1.8 Million people march to support the majority goverment - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Vladimir
Basically children sit in a large circle, and a child whispers a word to the child next to him. Each child then whispers the word around the circle, and the goal is for the word to reach the original speaker unchanged. Usually this doesn't happen, and there are some funny changes.

However often there's some kid in the middle of the circle who just makes shit up instead.

heh in russian it's called "broken telephone"

Are you talking about your recent masses are restless thread?

The Masses Awaken, in fact ;)
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By Dave
Donald wrote:Studies have revealed that the kid in the middle may show an interest in politics later in life.

As well as a high likelihood of felonious behavior. :|

Vladimir wrote:heh in russian it's called "broken telephone"

Not so different after all :)

Vladimir wrote:The Masses Awaken, in fact ;)

Yeah, Oxy'll do that.
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By OldMajor
Thats a stupid fucking game.

Young'uns in Ireland have all the experiences necessary to make it in life at an early age. If, by the age of 12, you havent drank a bottle of Whiskey, thrown a brick at a suspected Protestant and shagged a priest you are some sort of queer nancy boy.
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By Demosthenes
wiam wrote:and shagged a priest you are some sort of queer nancy boy.

Ummmm...Ya know...well...ummm... :?:

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By OldMajor
The whole pedo priest epidemic is actually all a front man. Its actually the kids that be raping the Priests as punishment for them being priests. Plus black is just so slimming.
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
These riot goons are a bunch of cowards...if they are serious about fighting for a cause, why not just pull out guns and storm the Parliament building in a coup d'etat? Or are they afraid that the new political order would fall apart or get put down by superior firepower and numbers?

Rioting is just a nice, cozy way for them to vent at the current order without having to take responsibility for managing a new society.
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By Tailz
Press News: Corruption Charges over April 25th Riots!

On the 25th of April a little over 1.8 million people took to the streets in the largest pro-government rally seen for many years. But behind the scenes strings were being pulled to orchestrate this mob for political gains! Channel 5 has secretly investigated rumours that rioters were bussed into the city centre, with more serious claims of money being offered to criminal groups have been raised. The state prosecutor has been handed evidence showing involvement in the April 25th Riots by an alleged PNL statesmen. Secret recording have prompted the state body that oversees the use of party funds to investigate allegations of public figures paying public lobby groups to rally their members on the streets.

A recording allegedly by an under cover investigator has been leaked to Channel 5, let’s go to the tape…

The tape recording crackles, “How much did you pay them then? 1 dollar each?” says an unknown voice. “They are not Putin Voters, they don’t come so cheap.” Answers the alleged voice of Statesman, Oxymoron.
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