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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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By Wilhelm
baby_n1 wrote:Nobody ever takes me seriously when I say that.


But sure, if I was a guy, they'd take me pretty serious.

>: >:

hehe. Female dictator...

I bet you don't make it.
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By Adrien
A Female Dictator means mass unjustified slaughters every 28 days.

By Wilhelm
What monarchy should do:
1)improve industry
2)pay more attention to novators , engineers and scientists.

That's the goal of technocracy. But, technocracy should exist in a communist or socialist state, ready for the abolition of money and such (read kolzene's post in the technocracy forum).

What monarchy sgouldn't do :
1) restrict market economy
2)become nacionalistic

Ok, yes, it shouldn't become nationalistic, but the government, be it any form of government, should place restrictions on the market. Market mechanisms cannot work alone without making many people poor.

Also, tzars and any other monarchs are also taught that the country is theirs, and only theirs alone. They believe they are the owners of the country. But the country belongs to the people. This is because with no king, the country is still a country, but with no people, the country is no longer a country and becomes an empty piece of land. A country is not made up of land, it is made up of people.

Hopefully, this can be a system to develop a Nation greater than any ever seen before, surpassing the great Empiresof the Earth

This leads to nationalism, which must be avoided in order to avoid wars. Development should take place on a global scale and not country by country, because when that happens, we see what we see today with the USA.

The Leader would have other powers though. First and foremost, he must insure that the council remains an efficient machine, and he would have the power to remove any councilour at any time, without permission from anybody else. He would then replace them with another capable member of the Nation. He would also insure that the Justice system works to it's full extent, and could declare a police state at any time when the State of the Nation is in jeopardy.

I must also question that. When the leader is chosen, we know that he is a genius, and that he knows how to rule the country, etc. But, with all these powers...

We never know what he may do. He may become so drunk of power that he decides to create a cult of his personality, or proclaiming himself a god, which would rule out every other religion in favour of his, restricting individual freedom. That's mild compared to other atrocities, such as seeking personal glory by conquering the earth at a cost of millions of innocent human lives. Educating a person from his birth to be a genius and telling him that he is to be the sole ruler of a gerat country feeds his ego. Their over-inflted ego will make them go and destroy whole cultures and countries so that they may fulfill their dreams, as they'll never have enough. Take Alexander for an example. He was educated from the beginning that his job was to be a king, and that he would have to lead Macedonia to be a great nation (nationalism), and to fulfill his dream, he set to a destructive campaign just to conquer Asia. He was also taught that he was descended from the gods of the Olympus (personality worship), and he never had enough, and always wnatedto conquer more and more greedily.

Is that the kind of monarch that you want to bring up? A killing machine? There are more examples throughout history.

They'll still be there : the purpose is just to create a better breed of human to insure the best possible gov't ( it's like breeding horses or dogs ) . I believe in "Strength through Joy" ; happy workers are productive workers. So to be quite honest, the Humans+ ( I like that name, it's catchy ) is to make people happy so they will be productive, and a productive people make a powerful nation. We can even break this down into a formula ...


Therefore ...


This means that people will be happier if their nation obtains more power, because it will make the country, and thus them, more wealthy, and rich people are generally more happy than hobos. Makes sense, no ?

Well, where did you get your formulas? Also, nations obtain more power at the expense of other nations, and as I said before, nationalism should be avoided.
By El Cid
I am for a Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
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By Mr. Smith
A female dictator :lol:

Lets face it all dictators are BAD.

We need a central party that works democratically.
By Generalissimo Talonius

Well, where did you get your formulas? Also, nations obtain more power at the expense of other nations, and as I said before, nationalism should be avoided.

I was just making a tongue-in-cheek comment (sort of ), and I made the formulas I just made up to demonstrate my point . :muha1:
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By Yeddi
Eva Peron... she was (basically) a dictator wasn't she...
Women often work behind the scenes (you all know the old addage: Behind every good man there is a great woman) This hold true.. while most would like a Male dictator rular as they give the impression of strength and level headedness.. lack of emotion.. as these are all percieved characteristics of the male... however it is in my opinion men are the weakest form as one smile from a beautiful women makes all men go back to speaking gah-gah.
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By Adrien
however it is in my opinion men are the weakest form as one smile from a beautiful women makes all men go back to speaking gah-gah.

True, and to stay with Napoleon we can say that women were his weakness: we know where his love for Joséphine led him. However, i won't reproach Napoleon with this. :)
By Papergut
Pick me a dictator !

Why can't we just resurrect comrade Lenin? :*(
By Skullers
Papergut wrote:Why can't we just resurrect comrade Lenin? :*(

you will be the first against the wall once the Revolution comes...

By Wilhelm
Ok Skullers, it is not possible that he may be alive now, because he'd be more than 100 years old. Besides,have you ever herd of the grave of Lenin ther in Russia? Guess what, Lenin's dead! Face it!

:knife: <--- Lenin

:lol: <--- Me

Oh that's right. It must be a Trot conspiracy! :roll:
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By Mr. Smith
I think he was uhh...joking. :roll:
By Generalissimo Talonius
Hey, I think most commies will be surprised to know that I admire Lenin too, but I think Stalin was more iron willed and effective ( although he did have 25 years and Lenin only had 5 ). Lenin, too my knowledge, was also a great orator, even on par with Hitler in skill ( though, Hitler speeches are more powerful for me because I can speak pretty decent German. I don't speak a word of Russian, thus I can't understan lenin's speeches. :| ).
By Necro99
:knife: <--- Lenin

I think that would rather be Trotsky!
:knife: <- Get it?
By Wilhelm
Yeah, but I coudn't find an emoticon having a stroke :lol:
By The Red Goblin
A female dictator, I would vote for that :D Heck, men have bee f**king up the world for so long.......why stop with just Margaret Thatcher!

No....wait. You don't vote for dictators, sorry.

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