Hammer to drop on Mueller, Comey And Clintons - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Funny how there's always another "bombshell" being breathlessly pushed by the usual purveyors. People will be led away in cuffs, or so we are assured. It's all right around the corner. Trumpoloons and McResisters proudly display their loonyness and gullibility.

Meanwhile nothing much happens, does it?

No problem, though. If the latest revelation doesn't pan out, by the time your forget the old one we'll have another up and running.

This hysteria stems from Americans' deep distrust of the their government, their institutions, and each other. As long as half the population wants to lock up the other half, there will be an eager audience for this nonsense.
quetzalcoatl wrote:Funny how there's always another "bombshell" being breathlessly pushed by the usual purveyors. People will be led away in cuffs, or so we are assured. It's all right around the corner. Trumpoloons and McResisters proudly display their loonyness and gullibility.

Meanwhile nothing much happens, does it?

No problem, though. If the latest revelation doesn't pan out, by the time your forget the old one we'll have another up and running.

This hysteria stems from Americans' deep distrust of the their government, their institutions, and each other. As long as half the population wants to lock up the other half, there will be an eager audience for this nonsense.

There is obvious corrupt actors in our government and the Trump - Russian collusion to effect the election has nothing to do with it. We know that there was corruption in the Obama administration from the time of the Benghazi incident in which 4 Americans death was blamed on a video. That led to the discovery that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was using non-secure ways of communications to do State Department business in violation of protocol. Highly classified messages were found in her e-mail communications even though an attempt was made by her aides to destroy all the evidence.

The FBI head agent investigating the e-mail scandal turned out to be a strong Hillary supporter and the one who changed the FBI Directors wording on his draft report to get away from indicting her so she could continue running for President in hopes of preventing Donald Trump from being elected.

This FBI agent was later quietly removed from the Trump-Russia Collusion investigation by Mueller after the Inspector General discovered communications indicating the FBI agent's bias and plot against Trump. And this is only part of corruption discovered.

The Inspector General's report is not expected to be out before March of next year. The process just takes so long, especially when many of the high ranking officials are stonewalling Congress and possibly attempting more cover-ups.
Hindsite wrote:FBI Director Is About To Drop Hammer On Mueller, Comey And Clintons

There is something going on to undermine the deep state, and it has been going on for a long time, since before Trump got into the race. However, the dirty deeds the Clintons have executed under the Obama years aren't necessarily going to be forgotten history. The big problem for the Clintons is that they have so many ties into the deep state to cover for their dirty deeds, but one of Trump's early moves was to fire Comey. Whoever is behind the anti-establishment in high politics knew Comey was dirty, but they have been waiting to see the moves each player makes so that they can identify who is involved. It does appear that the ruse is falling apart quickly. The power of conspiracies is that individual actors in different fields can go to great lengths to cover up what another person has done. The weakness of conspiracies is that once individual actors get caught, the conspiracy starts to unravel and the actors start throwing each other under the bus.

Sonofnewo is asking whether Peter Strzok is a real person, or is just a pseudonym cover for Andrew McCabe. If Andrew McCabe is Peter Strzok, there is some real trouble brewing.

For what it's worth, Alex Jones is a source of often apocryphal information and a bit prone to hysteria. However, he is delivering information that will not be covered in the mainstream media--which, as competitive as they are against each other tends to reveal that there is a guiding hand uniting them and controlling what they will not cover.

I think one of the interesting aspects in this video is that it involves Rod Rosenstein too. If that's the case, this may very well blow up in the biggest scandal since Watergate. Since it is effectively a coup attempt that also covers up their own Russia collusion, it could be a scandal even more historic than Watergate. Additionally, since the media is apparently in on it, they may well be implicated. The first amendment does not cover being party to a criminal conspiracy.

Additionally, House and Senate Democrats pushed Jeff Sessions to recuse himself, knowing that Rosenstein would be in a position to call for the special counsel and put the fox in charge of guarding the chicken coop. So the people asking for Sessions to recuse himself probably had knowledge of the dirty deals that were conducted by the Clintons during the Obama years.

As far as the #metoo stuff, I think that part is orthogonal to the Comey/Clinton/Mueller/Rosenstein/McCabe Uranium One stuff. It may be that Trump didn't fire all of these people, because the anti-establishment forces needed to document the establishment cabal's actions while Trump was president.

Hindsite wrote:Well, it hasn't happened yet, but there are rumors that there will be some big operators from the Obama administration indicted, because of the Uranium One scandal, including Hillary Clinton.

I don't think Hillary Clinton goes down until her enablers are fighting for their own lives, and we're not there yet. However, we are at the beginning where their scheme is being revealed.

pugsville wrote:A Russian owned company bought a company, export would be subject to the usual controls.

Except that the usual controls allowed the Russian company to buy the American company, and Hillary Clinton and many of the deep state actors tied to her had to sign off as well. Bill Clinton received an enormous speaking fee, and the Clinton Foundation tens of millions of dollars in donations--I believe over $100M. That is not in the national interest of the United States.

pugsville wrote:There is no real export of weapons grade material to the Russians.

The Russians can process it to weapons grade on their own.

Hindsite wrote:Judicial Watch has filed Freedom of Information Act requests and lawsuits seeking to get access to internal deliberations involving the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, as well as the airport tarmac meeting of then-Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and former president Bill Clinton in 2016 when Hillary Clinton was under investigation.

This meeting probably occurred, because nobody thought Trump was going to win--maybe even Trump himself. That may be why the possibly imaginary Peter Strzok came up with an "insurance policy" to hatch the Trump-Russia investigation to cover their own ties to Russia.

Hindsite wrote:House Republicans are ratcheting up criticism of special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian meddling, questioning whether there was bias on his team of lawyers but stopping short of calling for his firing or resignation.

They are poking the bear to see what he does.

Hindsite wrote:The Inspector General's report is not expected to be out before March of next year. The process just takes so long, especially when many of the high ranking officials are stonewalling Congress and possibly attempting more cover-ups.

The stonewalling is fascinating, because it is definitely not being directed by Trump, Sessions or Wray. Basically, deep state is surrounded and they are in deep trouble now.
jimjam wrote:Get real, your "deep state" resides on Wall Street. I sense that Donald is scared.

In the United States, the deep state is an alleged entity that coordinates efforts by government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership. It has often been dismissed by numerous journalists and academics as a conspiracy theory.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_stat ... ted_States

So the Trumps can't be the Deep State.

The Deep State Is Real

At a conference in mid-July, Barack Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, remarked that executive branch officials have an “obligation … to refuse to carry out” outrageous or anti-democratic orders from President Donald Trump. The comment quickly caught the attention of Rush Limbaugh, who saw nothing short of a threat to the republic. “He practically called for a coup!” the radio host bellowed on the air a few days later, warning of a plot orchestrated by “embeds in the deep state at the Pentagon, State Department, various intelligence agencies.”

Snowden, the ex-National Security Agency contractor whose 2013 leaks exposed the astonishing reach of the government’s surveillance. “There’s definitely a deep state,” Snowden told the Nation in 2014. “Trust me, I’ve been there.”

The “deep state” apparently has Trump in its sights, at least according to former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler, who tweeted that a friend in the “intelligence community” told him that Trump “will die in jail.”

There are lots of powerful people in both political parties and around the globe who didn't want Trump to win the election. They were afraid, and rightly so, that he meant it when he said he would pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Trump is the enemy of the plans they have made at places like Davos and other global gatherings where the left-liberal clique that has run the world since the 1960s gathers to plot out the future course of events.

Trump threatens their interests. It's a matter of simple economics. As so he must be removed, one way or another. Mueller is their tool for doing so, whether the president actually broke the law or not.

This is what the deep state does: They create a lie, spread a lie, fail to check the lie and then deny that they were behind the lie.”

At the point when President Donald Trump took office, his greatest stress over turning into a president without one piece of involvement regarding genuine legislative issues was that he couldn’t comprehend what number of Obama supporters were inserted so profoundly into the bedrock of the administration.

Just days after it was revealed that one members of Robert Mueller’s investigation was forced to resign over anti-Trump texts sent to an FBI lawyer he was having an affair with, a Wall Street Journal report revealed that a top Mueller aide attended a party held by Hillary Clinton on election night.

Andrew Weissman, a top attorney described by The New York Times as Mueller’s “pit bull” and chief lieutenant — is the latest member of Mueller’s team to find himself facing allegations of conflicts of interest.

It wasn’t a surprise that Weissman was of an individual of liberal bent; records show that the attorney donated $2,300 to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008 and $2,000 to the DNC back in 2006.

However, it’s perhaps a sign of just how liberally-slanted Mueller’s team is that these donations hardly raised a red flag; indeed, a significant number of people hired by Mueller were prominent financial backers of Obama, Hillary Clinton or the Democrat Party.

Mueller’s Crying Like A Baby After Young GOP Congresswoman Shreds Liar Comey Under Oath
No one would have imagined that a young GOP congresswoman would be the utter downfall of heavyweights like former FBI Director James Comey and his best buddy Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But, that’s exactly what just happened, and now, we have all the evidence. You’ll be completely shocked by Rep. Elise Stefanik, who shredded Comey under oath. It’s curtains for the traitors in the FBI and DOJ trying to oust President Donald Trump. This is huge.

In the past few weeks, thanks to some revealing information amid the various investigations coming out of the Washington, D.C., swamp, we have been introduced to some previously unknown people.

"Patriots" Within FB| Set To Expose Mue||er & C0MEY

Hindsite wrote:the deep state

Well and good (or, perhaps, well and bad). I'm sure the "deep state" exists to some degree or other. My problem is ..... why stop there? How about the "deeper state". The plutocracy, the "special people". The well healed faceless people who spend large sums of money to purchase and own our "leaders" for the purpose of controlling and subjugating the peasants and maintaining the economic order/status quo. Economics and money are very clearly the only values they cherish. Some call it "class warfare" :eek: .
jimjam wrote:Well and good (or, perhaps, well and bad). I'm sure the "deep state" exists to some degree or other. My problem is ..... why stop there? How about the "deeper state". The plutocracy, the "special people". The well healed faceless people who spend large sums of money to purchase and own our "leaders" for the purpose of controlling and subjugating the peasants and maintaining the economic order/status quo. Economics and money are very clearly the only values they cherish. Some call it "class warfare" :eek: .

They believe in stealing from the rich to give to the poor and redistribution of wealth.
Hindsite wrote:They believe in stealing from the rich to give to the poor and redistribution of wealth.
Just like Jesus. How horrible if the rich had to share just a fraction of their wealth to make the world better for everyone, instead of just hoarding it, uselessly.

Oh yeah, I forgot. You just want it to get worse because you think some mythical cumguzzler's going to save it at the last moment and make it great. Sounds like Trump, to me. :lol:

Nevermind that Jesus said, "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.". Aren't people just trying to help the rich get into Heaven?
Godstud wrote:Just like Jesus. How horrible if the rich had to share just a fraction of their wealth to make the world better for everyone, instead of just hoarding it, uselessly.

Oh yeah, I forgot. You just want it to get worse because you think some mythical cumguzzler's going to save it at the last moment and make it great. Sounds like Trump, to me. :lol:

Nevermind that Jesus said, "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.". Aren't people just trying to help the rich get into Heaven?

Stealing from them is not the way to do it.
It's not stealing. Taxing is not stealing unless you are some sort of Libtard. It's doing your part to help the society in which you live, and the rich are in a far better position to contribute.

Unlike you, if I had a shitload of money, I might actually help the people around me, without whining about people "stealing" it.

What can you expect from Trump? This is a man who faked bone spurs to get out of serving in the army during a war, buys gear for himself from his own charity that the law won't let him close, cheats his low wage employees, cheats his contracted workers....it just goes on and on, doesn't It? Trump is the scummiest president I can imagine. Happily, the odds of keeping power are low, and with luck the Dems will take the houses in 2020, and Trump will move to Attica with his new friend, a 28 year old, 240 lb bloke named Turk.

Turk has friends.
Hindsite wrote:They believe in stealing from the rich to give to the poor and redistribution of wealth.

ummmm .............. the "deeper state" ARE the rich. They own our "leaders" and instruct them to set up laws designed to assure their position and subjugate the peasants (you and I). Your "deep state" takes orders from the "deeper state". Did you get it the second time around? They hit the jackpot when one of their own (Donald) secured "tax reform" which steals from the poor to give to the rich. I am confidant that you reject and/or are unable to grasp the concept of stealing from the poor to give to the rich.
Godstud wrote:It's not stealing. Taxing is not stealing unless you are some sort of Libtard. It's doing your part to help the society in which you live, and the rich are in a far better position to contribute.

Unlike you, if I had a shitload of money, I might actually help the people around me, without whining about people "stealing" it.

It is the same as stealing when they are taxed at a higher rate than everyone else. If the rich want to help people that should be up to them, they should not be forced to.
Hindsite wrote:It is the same as stealing when they are taxed at a higher rate than everyone else.
:roll: False. I get taxed more than you do and I am not being stolen from. Libtards say that shit because they don't understand that those who don't have, can't give.

Hindsite wrote:If the rich want to help people that should be up to them, they should not be forced to.
:lol: They rarely do, unless they are forced. So rich people shouldn't have to pay axes? You wouldn't have a country if you left it up to people to decide if they should pay taxes.
Godstud wrote::roll: False. I get taxed more than you do and I am not being stolen from. Libtards say that shit because they don't understand that those who don't have, can't give.

You should get taxed more than I do, since I have no earned income. All my income is from retirement.

Godstud wrote: :lol: They rarely do, unless they are forced. So rich people shouldn't have to pay axes? You wouldn't have a country if you left it up to people to decide if they should pay taxes.

There are many rich people that donate huge sums of their earnings to charity. I said rich people should pay the same rate as everyone else. That still means they pay more in taxes than most everyone else.
Hindsite wrote:That still means they pay more in taxes than most everyone else.
You're clueless. A millionaire paying 25% of his income isn't going to be affected as much as a person making $25,000, giving 25%. That is why civilized countries have progressive taxation.

America was at its peak for middle class and all Americans, when they taxed the rich far more heavily. More tax money = more money for the government infrastructure, benefits, military, etc.

Where do you think this lost revenue from taxes is going to come from? You, ya sucker. Just not right this minute. :knife:
Godstud wrote:You're clueless. A millionaire paying 25% of his income isn't going to be affected as much as a person making $25,000, giving 25%. That is why civilized countries have progressive taxation.

America was at its peak for middle class and all Americans, when they taxed the rich far more heavily. More tax money = more money for the government infrastructure, benefits, military, etc.

Where do you think this lost revenue from taxes is going to come from? You, ya sucker. Just not right this minute. :knife:

That is not my problem. But I estimate I will have an extra $2000 deduction beginning in 2018. That seems good to me.
Oh yeah, @Hindsite. That's the Christian way. "Fuck everyone else! I get $2000!" :roll: :knife:

You are a good example of an American Capitalist Christian, Hindsite. Keep it up. :lol:
Godstud wrote:Oh yeah, @Hindsite. That's the Christian way. "Fuck everyone else! I get $2000!" :roll: :knife:

You are a good example of an American Capitalist Christian, Hindsite. Keep it up. :lol:

That is an extra $2000 deduction which means I will get over $500 extra in my tax return, according to the calculator. I will not know for sure until 2019.
Trey Gowdy Demands Formal Investigations On Andrew McCabe Bob Mueller & FBI
Published on Dec 26, 2017

Report: Nunes prepping report on 'corruption' at the FBI

JW President Tom Fitton - "The liberal media is recognizing our efforts to hold the DOJ, FBI, and special counsel Robert Mueller accountable to the rule of law! So far, Judicial Watch has filed over 20 federal lawsuits trying to get information about the Mueller operation and the Russia collusion scandal. We exposed how Mueller's number two man, Andrew Weissmann, is an anti-Trump partisan. We are also in federal court now trying to get records about FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok sending anti-Trump text messages. Our concerns about Robert Mueller's ethics and out-of-control investigation are beginning to take hold."

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