I'm Very Interested in Technocracy - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The solving of mankind’s problems and abolition of government via technological solutions alone.

Moderator: Kolzene

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I am new on these forums but I am very interested in learning more about technocracy. I'm inclined to think that technocracy is the only type of government that would be required for a population of human beings-- if that population was of a much higher than average intelligence.

But, given the real population, technocracy is not a workable solution because un-intelligent human beings are herd animals and prefer socializing to problem solving. They would rather fail to solve a problem with a group of friends than solve a problem alone. Most people do not want a net problem solving culture since they fear that this would limit them socially by limiting their number of "legitimate" opportunities to meet people. "Working" provides the primary path to social interaction for most people (but it provides very little in the way of true problem solving or real production). Without "work" to allow them to socialize, they need to be provided with some kind of social direction.

More intelligent human beings will naturally solve problems and secure their long-term survival. They will then engage in creative activity that will lead to further enhancement of their lives. At the present time, human potential is tragically wasted since many of the "more intelligent" people or ostracized and marginalized until they develop serious mental health issues. Just surviving in a "Low I(intelligence)" world exhausts them.

On the other hand, I'm convinced that the average High I person can be saved from this kind of misery if the fact that they are living in a world populated by creatures who look like them but are very different form them is understood.

In a world consisting of just High I people, technocracy would automatically become the government, just as "open source" software tends to be chosen by the High I computer user.

I'm very interested in discussing human evolution and the future technocratic world that is bound to emerge.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I think technocracy is like any other form of goverment pretty much. It all comes down to one thing.

People getting off thier lazy asses and doing what needs to be done. :lol:
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By dancho
There is no evidence that all people have the same potential. This is just something that we wish were true. All of the evidence points to the contrary.

Evolution of species is an established fact, at least as established as anything in biology. Isn't it logical that the human species is also evolving?

What scientific proof do we have that all persons are capable of appreciating life in the technate?


In fact, we have HUGE amounts of data to indicate that many human beings will create chaos in their lives even if they are materially wealthy and could spend their time in noble, creative activity. Instead, they will drug themselves until they can't stand up and they will engage in obsessive sexual displays and empty courtship rituals until they are numb and embittered. Why? Because the previous generation of homo sapiens DID that. They sought pleasure and spent their time pursuing it because that behavior was critical for their survival.

But evolution goes on. Now, those behaviors are obsolete. Now it is counter-productive to spend all one's available time on courtship and pleasure-seeking. Witness the many "stars" who burn out and die young.

Only those humans who are quiet minded technophiles are prepared for the future. Only those "nerdy" folks who seem so "out of it" are ready for the next step. They are the next generation of homo sapiens-- perfect citizens of the future technate, which will arise spontaneously.

I agree with you to this extent-- that a noble future awaits the human race. But what we call the human race will be rather different from what it is now.

Perhaps we agree entirely, then? Since technocracy (through cyborg technology) can "disguise" the process of evolution. Perhaps the noble humans that you envision in a technate are the same ones I see. I am just aware that the human population will be different. You imply (or I infer) that this will be something that we do to ourselves, through education.

I disagree. Education cannot make a silk purse out of a leather one. The population does not need to be "educated." The people who educate themselves are here now, waiting. The citizens of the technate are here now. Evolution continues.

When technology advances to the point where the balance of power shifts from the mob (democracy) to the next generation of homo sapiens-- then these changes will be manifest, without the need for further intervention.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
That's how I feel. Wars come and go, people claim they are right and have powerful armies to back-up thier claims. Thier empires rise and fall and their conquests are rememberd and forgotten.

If ever there were a perfect humanity it would be one that managed to do this not by destroying, but by surviving. It truly is survival of the fittest.

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