with ease and it took five damn years for the allies to realize what was going and plan a counter attack
The war was unwinnable for the Axis by at the latest early 1943. They were just too stupid to seek peace, and boy, did it cost them.

As for Hitler on the Slavs it amazes me that their are skinheads in Russia. Did they ever listen to what the Nazis said about them?
By Einherjar
QatzelOk wrote:You assume Hitler started some big-ass war because he was a racist megalomaniac with dreams of conquering Europe and beyond. In actual fact, all he wanted to do was to switch to the Euro - just like Saddam Hussein.

Do I? It is obvious that the Philosopher-King only wanted a quick war in Poland. Your civilisation denied him that so that it could spend its final days peacefully deconstructing itself to oblivion.

Hi-Def wrote:As for Hitler on the Slavs it amazes me that their are skinheads in Russia. Did they ever listen to what the Nazis said about them?

Couldn't it be that these neonazis are reincarnations of fallen Wehrmacht soldiers?

[Mod edit: Tangent sent to History forum.]
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By Bosnjak
As for Hitler on the Slavs it amazes me that their are skinheads in Russia. Did they ever listen to what the Nazis said about them?

This is rather cultural criticism. In his book he calls the Slavs, Bolshewist Underhuman.

The Slavs are in peacfull times weaker in war stronger. His racial theory was disproven by History.

They are Slavic Union Skinheads and teach the superiority of Slavic Peoples.
By Metal Gear
As for Hitler on the Slavs it amazes me that their are skinheads in Russia. Did they ever listen to what the Nazis said about them?

You are implying that these people are not functionally retarded.
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By Bosnjak
Hitler refered to the prehistoric time where the slavs failed to built a state, but he forgot that the Germanic mythology has many strong women, like Brunhilde, nevertheless Hitler had a Macho State.
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By Dave
Hi-Def wrote:The war was unwinnable for the Axis by at the latest early 1943. They were just too stupid to seek peace, and boy, did it cost them.

In the first place Hitler sought a negotiated peace with the United Kingdom, and was infuriated by Churchill's refusal. Later, Hitler was open to negotiated peace after Stalingrad, but felt that Germany needed to score a victory first or there would be little reason for any of the Allies to come to the negotiating table. After the failure of Operation Citadel this prospect disappeared, although another disastrous attempt was mounted with Operation Watch on the Rhine.

Japan's entire strategy was to force a negotiated peace quickly, and it repeatedly tried to negotiate a conditional surrender to the war later on. The Battle of Leyte Gulf resulted from a Japanese attempt to force a major defeat on the US Navy and so make a negotiated peace possible. The desperate resistance at Iwo Jima and Okinawa was conducted for the same reason, as was the planned total resistance to a prospective US invasion of Japan itself.

All of the other Axis powers negotiated a separate peace.

I think you should reassess you view about the intelligence of Axis leadership. German and Japanese leadership also not unreasonably feared that if they were defeated that their nations would be completely destroyed. If it wasn't for the Cold War that may have actually happened to Germany, as for awhile the Morgenthau Plan was semi-official policy.

Hi-Def wrote:As for Hitler on the Slavs it amazes me that their are skinheads in Russia. Did they ever listen to what the Nazis said about them?

I believe their position is that they are the true aryans.
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By Igor Antunov
Had hitler not invaded the soviet union, and simply consolidated his holdings in europe, the 3rd reich would still be around today, but thankfully it's not.

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