Most Victorious Nation Ever? ( Since Roman Split ) - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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By Thunderhawk
^ the worst military failure I can think of for Israel was the recent invasion of Southern Lebannon, where despite "winning" their armour was devestated.

.. But then, does one count their long lasting failing occupation of Gaza/Westbank ?
- as occupations go, it has kept the Palestinians in and poor, but thats about it.
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By Godstud
I am just looking for countries that have a winning record and not any Palestinian oppression support thing or Gaza stuff. I'm looking strictly at their WARS.
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By Thunderhawk
Occupations are conflicts, are they not?

The USA won the Iraq war, no contest. The occupation however is not going very well.
Does that make the recent US action in Iraq a big win or a small win?
By Sniperwolfe
My vote goes to either the Russian, Chinese or Japanese empire.

This is because unlike the Turkish, and other ancient empires, these ones are the ones that have survived into the modern era and adapted to modern times. They've withstood the test of time, so to speak. That is harder than conquering a mass of land when the most sophisticated weaponry is a method of ramming another ship to sink it.
By Falx
What a ridiculous topic. There is no such nation if a nation is overly militaristic it is beaten back, see the Mongols in the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire in the 18th, France in the 19th, Germany in the 20th, Britain in the 21th. No country can be successful on the battlefield ad infinitum without attracting larger and larger coalitions of other nations trying to destroy it to ensure their own survival.
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By Oxymoron
No country can be successful on the battlefield ad infinitum without attracting larger and larger coalitions of other nations trying to destroy it to ensure their own survival.

By Falx
Really, so Iraq is really occupied by Vikings? Or their raids became utter failures after the other European nations invented the Cog to counteract the longship?
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By Oxymoron
No country can be successful on the battlefield ad infinitum without attracting larger and larger coalitions of other nations trying to destroy it to ensure their own survival.

They werent defeated on the battle field by a coalition of other nations.
By Falx
No, they were just defeated without any problem at all by any nation they tried to invade after about 1000, which would be the smallest coalition of nations: 1.
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By Potemkin
Actually, the Danish Vikings conquered England in, I think, 1013 AD. They only lasted a couple of decades before the Anglo-Saxon monarchy re-asserted itself. But even by 1066, Harald Hardrada of Norway was making a serious bid for the throne of England. The Vikings were only finished as a military threat some time in the 13th century. They had lasted about half a millennium as a major military power in Europe.
By Falx
About, the Cog was introduced at various points in the different parts of Europe, but before it was invented as a ship in the 11th century there was nothing capable of stopping a viking longship from plundering and pillaging as they liked since the naval battles of the time were essentially land battles in the sea.
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By QatzelOk
I would have to say Israel, because it has killed more enemies than it has a population to defend.

After Israel, Napoleon and Alexander the Great (both gay).

So it's really between the gays and the Jews.
By Thompson_NCL
Napoleon was gay? Er... I guess his marriage and obvious love (evident in letters, poems and so forth) of Jósephine was just a clever ruse to hide his love of sausage hmm?
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By Potemkin
I always thought there was something fishy about the relationship between Napoleon and Marshal Ney.... :eh:
By Evald
The Most Victorious Nation Ever is Switzerland. The best achievements with the least casualties ever in the history!
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By alyster
British of course. Colonial empires were HUGE and lasted quite long. Also victories in both world wars. Futhermore it's a very cleaver nation, they always fight untill the last frenchman, irrespective of who's side french are fighting on.
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By Ollie Garkey
Evald wrote:The Most Victorious Nation Ever is Switzerland. The best achievements with the least casualties ever in the history!

Only because their enemies were too dumb to figure out that you need to use archers on pikemen. And by the way, you learned how to schiltron from the Scots. (Don't forget. They invented effing everything.) [JOKE]
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By litwin
Russia would have to rank up there. From a smallish state that lived because the Mogols didn't think it worth the time to conquer it grew and grew until it hit the Pacific (and Nth America for a bit). It has suffered invasions that lesser nations would have been destroyed by but it always came back and grew again. The Russian bear might go through periods of hybernation but once awake is a fearsome beast.

I afraid that I have to agree here, Moskovija (Russia) takes 1 place.

We did very very good as well but:
Last edited by Siberian Fox on 18 Apr 2009 19:50, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Simple grammar added. Please read the forum rules. This forum is for adults and as such use of at least basic grammar like appropriate capitalisation and periods is expected.
By Thompson_NCL
I always thought there was something fishy about the relationship between Napoleon and Marshal Ney....

What do you mean? I have never read anything that gave me the impression that Napoleon was a homosexual. What is this modern obsession with making everyone in history a back-door bandit? Napoleon had a string of female lovers and two wives. The latter could be explained away as 'cover' for his homosexual antics, the former cannot.
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By Igor Antunov
No other nation has suffered such massive and devastating invasions, yet turned them into victory, and actually grown stronger afterwards, as Russia did.

And it was also debunked.

Russia-Ukraine War 2022

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