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Luis Moreno Ocampo: "Democracies commit crimes too"

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kathimerini[/url]"]Luis Moreno Ocampo in "K": Democracies also commit crimesIt is crazy that Hamas claims to be fighting for freedom and then kills civilians. It is crazy that Israel is putting more than two million people under siegeRequests for arrest warrants by International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim ...

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You couldn't make this up

This demonstrates the thuggish nature of Republicans in the United States today. Because the US has little control over things, these Trump supporting knuckle draggers resort to threats and intimidation:[img]https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack- ...

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Columbia faculty members walk out after pro-Palestinian protesters arrested

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A huge crowd of faculty members who teach at Columbia University in New York held a mass walk-out on Monday afternoon to protest the institution having called police to arrest students at a pro-Palestinian encampment protest last week.Hundreds of members of the teaching cohort at Columbia walked out in solidarity with the students who were ar ...

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Iran is going to attack Israel

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The US is warning that Iran is closer than ever to making a final decision on attacking Israel. They want to revenge the deaths of the Iranian military commanders who were killed by an Israeli airstrike early this month at an Iranian embassy in Syria. They have been warning for days that this is about to happen.And because of that, look at t ...

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Joe Biden calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza and says Israel must protect civilians to keep US

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Joe Biden has called for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, telling Benjamin Netanyahu that future US support for Israel will depend on it taking concrete action to protect civilians and aid workers.As the two leaders held their first phone call since Israeli airstrikes killed seven employees of the international food charity World Central Kit ...

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Is pofo a "snack?" Or can it be healthy?

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Charles Hugh Smith[/url]"]...The enormous profitability of edible snacks is mirrored in all the other manifestations of America the Snackable: our daily lives are now composed of one bite-sized addictive snack of social media, novelty memes, political opinion, financial data-snacks and pundits' opinions and snackable videos a ...

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The socalled "mainstream press", as seen by an insider

How I lost faith in the established mediaHelmut Scheben / 29.06.2023 When news later turns out to be false, it is often already etched in our memories as "historical truth".During and after the 1991 Gulf War, the media in the USA were prohibited from photographing or filming images of ...

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Jon Stewart: This is why Trump Became Popular in the First Place!

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I find this piece very interesting. It is short. What do you think he means about why Trump became popular in the first place? That people are sick of the lack of accountability? Do you think that is the issue? Or is it people who want to destroy the system because they blame the liberals for what is wrong? Are there even real liberals in the ...

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Pressure builds on Israel to ditch Rafah offensive as ministers gather in Munich

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Western leaders are hoping a round of meetings at a security conference in Munich will put overwhelming pressure on Israel not to press ahead with a ground offensive in Rafah.Almost all the key figures, save the Iranian foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, will be present in Munich on Friday, including foreign ministers from Saudi Arab ...

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The equation that broke the internet

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This guy in youtube has accumulated millions of views not only telling people to do something that is explicitly wrong based on his own statements but he also contradicts himself with his other videos where he proves why the rest of his videos are wrong. Confused? Just read on.In this video:

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The Vladimir Putin Interview by Tucker Carlson

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The "Classics" Departments - What to do with them?

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We are noticing a worldwide trend to [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=cancel+the+classics&oq=cancel+the+classics&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigXSAQgyNjU3ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8]cancel the Classics[/url:38zjra6 ...

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Wegovy weight-loss pill's success is destabilizing Denmark's economy

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The buoyant pharmaceutical sector, which contributes a third of the Scandinavian country's growth, has brought in a rush of foreign currency, forcing the central bank to act.The booming consumption of anti-diabetic drugs in the United States is causing Denmark's monetary policy to wobble. This surprising macroeconomic version of the "butterf ...

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Syrinx by Theocritos in my translation

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No tender nurse to war's long-suffering son, his mother,A guide for stone-born midwives' hands did bear,Not Kerastan, the progeny of bull-trod plains,But he, the ender of mind's war-torn cries,Named Holon, seeker, keeper of desiresFor tempest-worn, age-weary maidens' sighs,With lyre's sweet song, he healed the arrow's kiss,Idol of ...

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Theism vs Atheism

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Περι του δε οντος ο λογος...It's been a while since we had one of those, so...1) Theism is a far more natural state of being than atheism. Exclaiming our thanks, as in thank God is one of the most natural human expressions. We are born and almost immediately rationalize everything in hierarchies. Rationally, we conclude, that there is som ...

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The latest idea is that Israel will blow up oil f[…]

National debt…

I asked about the allocation not the location. […]

He can't speak for Syria, but the sentiment is app[…]

Russia-Ukraine War 2022

Even z-bloggers say truth sometimes. And truth is […]