Woman wedged between two fat people on plane flight - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Sydney Watson, who describes herself as an Australian/American political commentator, posted to Twitter on Monday stating that she was seated between two extremely fat people on an American Airlines flight.

"I literally - WEDGED between two OBESE people on my flight.
This is absolutely NOT acceptable or okay. If fat people want to be fat, fine. But it is something else entirely when I'm stuck between you, with your arm rolls on my body, for 3 hours.

If you need a seat belt extender, you are TOO FAT TO BE ON A PLANE. Buy two seats or don't fly.

"I don't care if this is mean. My entire body is currently being touched against my wishes. I can't even put the arm rests down on either side because there's no f---ing room. I'm sick of acting like fatness to this extent is normal. Let me assure you, it is not" she said."

Watson said that the flight attendant on the plane "has asked me 4 times if I need anything" and gave her "the 'this is f--ked' pity expression."

She asked a brother to one of the women she was sitting next to if he'd like to "swap seats."
"He says, 'no. That's okay :)' ...and then I started shrieking internally," Watson said.

At one point during the flight, Watson said that she "elected to close my tray table and hold my cup of tea between my teeth because it's jabbing her belly and I can't get it down properly."

After calling out American Airlines on Twitter, the company responded: "Our passengers come in all different sizes and shapes. We're sorry you were uncomfortable on your flight."

"This is really their official reply to me being sandwiched between two obese humans," Watson said. "So, I'm expected to have only a quarter of a seat when I fly? I just experienced getting sweat on, touched without my consent, smacked in the face and subjected to hours of no personal space. And your response is essentially ‘too bad’? Is that what I'm getting here?," Watson said.

American Airlines passenger 'WEDGED' between 'OBESE people' on flight, asks for 'reparations', Adam Sabes, October 15, 2022

Man called 'fatphobic' and kicked off flight after complaining that 'obese man' took his seat

A man describing himself as 18 years old said he had just boarded a second connecting flight -- which he said would last roughly 12 hours -- when things seemed to get ugly very quickly.

"I had the delightful sight of an obese man who was taking up a good chunk of my seat."

"I am not a small guy myself. I have quite broad shoulders and am around 190 cm [nearly 6 feet and 3 inches], so a full seat would already have been uncomfortable.
I told the flight attendant about this issue, and she told me that the seat was paid for by this obese person and the flight was full."
"I asked the flight attendant how it's possible that my seat still rendered as available if it was being used for someone's literal rolls."
"The fat man took his opportunity to call me a fatphobic s–t. Some other people around gave me the stink eye."
The airline staff sent a letter of complaint that the man got appealed and the consequences of complaint, which was a temporary ban, were removed less than an hour later, and the man was able to travel the next day.

Man called 'fatphobic' and kicked off flight after complaining that 'obese man' took his seat (nypost.com), Maureen Mackey, Fox News, March 29, 2023
Rancid wrote:I thought airlines were already requiring people like this to buy two seats? :?:

It's not seen as politically correct to single out very obese people. So other people are made to have to suffer.

The situation right now is, everyone hopes they won't be booked on a completely fully flight seated next to someone who's fat.

Actually, I think an analogy could be made here between this situation and a whole host of other political issues.
This is an issue that could happen to anyone (well, anyone not wealthy enough to fly first class), but despite that it's just viewed as an unfortunate "part of life", a risk that could befall anyone. And people just hope they will not end up being that person.
I'm trying to think up a solution to this problem.
Maybe we could make it a crime for a morbidly obese person to get on a plane without 2 plane tickets.
Or maybe airlines should be required to install 2 extra-wide disability seats in the plane, reserved for the weight-challenged. And pass a law that the airlines are only allowed to charge 50% more for these special seats.
Maybe regular passengers, riding alone, could still book one of these special seats, but would have to get up and let a fat person take their place if the situation required it. Then the person actually sitting in the seat would be the one required to pay the higher price.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This thread seems fatphobic.

The blame is being placed solely on the supposedly fat people, while everyone ignores the fact that airline seats have shrunk dramatically in recent years.

Well that's an interesting question.
Do you believe that skinny people should have to pay MORE because fat people can't control themselves?
Puffer Fish wrote:Well that's an interesting question.

I did not ask a question.

Do you believe that skinny people should have to pay MORE because fat people can't control themselves?

Average seat width now is 17 inches, or 43 cm. Measure yourself at your widest point between your waist and knees while sitting. Most US residents will have a measurement higher than 17”.

Approximately half of all men have wider shoulders than this.

The obvious answer is to make airplane seats wider. This will not be done because it cuts into profits.
Rancid wrote:I thought airlines were already requiring people like this to buy two seats? :?:

You love American Airlines Rancid. They never lose your luggage and they tell the truth. They will sit you on your next flight to Miami with them wedged between a fat dude who smells like bad BO. It is your destiny.
I can see how someone could be called fatphobic when complaining about obese persons. But it's awful to be squished like that. Planes should be bigger.

Rancid wrote:I thought airlines were already requiring people like this to buy two seats? :?:

No. Then they'd have to include at the booking screen, "Please state your waist size". That would be discrimination.

Although as @Pants-of-dog said, seat sizes are smaller. Even the leg room is less than before. So if you're a tall person, your legs will be scrunched just a bit during the entire flight. The last time I flew I brought my laptop bag. It was a tight squeeze but I got it to fit by my feet and under the seat of the person in front of me. That was 2013. I hope they don't make the foot room too much smaller than it was back then.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Average seat width now is 17 inches, or 43 cm. ...
Approximately half of all men have wider shoulders than this.
late wrote:The solution is to create a min. standard.

I think you may be right, but I am against any cookie-cutter "one-size-fits-all" solutions.
Maybe planes should just have two different seat width options. That would still allow smaller people to be able to save money.

Like maybe 25% of the seats on the plane would be 30% wider (but also cost 20% more).

late wrote:The obvious answer is to make airplane seats wider. This will not be done because it cuts into profits.

What you don't realize is that increased costs don't just cut into profits for the corporation. Those increased costs mainly fall on the consumer in the form of high prices.
Of course businesses are trying to keep their prices low, both because they are competing against other companies, and because fewer people will choose to travel if the prices are higher, meaning less customers.
Puffer Fish wrote:
I think you may be right, but I am against any cookie-cutter "one-size-fits-all" solutions.
Maybe planes should just have two different seat width options. That would still allow smaller people to be able to save money.

Like maybe 25% of the seats on the plane would be 30% wider (but also cost 20% more).

What you don't realize is that increased costs don't just cut into profits for the corporation. Those increased costs mainly fall on the consumer in the form of high prices.
Of course businesses are trying to keep their prices low, both because they are competing against other companies, and because fewer people will choose to travel if the prices are higher, meaning less customers.

I'm begging ya, kid.

Be less pathetic.
Puffer Fish wrote:I think you may be right, but I am against any cookie-cutter "one-size-fits-all" solutions.
Maybe planes should just have two different seat width options. That would still allow smaller people to be able to save money.

Like maybe 25% of the seats on the plane would be 30% wider (but also cost 20% more).

It is not about one size for all. It is about having a basic minimum for safety. Seat sizes have shrunk so much that getting out of them is now difficult. So much so that it is now impossible for passengers to vacate a plane in 90 seconds, which is considered the maximum time to safely leave a plane in case of a fire.

What you don't realize is that increased costs don't just cut into profits for the corporation. Those increased costs mainly fall on the consumer in the form of high prices.
Of course businesses are trying to keep their prices low, both because they are competing against other companies, and because fewer people will choose to travel if the prices are higher, meaning less customers.

Of course people realize this, since we even mentioned it in this very thread earlier. Remember how we pointed out that the profit motive is the cause of the problem.


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